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  1. Marthatex

    Woman calls 9-11 and reports herself for drunk driving!

    "I don't want to hurt anyone" If only more people would do/be encouraged to do this. Good for her!!!! The first step in solving this problem is ADMITTING IT! I hope she will go to a program and get help and support from family and friends...
  2. Marthatex

    More ground beef recalled for E Coli....New York company

    Sounds like people have gotten sick from it in the Northeast:
  3. Marthatex

    Dirty Old Man Ryan O'Neal

    I am so angry at this man - can he not shut up and be even halfway respectful towards the deceased Farrah Fawcett? Evidently he has given an interview to Vanity Fair and disclosed the INTERESTING news that the reason he broke up with Farrah the first time is because of her menopause so he...
  4. Marthatex

    Dad surprises 10-year-old daughter on his return from Iraq

    This will make you cry....
  5. Marthatex

    AR - Bill Gwatney, 48, shot to death, Little Rock, 13 Aug 2008 Very sad; it doesn't look good for Gwatney, shot multiple times in the torso.
  6. Marthatex

    University of Pittsburgh Cancer Center warns

    Of cell phone use; says it takes too long to get results from science these days (I don't know but I think this is a pretty authoritative place - does anyone else know?) I'm glad that I talk on the cell phone as little as possible; call me old fashioned; yep, I am and proud of it Danish...
  7. Marthatex

    Michael Debakey has died

    Sorry, I'll have to come back with a link later maybe someone else can post it. My husband knew and worked with him in Houston, and boy he was a colorful character, but I'd better not tell any stories. :) He must be very old, and worked pretty much 'till the end.
  8. Marthatex

    Skin Cancer Soars in Women Yikes, I used to play tennis alot; I think I'm going to the dermatologist to get checked over.
  9. Marthatex

    Secretary of Defense Robert Gates slips on ice and breaks shoulder

    Breaking news; MSNBC
  10. Marthatex

    Shocking! 17,000 bridges haven't gotten two-year inspection

    Remember the Mineapolis bridge disaster? For various reasons our bridge inspections are delayed:
  11. Marthatex

    Margaret Truman died Harry Truman's only child
  12. Marthatex

    Bypasses are better than stents Bypasses are better for multiple blockages. This study dims hopes that the simpler procedure will work instead of bypass surgery.
  13. Marthatex

    Near collision at Atlanta airport
  14. Marthatex

    LA - Kiran Allam, 33, & Chandrasekhar Komma, 31, murdered at LSU, 13 Dec 2007

    Evidently an apartment invasion; authorities used text message alert system to warn the rest of campus.
  15. Marthatex

    Oregon and Washington declaring Storm Emergencies Sounds pretty bad; floods and all....
  16. Marthatex

    Three Americans share Nobel for Economics

    This is a very prestigious Prize; and Americans are winning alot of awards this week. The are Roger Myerson, Eric Maskin, and ____Hurwicz (sorry I'm in a hurry LOL) For their study of "How markets work". 2 Americans also won for "medicine", I believe.
  17. Marthatex

    A plane crash in Wash. State kills 7
  18. Marthatex

    Medical plane crashes in Colorado

    3 dead, on their way to pick up a patient.
  19. Marthatex

    Two firefighters have died today, at a building hit on 9-11

    Just noticed this headline at
  20. Marthatex

    Potential Cancer Causing Ingredient in Personal Care Products

    Including Johnson's Baby Shampoo and Colgate Toothpaste. The ingredient is Paradioxane - it especially is recommended that children, with developing brains, not be exposed to such products. Evidently there's a loophole that lets some of these products through. I thought this article was...

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