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  1. M

    The Stories (Lies) Raven will tell to explain his bankruptcy

    * Was too distraught and grieving as a new widower to work * The debts were Janet's and he was left to pay them off and could not
  2. M

    Raven Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy!!!

    Look what I found online: 341 Judge And Trustee Automatic Assignments Run 04/28/2006 at 23:58 CaseCase TitleChapter341 MeetingJudge NameTrustee NameSamuel Abaroa 7First Meeting of Creditors & Notice of Appointment of Interim Trustee R. Kimball Mosier tr with 341(a) meeting to be held on...
  3. M

    Article in Raleigh News Observer

    While it is great that Janet's case is now getting more attention, I think it is important to recongize the following: Neither Raven OR his family had ANYTHING to do with the $5000 award. Raven has NOT been in contact with LE Raven can cry a river about Janet's death to a journalist, but he...
  4. M

    Raven's Mission

    Wondering if anyone here knows where Raven went on his mission and if so, when he went and for how long. I have heard various stories with Raven as the source, and the stories vary widely in their facts. If you are uncomfortable posting, please pm me. Any information you can provide is...
  5. M

    Where's Raven???

    Has anyone seen Raven lately? Rumor has it he's left SLC...
  6. M

    Bible Class for Raven

    I came across this verse today and immediately thought of Raven. "A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction" (Galatians 6:7-8).
  7. M

    Raven Pleads Guilty To Felony Embezzlement

    Please check media link. Also, go to Channel 11 (ABC) for link to video of Raven in court today. Sorry - cannot get the video to post.
  8. M

    Is Raven a FLIGHT RISK?

    Raven Abaroa, AKA Samuel Peters, has not yet been charged with the murder of his wife, Janet Christiansen Abaroa. But with recent revelations, it seems that, at the very least, things aren't looking good for Raven, specifically in the context of being innocent of killing his pregnant wife...

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