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    GUILTY CA - Agent Robert Rosas, 30, shot to death, Campo, 23 July 2009

    I haven't been on websleuths for awhile ... but did anyone post anything about Robert Rosas, the slain BP Agent in SoCal? It's SICKENING and very disturbing. He was ambushed while tracking illegal immigrants or drug smugglers. They shot him multiple times, including in the head. He...
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    Mass Police may get paid holiday for 9/11 Mass. police want 9/11 to be a paid holiday. It may be in there contract. They didn't even lose anyone in 9/11. The NYPD don't have that!! this is making me angry.
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    Ex-Astronout: ALIENS ARE REAL !!!!!,2933,390161,00.html and the government's been covering up alien contact for 6 decades
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    FL - Child molester released AFTER conviction, before serving a day in jail this guy is truly evil. evil evil evil.
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    JibJab .. Time for some Campaigning !!!

    they're baaaaack barack, mccain and hillary ... not as good as this land is your land ... but still funny :) (ps i know this isn't news ... but i didnt know where else to put it !!!)
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    israel-hezbollah swap

    Remember the two Israeli soldiers kidnapped a few summers ago by Hezbollah? Hezbollah returned the bodies to Israel this morning. The bodies were returned on one condition -- that Israel would release several Lebanese prisoners -- people held in prison because they are MURDERERS. One of these...
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    Sudanese President Charged w/ Genocide

    FINALLYYYY !!!!!!!!!! The chief prosecutor of International Crime Court has filed charges against Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir for the atrocities his government has inflicted in Darfur. The charges include...
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    Child Bride Raped These parents handed their ten year old daughter over to a man over 30 years old. (aka a pedophile!!!) And then they're shocked that he forced her to have sex !?!? Apparently this is not uncommon in Yemen, and...
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    Girls Hit By Train ... SUNBATHING !?!?!

    okay im gonna get it for saying this ... but if they really were sunbathing on train tracks ... well they're just lucky that they didn't get the darwin awards for this year ... Emergency workers said the girls, ages 13 and 14, may have been...
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    Humans Were Almost Extinct

    Scientists say that about 70,000 years ago, the human population could have shrunk to as low as 2,000! :eek:
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    Tibet and the Olympics ...

    OMG this is crazzyyyyyy Three pro-tibetan protestors are scaling the golden gate bridge !!! It's on FOXNews and CNN (internet) right now. here's the story from a local station
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    NY - gang initiation in buffalo ? Police announced possible gang initiation tonight in buffalo, ny. they said that a gang new to buffalo is having new gang members rear-end drivers, and then when they get out, assault or rob them. Even the University's websites are...

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