Recent content by skymom

  1. S

    CO CO - Marie Bazzinotti Nicholaides, 36, Centennial, 23 May 1991

    The Denver Post Blog has been removed, but here is a link to the article from the web archive: Husband Still a Suspect 17 Years Later (from 2008).
  2. S

    GUILTY MA - OA, 23, kidnapped, found alive, Boston, 19 Jan 2019 *Arrest*

    It looks like the Globe has removed the above from the article at that link. Not sure why.
  3. S

    GUILTY MA - OA, 23, kidnapped, found alive, Boston, 19 Jan 2019 *Arrest*

    Not yet, they're still waiting for it to start.
  4. S

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

    Which car accident? (Apologies if this has already been well covered).
  5. S

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

    When I look at the photo of the house, it's the last thing I'd think of when I hear the term "Assisted Living". Kind of creepy looking.
  6. S

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #13

    Perhaps the "excitement" was anticipation and talking about it about to happen. He was counting his chickens before they hatched, so to speak. Then he didn't get either.
  7. S

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #13

    Can I ask a dumb question? What does "BBM" stand for? I see it and I'm pretty up to speed on (or can figure out) most acronyms. Just want to know so that I can make sure I understand. Thanks so much!
  8. S

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #12

    In addition, to claim benefits, you have to demonstrate that you're available to work and looking for a job. Hard to say that when you're in a jail cell..
  9. S

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #12

    Probably crying for himself, not precious Cooper. JMO
  10. S

    NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 1 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

    If he did it the way the ex-GF described (placing fingers on her neck, perhaps to cut off the arterial blood flow), would it take that long? Wouldn't she lose consciousness fairly quickly this way?
  11. S

    NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 1 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

    I guess that holds up until someone ends up dead. The choking thing is disturbing. JMO
  12. S

    NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 1 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

    Yes, that was the earthquake I was referring to (didn't get on to post until the next day..)
  13. S

    NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 1 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

    We did, I felt it in Massachusetts too -- everything in the house was rattling. :what:

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