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  1. Aedrys

    2011.04.28 Emergency Media Motion

    I just saw this posted on the news thread. What the heck is this about, I wonder? Are they not wanting to keep something confidential anymore? My mind is running wild with this! What do you all think?
  2. Aedrys

    2011.04.25 Motion in Limine to Exclude "31 Days"

    Can we say last ditch effort to please, your honor, don't let the SA say mean things about our girl from during the 31 days Caylee was missing? She didn't try to evade the law (the crux of the argument in this motion), so it should be out. No, she was just not being a mother looking for a lost...
  3. Aedrys

    Budget cuts may cancel or suspend Casey trial

    Could this really happen? We may have to wait LONGER for justice for Caylee? All because of BUDGET CUTS? I so hate the economy right now...we're less than TWO MONTHS away...if this actually happens I will just SCREAM!
  4. Aedrys

    Anne Pham and Kasper Jordan...defense witnesses?

    We're already wondering about Kathy Belich, but two more names have caught my eye here. What possible reason could Baez have for wanting to put Anne Pham and Kasper Jordan on the defense witness list? Wouldn't both of these people, who accuse Laura Buchanan of forging their names on a forged TES...
  5. Aedrys

    2011.01.25 Baez Unavailability and Correspondence

    Any guesses as to what this is about? I wonder why he's unavailable? I didn't think any hearings or anything were scheduled for this time period, but I could be wrong. Here's hoping Muzikman gets us the documents soon! I don't like the sound of Baez on another vacation though. He sure takes a...
  6. Aedrys

    2011.1.21 HHJP: NO to Kronk's prior bad acts!

    :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: :great::great::great: *does happy dance* Oh thank you Lord and HHJP! No making Kronk the suspect in court! I figured this particular denial deserved it's own thread! The defense is DEFINITELY running out of options everyday it seems! And Kronk gets to remain...
  7. Aedrys

    2010.12.21 Tim Miller and the Map Motion

    So according to this, Tim Miller is a liar, and that whole scenario would unfairly prejudice Casey Anthony, so it shouldn't even be brought up. *blinks* Tim Miller, of all people on the planet, IS BEING CALLED A LIAR! I hope he comes to court the day that's argued. I am just FLOORED. After...
  8. Aedrys

    2010.12.17 Doc Release

    Wow, Tron Legacy and a Doc Dump on the same day. How cool is that? Can't wait for it!!!!! YAY DOC DUMP!!!!
  9. Aedrys

    Emotional Ups & Downs Regarding the Case

    I hope it's okay to start this kind of thread. There's one just like it in the Zahra case, and I feel as the trial nears, we will need a place to give each other hugs and remain steadfast in our support of Caylee and seeing this case through to justice for Caylee. I have been following this...
  10. Aedrys

    Defense to depose Dr. G

    Oh to be a fly on the wall during THIS upcoming deposition. Dr G. is awesome. They are not going to be able to shake her and she is going to shut them down just like LDB did to Cindy. Okay, maybe not *just* like that, but I have the feeling they're going to leave with what they came with -...
  11. Aedrys

    2010.09.03 - Kaine assures Skyline Parents their kids are safe.

    I thought this was very interesting. So what could Kaine possibly tell these parents that they haven't already heard from the press? Is it possible that there's more information here that he knows that the general public doesn't? Seems like it would be a waste of time for him to talk to these...
  12. Aedrys

    2010.08.31 Orlando Sentinel's Motion to Intervene

    I didn't see a thread on this. If there is one, please forgive me. But I couldn't help myself. I was so upset with the defense and this motion just made me HAPPY. I am smiling again. Read it, and you'll see why. Apparently, like Valhall says on her site (great article by the way, you should...
  13. Aedrys

    Another New Lawyer for Casey - Dorothy Sims

    Interesting. Yet another lawyer willing to attach themselves this case...I wonder if they are force fed the Casey koolaid before agreeing to sign on. Her name is Dorothy Clay Sims, and Mason believes if there's holes in the medical stuff, she'll find them. I wonder what happens if there...
  14. Aedrys

    Lee's Testimony at the 911 tapes hearing

    I think Lee was a little different this time. I think there was a lot of anger underneath that he was hiding. He's used to being the calm one while Cindy rages. I felt like he wasn't so out of it like he was in the depositions last year. I felt like he was just so mad that he had to sit there...
  15. Aedrys

    Defense finds something new in old evidence?

    According to WFTV, Jose Baez is saying the defense experts found something new in the evidence they are looking at. Hmmm. Here's a snip from the article: The defense claims they've made some discoveries. “There's things you see that you can't see in pictures, that you can’t...
  16. Aedrys

    Defense Taphonomy Expert

    My very first thread, so please be gentle. Erase this if it's already been talked about on another thread. Of all the experts talked about in the hearing today, the one that interested and confused me the most was the Taphonomy expert. I am interested to know how the defense is going to use...

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