Recent content by kew17

  1. kew17

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    Some other observations to share with the class: 1. Whomever was filming her in the store was positioned directly in front of the store front doors. To the camera person's right is the section of the store with the scarves, belts etc. (so what I think some thought was seeing the camera lens...
  2. kew17

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    Catching up and just signed on, but wanted to comment that what is being perceived as headlights of a vehicle, I'm seeing the reflection of 2 windshields or rearshields. When you take into consideration depth perception and reflective perception, it could be the way the sun is reflecting off the...
  3. kew17

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    Mas o menos 350 miles. Was thinking the same thing. I posted earlier that possibly JLyons as the PI as he went on air with his pro-KC views. JB I would think has a very good idea of her every single move if he's not with her at any given point. She's an investment for him.
  4. kew17

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    Just K and Roxy - no kidding! After your detailed accounts of your son's experience, the thought crossed my mind if she had hit on him. She hasn't had any what was it? "man meat" in over 3 years, that we know of. She was still boy crazy in her jailhouse letters. Could be why she was never in the...
  5. kew17

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    Got to thinking and wonder if the photog was possibly that PI J. Lyons? I wouldn't think ole JB would let KC just roam free such as this. She is still his investment. I'm quite sure he has someone 'tailing' her and reporting back to him. Begs the question(s), does she know she's being followed...
  6. kew17

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    I agree with those saying this is a diversion tactic by the DT. It's not the first time they've played the smoke and mirrors routine through out the last 3 years. I would imagine that they are/were trying to divert attention to something else while they relocated her back to the Orlando area...
  7. kew17

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    In the reflection of her left sunglasses lens I see what seems to be a person with a white shirt/green sleeve. Anyone else see this?
  8. kew17

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    Sure looks like her. The mole comparisons convince me. Something else though, is the pasty white complexion. What attractive young lady of this age, in the middle of the summer, does not have a hint of color on her skin? Why, how 'bouts someone who's been in the slammer!
  9. kew17

    2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

    I've watched the wftv video a few times. I, like most don't think that was kc in any way shape or form. BUT, I do think the decoy was the tall black woman on the defense team and I'll tell you why. We recently upgraded to a very large 60" 3D LED 240mgz TV. My entire TV watching has been brought...
  10. kew17

    Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

    All this foolishness and foolery from the kingpin of fools. Since most were hot on the KC trail of being at CM's personal home or his condo, it would seem likely that this decoy was to divert attentions away from those locations in order to try and safely relocate her. If all the sky birdies are...
  11. kew17

    Timer55 and Cays234

    I was wondering about that also. But I really think the blanket etc were due to a body that was already starting to decompose and was for containment purposes more than anything else. Due to the ick factor, she didn't want to handle her directly. I'm of the opinion that she was in the trunk a...
  12. kew17

    Timer55 and Cays234

    Thank you! I have long wondered this very same thing! One thing about KC is she did research things. She also was sneaky to have attempted to erase things on the home PC (unknowingly unsuccessful). I also think there was a treasure trove of incriminating info on that laptop. Apparently she WAS...
  13. kew17

    Who is Vasco Thompson?

    Since when did 'hired' kidnappers leave traces laying around like cell phone activity that can be traced? duh Obviously a recent brainiac idea for the DT to try and link GA or this would have been found back when Websleuthers found it.
  14. kew17

    What Will KC's Reaction Be When She Sees TL at Trial

    I'd like to add that I sure hope and pray for him. That he has moved on without too much psychological damage. Can you even fathom having a boyfriend/girlfriend that has murdered their child right under your nose and you not even know that something was going on? wow!
  15. kew17

    What Will KC's Reaction Be When She Sees TL at Trial

    Actually, I think every post so far is correct. I think she's going to run the gammet of emotions and some will seep through to a physical response. Mainly, that squinty eye glaring laser stare at him, faulting him for her being in the mess she's in. Other than that, I agree she will scribble...

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