GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #69

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I've not seen this reported either and do not believe she entered a plea -- only that the hearing was continued to May 15.

Yes, there was no plea. Just a field trip out on a sunny cold day for MT to blow air kisses to her friends and family. Moo
Mike Dinan of the New Canaanite did some of the early investigative work right after JF went missing and I still this his work is amongst the best.

VF these days is a mixed bag but Grayson Carters Airmail has done some great long format true crime investigative work. They had the 8 part story on the Dulos case early days and there were a few factual errors but the basics were there imo.

The thing though is how much more would folks want to know about MT and the Troconis Crew? I’m asking this as a serious question but also somewhat rhetorical question.

If there are serious questions that folks on here have then why not do what this thread has done from the beginning 5 years ago and find the answers?

The answers to almost any of the questions that I would guess might exist are most likely things that can be found.

The thing is that MT in and of herself imo isn’t all that interesting and beyond moving from relationship to relationship over the years she hasn’t accomplished anything of note imo either. I don’t think there is anything that could be dug up about her that would explain why she thought it was a good idea to conspire with FD to murder JF. I guess I’m inherently biased against the followers of the world based on the fact that I simply don’t think they are very interesting as they rarely have core substance or beliefs of interest and are usually completely malleable and subject to reinvention and manipulation by others who they might seek to use for their gain or who others might manipulate them for their own gain. My point is that there is rarely anything of substance in these folks but some do make solid soldiers and my guess is that MT is one of these sorry humans. The thing is that we already know this about MT as we saw her driving back and forth between MS and 4JX and following orders all day to the point of exhaustion. We saw the behaviour of FD and MT also I’m not sure what other words from someone else might change things.

Fwiw I used to believe that there was someone out in the universe that hadn’t spoken publicly about MT that would come forward and answer all the questions. I no longer think such a person exists simply because we all got to see Petu on the stand. Petu who was a longstanding friend of 8 years and supposed soul sister of MT. We also heard what Petu had to say and it was absolutely no value added imo. My guess is that Petu and MT really are simply mirror images of each other and both have the substance of rain drops.

My suspicion is that after we have all listened to the 8+ hrs of LE interviews and heard the lies about lies, that even if MT herself ever spoke again it wouldn’t matter all that much because imo if she hasn’t told the truth by now and after everything that has happened then I don’t think it will ever happen absent her desire to cleanse her soul (not holding my breath on this one!) and her conscience or perhaps with significant therapy that she undertakes of her own volition (not holding my breath on this one either). The research I’ve read on therapy effectiveness for mainstream garden variety narcs seems to say that there is little hope for their rehabilitation. Sure some tweaks can be undertaken with therapy it seems but most narcs revert to their norm patterns of behaviour and don’t change. Some more evolved narcs have the ability to understand a vast amount human behaviour and can seem to make statements that can convince others that they have empathy but the reality it seems is that these folks are rare birds and the fact remains that they are largely just brilliant actors rather than brilliant human beings as they simply don’t have empathy and never will. I hold no belief that MT is one of these evolved narcissists and so I believe the extent of her universe simply ends at her nose.

Thing is about narcissists is that self reflection, accountability, empathy or caring about anyone other than themselves simply doesn’t happen as the wiring simply isn’t there.

When you think of the the significant personal bonds in life, imo the mother child bond is clearly highly significant and given the early helpless nature of an infant imo it can impact greatly both the mother and the child. FWIW I don’t think MT had any such personal revelations or personal growth from becoming a mother or caring for an infant or facilitating her daughter development etc. beyond how it reflected on her. I would go one step further and speculate that on a good day MT doesnt think about being a mother or her daughter at all. The reason I believe this is that given her own college degree in psychology she would have known quite well the impact of her life choices on her daughter along with the importance of environment on her daughters maturation process. MT knew all this and didn’t care based on her actions and the folks here have been watching her actions now for long enough to know who and what she is as a human imo. MT consistently chose herself and her various relationships over her daughter and so how many more times do we need to see her do the same thing over and over to believe that is just who she is. We saw her not go to her daughter play and instead she went down Albany with FD for a latte. Doing this would have meant that her then 11 year old would have been on her own at school for nearly 12 hrs assuming a 9 am drop off and 9pm pick up. Wonder how many other day students at EW had no parent in the audience that night? My guess is few to none.

I don’t think there would be much that anyone could dig up via personal interviews with others that might have known MT that would change many views of folks here that are longtime followers of MT imo.

But, if folks want to work to ask and try to answer questions then perhaps it should be tried?

I truly don’t see any member of the current press following the case taking on any investigative angle as it hasn’t yet and I frankly don’t think it would generate them the clicks and views that seem to be their goals these days in MSM land imo.

One of the things that has puzzled me is why the press following the case seemed to posture MT as a victim almost to the extent that she was treated in a similar manner by the Press as JF, even though the circumstances of the two people bear no resemblance to the other. It’s been bizarre to watch the kid glove treatment of MT by the Press and it’s really baffled me that so
Much of the solid information that has been found her by WS folks was never picked up by MSM. I’m giving up understanding this phenomenon as even the one or two reporters who I have some level of respect for seem to fall into this camp for reasons that I don’t understand as they clearly know better imo. The only thing I can think of is that the reposters were hedging their bets all these years and waiting for the jury and the trial to do their work for them.

Well, we had the trial. Still have lots of questions and timeline holes and gaps. But, I’m not sure anything further on answering any of the open issues can be gained by trying to gain more information on MT. I could be wrong but I simply see MT as a waste of human space and spending more time understanding her or her family where nobody seems to work would be anything but a further waste of time.

That being said, if people want to continue to ask questions and seek answers and do the research and think that some value could be gained about the murder of JF or the location of remains and answer some of many the open questions post trial then maybe we should do it?

I simply don’t see it but am open to other views.

Curious what people think?


Perfectly said.
I hope they resolve any issues with Kent as soon as possible to keep the ball rolling. Time for the state to firm the dates.

I might be wrong - but I believable discussions on his case will be here.

All we need is to have the Title changed with Jennifer's name.... If that is possible? Since this one is all about Troconis now.
I might be wrong - but I believable discussions on his case will be here.

All we need is to have the Title changed with Jennifer's name.... If that is possible? Since this one is all about Troconis now.
Yes, that is where the Kent information is. I've been moving Kent related articles from the MT trial to that location but if folks find other historical articles that aren't in the thread and could place them there that will be useful when/if we ever see a trial for him!
Just wanted to park the recent infamous quote of Papi Troconis aka Dr Bombay here as this narrative is sadly being repeated on social media along with imo irresponsible MSM outlets (names shall remain unsaid but you all know who is leading this charge and then its simply reposted by the rest of the MSM gang!) as we shall see if it pops up at the sentencing hearing or appeal discussions.

FWIW given the mountain of evidence presented at trial and which no doubt 'displeased' the Troconis Crew because it inconvenienced their narrative about MT, I believe social media commentary such as that presented below simply continues the ongoing disinformation campaign of the Troconis Crew. Just the other day Mama Troconis used the word "innocent" when discussing MT 3 times in a single statement and sadly all the Press repeated this narrative without mentioned that a nearly 2 month trial presenting a Mount Everest sized bundle of evidence had just occurred.

I had naively thought that a clean sweep conviction of MT on all 6 counts might/perhaps/maybe change the Press narrative on MT. But, nope, nothing has changed. Welcome to the parallel universe.

I do hope at some point that States Atty's Manning and McGuiness do address the Press to discuss the case from their perspective so as to put a pin in the ongoing disinformation of the Troconis Crew on behalf of MT.


Father Carlos Troconis and sister Claudia Marmol say they weren't happy with the investigation. Michelle's father said her love for Fotis Dulos put her in a vulnerable position. "The only thing was getting in love with a man, the wrong man, in the wrong moment and the wrong place". 3/1/24 via *advertiser censored* CT


I do wonder if the ongoing complaints from the Troconis Crew regarding the 'investigation' simply is them recreating the tactic used for nearly 5 years now by notoriously imo lazy attorneys, Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson/Felsen or something on rinse and repeat. I'm calling the tactic the "Complain and Run" move as the world listened to Horn Horning for over 4 years about the "substantial errors" in the AAs for FD and MT when the reality was that there was one early honest LE error relating to the '30 bags and 30 stops' that took place in the early days of the investigation watching the C4 Footage. As a misinformation/disinformation tactic this particular pointing at the AAs also played into the social issues surrounding law enforcement etc. But, ultimately it was like watching the curtain pulled back on the Wizard of OZ and realising it was simply an old wizened incompetent mean spirited lazy person.

What continues to fascinate about the commentary of the Troconis Crew is that NOT ONCE have they ever discussed the idea of personal choices/free will/personal agency for MT. NOT ONCE. They also don't discuss the roles that the entire Troconis Crew played not only in the divorce action of Dulos v Dulos but the role they played in the relationship between FD and MT up until the point of the infamous last "Greek Easter Dinner". I keep thinking about that last "Greek Easter Dinner" when the world around FD and MT was effectively crumbling and money was evaporating AND YET we see the Troconis Crew partying at 4JX as if times were good and the money was rolling. I do very much wonder if they knew because either FD or MT had told them that JF 'would no longer be an issue' in their lives? In many ways the "Greek Easter Dinner" really was just another version imo of the "Murders Eve" dinner where 'all was well' and "everyone was HAPPY" and "MT was looking forward to becoming the mother of 6" etc. Sometimes its hard to tell manipulation from reality in this tragic saga, but I am coming around to the fact that the Troconis Crew knew much much much more than was immediately apparent at the time or was even discussed at trial. I also very much wonder if the Troconis Crew present at the "Greek Easter Dinner" along with the guests were interviewed by CSP similar to the interviews conducted of the guests of the "Murders Eve" Dinner? We never heard any of this at trial but I do wonder if it was done by CSP?

The latest move to introduce the concept of 'love' as being responsible for yet another tsunami of poor personal choices for MT is a doozie imo but its also odd imo as the ship has sailed on the timing of using such an argument as the actual behaviour of MT by staying with FD until kicked out via Court order, never denouncing FD, demonstrating no remorse or caring for JF or the Dulos children etc. But, the one thing I've learned from following the social media of the Troconis Crew is that they NEVER let facts stand in their way and sadly MSM folks such as the infamously incompetent "Seeker of Truth" at *advertiser censored* CT NEVER introduces any sliver of reality into the discussion ever.

Just wanted to park the recent infamous quote of Papi Troconis aka Dr Bombay here as this narrative is sadly being repeated on social media along with imo irresponsible MSM outlets (names shall remain unsaid but you all know who is leading this charge and then its simply reposted by the rest of the MSM gang!) as we shall see if it pops up at the sentencing hearing or appeal discussions.

FWIW given the mountain of evidence presented at trial and which no doubt 'displeased' the Troconis Crew because it inconvenienced their narrative about MT, I believe social media commentary such as that presented below simply continues the ongoing disinformation campaign of the Troconis Crew. Just the other day Mama Troconis used the word "innocent" when discussing MT 3 times in a single statement and sadly all the Press repeated this narrative without mentioned that a nearly 2 month trial presenting a Mount Everest sized bundle of evidence had just occurred.

I had naively thought that a clean sweep conviction of MT on all 6 counts might/perhaps/maybe change the Press narrative on MT. But, nope, nothing has changed. Welcome to the parallel universe.

I do hope at some point that States Atty's Manning and McGuiness do address the Press to discuss the case from their perspective so as to put a pin in the ongoing disinformation of the Troconis Crew on behalf of MT.


Father Carlos Troconis and sister Claudia Marmol say they weren't happy with the investigation. Michelle's father said her love for Fotis Dulos put her in a vulnerable position. "The only thing was getting in love with a man, the wrong man, in the wrong moment and the wrong place". 3/1/24 via *advertiser censored* CT


I do wonder if the ongoing complaints from the Troconis Crew regarding the 'investigation' simply is them recreating the tactic used for nearly 5 years now by notoriously imo lazy attorneys, Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson/Felsen or something on rinse and repeat. I'm calling the tactic the "Complain and Run" move as the world listened to Horn Horning for over 4 years about the "substantial errors" in the AAs for FD and MT when the reality was that there was one early honest LE error relating to the '30 bags and 30 stops' that took place in the early days of the investigation watching the C4 Footage. As a misinformation/disinformation tactic this particular pointing at the AAs also played into the social issues surrounding law enforcement etc. But, ultimately it was like watching the curtain pulled back on the Wizard of OZ and realising it was simply an old wizened incompetent mean spirited lazy person.

What continues to fascinate about the commentary of the Troconis Crew is that NOT ONCE have they ever discussed the idea of personal choices/free will/personal agency for MT. NOT ONCE. They also don't discuss the roles that the entire Troconis Crew played not only in the divorce action of Dulos v Dulos but the role they played in the relationship between FD and MT up until the point of the infamous last "Greek Easter Dinner". I keep thinking about that last "Greek Easter Dinner" when the world around FD and MT was effectively crumbling and money was evaporating AND YET we see the Troconis Crew partying at 4JX as if times were good and the money was rolling. I do very much wonder if they knew because either FD or MT had told them that JF 'would no longer be an issue' in their lives? In many ways the "Greek Easter Dinner" really was just another version imo of the "Murders Eve" dinner where 'all was well' and "everyone was HAPPY" and "MT was looking forward to becoming the mother of 6" etc. Sometimes its hard to tell manipulation from reality in this tragic saga, but I am coming around to the fact that the Troconis Crew knew much much much more than was immediately apparent at the time or was even discussed at trial. I also very much wonder if the Troconis Crew present at the "Greek Easter Dinner" along with the guests were interviewed by CSP similar to the interviews conducted of the guests of the "Murders Eve" Dinner? We never heard any of this at trial but I do wonder if it was done by CSP?

The latest move to introduce the concept of 'love' as being responsible for yet another tsunami of poor personal choices for MT is a doozie imo but its also odd imo as the ship has sailed on the timing of using such an argument as the actual behaviour of MT by staying with FD until kicked out via Court order, never denouncing FD, demonstrating no remorse or caring for JF or the Dulos children etc. But, the one thing I've learned from following the social media of the Troconis Crew is that they NEVER let facts stand in their way and sadly MSM folks such as the infamously incompetent "Seeker of Truth" at *advertiser censored* CT NEVER introduces any sliver of reality into the discussion ever.

I need you to stitch all of this onto a pillow for me.

Two things jump out -- IF Inmate #433612 was a lovestruck victim of FD's, without any free agency of her own, why was she still lying after he moved MT 2.0 in and why was she still lying after his death? Her dad is trying to sell a bologna sandwich.

As to the murders eve dinner, FD absolutely was celebrating. And he attended all the hearings, saw all the paperwork, knew he wasn't getting custody, knew his mistress wasn't being added into his shared parenting time anytime soon. So he took matters into his own hands.

By that point, the Tacoma was in place. His head was shaved, his alibi call was set up (I just can't recall what time that was but it was going to happen), he'd met with KM, and IMO he positioned the Suburban for use the next day.

Forget Greek salad, he was self-smug, verily feasting on his plan. And what was he representing to the group? The divorce would soon be resolved, he was getting his kids back. Chilling now, no?

He saw dollar signs. No more Jennifer, go hard at GF for child support from the estate/trust/deep pockets.

It was his golden ticket. Sick, nasty, greedy, carnal golden ticket. Fool's gold.

If Inmate #433612 were an innocent pawn, she's be horrified over what was done, sickened to realize she had a hand in the murder of a mother, leaving five children ultimately orphaned.

Yet, no reaction to Jennifer's blood soaked shirt.

Tells me all I need to know. Her character could drown in a dew drop.

Just wanted to park the recent infamous quote of Papi Troconis aka Dr Bombay here as this narrative is sadly being repeated on social media along with imo irresponsible MSM outlets (names shall remain unsaid but you all know who is leading this charge and then its simply reposted by the rest of the MSM gang!) as we shall see if it pops up at the sentencing hearing or appeal discussions.

FWIW given the mountain of evidence presented at trial and which no doubt 'displeased' the Troconis Crew because it inconvenienced their narrative about MT, I believe social media commentary such as that presented below simply continues the ongoing disinformation campaign of the Troconis Crew. Just the other day Mama Troconis used the word "innocent" when discussing MT 3 times in a single statement and sadly all the Press repeated this narrative without mentioned that a nearly 2 month trial presenting a Mount Everest sized bundle of evidence had just occurred.

I had naively thought that a clean sweep conviction of MT on all 6 counts might/perhaps/maybe change the Press narrative on MT. But, nope, nothing has changed. Welcome to the parallel universe.

I do hope at some point that States Atty's Manning and McGuiness do address the Press to discuss the case from their perspective so as to put a pin in the ongoing disinformation of the Troconis Crew on behalf of MT.


Father Carlos Troconis and sister Claudia Marmol say they weren't happy with the investigation. Michelle's father said her love for Fotis Dulos put her in a vulnerable position. "The only thing was getting in love with a man, the wrong man, in the wrong moment and the wrong place". 3/1/24 via *advertiser censored* CT


I do wonder if the ongoing complaints from the Troconis Crew regarding the 'investigation' simply is them recreating the tactic used for nearly 5 years now by notoriously imo lazy attorneys, Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson/Felsen or something on rinse and repeat. I'm calling the tactic the "Complain and Run" move as the world listened to Horn Horning for over 4 years about the "substantial errors" in the AAs for FD and MT when the reality was that there was one early honest LE error relating to the '30 bags and 30 stops' that took place in the early days of the investigation watching the C4 Footage. As a misinformation/disinformation tactic this particular pointing at the AAs also played into the social issues surrounding law enforcement etc. But, ultimately it was like watching the curtain pulled back on the Wizard of OZ and realising it was simply an old wizened incompetent mean spirited lazy person.

What continues to fascinate about the commentary of the Troconis Crew is that NOT ONCE have they ever discussed the idea of personal choices/free will/personal agency for MT. NOT ONCE. They also don't discuss the roles that the entire Troconis Crew played not only in the divorce action of Dulos v Dulos but the role they played in the relationship between FD and MT up until the point of the infamous last "Greek Easter Dinner". I keep thinking about that last "Greek Easter Dinner" when the world around FD and MT was effectively crumbling and money was evaporating AND YET we see the Troconis Crew partying at 4JX as if times were good and the money was rolling. I do very much wonder if they knew because either FD or MT had told them that JF 'would no longer be an issue' in their lives? In many ways the "Greek Easter Dinner" really was just another version imo of the "Murders Eve" dinner where 'all was well' and "everyone was HAPPY" and "MT was looking forward to becoming the mother of 6" etc. Sometimes its hard to tell manipulation from reality in this tragic saga, but I am coming around to the fact that the Troconis Crew knew much much much more than was immediately apparent at the time or was even discussed at trial. I also very much wonder if the Troconis Crew present at the "Greek Easter Dinner" along with the guests were interviewed by CSP similar to the interviews conducted of the guests of the "Murders Eve" Dinner? We never heard any of this at trial but I do wonder if it was done by CSP?

The latest move to introduce the concept of 'love' as being responsible for yet another tsunami of poor personal choices for MT is a doozie imo but its also odd imo as the ship has sailed on the timing of using such an argument as the actual behaviour of MT by staying with FD until kicked out via Court order, never denouncing FD, demonstrating no remorse or caring for JF or the Dulos children etc. But, the one thing I've learned from following the social media of the Troconis Crew is that they NEVER let facts stand in their way and sadly MSM folks such as the infamously incompetent "Seeker of Truth" at *advertiser censored* CT NEVER introduces any sliver of reality into the discussion ever.

You would think from Papi T that MT case is unique …. However, there is probably a spouse killing for custody and money at least once a week in the US. Girlfriend knowledge/involved probably at least half of those. It’s like the pithy commentary on Dateline … Keith Morrison saying “Money, infidelity, jealousy … and murder - it’s a story as old as time …“
MT is no one special, just another mistress wanting rid of the wife … there is nothing interesting about her case, no mystery, nothing for “innocence project” types to be interested in. Hope the MSM moves on after sentencing.
Just wanted to park the recent infamous quote of Papi Troconis aka Dr Bombay here as this narrative is sadly being repeated on social media along with imo irresponsible MSM outlets (names shall remain unsaid but you all know who is leading this charge and then its simply reposted by the rest of the MSM gang!) as we shall see if it pops up at the sentencing hearing or appeal discussions.

FWIW given the mountain of evidence presented at trial and which no doubt 'displeased' the Troconis Crew because it inconvenienced their narrative about MT, I believe social media commentary such as that presented below simply continues the ongoing disinformation campaign of the Troconis Crew. Just the other day Mama Troconis used the word "innocent" when discussing MT 3 times in a single statement and sadly all the Press repeated this narrative without mentioned that a nearly 2 month trial presenting a Mount Everest sized bundle of evidence had just occurred.

I had naively thought that a clean sweep conviction of MT on all 6 counts might/perhaps/maybe change the Press narrative on MT. But, nope, nothing has changed. Welcome to the parallel universe.

I do hope at some point that States Atty's Manning and McGuiness do address the Press to discuss the case from their perspective so as to put a pin in the ongoing disinformation of the Troconis Crew on behalf of MT.


Father Carlos Troconis and sister Claudia Marmol say they weren't happy with the investigation. Michelle's father said her love for Fotis Dulos put her in a vulnerable position. "The only thing was getting in love with a man, the wrong man, in the wrong moment and the wrong place". 3/1/24 via *advertiser censored* CT


I do wonder if the ongoing complaints from the Troconis Crew regarding the 'investigation' simply is them recreating the tactic used for nearly 5 years now by notoriously imo lazy attorneys, Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson/Felsen or something on rinse and repeat. I'm calling the tactic the "Complain and Run" move as the world listened to Horn Horning for over 4 years about the "substantial errors" in the AAs for FD and MT when the reality was that there was one early honest LE error relating to the '30 bags and 30 stops' that took place in the early days of the investigation watching the C4 Footage. As a misinformation/disinformation tactic this particular pointing at the AAs also played into the social issues surrounding law enforcement etc. But, ultimately it was like watching the curtain pulled back on the Wizard of OZ and realising it was simply an old wizened incompetent mean spirited lazy person.

What continues to fascinate about the commentary of the Troconis Crew is that NOT ONCE have they ever discussed the idea of personal choices/free will/personal agency for MT. NOT ONCE. They also don't discuss the roles that the entire Troconis Crew played not only in the divorce action of Dulos v Dulos but the role they played in the relationship between FD and MT up until the point of the infamous last "Greek Easter Dinner". I keep thinking about that last "Greek Easter Dinner" when the world around FD and MT was effectively crumbling and money was evaporating AND YET we see the Troconis Crew partying at 4JX as if times were good and the money was rolling. I do very much wonder if they knew because either FD or MT had told them that JF 'would no longer be an issue' in their lives? In many ways the "Greek Easter Dinner" really was just another version imo of the "Murders Eve" dinner where 'all was well' and "everyone was HAPPY" and "MT was looking forward to becoming the mother of 6" etc. Sometimes its hard to tell manipulation from reality in this tragic saga, but I am coming around to the fact that the Troconis Crew knew much much much more than was immediately apparent at the time or was even discussed at trial. I also very much wonder if the Troconis Crew present at the "Greek Easter Dinner" along with the guests were interviewed by CSP similar to the interviews conducted of the guests of the "Murders Eve" Dinner? We never heard any of this at trial but I do wonder if it was done by CSP?

The latest move to introduce the concept of 'love' as being responsible for yet another tsunami of poor personal choices for MT is a doozie imo but its also odd imo as the ship has sailed on the timing of using such an argument as the actual behaviour of MT by staying with FD until kicked out via Court order, never denouncing FD, demonstrating no remorse or caring for JF or the Dulos children etc. But, the one thing I've learned from following the social media of the Troconis Crew is that they NEVER let facts stand in their way and sadly MSM folks such as the infamously incompetent "Seeker of Truth" at *advertiser censored* CT NEVER introduces any sliver of reality into the discussion ever.


Just wanted to park the recent infamous quote of Papi Troconis aka Dr Bombay here as this narrative is sadly being repeated on social media along with imo irresponsible MSM outlets (names shall remain unsaid but you all know who is leading this charge and then its simply reposted by the rest of the MSM gang!) as we shall see if it pops up at the sentencing hearing or appeal discussions.

FWIW given the mountain of evidence presented at trial and which no doubt 'displeased' the Troconis Crew because it inconvenienced their narrative about MT, I believe social media commentary such as that presented below simply continues the ongoing disinformation campaign of the Troconis Crew. Just the other day Mama Troconis used the word "innocent" when discussing MT 3 times in a single statement and sadly all the Press repeated this narrative without mentioned that a nearly 2 month trial presenting a Mount Everest sized bundle of evidence had just occurred.

I had naively thought that a clean sweep conviction of MT on all 6 counts might/perhaps/maybe change the Press narrative on MT. But, nope, nothing has changed. Welcome to the parallel universe.

I do hope at some point that States Atty's Manning and McGuiness do address the Press to discuss the case from their perspective so as to put a pin in the ongoing disinformation of the Troconis Crew on behalf of MT.


Father Carlos Troconis and sister Claudia Marmol say they weren't happy with the investigation. Michelle's father said her love for Fotis Dulos put her in a vulnerable position. "The only thing was getting in love with a man, the wrong man, in the wrong moment and the wrong place". 3/1/24 via *advertiser censored* CT


I do wonder if the ongoing complaints from the Troconis Crew regarding the 'investigation' simply is them recreating the tactic used for nearly 5 years now by notoriously imo lazy attorneys, Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson/Felsen or something on rinse and repeat. I'm calling the tactic the "Complain and Run" move as the world listened to Horn Horning for over 4 years about the "substantial errors" in the AAs for FD and MT when the reality was that there was one early honest LE error relating to the '30 bags and 30 stops' that took place in the early days of the investigation watching the C4 Footage. As a misinformation/disinformation tactic this particular pointing at the AAs also played into the social issues surrounding law enforcement etc. But, ultimately it was like watching the curtain pulled back on the Wizard of OZ and realising it was simply an old wizened incompetent mean spirited lazy person.

What continues to fascinate about the commentary of the Troconis Crew is that NOT ONCE have they ever discussed the idea of personal choices/free will/personal agency for MT. NOT ONCE. They also don't discuss the roles that the entire Troconis Crew played not only in the divorce action of Dulos v Dulos but the role they played in the relationship between FD and MT up until the point of the infamous last "Greek Easter Dinner". I keep thinking about that last "Greek Easter Dinner" when the world around FD and MT was effectively crumbling and money was evaporating AND YET we see the Troconis Crew partying at 4JX as if times were good and the money was rolling. I do very much wonder if they knew because either FD or MT had told them that JF 'would no


Just wanted to park the recent infamous quote of Papi Troconis aka Dr Bombay here as this narrative is sadly being repeated on social media along with imo irresponsible MSM outlets (names shall remain unsaid but you all know who is leading this charge and then its simply reposted by the rest of the MSM gang!) as we shall see if it pops up at the sentencing hearing or appeal discussions.

FWIW given the mountain of evidence presented at trial and which no doubt 'displeased' the Troconis Crew because it inconvenienced their narrative about MT, I believe social media commentary such as that presented below simply continues the ongoing disinformation campaign of the Troconis Crew. Just the other day Mama Troconis used the word "innocent" when discussing MT 3 times in a single statement and sadly all the Press repeated this narrative without mentioned that a nearly 2 month trial presenting a Mount Everest sized bundle of evidence had just occurred.

I had naively thought that a clean sweep conviction of MT on all 6 counts might/perhaps/maybe change the Press narrative on MT. But, nope, nothing has changed. Welcome to the parallel universe.

I do hope at some point that States Atty's Manning and McGuiness do address the Press to discuss the case from their perspective so as to put a pin in the ongoing disinformation of the Troconis Crew on behalf of MT.


Father Carlos Troconis and sister Claudia Marmol say they weren't happy with the investigation. Michelle's father said her love for Fotis Dulos put her in a vulnerable position. "The only thing was getting in love with a man, the wrong man, in the wrong moment and the wrong place". 3/1/24 via *advertiser censored* CT


I do wonder if the ongoing complaints from the Troconis Crew regarding the 'investigation' simply is them recreating the tactic used for nearly 5 years now by notoriously imo lazy attorneys, Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson/Felsen or something on rinse and repeat. I'm calling the tactic the "Complain and Run" move as the world listened to Horn Horning for over 4 years about the "substantial errors" in the AAs for FD and MT when the reality was that there was one early honest LE error relating to the '30 bags and 30 stops' that took place in the early days of the investigation watching the C4 Footage. As a misinformation/disinformation tactic this particular pointing at the AAs also played into the social issues surrounding law enforcement etc. But, ultimately it was like watching the curtain pulled back on the Wizard of OZ and realising it was simply an old wizened incompetent mean spirited lazy person.

What continues to fascinate about the commentary of the Troconis Crew is that NOT ONCE have they ever discussed the idea of personal choices/free will/personal agency for MT. NOT ONCE. They also don't discuss the roles that the entire Troconis Crew played not only in the divorce action of Dulos v Dulos but the role they played in the relationship between FD and MT up until the point of the infamous last "Greek Easter Dinner". I keep thinking about that last "Greek Easter Dinner" when the world around FD and MT was effectively crumbling and money was evaporating AND YET we see the Troconis Crew partying at 4JX as if times were good and the money was rolling. I do very much wonder if they knew because either FD or MT had told them that JF 'would no longer be an issue' in their lives? In many ways the "Greek Easter Dinner" really was just another version imo of the "Murders Eve" dinner where 'all was well' and "everyone was HAPPY" and "MT was looking forward to becoming the mother of 6" etc. Sometimes its hard to tell manipulation from reality in this tragic saga, but I am coming around to the fact that the Troconis Crew knew much much much more than was immediately apparent at the time or was even discussed at trial. I also very much wonder if the Troconis Crew present at the "Greek Easter Dinner" along with the guests were interviewed by CSP similar to the interviews conducted of the guests of the "Murders Eve" Dinner? We never heard any of this at trial but I do wonder if it was done by CSP?

The latest move to introduce the concept of 'love' as being responsible for yet another tsunami of poor personal choices for MT is a doozie imo but its also odd imo as the ship has sailed on the timing of using such an argument as the actual behaviour of MT by staying with FD until kicked out via Court order, never denouncing FD, demonstrating no remorse or caring for JF or the Dulos children etc. But, the one thing I've learned from following the social media of the Troconis Crew is that they NEVER let facts stand in their way and sadly MSM folks such as the infamously incompetent "Seeker of Truth" at *advertiser censored* CT NEVER introduces any sliver of reality into the discussion ever.

I believe in the same interview Carlos Trocones lets it slip that he suspected his daughter was holding back info on Dulos up until the second interview, when she came to him crying that she now believed Fotis murdered Jennifer. "That's when I knew she didn't know anything. That's when I knew she was innocent." I take that to mean up until that point he was suspicious of her, and I wonder if he still is. I also think of his reported reactions to her selfies on the court house steps, as well as mentions of of her sexual activity during the trial, suggest that at some level he knows his daughter's innocence is... questionable.
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