Recent content by groovygrl

  1. groovygrl

    GUILTY LA - Levi Cole Ellerbe, 6 mos, kidnapped, burned to death, Natchitoches, 17 Jul 2018 *arrests*

    I'd like to respectfully disagree. Drug and alcohol abuse is in all levels of the economic strata. Poor people just have few resources to either overcome it or hide it. Look at the "affluenza" case. Those people had money but obviously had chemical dependency issues from way back. In my...
  2. groovygrl

    GUILTY LA - Levi Cole Ellerbe, 6 mos, kidnapped, burned to death, Natchitoches, 17 Jul 2018 *arrests*

    I think that probably when/if she started using again she probably cut the straight people slowly out of her life. I have an alcoholic friend who either calls me when he's sober and struggling but when he falls off the wagon he disappears from my life. This past year I wondered if he had died...
  3. groovygrl

    GUILTY LA - Levi Cole Ellerbe, 6 mos, kidnapped, burned to death, Natchitoches, 17 Jul 2018 *arrests*

    Here's what I don't understand. These women carry these children inside them, rub their own bellies, laugh at their kicks, take days and weeks choosing a name that means something to them, labor for hours in excruciating pain to bring them into the world, feed them, wipe their tender bottoms...
  4. groovygrl

    MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014

    I wonder what he meant by memory issues. In the email she sent that was supposed to be quoting him, "he" keeps talking about not being able to remember things.
  5. groovygrl

    MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014

    I've been reading this thread and these things are triggering deep painful feelings in me...Three months ago, after being prescribed klonipin for mild anxiety (SO WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS) my son decided he couldn't deal with the increasing anxiety caused by the withdrawals between doses and the...
  6. groovygrl

    NV NV - Las Vegas, 'Spring Mountain Doe', WhtFem 30-45, UP6709, 'Louie', 'Riley' tattoos, May'09

    i live in the area and it might be interesting to note that right across the street from there is a small "rehabilitation" hospital for acute psychological cases. I don't want to go into detail as to how I know that but with the "cutting" on her arms they could be connected. She could have...
  7. groovygrl

    GUILTY TX - Susan Loper, 40, Plano, 19 April 2011

    I also went to high school with Susan. We weren't close and I haven't seen her since, but she was a very sweet person with a wonderful smile. So, sad. This is the second girl from my school that has died violently. Horrible.
  8. groovygrl

    How old is too old for trick-or-treating?

    That's OK. I don't go trick or treating...but I do dress up. It's fun. I even convinced my husband to semi-dress up. We didn't get many trick or treaters so I have a gigantic bowl of candy that I'm going to have to get rid of somehow. Anyone want some Butterfingers?
  9. groovygrl

    How old is too old for trick-or-treating?

    I have my costume all ready to go and I'm 39. :woohoo:
  10. groovygrl

    Pedophiles use FaceBook to select victims

    I'm shaking as I post this but I just found out last night that my 13-year old stepdaughter was communicating with a 28-year old man. She had "met" him on a game website and gave him her cell phone number. They had been texting back and forth for a couple of weeks. We (her father and I)...
  11. groovygrl

    GUILTY NY - Jessica Vega faked cancer for wedding donations, Montgomery, 2010

    My ex-mother in law used to do this stuff (for attention, not money). She faked cancer, diabetes, possibly fibermyalgia, etc...etc... So when she told my ex the cancer had metastasized into her brain, I rolled my eyes and went about my business. Imagine my surprise when she dropped dead a...
  12. groovygrl

    IL - Azariah Nino, 3, beaten to death, Beach Park, 27 May 2008

    No wonder that poor baby wet his pants if his mother beat him with hangars. I can't even type what I hope happens to her even though she's been acquitted. She may not have caused his death but she most certainly didn't deserve him.
  13. groovygrl

    3 Year Old Saves Baby From Drowning

    Actually children drown in buckets all the time... "Large buckets and young children can be a deadly combination. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has received reports of over 275 young children who have drowned in buckets since...
  14. groovygrl

    Pit Bull Saves Woman and Child From Attack

    I had a lab sheppard who looked a bit like a pit who would lick you the second she looked at you but if we wrestled around or even got into a loud discussion she would bark and bare her teeth especially if the male person was the "aggressor." We theorized that before she was rescued she may...
  15. groovygrl

    Source of the tip? #2

    What about his friend the other RSO he got caught smoking pot with in a park? (from this link I thought I read somewhere that that guy was sent back to prison for breaking...

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