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    IN - Hammond 9 year old boy set on fire in 'prank'

    Not that I am defending anyone who might have done this, but I can see how this might be an "accident" or a "prank" gone wrong. Rubbing alcohol burns at a very low temperature. You can pour some in your hand a light it on fire and not get burned. The problem here was that it was poured onto a...
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    GUILTY TX - Eliseo Gonzalez, 2, dies in care of 800 lb woman, La Jola, 18 March 2008

    The sheriff says she'd die if they put her in jail because she needs extensive medical care. Well, she murdered a child and she's in Texas. Problem solved... Death penalty.
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    Man grows penis on his arm

    This is one I really wanted to see a picture of!
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    Worlds most expensive tea bag

    Well, not with the co-worker. :blushing:
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    Worlds most expensive tea bag

    I ended up asking a co-worker what teabagging was. What fun that was, let me tell ya :D I'm such a :loser:
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    Teachers REFUSE To Give Homework

    Its the poor kids who are going to be hurt the most by this. Eventually the teachers will get their raise or they will leave and go elsewhere. In the meantime, the kids aren't getting the education they deserve. But they all probably think its great not to have homework.
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    Watch where you sit

    Oh gosh! I thought that these types of stories were just urban legends and couldn't really happen! I'm snakophobic (I don't know the real word for it) and the thought that something like this could actually happen scares the living daylights out of me. I can't even watch the things on TV.
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    TN TN - Disappearances in the Great Smokey Mountains

    Bobcat screams are horrible! My parents had a pair of them living in the woods behind their house along with small ferral pigs called javelina. One night there were just awful screams coming from the woods. The combination of the cats and the pigs screaming (cats were killing pigs) sounded...
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    Ananova: Russell says no to showing his willy

    I'm now extremely curious to know where you saw Brad Pitt's. As for whose I'd like to see, there is a guy at work who has an extemely large buldge in his pants. I have trouble looking him in the face when I'm speaking to him. I can see how men might have trouble with a well endowed woman...
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    Boy Expelled From School After Wearing Mohawk

    I agree with the parents. My hubby adn I have decided that of all the ways our daughter could act out as a teen, we will not argue about hair no matter how terrible we think it looks. It is one thing that is not permanent and can be used to express oneself. However, if the school dress code...
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    two questions

    My thoughts are two fold. If she is innocent, then she put the clothes back on because she had not worn them for long the night before, only for the party. THey therefore were not dirty, smelly clothes. Its not like she put on clothes she had been sweating and grubbing in the dirt again. It...
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    the light source

    Also, there were Christmas trees in every room in the house that had lights. I do not know if these lights were left on or not, but if they were, that might have been enough light to navigate by. Especially if the intruder (if there was such a person) knew the house. I'm coming around to...
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    Woman rips off testicles with bare hands

    From what I understand, the brain more or less ceases to function when that portion of male anatomy is in extreme pain. So, I guess he couldn't fight her off.
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    French kissing can be so dirty

    I was wondering how they, um, used the facilities. :angel:
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    Robbery suspect arrested after asking victim out on a date

    Wow, I'm so proud to be a Delawarean. :woohoo:
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    Man commits autodecapitation

    MushyB, I am terribly sorry to have offended you. Yes, I realize for the person committing suicide, they feel that it is the only way out of terrible pain of some kind and they feel that this is the only solution. By selfish, I meant that usually, the person committing suicide does not...
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    Man who missed tsunami by canceling plans dies in avalanche

    Apparently it was just this guys time to go.
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    Man commits autodecapitation

    maybe he didn't plan on the decapitation part. Maybe he just want to strangle himself to death or something. Can't exactly ask him what his intentions were. Suicide is one of the most selfish things going.
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    Parachutist goes into labour in mid-air

    Good thing she managed to get to the ground before the baby was born. Why would someone decide to do this while 8 months pregnant? You aren't even allowed to fly at 8 months pregnant!!!!! What kind of pilot and jump master allowed this to happen?
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    GUILTY OH - Emily Rimel, 5, Columbus, 7 Dec 2004

    Since we nothing about the situation of this family, I find it hard to judge them on this. Just because this is a live-in boyfriend and not her husband he is automatically suspect? Would anyone think it odd that a mother would leave her child overnight with her husband (whether he was the...

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