Recent content by nurseratchett

  1. nurseratchett

    2011.01.30 new search north and west of Portland

    According to a friend of mine who drives @ Skyline & Moreland area daily, there is still activity out there.
  2. nurseratchett

    2011.01.30 new search north and west of Portland

    Just an FYI, my beagle can smell his toys wherever I hide them. If he gets one of the kids toys he's not allowed to have and I have to "hide" it from him, even if I put him in the backyard and I have buried it in the nether regions of a dark closet with shoe and moth ball smell, he still finds...
  3. nurseratchett

    Who Is Terri Horman?

    My feelings exactly Gwenabob, and so well said....TY
  4. nurseratchett

    Sentencing & Alternatives

    Helenstreet....I remember your family very well, and that case. I am very sorry for what they, and your family all went thru. And glad he got the DP.
  5. nurseratchett

    Sentencing & Alternatives

    I don't mean due to my "personal anguish". What I meant, and didn't explain well enough, is that if this were accidental, there should have never been more than a brief second before the truth was known. By dragging this out, and choosing to try and "get away with" something, I feel any...
  6. nurseratchett

    Sentencing & Alternatives

    I so value each and every one of your opinions. Personally, I don't care who did it, (though I freely admit I suspect TH)...I think if this were pre meditated, yes, the DP is appropriate. I would want the same for WHOEVER is responsible. GrainneDhu, I do so strive to reach self actualization...
  7. nurseratchett

    Sentencing & Alternatives

    Yes, if a body was found without anyone leading LE to him, I am all for the death penalty. I feel that despite my desire for the ultimate punishment, the over riding need is for Kyron to be found. So, I'd be willing to see a lesser sentence if that were the only way to bring certain closure to...
  8. nurseratchett

    Sentencing & Alternatives

    Just wondering from other discussions over the last few months how many people would approve of the death sentence if someone is found to have committed a capital pre meditated murder versus life in prison, versus a reduced sentence if the perpetrator leads us to Kyron.
  9. nurseratchett

    Jason Wishert Has Threatened My Family.

    Oy Vey.....
  10. nurseratchett

    Vigils for Kyron

    I haven't seen one recently, but I have a feeling one is coming soon.
  11. nurseratchett

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    "Further, Bunch argued that if the divorce proceedings were to continue, he'd instruct Terri Horman to assert her Fifth Amendment rights. "There's no doubt police will use what she says if she doesn't," Bunch said." That is a heck of a powerful statement there Mr. Bunch. I wonder what/how...
  12. nurseratchett

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    RSBM Ahhh.... although I can deal with logic, and reason, I freely admit I also listen to my instincts....(oddly though, I don't gamble) I logically believe that it is reasonable for Kaine to know where that money came from. I logically think he doesn't care about the money. I...
  13. nurseratchett

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    Yes, half of 350K is a lot. And I bet he'd pay 100 times that for any info on where his son is. None of this is about the money. It's about Kyron.
  14. nurseratchett

    Is the fact that Terri hasn't been arrested indicative of lack of evidence?

    I don't think no arrest yet means there is a lack of evidence at all. I think, as Kaine implied, we don't want to take a chance there will be any "holes". How can one expect to obtain a conviction and appropriate sentencing in a capital murder case if they become sloppy and in a rush simply to...
  15. nurseratchett

    All Sauvie Island Searches

    To date, they have discouraged anyone from volunteering to search, using only official SAR teams as far as I have seen. But, you could always check on the Mountain Wave or Pacific Northwest SAR teams websites.

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