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  1. R

    Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams & Liberty (Libby) German - The Delphi Murders - #151 *ARREST*

    Honestly, they shouldn't have opened the floor to questions. Why ask for questions from the press knowing you can't answer anything? That leads to the frustration more than the not answering stuff.
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    JLM: Morgan Harrington/Fairfax Rape Victim - *Forensic Link* to MH #2

    Because it's information that only someone with intimate knowledge of the crime would know. So if someone confessed and said, "here's what I did" or slipped up during interrogation and eluded to a method of death, LE would know they had the right person. They also would find it harder to...
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #6

    In the probable cause section of the leaked search warrant, in the section where it discusses Erin's friend in TN and what she was told, it says that CL told Erin he was taking her hunting. I'm on my phone, or I'd link to a pdf of the warrant, but it is in context of what Erin told her...
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #6

    In the paragraph related to Erin's friend in TN in the probable cause section of the search warrant, it says (to paraphrase): CL told Erin he was taking her away for a special day together, CL told Erin they were going to an undisclosed location approximately 2 hours away, CL told Erin he was...
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #6

    I totally agree. It is very easy and not at all complicated for me to believe that CL was involved given his statements to LE along with Erin's statements to her husband, mother, and friend in TN. First, Erin's statement to her husband that she was going to JTNP combined with the times she was...
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

    With all due respect, you are not in the military, nor does it sound like you are in close contact with someone in the military. Men (and women!) in the military can be 'manly' and 'macho', among other attributes. However, no matter how 'manly' and 'macho' (or strong or brave or smart or...
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

    I had to change browsers to see the comments in the article. I was on chrome and had to switch to internet explorer, but once I switched, the comments showed up under the article linked above. Hope that helps!
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

    OK, I've read the comment and don't see any issues with it. Am I missing something?
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

    I don't see any comments on that article. It's the CBS8 one about the timeline? Maybe I'll try a different browser, because I'm flummoxed. Edited: browser issue. I can see them in a different browser. Searching for the comment in question now.
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #1

    Conflicting info, to be sure. But Erin's mom being surprised (if true) about venturing out to JT doesn't necessarily mean she's just repeating what Jon said...Erin could have told her she was going out there and the info might still be surprising to her mother as Erin's family has called her...
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #1

    I've seen this same sentiment posted numerous times, but I have a hard time agreeing with it. First, "going out there" into JT in a well maintained vehicle with working AC during a cool part of the day and staying on the main roads and 'scenic overlooks' (pull off spots where you can park and...
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #1

    This is a misconception. The park is always open, per the park website: To quote the FAQs: What time does the park close? The park is always open and may be visited anytime of year. Visitor center hours vary. Others with knowledge of the park have stated in...
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    GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #1

    The first time I got pregnant (after seven months of trying), I told everyone right away...and had a very early miscarriage. The next time I got pregnant, I didn't tell anyone, even my mother, until I was three months along. Everyone is different. In my case, it wasn't just to soften the blow...
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    IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #2

    You might not be accusing her of anything (and as someone who has lurked for years and posted infrequently, I usually admire your thoughts)...yet the lingering on Mom's demeanor (on many poster's parts) comes across as being accusatory. If anyone honestly does not believe a parent had anything...
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    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #20

    If anyone staged an abduction, I sincerely doubt the footprints were a deliberate part of the staging. IF they belong to SC and if he staged anything, the footprints would have been a piece of evidence left behind inadvertantly. IMO.
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    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #18

    Not necessarily. Today's presser talked to going back over things they'd gone over before. If they were thinking that in future they'd have to potentially prosecute a case without a body because they think they know what happened to Isa but don't have her body as 'proof', they'd want to ensure...
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    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #18

    They got national attention for their daughter. Moreover, they got a GREAT DEAL of sympathy from a previously skeptical online community (who went from 'wondering' a bit about their involvement to saying things like "I'll eat my keyboard if they're involved"...and the comments after their...
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    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #16

    Yes, I understand that. All I am thinking is that to state this belief so strongly, there must be evidence leading them to think that.
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    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #16

    I'm struck by the fact that LE has determined that Isabel didn't leave of her own accord but was carried out/taken out by someone else. If we are to judge that by the same strict criteria that the 'no reason to believe she's not alive' statement, it must mean they have evidence in the form of...
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    AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #15

    True, but why on earth get LE involved then? OR, why not call LE and tell them about the demands and work quietly with them instead of apparently lying about the circumstances? Why act as though you had no idea where your daughter is when a demand has been made by a specific person or group of...

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