Recent content by oddball62983

  1. oddball62983

    Found Deceased AZ - Diana Zacarias, 22, Grand Canyon, 2 April 2016
  2. oddball62983

    Found Deceased AZ - Diana Zacarias, 22, Grand Canyon, 2 April 2016 this article has more information, but it just raises more questions :/ seems someone contacted them from her phone the day before or after (not sure) she disappeared, implying that...
  3. oddball62983

    MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #7

    The mickey shunick case was similar. We were all getting very disheartened by the silence, but LE was just getting their ducks in a row. And in the end her killer was arrested. Have faith, sometimes they are quiet for a reason.
  4. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    That may very well be true im just relaying what was posted on the other thread. But at the very least this " jason c" is NOT the jason in our pics. The roommates have said it was not his last name. You have to take everything you read on Craigslist with a grain of salt, there are a lot of...
  5. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    i read on another thread that the jason c in question was african american, and alive and well on the west coast. i feel like we really need to stop concentrating on that last name. the roommates our jason lived with said it definitely did not ring a bell. i feel like if that was actually his...
  6. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    well that would explain grateful does lack of personal belongings when he was found. if it were true.
  7. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    Any number of things could have happened between the pictures and his death unfortunately
  8. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    Or what he would look like smiling :(
  9. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    he has massive hands in that pic. and definitely looks more like the black and white composite image to me than any other pic has.
  10. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    omg omg omg. i am way too excited about all of this lol
  11. oddball62983

    Current Leads; Facts and Updates.

    i do believe so averagemommy
  12. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    wondergirl i think the mcdonalds in question was in champaign , not myrtle beach
  13. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    well both of the posts on that page, from people claiming the jason in the pics was alive and well, have disappeared. so either they figured out that the person in the picture wasnt who they thought it was, or the admin removed the comments for privacy concerns. ive been following this case...
  14. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    someone private messaged you over it????
  15. oddball62983

    VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

    i saw the guy youre talking about too. and while they did resemble, i dont think it is him. the guy in the pictures was apparently a military man, and our unknown "jason" seems to not be the military type.

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