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  1. P

    FL - Dawn Brancheau, Female Trainer Killed at Shamu Stadium

    Orcas live in family pods in the wild. Tilly was most likely attacked by the females because he was not originally part of their pod and from what I read online about Orcas family pods they will have their own communication language unique to their family. It is possible Tilly could not...
  2. P

    Texas Equusearch Suing Casey Anthony

    Can Casey at this point come out and say I and my attorney made up the pool story and everything I told TES at that time was my true opinion. Would she suffer any repercussions for now saying that the pool story was made-up to help get her off?
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    Roy Kronk suing Casey Anthony

    Kudos to Kronk!
  4. P

    Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

    Do they have dna from JB's vaginal area that is not hers? If they do one of these days the killer will be caught.
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    Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

    I think a younger person (14 or under) did this crime. A garrote would be something a young teen boy might like to try. He's heard about them in some way that boys learn about these things, online, video games, whatever. He plays sexually with Jon Benet and he needs to kill her so she does...
  6. P

    Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

    I don't agree with your theory. Yes the car was in G&C's name but it was Casey's car. I think the alarm bells finally rang loud and clear when they received notice the car was impounded. Prior to finding the car Cindy was giving Casey the benefit of the doubt about her and Caylee's...
  7. P

    What happened to Rebecca Zahau?

    The 911 call about Max's fall was made by someone other than RZ. Who was it???? What is their version of what happened? On Dr. Phil it said the evidence was Max's razor scooter was involved with the stair railing as there were paint scrapes on the railing and the paint was transferred to the...
  8. P

    I can't find a hole in this theory...

    While all these ideas sounds interesting I still think they should check out a pre-teen boy or immature young adult who lived close by and knew the house and the family. I think a boy was infatuated with JBR, may have even been at the same party, lived close enough to her house to come over and...
  9. P

    Sidebar Discussion

    Oh one more thing. The River Cruz stuff. If GA had said, you know River and I became friends but we were not lovers. I may have said something like 'It was an accident that snowballed' during one of our discussions but it was intended it to be in support of my daughter. I could not imagine...
  10. P

    Sidebar Discussion

    Well GA can thank himself for helping Casey to get off. I was pretty frustrated with his exchanges with Baez during the trial. If George had admitted and not tried to be confrontational in his responses about the gas cans and the duct tape, Casey would be in jail. Why couldn't he have said...
  11. P

    Sidebar Discussion

    Totally agree! Casey should not have been allowed to walk away scot free. She was the last person to see this child and never spoke the truth.
  12. P

    TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

    IMO Amanda Knox is innocent and I prayed for her verdict. Sweet justice is that Amanda will be the press darling from here on and Casey will be left to rot in exile.
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    Sidebar Discussion

    don't know if this has been posted but here's a link to read the People article on Casey without buying the magazine.
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    Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

    I think the Anthony's should be offered their own reality show! With Casey coming back!
  15. P

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    I'm all for making Casey's life as miserable as it can get. I hope Tim sues her, I hope the State of Florida can sue her, I hope her neighbors sue for the devaluation of property her lying ways caused them.
  16. P

    For those who believe in the Divine

    Casey is going to learn something from all of this. She will never be free in the true sense of the word. She will always know what she did. She will always need to watch her back as just like in prison. Some revengeful person may take it upon themselves to dole out justice to her. She may...
  17. P

    Support Thread: Jeff Ashton and Prosecution Team

    My former husband got let go by a cop back in 1985. He was drunk, had no license on him because he had left it at a bachelor party, had just hit a guard rail and done some damage to his car and the cop let him go without a ticket or hauling him to jail. I was astounded. The planets lined up...
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    Jeff Ashton -Retired? Not if he has anything to say about it! ;) ***Updated***

    This could also be something he said in sarcasm because the prosecution lost. It is not fair!
  19. P

    Do you think you can write the closing statement for the defense?

    She didn't kill her kid. The FBI and LE have looked at no other person than Casey. They wanted to pin this on her from the beginning. Oh yea, I forgot I told you in opening statements she drowned in the pool. Yes, she drowned in the pool. Casey does not know where she went after she drowned...
  20. P

    Delay revealed-Motion to determine competency filed by defense

    My take: the motion (had it been approved) would have justified to the jury why Casey did not take the stand. It would have provided the jury with a reason as to why she did not take the stand and avoid speculation on their point. Now that she is viewed as competent, she most likely will not...

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