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  1. 2

    PETA Co-Founder's Unique Will (Warning: Slightly Graphic)

    Actally I RARELY eat out and our meat is puchased at a place where I know how they are raising and killing their animals. Its a mom and pop business that raises their livestock and kills them humanely. No hormones, cages, etc.
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    PETA Co-Founder's Unique Will (Warning: Slightly Graphic)

    To me they are more concerned with what I consume rather that actual animal cruelty. How about tourtured, beaten animals? I never hear their outcry at that or at the fact that so many animals are put down daily. I bet none of them have ever even been in a shelter.
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    May 22: “take our children to the park…and leave them there day”

    Hard to say because kids get seriously injured under a parents watch as well. Accidents happen with or without a parent watching.
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    WA - Teen Sues State For Sending Her To Live With Sex Offender

    Yes, I did say the state is wrong. See, I have no use for state CPS. They do more harm than good. And dad got them involved in the first place. And no we do not know what mom did, it is all just allegations at this point I didn't see proof. I just feel her parents first and foremost failed her...
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    WA - Teen Sues State For Sending Her To Live With Sex Offender

    Plain and simple and to be blunt, it is d**m time parents start taking care of their kids and the state stops. If you do not and can not take care of your own flesh and bood go get free birth control at your local heath department. The state and these social workers do no better. The state...
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    WA - Teen Sues State For Sending Her To Live With Sex Offender

    :waitasec: not sure what you are getting at with the question, it was stated before why he got it?
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    GUILTY IL - Kraig Monroe for child abuse, Belleville, 2010

    No, I am sorry but too bad. She had her chance to be a mother and be what this child needed. i hold her just as responsible as i do her boyfriend. She really does not even deserve supervised visits to be honest with you.
  8. 2

    GUILTY IL - Kraig Monroe for child abuse, Belleville, 2010

    Jamie, the link does not work. Can you repost again?
  9. 2

    Benjaman Kyle Statement from Owner of

    I really had to give it some thought before believing this story was a fraud. The reason was that I could not belive someone would do this to people trying to help him and because nobody has came forward to say "oh I recognize him, he's a scam artist" This did go on for a while before people got...
  10. 2

    Drunk Pa. man tried to revive dead opossum

    That's what I was thinking. Possums are nasty animals.
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    WA - Teen Sues State For Sending Her To Live With Sex Offender

    I know and I see what you all are saying but (and not to beat a dead horse) IMO they gave custody to the dad and it was up to him at that point to keep his daughter safe and move out of his parents home. We need to as a whole hold parents responsible for the wellbeing of our kids, not inept...
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    May 22: “take our children to the park…and leave them there day”

    I am just now at the point where I relax on a bench and don't hover at the park or in the yard. I have just started leaving the kids in the yard for brief periods, like if I am putting away groceries, or fixing lunch, etc. but thats only because we have a dog and the kids are not outside if he...
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    GUILTY FL - Aaden Batista, 23 mos, beaten to death, Palm Bay, 6 April 2010

    She is too busy being a total loser is where she is.
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    GUILTY FL - Aaden Batista, 23 mos, beaten to death, Palm Bay, 6 April 2010

    Something has to give here. Why are parents not taking care of their kids. What happened to a parent being a childs guardian and protector. If someone was trying to hurt my kids I would lay down my own life to protect them. WTH!? Do we need to start sending books home from the hospital when...
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    May 22: “take our children to the park…and leave them there day”

    That is true, but I do think it's a combination of both. I was born in 1980, was a young child in the 80's, well you can do the math lol, sorry. We have quite a few cases on WS from that time frame. Then there was Adam Walsh. I guess we are just more educated about it now. I can recall my mom...
  16. 2

    May 22: “take our children to the park…and leave them there day”

    Yes, it is a crying shame we cant let our kids do the same things we used to do. I remember staying out all day with out my mom breathing down my neck. Or walking to the park alone. Going out exploring all day. Our kids are robbed of that and it is so unfair. Times have changed and we have to...
  17. 2

    WA - Teen Sues State For Sending Her To Live With Sex Offender

    She shouldn't have had to spend a day living with a RSO. Not one day. I agree They were the dumb ones for granting a man who lived with a RSO custody in the first place. Ok, well again, where does the dad stand on this. Is he not resoponsible at all in this? Why is nobody upset that the dad did...
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    WA - Teen Sues State For Sending Her To Live With Sex Offender

    I agree, that should have been a stipulation. I did state that in one of my posts. i am not saying CPS in totally NOT to blame. I place a portion of it on them, but the bulk of it on her father. I would say about 15% CPS, 85% dad.
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    May 22: “take our children to the park…and leave them there day”

    So mark your calendars pedophiles.
  20. 2

    WA - Teen Sues State For Sending Her To Live With Sex Offender

    Yes CPS shouldn't have let her go with him if he had no intention of moving, but was it really CPS responsibility to tell her dad it wasn't a good idea to live with a convicted child rapist? I guess considering how dumb people really are, they probably should have attached that string to it. I...

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