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Expert's analysis of Tammy's death: 1) a significant force would be needed to push a dead body off the bed by pulling the sheet/cover; 2) pink foam could have many causes; 3) there could still be content left in the stomach after vomiting; 4) bruising can't be dated by visual inspection. So JP was wrong when he pushed the coroner to admit that Tammy had old bruising.

Muscle testing is such an old thing. I remember it from the ‘60s. Spiritual warfare has always struck me as a contradiction in terms — something reinforced for me every time I see who’s waging it and against whom.
In the context of Chad's cult it was evil spirits that were attacking the protagonists. For example, Chad would help ZP with her headaches which he would attribute to attacks. He had the power to destroy the evil that tried to stop their mission.
I am very irritated by the lack of consistency in the storytelling around CD's self-proclaimed paranormal powers. I mean, on top of all the murdering, of course. The Harry Potter message from CD bemoans the torture of residing in his family home after his occasional earthly "adventures" with LVD. What about the astral sex portal? Can't they just meet up there, as needed? Why are they farting around with mortalportal airplane travel when they can just hook up ghosty-style?

CD did get one parallel correct about the HP story and his claims of spiritual powers- they are both works of juvenile fiction.

The forlorn texts about rescheduling the TD death premonition to be after the college graduation events/guests also seems like a very mundane scheduling issue that someone with supernatural powers should be able to resolve. Can't CD just do some "work" on the graduation schedule with his mind? Why are the premonitions about TD's demise so wishy washy? They are a bit of a maybe situation, which I think then is not a premonition, per se; it is more of a guess with very heavy undertones of "let me check my murder schedule, first."

To state the obvious-I feel like the powers CD asserted all equate to normal events with a predictable outcome or evil events he put in motion himself..."See, I can time travel in REAL time. I just go into my portal, and roughly 24 hours later, 24 hours has passed!" It fills me with rage to think that CD used references to TD dying and getting her passwords prior to her death as evidence to bolster belief in his powers with his family and other would-be followers. Yuck, and also duh on the evil transparency.

I do wonder if he used the passwords for something that is problematic and he figured that mentioning the miracle of acquiring them would be a two-fer- it would explain away why he had them before and after her death, and it also gives him a win for the "miracle". In addition, CD mentioning getting the passwords a week before her death seems unnecessarily specific and purposeful timing-wise. I wonder if he needs to be on the record as getting them at a particular time due to some evidence out there like deleting the CV text to TD.

CD's premonitions are good 'ol intentional self-fulfilling prophecies. There is a term for it for a reason- many charlatans have been doing a less hacky job of it than Chad for a long time. Let's call CD's convenient visions promonitions, as in, self-promoting ideas that he made happen for self-serving reasons.

I wonder what CD has told his family about his inevitable life or death sentence? If he can fix broken cameras with his mind, can't he bend a few metal jail bars? Something martyr-y? I had to sacrifice myself rather than using my junior superpower kit? What about gathering the 144, 000 requires his lifelong incarceration or death? How does CD explain the lack of astral visitation with his kids while in jail? It is apparently just a strictly-sex portal. I guess he could be telling them that he is communicating with them via the sound of the dryer buzzer or some other silliness. Also, why does CD's spiritual mission require him to LIE to the court about his continued relationship with LVD as he throws her under the bus legally? Can't CD forge a cleaner straight line to the rapture than all of this deception, stalling, and jailtime? Does God need CD to lie?

It is going to be a huge problem for CD if ED is still putting money on LVD's books. Stopping now mid-trial is worse, though. I am not sure ED is that sophisticated a liar to make any sense of it on the stand.

I can hear my 15-year-old daughter screaming in my head, "Occam's Razor, Mom!" This is a simple mortal everyday (sadly) situation. A unremarkable man and woman cheated on their spouses and killed several people for sex, money, and power and then used religion as cover.

As ever, sorry about the length!
I wish that there was a way, to have CD's books removed from Amazon. Maybe when he is convicted, it would be easier to make an issue of a convicted murderer to make profit from his books on Amazon.

After all, E-Bay was shamed into stopping sales of self portraits by John Wayne Gacy.
Nate Eaton revealed in yesterday's live that Colby and his wife are expecting their third baby (a son) together.
Does anyone know if the Cox family was represented at the vigil for JJ and Tylee?
Zac Cox (Adam’s son) wrote a letter to Tylee that was read by Larry & a pastor. Megan Conner (cousin) sang several songs. Adam & Uncle Rex attended.

Matt & Heather Daybell also attended.
Even if he was there that morning at some point, though, that wouldn't necessarily mean that he was there the whole time. He could have easily made some excuse to slip out and head back home (only ~2 miles away) for a bit while everyone else was busy.
Yes—church attendance works like this: one person does a headcount of the sacrament service. Sunday school classes get actual attendance taken BUT there isn’t a hard and fast rule for how to do it. And there are reasons you might not be in class but they’d want you counted present because you were at church for the second hour—so maybe you subbed in another class, or were talking in the hallway to someone or whatever. So I would take attendance during sacrament to make sure I got everyone and just didn’t worry about anyone who actually left and didn’t stay for the Sunday school hour of church. So it wouldn’t necessarily be accurate. IMO it’s easy to count people there who aren’t, but it probably doesn’t go the other direction and count people present who were never there that day at all. He could easily be marked present and then left, but it’s not likely he was marked present and was never there at all.

Leaving for that second hour and coming back would be easy.
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Yes—church attendance works like this: one person does a headcount of the sacrament service. Sunday school classes get actual attendance taken BUT there isn’t a hard and fast rule for how to do it. And there are reasons you might not be in class but they’d want you counted present because you were at church for the second hour—so maybe you subbed in another class, or were talking in the hallway to someone or whatever. So I would take attendance during sacrament to make sure I got everyone and just didn’t worry about anyone who actually left and didn’t stay for the Sunday school hour of church. So it wouldn’t necessarily be accurate. IMO it’s easy to count people there who aren’t, but it probably doesn’t go the other direction and count people present who were never there that day at all. He could easily be marked present and then left, but it’s not likely he was make present and was never there at all.

Leaving for that second hour and coming back would be easy.
Tiger Lou, I heard MC say once that she was at church in her 3rd hour and she was in the lobby and heard LVD’s dad over the speaker and he was in his 1st hour giving a testimony. Now I’m not LDS but it sounds like there are three parts to an LDS Sunday and that at least some churches have multiple times these three part sessions start. I’ve been to protestant churches where there is an early service and a late service - times vary but if you went to the early service at some of them you could be back home before the 2nd service even started. Can you give us non LDS peeps a little more insight into how it is for LDS churches? Do you have any idea what times the services start or finish at the Rexburg church that CD would have attended?
Tiger Lou, I heard MC say once that she was at church in her 3rd hour and she was in the lobby and heard LVD’s dad over the speaker and he was in his 1st hour giving a testimony. Now I’m not LDS but it sounds like there are three parts to an LDS Sunday and that at least some churches have multiple times these three part sessions start. I’ve been to protestant churches where there is an early service and a late service - times vary but if you went to the early service at some of them you could be back home before the 2nd service even started. Can you give us non LDS peeps a little more insight into how it is for LDS churches? Do you have any idea what times the services start or finish at the Rexburg church that CD would have attended?
The LDS church changed from a 3-hour block to a 2-hour block in early 2019. Each individual ward (congregation)'s time changes year to year. Right now, for instance, the Salem 3rd Ward meets for sacrament meeting at 1pm on Sundays. There are also two other wards (congregations) that meet in their building -- one starting at 10:30am and the other starting at 12pm. (So, in this case, at 1pm, one ward (congregation) will be having their sacrament meeting with the other is having their Sunday School and other group meetings.)

Salem LDS church
The LDS church changed from a 3-hour block to a 2-hour block in early 2019. Each individual ward (congregation)'s time changes year to year. Right now, for instance, the Salem 3rd Ward meets for sacrament meeting at 1pm on Sundays. There are also two other wards (congregations) that meet in their building -- one starting at 10:30am and the other starting at 12pm. (So, in this case, at 1pm, one ward (congregation) will be having their sacrament meeting with the other is having their Sunday School and other group meetings.)

Salem LDS church
Yep, this.

When I was a kid, there were three hour-blocks. Then recently, they switched to two hour-blocks. And it's really not unusual for multiple congregations to meet in the middle (one ward arriving and one ward leaving, so everyone mills about and socialises) or overlap, using different areas of the building at the same time.

I'm in Australia, where our congregations are nowhere near the size of ones in Utah and thereabouts, but even in Australia in the '80s and '90s, you could easily have several hundred in the building at one time.

Tiger Lou, I heard MC say once that she was at church in her 3rd hour and she was in the lobby and heard LVD’s dad over the speaker and he was in his 1st hour giving a testimony. Now I’m not LDS but it sounds like there are three parts to an LDS Sunday and that at least some churches have multiple times these three part sessions start. I’ve been to protestant churches where there is an early service and a late service - times vary but if you went to the early service at some of them you could be back home before the 2nd service even started. Can you give us non LDS peeps a little more insight into how it is for LDS churches? Do you have any idea what times the services start or finish at the Rexburg church that CD would have attended?

The LDS church changed from a 3-hour block to a 2-hour block in early 2019. Each individual ward (congregation)'s time changes year to year. Right now, for instance, the Salem 3rd Ward meets for sacrament meeting at 1pm on Sundays. There are also two other wards (congregations) that meet in their building -- one starting at 10:30am and the other starting at 12pm. (So, in this case, at 1pm, one ward (congregation) will be having their sacrament meeting with the other is having their Sunday School and other group meetings.)

Salem LDS church
Yes. We went from 3 to 2 hours Jan 1 of 2019.
This was a worldwide change.

Individual buildings manage ward meeting times fairly standardly with a few differences that can be determined locally. But generally the wards alternate start times year to year. Pretty normal.
Yes. We went from 3 to 2 hours Jan 1 of 2019.
This was a worldwide change.

Individual buildings manage ward meeting times fairly standardly with a few differences that can be determined locally. But generally the wards alternate start times year to year. Pretty normal.
Yeah, we've always alternated out here. Mornings one year, afternoons the next. I think the stake centre had three wards, so I think they had 9am, 11am, and 1pm starts with overlaps. If they're on the same schedule these days, they'd meet in the middle rather than overlapping due to the shorter meeting times. I never know what time my mum is going these days, though. She has a stake family history calling, so she just rocks up at different wards week to week, whatever time they're meeting, plus driving time to get there. She left for church about 7:30am yesterday to get to a ward over an hour away.

Did CD have a calling that would allow that kind of flexibility? Where being absent or taking off or showing up outside regular times wouldn't be remarked upon, because it was normal for him?

I am very irritated by the lack of consistency in the storytelling around CD's self-proclaimed paranormal powers. I mean, on top of all the murdering, of course. The Harry Potter message from CD bemoans the torture of residing in his family home after his occasional earthly "adventures" with LVD. What about the astral sex portal? Can't they just meet up there, as needed? Why are they farting around with mortalportal airplane travel when they can just hook up ghosty-style?

CD did get one parallel correct about the HP story and his claims of spiritual powers- they are both works of juvenile fiction.

The forlorn texts about rescheduling the TD death premonition to be after the college graduation events/guests also seems like a very mundane scheduling issue that someone with supernatural powers should be able to resolve. Can't CD just do some "work" on the graduation schedule with his mind? Why are the premonitions about TD's demise so wishy washy? They are a bit of a maybe situation, which I think then is not a premonition, per se; it is more of a guess with very heavy undertones of "let me check my murder schedule, first."

To state the obvious-I feel like the powers CD asserted all equate to normal events with a predictable outcome or evil events he put in motion himself..."See, I can time travel in REAL time. I just go into my portal, and roughly 24 hours later, 24 hours has passed!" It fills me with rage to think that CD used references to TD dying and getting her passwords prior to her death as evidence to bolster belief in his powers with his family and other would-be followers. Yuck, and also duh on the evil transparency.

I do wonder if he used the passwords for something that is problematic and he figured that mentioning the miracle of acquiring them would be a two-fer- it would explain away why he had them before and after her death, and it also gives him a win for the "miracle". In addition, CD mentioning getting the passwords a week before her death seems unnecessarily specific and purposeful timing-wise. I wonder if he needs to be on the record as getting them at a particular time due to some evidence out there like deleting the CV text to TD.

CD's premonitions are good 'ol intentional self-fulfilling prophecies. There is a term for it for a reason- many charlatans have been doing a less hacky job of it than Chad for a long time. Let's call CD's convenient visions promonitions, as in, self-promoting ideas that he made happen for self-serving reasons.

I wonder what CD has told his family about his inevitable life or death sentence? If he can fix broken cameras with his mind, can't he bend a few metal jail bars? Something martyr-y? I had to sacrifice myself rather than using my junior superpower kit? What about gathering the 144, 000 requires his lifelong incarceration or death? How does CD explain the lack of astral visitation with his kids while in jail? It is apparently just a strictly-sex portal. I guess he could be telling them that he is communicating with them via the sound of the dryer buzzer or some other silliness. Also, why does CD's spiritual mission require him to LIE to the court about his continued relationship with LVD as he throws her under the bus legally? Can't CD forge a cleaner straight line to the rapture than all of this deception, stalling, and jailtime? Does God need CD to lie?

It is going to be a huge problem for CD if ED is still putting money on LVD's books. Stopping now mid-trial is worse, though. I am not sure ED is that sophisticated a liar to make any sense of it on the stand.

I can hear my 15-year-old daughter screaming in my head, "Occam's Razor, Mom!" This is a simple mortal everyday (sadly) situation. A unremarkable man and woman cheated on their spouses and killed several people for sex, money, and power and then used religion as cover.

As ever, sorry about the length!
Outstanding post, @Tanager! Thank you.
The LDS church changed from a 3-hour block to a 2-hour block in early 2019. Each individual ward (congregation)'s time changes year to year. Right now, for instance, the Salem 3rd Ward meets for sacrament meeting at 1pm on Sundays. There are also two other wards (congregations) that meet in their building -- one starting at 10:30am and the other starting at 12pm. (So, in this case, at 1pm, one ward (congregation) will be having their sacrament meeting with the other is having their Sunday School and other group meetings.)

Salem LDS church
So is it possible that CD was in church clothes to go to a service AFTER going to the property?
Noticed this! I don't think anyone else has been told by Lori that she has/had seven children. I was confused by this as well. Who are these seven and where are they? Does she mean past lives children?

She and Chad told other people she was an empty nester who had recently lost a teenage daughter somehow. Not keeping good track of lies there Lori.
They both told this to his realtor friend and his wife who both testified. Five of the seven were Chad’s children. The other two were identified as Melanie (Lori’s niece) and JJ. Of course I don’t understand since JJ was gone by then.
To clarify, Nate has the same information as we do. I'm surprised he didn't know about it already. We're unclear on the zombie part and multiple probations. So far I'd say they knew about the rating system and energy healing practices, including spiritual warfare. Chad discussed the latter in messages with Lori and Zulema. I think JP might have insinuated earlier in the trial that MG was practicing muscle testing (a technique used in energy healing).
Nate said yesterday tht he did NOT know that Tammy and the children believed in the dark/light theory and beliefs and he was blown away by it and is going to discuss it on his podcast tonight.
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