GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #69

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View attachment 496742This is the cr** that the Troconises are back to posting on social media. I do wonder what Andy Bowman would think of this? This sounds defamatory to me, if it isn’t true, and I don’t think it is. I bet he wishes he had never even heard of Michelle Troconis.
Initial counsel threatened “us” -what the heck is Marmol saying. That Michi counsel threatened MT sister - Marmol, and another person(s), to get family to tell Michi to talk?
Makes no sense at all
Initial counsel threatened “us” -what the heck is Marmol saying. That Michi counsel threatened MT sister - Marmol, and another person(s), to get family to tell Michi to talk?
Makes no sense at all
Andrew Bowman knew that the State had compiled ample evidence to possibly charge MT with conspiracy to commit murder. He agreed to the August interview in hopes to convince investigators that MT was innocent of conspiring with FD, but she continued to prevaricate. He wanted her to admit to her "misstatements", but she continued to dance around the truth.

During the financial trial when she was deposed, AB prevented her from answering further questions, because MT was deeply involved in the finances of the FORE Group, etc.

From an early Patch article:
Bowman argues that the answers to some of the questions posed to Troconis could be used against her in the criminal case; many of the questions involve Fotis Dulos' finances. But because Troconis was involved with him both professionally and personally — in addition to being charged with him in connection with the disappearance — Bowman argues answering the questions could prove problematic.
"There is nothing hypothetical about the charges that have been brought to date, but there is uncertainty about the charges that could be brought in the future," Bowman wrote.
View attachment 496742This is the cr** that the Troconises are back to posting on social media. I do wonder what Andy Bowman would think of this? This sounds defamatory to me, if it isn’t true, and I don’t think it is. I bet he wishes he had never even heard of Michelle Troconis.
SMH....This is from "I wasn't supposed to do that..." (call out to MT in court after sentence) and the family that has no boundaries or common sense, so not a total surprise, I guess.

I especially like the inclusion of Erin Moriarty in her response, 'cause the Troconis family and the CBS, NBC, etc. fair and balanced reporters are their BFFs, eh?
What on earth lol. Why would Claudia pose for this article? This family is just so strange. We have a wanna be model, the zoo, peanuts and Michi should be outside. So should Jennifer.
The Truth Will Prevail
Where to start....

Showering together

Paraphrasing the inmate's sister: maybe they showered together and then he left to do the alleged thing... we'll never know.

We'll never know? The inmate knows. Ask HER. That is knowable information.

More paraphrase: there's another accomplice out there. FD couldn't have done this alone.

On this we're agreed. There is another accomplice AND he couldn't have done it alone. He needed an alibi builder, phone answerer, another driver, a bag holder, a look out, a fire starter, a sponge scrubber, a script follower....

She shouldn't be in the people zoo. Because as a child, it pained her to see animals in cages. Yeah, see. Those animals had no choice. MT had a choice. She gambled. I'm not contributing tp her commissary account, but I'm not gonna lie -- I kinda want to send her some peanuts.

She may have done great things for children and horses alike but you conspire in the murder of a single one human being and that kind of cancels out your mothertheresahood.

Family denies MT ever spoke poorly of JFd. Then pivots abd says that the part about "when she returns" proves that MT didn't know JFd was dead. Right. Because MT never lies.... but anyway, did she say it or didn't she? Didn't say the first half, said the second half?

Family denies awareness of the contentious divorce. Oh really? MT never once mentioned the TORTURE she was enduring?

Pained that MT is separated from her q7 year old daughter.

Again, pffft. Choice. You choose, you lose.

Five young children are forever separated from their mother. They didn't choose that.

MT chose it for them.

And at the end of her served sentence, she'll be able to return to her old life.

Jennifer won't.

She was murdered. And MT was rightly convicted.

What on earth lol. Why would Claudia pose for this article? This family is just so strange. We have a wanna be model, the zoo, peanuts and Michi should be outside. So should Jennifer.
The Truth Will Prevail
Claudia is also committed to BEIGE …
Not impressed … her “glamorous” photo shoot is a bad idea, as it reveals her vanity and takes the focus from MT.

Claudia reveals herself to be shallow and have to zero insights or factual information that indicate that MT wasn’t involved.

Regarding the zoo … yes, they cage dangerous animals, don’t they?
So, Hannah Guttierez, the armorer on the Rust movie site, got hit with the maximum penalty, partly because of jailhouse phone calls that the judge didn’t like. I wonder if something like this will come into play at Michi’s sentencing?
Claudia is also committed to BEIGE …
Not impressed … her “glamorous” photo shoot is a bad idea, as it reveals her vanity and takes the focus from MT.

Claudia reveals herself to be shallow and have to zero insights or factual information that indicate that MT wasn’t involved.

Regarding the zoo … yes, they cage dangerous animals, don’t they?
Nailed it!
So, Hannah Guttierez, the armorer on the Rust movie site, got hit with the maximum penalty, partly because of jailhouse phone calls that the judge didn’t like. I wonder if something like this will come into play at Michi’s sentencing?
Has anyone figured out yet whether FOIA requests can be made for the MT calls?

FOIA was used to get access to Alex Murdaugh jail calls and the world got to listen to hours of phone calls via the internet.

Who wouldn't want to listen to the "Beige Crew" chatter endlessly with MT or Mama Troconis?

I do wonder what they chatter about?

Perhaps its just one sister asking the other sister to borrow the beige or cream turtleneck or what awful thing they can put on social media next? Its such a vapid crew that I'm scratching my head wondering what they could possibly have to say about anything.

Who knows?

Where to start....

Showering together

Paraphrasing the inmate's sister: maybe they showered together and then he left to do the alleged thing... we'll never know.

We'll never know? The inmate knows. Ask HER. That is knowable information.

More paraphrase: there's another accomplice out there. FD couldn't have done this alone.

On this we're agreed. There is another accomplice AND he couldn't have done it alone. He needed an alibi builder, phone answerer, another driver, a bag holder, a look out, a fire starter, a sponge scrubber, a script follower....

She shouldn't be in the people zoo. Because as a child, it pained her to see animals in cages. Yeah, see. Those animals had no choice. MT had a choice. She gambled. I'm not contributing tp her commissary account, but I'm not gonna lie -- I kinda want to send her some peanuts.

She may have done great things for children and horses alike but you conspire in the murder of a single one human being and that kind of cancels out your mothertheresahood.

Family denies MT ever spoke poorly of JFd. Then pivots abd says that the part about "when she returns" proves that MT didn't know JFd was dead. Right. Because MT never lies.... but anyway, did she say it or didn't she? Didn't say the first half, said the second half?

Family denies awareness of the contentious divorce. Oh really? MT never once mentioned the TORTURE she was enduring?

Pained that MT is separated from her q7 year old daughter.

Again, pffft. Choice. You choose, you lose.

Five young children are forever separated from their mother. They didn't choose that.

MT chose it for them.

And at the end of her served sentence, she'll be able to return to her old life.

Jennifer won't.

She was murdered. And MT was rightly convicted.

The family denial of the 'contentious divorce' has to be the grandest lie on top of a whole series of MT grande sized lies uttered over 5 years! Yet, no questions from the family about, "Michi when will the wedding be?", "Michi when will the divorce be settled?", "Michi, does FD want more children?, "Michi why do you have to leave 4JX when the Dulos children come for visits?" and on and on. No creditability on the entire topic of no knowledge about the relationship as they saw no change in the divorce situation over the course of the ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP WITH FD.

Its shocking that any member of the family can make such a statement with a straight face imo given that they all must have been on the receiving end of MT endless phone calls on the topic. AND THEN there is Mama Troconis and her involvement in the ongoing campaign against JF with the protection order, the endless questions for the psychologist (MT most likely couldn't come up with 2 questions on her own imo), and the fabrication that MT was somehow in 'Danger' from JF.

IF MT was truly leaving FD (I don't believe this for a second) and moving to CO as said by her 'soul sister' Petu at trial, then how could the Troconis Family not be aware of this development? Simply makes no sense given how this family seems to chatter endlessly on WhatsApp. From the way Petu spoke at trial, it seemed like MT was going to pack up her life in black Hefty bags, depart 4JX and hit the slopes of Vail for as long as the child support money continued imo. But, this isn't what happened. MT had to be peeled away from 4JX, professed her love for FD even after she left 4JX and was publicly dumped by FD and presented with a newer/younger model GF within a month of her departure. Gotta admire the way narcs can keep it moving and FD was world class!

Can't you imagine the conversation between MT and Mama Troconis where Mama Troconis lets MT know that "she is in danger" and needs to protect herself from JF etc. You know MT didn't concoct that entire line of commentary in the interviews when she tells the officers that 'she felt in danger' and 'she was being watched' and then she digs into her very limited brain to pull out some tidbit from a report that she wasn't supposed to have in her possession! MT oddly never blamed the filing of the protection order idea on KM even though it was he that prepared it!

How could MT and her family thought that the sealed report would or even could save her as it was absolutely irrelevant to the things that MT not only did but the things that MT knew about and which she artfully dodged around any time an officer asked her a question about. MT took lying to a new level in the interviews perhaps because the truth in her case could never set her free because it was horrific and barbaric and sadly the Troconis family simply can't or won't accept what their barbarian of a daughter/sister did to JF.

MT had advance knowledge and was in a position to both save herself as well as JF and the 5 Dulos children.

But, per usual MT did NADA to stop anything...and so she sits in prison (hopefully for 50 years) convicted on all charges.

PS. Does anyone know the price of a package of GUM at the Prison? If its under a $1 then perhaps we can all chip in a penny and buy her a pack and she can stick it on the wall in her cell.
The family denial of the 'contentious divorce' has to be the grandest lie on top of a whole series of MT grande sized lies uttered over 5 years! Yet, no questions from the family about, "Michi when will the wedding be?", "Michi when will the divorce be settled?", "Michi, does FD want more children?, "Michi why do you have to leave 4JX when the Dulos children come for visits?" and on and on. No creditability on the entire topic of no knowledge about the relationship as they saw no change in the divorce situation over the course of the ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP WITH FD.

Its shocking that any member of the family can make such a statement with a straight face imo given that they all must have been on the receiving end of MT endless phone calls on the topic. AND THEN there is Mama Troconis and her involvement in the ongoing campaign against JF with the protection order, the endless questions for the psychologist (MT most likely couldn't come up with 2 questions on her own imo), and the fabrication that MT was somehow in 'Danger' from JF.

IF MT was truly leaving FD (I don't believe this for a second) and moving to CO as said by her 'soul sister' Petu at trial, then how could the Troconis Family not be aware of this development? Simply makes no sense given how this family seems to chatter endlessly on WhatsApp. From the way Petu spoke at trial, it seemed like MT was going to pack up her life in black Hefty bags, depart 4JX and hit the slopes of Vail for as long as the child support money continued imo. But, this isn't what happened. MT had to be peeled away from 4JX, professed her love for FD even after she left 4JX and was publicly dumped by FD and presented with a newer/younger model GF within a month of her departure. Gotta admire the way narcs can keep it moving and FD was world class!

Can't you imagine the conversation between MT and Mama Troconis where Mama Troconis lets MT know that "she is in danger" and needs to protect herself from JF etc. You know MT didn't concoct that entire line of commentary in the interviews when she tells the officers that 'she felt in danger' and 'she was being watched' and then she digs into her very limited brain to pull out some tidbit from a report that she wasn't supposed to have in her possession! MT oddly never blamed the filing of the protection order idea on KM even though it was he that prepared it!

How could MT and her family thought that the sealed report would or even could save her as it was absolutely irrelevant to the things that MT not only did but the things that MT knew about and which she artfully dodged around any time an officer asked her a question about. MT took lying to a new level in the interviews perhaps because the truth in her case could never set her free because it was horrific and barbaric and sadly the Troconis family simply can't or won't accept what their barbarian of a daughter/sister did to JF.

MT had advance knowledge and was in a position to both save herself as well as JF and the 5 Dulos children.

But, per usual MT did NADA to stop anything...and so she sits in prison (hopefully for 50 years) convicted on all charges.

PS. Does anyone know the price of a package of GUM at the Prison? If its under a $1 then perhaps we can all chip in a penny and buy her a pack and she can stick it on the wall in her cell.
Petu didn't testify that Michelle was leaving the relationship- just moving to CO. If FD murdered his way to becoming a custodial parent, and there were not another, nobody could stop him from enrolling the kids in school in Aspen.

Petu didn't testify that Michelle was leaving the relationship- just moving to CO. If FD murdered his way to becoming a custodial parent, and there were not another, nobody could stop him from enrolling the kids in school in Aspen.

Quite true. Its hard to know what is truth or fiction with either FD or MT imo.

But being the astute watcher of human nature that you are, don't you think that the MT/FD relationship had become just too much 'work' for FD and that MT was beyond her 'sell by date' that perhaps FD would have welcomed MT being in CO?

Look at the speed at which MT was replaced? She had no sooner packed up her Hefty garbage bags and departed for the local Motel 6 than the replacement was pulling into 4JX with the money bags and BMW.

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and she has that contempt hearing on 5/15/24.

Also on that date Mawhinney has a status hearing to set his trial date. I will be posting it on this thread:
I can't seem to find the status hearing date on Mawhinney. This is what is online;

Defendant Information
Last, First: MAWHINNEY KENTRepresented By: 007660 BUTLER NORRIS & GOLD
Birth Year: 1965Times on the Docket: 27
Docket Information
Docket No:FST -CR20-0241179-TArresting Agency:CSP TROOP G
Program:Arrest Date:1/7/2020
Court:Stamford JDBond Amount:$246,000 (This case only)
Bond Type:Multiple Bonds
Miscellaneous:(Released From Custody)
Activity:On the Trial List, To Be ScheduledTrial List Date:
5/15/2023 9:00 AM​
Current Charges
StatuteDescriptionClassTypeOccOffense DatePleaVerdict Finding
5/24/2019Not Guilty
I can't seem to find the status hearing date on Mawhinney. This is what is online;

Defendant Information
Last, First: MAWHINNEY KENTRepresented By: 007660 BUTLER NORRIS & GOLD
Birth Year: 1965Times on the Docket: 27
Docket Information
Docket No:FST -CR20-0241179-TArresting Agency:CSP TROOP G
Program:Arrest Date:1/7/2020
Court:Stamford JDBond Amount:$246,000 (This case only)
Bond Type:Multiple Bonds
Miscellaneous:(Released From Custody)
Activity:On the Trial List, To Be ScheduledTrial List Date:
5/15/2023 9:00 AM​
Current Charges
StatuteDescriptionClassTypeOccOffense DatePleaVerdict Finding
5/24/2019Not Guilty
Isn’t it the 5/15 date?

Looking forward to seeing this scheduled.

Curious to see if we might see a plea as I cannot see KM rolling the dice based on the clean sweep of conviction on all charges seen in the MT trial.

I can't seem to find the status hearing date on Mawhinney. This is what is online;

Defendant Information
Last, First: MAWHINNEY KENTRepresented By: 007660 BUTLER NORRIS & GOLD
Birth Year: 1965Times on the Docket: 27
Docket Information
Docket No:FST -CR20-0241179-TArresting Agency:CSP TROOP G
Program:Arrest Date:1/7/2020
Court:Stamford JDBond Amount:$246,000 (This case only)
Bond Type:Multiple Bonds
Miscellaneous:(Released From Custody)
Activity:On the Trial List, To Be ScheduledTrial List Date:
5/15/2023 9:00 AM​
Current Charges
StatuteDescriptionClassTypeOccOffense DatePleaVerdict Finding
5/24/2019Not Guilty

Ah - I see my mistake- did not notice the year 2023 - as @Seattle1 pointed out to me.... shoot1 Thought this case might move forward. And we wait....
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