Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #3

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Obviously, we know that not all ‘Disney freaks’ are killers. Some can be on the spectrum and that’s their special interest.

moo ymmv
I never once implied or alluded that any or all Disney freaks were killers. I've never seen anything about either of the Moorers being autistic. The Moorers were Disney freaks to me because every aspect of their life was Disney and like I said, I'd never seen that before--especially with a couple. That was MY personal experience. All my own opinions and to each their own to do their own thing.
you don't tell because
A) frightened, both of what's happening and what could happen if you tell
B) don't want anyone to be disappointed/ashamed/disgusted with you
C) they love you, don't they? This must be normal, right? they tell you they love you even when their hands are snaking up you and their breath is in your face, but then they tell you no one will believe you. They treat you more favourably to keep you quiet. You know its not normal deep down because nothing normal makes you feel so dirty inside and out
D) When you shy away from them in a family room, you're the one being told that's not nice - all they want is a hug, be a good girl and hug them - so you do. But they don't want to hug you really - they want to control you, remind you that they are there, watching - always. So don't tell.
E) Mam knows, so it's OK, right?

It's a mixture of a lot of things.

ime and moo
wow, that's so accurate.
It almost seems as if she drove around until she thought school would be closed and it would be at least 30 minutes after dismissal.
This sounds about right but she did call 911? Or did she call the non emergency number? I think it’s scary that police waited 3 hours to come out. This is a very busy metropolitan area, not some random small town

ETA: not that the police could have helped the situation at that point
So agree. I know this is impossible……but can you imagine a world with no CSA. It’s so prevalent and still taboo to talk about. So much violence, crime, suicide , especially addiction can be rooted back to child abuse (in my opinion)
I'll never understand it Brown rice....
This sounds about right but she did call 911? Or did she call the non emergency number? I think it’s scary that police waited 3 hours to come out. This is a very busy metropolitan area, not some random small town

ETA: not that the police could have helped the situation at that point
It will be interesting to hear what was said in that phone call.
Yes, as I said before, it looked to me as though a mask dropped and then was quickly put back on.
Apparently this child has been getting raped and used to produce CP by this man that was sleeping with the mother, all under the same roof, since at least August 2022. I can't fathom a world where the mother didn't know anything about that. Even if she had an inkling but couldn't face it, she could be very good at wearing masks.
Which interview was done first?
I think the WFTV Channel 9 interview was done first. Fox 35 Orlando's timeline article says they interviewed Jennifer Soto at 10:00 pm on 2/27/2024, and the interviewer in the WFTV interview says "so, we're going into 24 hours now" after JS says they noticed Maddie was missing when she went to pick her up from school at 4 o'clock.
This sounds about right but she did call 911? Or did she call the non emergency number? I think it’s scary that police waited 3 hours to come out. This is a very busy metropolitan area, not some random small town

ETA: not that the police could have helped the situation at that point
true police couldn't have helped Maddie at that point but the slow response time sure isn't going to sit well with that community, It isn't going to make anyone feel safe. As well, I didn't even think about her calling a non-emergency line, which would explain the gap, maybe being told to call back, if she still needs help. IDK? ( although she did say she called 911 didn't she?) Either way, I think someone's gonna have some explaining to do, even just to settle the nerves of the community.
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Mom lies to law enforcement about when she last saw her daughter, which is of course a crime. With just that information, one could still make the argument that she was just trying to protect her boyfriend.

Or trying not to exacerbate his anxious and/or angry mood for fear of more explosive emotional/mental/psychological abuse.

I’m not saying that’s the case, but I am saying that SS fits the bill of an abuser. (And that’s coming from a woman who has been abused in those ways) Nor am I making excuses for her lying and suspicious behavior.

moo ymmv IMHAspieO
Apparently this child has been getting raped and used to produce CP by this man that was sleeping with the mother, all under the same roof, since at least August 2022. I can't fathom a world where the mother didn't know anything about that. Even if she had an inkling but couldn't face it, she could be very good at wearing masks.
This is another reason I think drugs are likely involved

Or trying not to exacerbate his anxious and/or angry mood for fear of more explosive emotional/mental/psychological abuse.

I’m not saying that’s the case, but I am saying that SS fits the bill of an abuser. (And that’s coming from a woman who has been abused in those ways) Nor am I making excuses for her lying and suspicious behavior.

moo ymmv IMHAspieO
This is a very good point. We can see from his social media that he appears to have a temper, and we know from Reddit that he's very, very into guns. Not everyone who has a temper is dangerous, and there are many law-abiding gun owners, but I would not blame anyone for being afraid of a large man with a bad temper and lots of weapons, if she was indeed afraid of him in that moment or in general. IMO, MOO, etc., etc.
So, there's no mail delivery there, then they would have to get a PO Box at the post office? I'd snap, lol. I had to get a PO Box for a while b/c my teenage daughter was taking detention notices from school out of the mailbox. Don't recommend. It's a pain!
Do they have a box then? Is there some importance to that? It can just be a matter of location, like us. We have to have a PO Box! No mailboxes at homes or home delivery here , hubby picks mail up daily at the post office. Lol crafty daughter!
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We have to have a PO Box! No mailboxes at homes or home delivery here , hubby picks mail up daily at the post office. Lol crafty daughter!
It's that way here in small rural towns, I've just never heard of it in a city before. Even NYC apartments have boxes on site for apartments.

Yep, was a foxy back then! She's 35 now with a very active and exuberant toddler daughter, so she's seeing what it's like to be a mom, lol!
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