TX - Leanne Bearden, 33, Garden Ridge, 17 January 2014 *Media, Map Links Only*

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Husband Says Wife Goes for Walk, Never Returns

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Updated 9:19 p.m. EST

Nancy Grace:
Where is she? Out to Michael Board, WOAI. Why are friends & family saying that this story doesn’t add up? I mean, she goes for a walk; she is never seen again?

Michael Board, WOAI Reporter:
Yeah, it just doesn’t make sense. Why would someone just pick up and leave? It’s not like she took anything with her that would make us think that she was leaving home. She didn’t take a backpack or a suitcase or clothes. All she had was her wallet, her wedding rings, and she took off on a hike in the area and never showed up again, Nancy.

Nancy Grace:
What was she wearing, Michael?

Michael Board, WOAI Reporter:
She was wearing blue jeans, she was wearing hiking shoes, and she was wearing a tee shirt, uh…which doesn’t sound like somebody who is running away. If you’re running away, wouldn’t you take a whole lot of your precious goods with you?

Nancy Grace:
Now, were they staying with the husband’s parents in Garden Ridge, that’s in San Antonio?

Michael Board, WOAI Reporter:
Yeah. Let’s start from the very beginning with this, Nancy.

Nancy Grace:

Michael Board, WOAI Reporter:
They had uh…they had quit their jobs. They had gone on a world tour that took them just about a year. They had come home on December 23rd and they were staying with her husband’s parents in Garden Ridge, Texas, which is just outside of San Antonio on the northern edge of San Antonio. Uh…they were living there while they got their lives back together, and she had contacted some of her friends in the Denver area saying, “Hey, you know, when I get back there, you know, let’s meet up!” So, it seemed like they were just uh…you know, trying to get their careers back, and, uh…all of a sudden, “poof,” uh…out of nowhere she disappears.

ABC NEWS – Good Morning America

Missing Texas Woman Leanne Bearden’s Husband Pleads for Help
January 27, 2014 8:11 a.m.​

George Stephanopolous, Reena Ninan, Joshua Bearden, Dan Abrams​


George Stephanopoulos:
A mysterious disappearance of a woman in Texas. Leanne Bearden vanished more than a week ago while…while out for a walk near her in laws just after returning on a two-year trip around the world with her husband. He’s speaking out for the first time in an exclusive for ABC’s Reena Ninan, and she joins us now, Good morning, Reena.

Reena Ninan:
Hi, George! Good morning to you. Police say right now they have no reason to suspect foul play. Her husband has been ruled out as a potential suspect. Now they’re asking for the public’s help.

They had just fulfilled a dream, traveling the world together for two years together from Egypt to Cambodia, but now Leanne Hecht Bearden’s husband, Joshua, is living a nightmare.

Joshua Bearden:
It’s been nine nights, and it feels like a thousand years. It’s almost like you just fell off of a cliff because my best friend is gone!

Reena Ninan:
About a month after returning from their trip around the world Leanne went missing. She was last seen Friday, January 17th after going out for a walk near her in laws’ home in Garden Ridge, Texas.

Joshua Bearden:
A landscaper saw her leave and head north. From there, we have zero clues.

Reena Ninan:
Multiple law enforcement agencies have scoured the rugged 23-square-acre area near the home, right outside San Antonio, but no sign of the missing marketing graduate.

Police Chief O’Conner:
We have exhausted the area surrounding our city.

Reena Ninan:
So far police have ruled out foul play. Josh says his 33-year-old wife left the house with only her wallet. Desperate for clues, he has now handed over his laptop to police and he says he is constantly checking his wife’s credit card for any activity, but nothing has changed.

Joshua Bearden:
We’re kind of at a loss at this point. We don’t know what to do from now…

Reena Ninan:
Perhaps even more heartbreaking, he says the two were preparing for their next stop - Denver, and their next adventure.

Joshua Bearden:
The next phase of life was to start a family.

Reena Ninan:
He has one, desperate plea for the woman he tells us he loves more than anything else in the world.

Joshua Bearden:
If somebody has you, then… then… then just hang in there, and we’ll find you. We have a lot of people looking for you, and we’re never, ever going to stop looking for you, ever!

Reena Ninan:
The family believes Leanne might be beyond the area searched. Donations are also coming in from all over the world to their Facebook page created in Leanne’s name. George…

George Stephanopoulos:
Okay, Reena, thanks! Let’s get ABC’s Chief Legal Affairs Anchor Dan Abrams in on this right now. A big step there by the police in ruling out the husband.

Dan Abrams:
Yeah, for now they’re ruling him out, and that tells you that they’ve already done a lot of investigation into this case. That means they’ve talked to him, they’ve talked to friends, they’ve looked back at what happened for these last two years. They’ve’ been reading the Blog. The fact that they have umm…his laptop, I think this is all very helpful to him in allowing them to look at other things, meaning, from his perspective, it’s let the authorities focus their attention where it ought to be, which is not on me, and the best way to do that is, be cooperative, give them everything they want, help them rule you out as a potential suspect, and let them move on.

George Stephanopoulos:
And what could be key here – this landscaper eyewitness.

Dan Abrams:
Well, and I think it’s very important in corroborating his account. You know, in a lot of these cases where there is a family member missing and someone is suspected, no one has ever seen the person leave the house. No one is able to corroborate the account. In this case, the landscaper is saying, Yeah, I saw her leave the house alone, exactly as the husband lays it out, so I think now authorities really want to look around in that area, scour the area, hope…hope…hope that maybe there was an accident and that she fell, that she’s in desperate need of help, etc., and that’s why there are all these volunteers as well.

George Stephanopoulos:
It’s critical they still are treating this as a search.

Dan Abrams:
Yeah! Oh, yeah. They have to for now. There’s no reason not to, uh…and remember, there’s also no reason to suspect the husband and the only reason I’m talking about this so much is because that’s what is going on in the mind of the investigators. They want to first rule him out and then move forward, even though they’re going to be doing it on dual tracks throughout the investigation.

George Stephanopoulos:
Okay, Dan Abrams. Thanks very much.

Leanne Bearden, Two Weeks Later
Friday, January 31, 2014
Here is the statement I recieved today from Garden Ridge Police Chief Donna O'Conner:
"I met with Josh, his parents & Mr. Parker. No new evidence has developed to cause us to believe that foul play was involved. The possibility that Ms. Bearden is in a period of adjustment could make her vulnerable and I continue to ask others to notify their local police agency if they see her. Our mutual goal is to find Leanne and provide her the support that she needs."

Family Believes Missing Woman Leanne Bearden Left Voluntarily
video only: New Theories Develop Around Missing Texas Woman - YouTube

Feb. 2, 2014
"There's no clues at all and I just can't believe it. Nobody just disappears like that," Joshua Bearden said. Meanwhile, Leanne Bearden's brother refuses to give up hope.
"Just know that we're constantly looking for you. We want you back. We miss you and love you," Douglas Hecht said
Family of missing woman: 'Please contact us'
By Zeke MacCormack : February 3, 2014 : Updated: February 3, 2014 11:26am
However, she disappeared Jan. 17 after saying she was going on a one-hour walk and, while extensive searches raised no sign of her, a witness report that she was later seen walking near Interstate 35 is deemed credible by the family.

“If she doesn't want to come back, that's OK. She can have her freedom,” Will Bearden said. “If she wants to come back, we'll come and get her where ever she is.”
The family conducted additional searches over the weekend off FM 3009 where she reportedly was sighted.
Search for missing woman shifts to Austin
Updated: Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 9:59 pm
Published: Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 8:51 pm
video 2:10
Josh Bearden also said he recently noticed his hiking backpack was missing after Leanne’s disappearance, leading him to believe she may have taken it to survive off protein bars that were inside of the bag.<snip>
“Maybe she went to go clear her head, but I still have to think she would’ve gotten a hold of her family, her best friend…anybody,” Josh said.

Missing woman reportedly spotted in Austin
Updated: Thursday, February 6 2014, 01:33 PM CST
The private investigator hired by the Bearden family, Charlie Parker, says there have been three reported sightings of a woman matching Bearden's description. In each case, the woman was panhandling in an area of South Austin.<snip>
Parker adds the Austin Police Department is also checking out the reported sightings.

Global 'couch surfing' network now part of Bearden search

By Kolten Parker : February 6, 2014 : Updated: February 6, 2014 9:46pm
He said Thursday that he didn't notify Charlie Parker, the San Antonio-based private investigator who has been hired by the family, of the couple's history with CouchSurfing.org.
Parker said knowing about it could have been helpful while searching. “Everything about the case is important; we aren't going to pass on anything,” Parker said. “But I don't believe she's using that” because she left without a computer.


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Last update: February 8

This is a list of things that family and/or friends of LB have mentioned on the official facebook page. This is not "what we know" - it is what LHB's family and friends have said regarding LHB and the case via their facebook page.


Timeline of Leanne's disappearance
- LB/JB hiked Enchanted Rock the week before, took the backpack (daypack of JB) with them with power bars and a couple of small items
- JB was upstairs working on the computer and LB went out the garage downstairs
- The job prospect Leanne had (3:15 phone call) actually did call her and email her
- Eyewitnesses (ALL of them) said they saw her with a backpack before JB noticed it was missing. JB located LB's backpacks, then a few days later realized it was his own that was missing.
- Bloodhound tracked her to 3009 (and teakwood?)
- Witness saw LB walking east on the opposite (north?) side of 3009.
- Witness 2 saw LB walking on 3009 2 miles further east.

Leanne's potential possessions
- Leanne was wearing jeans and hiking shoes with pink & white laces
- Leanne was wearing a hoop earring in the upper part of her left ear (pic on facebook)
- Leanne had $60 in cash
- Leanne did not take her passport
- Leanne was wearing wedding ring, engagement ring, and third ring that looked the same as wedding band - 3 rings total.
- Leanne was wearing a Timex Expedition watch with Kavu band (pictures on FB page)
- Leanne MAY HAVE been wearing sunglasses (pictures on FB page)
- Leanne may have taken JB's backpack
- The tree trimmer reported Leanne wearing the backpack
- Backpack empty except for maybe some power bars and other small items
- Not all items in missing backpack have been described to public
- JB/LB left a lot of clothing at JB's parents house before they left on their trip. JB doesn't know exactly what she could have grabbed
- LB had access to $700 cash that she did not take.

Leanne's appearance/habits
- She was not wearing glasses (had eye surgery, no need)
- It was normal for LB to take her wallet on walk
- It was not usual for LB to take JB's backpack
- LB did not routinely go for walks in TX.
- LB and JB did hitch hike while traveling, but agreed they would not be comfortable hitch hiking in the US.
- JB said this was not a usual route for LB. Their walks were always different routes because they liked to see different things. Their walks were usually 2 hours or more
- When the weather was cold they would go to the little local neighborhood gym down the street to run on the treadmill or play racquetball
- LB got a haircut in Atlanta (with her sister when she got back in the US). Referring to second picture in first post of this thread.

The search
- JB has been traveling to Austin (2/6) to address sightings and hand out fliers
- LE has told the family that they have looked at camera footage from locations in the 3009/I35 area where she was last spotted
- Only the sightings from the first day have been "verified"
- Three confirmed witnesses saw her
- Bloodhounds followed her scent in going toward 35 on 3009
- Mexican border has been alerted about her
- Family has reached out to shelters in the area and throughout TX
- All friends in US and abroad have been contacted by family and none has reported hearing from her
- JB hired PI Charlie Parker

The investigation
- LE took JB/LB's laptop (on 1/17/14?). It was returned to JB on 2/7/14
- All 3 credit bureaus have been contacted and her reports are being monitored
- Hasn't used her credit cards

JB/Family General comments
- JB and LB did NOT log on to Couchsurfing website after they returned from travels, and JB believes this to be a dead end
- JB really doesn't think it was planned (LB leaving) but is keeping all options open.
- The WOAI article was inaccurate in saying the family has concluded she voluntarily left Garden Ridge (they still don't know)
- Friend of LB/JB have some of their travel purchases in storage in Denver (e.g. Saris from India)
- Brother appeared in news interview and is involved in search
- LB's parents thanked the volunteers/helpers
- LB's close friend MS describes LB as loving to sing, dance, being very close to her friends, a care-taker, and very communicative in her friendships.
- Colombia was the last country they visited on their trip
- They arrived in Miami on December 17, 2013 then connecting to Atlanta for 6 days
- They arrived in San Antonio on December 23, 2013
- JB's parents left the house for out of town trip on Saturday, January 11. They came back on Friday, January 17
- JB/LB had been searching for jobs and getting things lined up for Denver during their stay at his parents
- JB said that 2 weeks before coming home to the US Leanne became really anxious and was scared to go back. JB actually thought she didn't want to come back
Flyer for reward to help find Leanne Hecht Bearden
Published 2/8/2014
$10,000 Reward for information that discloses exact location of Leanne. No further details need be given. Additional $10,000 for information that leads to the safe return of Leanne or the arrest of person(s) responsible for her disappearance.
New photos:


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Second Update February 08:

This is a list of things that family and/or friends of LB have mentioned on the official facebook page. This is not "what we know" - it is what LHB's family and friends have said regarding LHB and the case via their facebook page.


Timeline of Leanne's disappearance
- LB/JB hiked Enchanted Rock the week before, took the backpack (daypack of JB) with them with power bars and a couple of small items
- JB was upstairs working on the computer and LB went out the garage downstairs
- The job prospect Leanne had (3:15 phone call) actually did call her and email her
- Eyewitnesses (ALL of them) said they saw her with a backpack before JB noticed it was missing. JB located LB's backpacks, then a few days later realized it was his own that was missing.
- Bloodhound tracked her to 3009 (and teakwood?)
- Witness saw LB walking east on the opposite (north?) side of 3009.
- Witness 2 saw LB walking on 3009 2 miles further east.

Leanne's potential possessions
- Her driver&#8217;s license is in her wallet with the credit cards
- Leanne was wearing jeans and hiking shoes with pink & white laces
- Leanne was wearing a hoop earring in the upper part of her left ear (pic on facebook)
- Leanne had $60 in cash
- Leanne did not take her passport
- Leanne was wearing wedding ring, engagement ring, and third ring that looked the same as wedding band - 3 rings total.
- Leanne was wearing a Timex Expedition watch with Kavu band (pictures on FB page)
- Leanne MAY HAVE been wearing sunglasses (pictures on FB page)
- Leanne may have taken JB's backpack
- The tree trimmer reported Leanne wearing the backpack
- Backpack empty except for maybe some power bars and other small items
- Not all items in missing backpack have been described to public
- JB/LB left a lot of clothing at JB's parents house before they left on their trip. JB doesn't know exactly what she could have grabbed
- LB had access to $700 cash that she did not take.

Leanne's appearance/habits
- Leanne has no tattoos
- She has no scars
- She has a flat mole (birthmark) on her left ring finger (may be covered by rings)
- She was not wearing glasses (had eye surgery, no need)
- It was normal for LB to take her wallet on walk
- It was not usual for LB to take JB's backpack
- LB did not routinely go for walks alone in TX. She usually went for walks together with Josh.
- LB and JB did hitchhike while traveling, but agreed they would not be comfortable hitch hiking in the US.
- JB said this was not a usual route for LB. Their walks were always different routes because they liked to see different things. Their walks were usually 2 hours or more
- When the weather was cold they would go to the little local neighborhood gym down the street to run on the treadmill or play racquetball
- LB got a haircut in Atlanta (with her sister when she got back in the US). Referring to second picture in first post of this thread.

The search

- Hospitals have been checked
- Jane Does are being checked
- JB has been traveling to Austin (2/6) to address sightings and hand out fliers
- LE has told the family that they have looked at camera footage from locations in the 3009/I35 area where she was last spotted
- Only the sightings from the first day have been "verified"
- Three confirmed witnesses saw her
- Bloodhounds followed her scent in going toward 35 on 3009
- Mexican border has been alerted about her
- Family has reached out to shelters in the area and throughout TX
- All friends in US and abroad have been contacted by family and none has reported hearing from her
- JB hired PI Charlie Parker

The investigation
- LE still has JB/LB laptop as of 2/4 (returned 2/7/14)
- All 3 credit bureaus have been contacted and her reports are being monitored
- Hasn't used her credit cards

JB/Family General comments
- JB and LB did NOT log on to Couchsurfing website after they returned from travels, and JB believes this to be a dead end
- JB really doesn't think it was planned (LB leaving) but is keeping all options open.
- The WOAI article was inaccurate in saying the family has concluded she voluntarily left Garden Ridge (they still don't know)
- Friend of LB/JB have some of their travel purchases in storage in Denver (e.g. Saris from India)
- Brother appeared in news interview and is involved in search
- LB's parents thanked the volunteers/helpers
- LB's close friend MS describes LB as loving to sing, dance, being very close to her friends, a care-taker, and very communicative in her friendships.
- Columbia was the last country they visited on their trip
- They arrived in Miami on December 17 then connecting to Atlanta for 6 days
- They arrived in San Antonio on December 23
- JB's parents left the house for out of town trip on Saturday, January 11. They came back on Friday, January 17
- JB/LB had been searching for jobs and getting things lined up for Denver during their stay at his parents
- JB said that 2 weeks before coming home Leanne became really anxious and was scared to go back. JB actually thought she didn't want to come back
PRE-SEARCH BRIEFING held 1/25/2014.
Chief O'Conner, Garden Ridge Police Department

You all have the flyers, the information on her description. You have the information on when she was reported missing. This is Day 8 now. It's been a long eight days. Our heart is heavy for the Hecht and Bearden families. And we have sought help and had an outpouring, not only from volunteers but specifically from Greg Pyles at TEXSAR. Texas Rangers, I couldn't even begin to name all the agencies involved. Texas Rangers, Texas Parks and Wildlife, US Secret Service, FBI. There are just too many to name. It has been an abundance and a blessing and quite overwhelming at times. So I will ask Lt Commander Lane to share their role in this and Michael, also I think will be able to help you with that, the Incident Commander. And then we'll take a few minutes to answer any questions you might have specifically. I know that many of you have emailed and I've tried to reply to everyone. I do have some public information reports available today to try to cover that. In the door is Greg Pyles, that you've heard me speak of a couple times. He has been with us from the beginning. We've spent a lot of time this week trying to provide everything we can to the family and work with them. That's our only goal today. So Mike?
1:36 Mike Fisher
Thank you, Chief. My name is Mike Fisher. My home unit is Bastrop County. I'm Emergency Management Coordinator for that county. I have been asked to come over here today and manage the number of resources and very highly skilled and very well equipped search and rescue units. A variety of agencies as you heard the chief say State, Local and even Federal agencies are involved. Our mission today is to provide every asset we can to this community to find out more information to help the local police department here, to help the family of this missing lady. As we go out, go through the day, we'll try to make intermittent reports and at the end of the day, we'll try to give some conclusion. Certainly we will to the Chief. Lt Commander Lane is our Public Information Officer and my Command Staff. For today, he'll be your point of contact, through out today so I'll let him introduce himself and kind of go through what his procedure and his desire will be throught out the day. Thank you.
3:02 Lieutenant Commander Dale Lane
Thank you, Mike. As Mike indicated, my name is Lieutenant Commander Dale Lane. I'm with the Texas Maritime Regiment with the Texas State Guard. We work in tandem with Texas SAR asa force multiplier to assist them in their activities in the field. We have collectively over a hundred personnel out there today and some canine units that will be assisting the search for Ms. Bearden. So that is our main role today and we will inform the media as the day goes. And I think the Chief may hve something at the end of the day. But at this point, it is an active search for Ms. Bearden and that is what we're focused on throughout the course of the day.
(unknown voice talking to Greg Pyles before he begins, not transcribed.)
4:00 Greg Pyles
My name is Greg Pyles, I'm the CEO of TEXSAR, Texas Search and Rescue. We were contacted earlier this week by Garden Ridge Police Department. Chief O'Conner asked us to come in and work with them on this case. We evaluated the details and put together a massive search operation today with our law enforcement partners from both the County, the State and some Federal resources. The Department of Public Safety, the Texas Rangers, US Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation. A number of agencies involved. Search personnel came from the Dallas/Fort Worth area, from the Houston area, Galveston and South Texas to participate in this search. We have some excellent personnel. All personnel in the field are certified in ground search and rescue, plus many other disciplines. All the canines that we have deployed today are certified canines under the NASAR standards. We're very pleased to be able to assist Chief O'Conner and very pleased to be here. Texas Search and Rescue is a State resource available to all of our law enforcement partners throughout the State.

Question and answers with Greg Pyles follows. Will be posted at a later time.
Link to audio file: http://media.ccomrcdn.com/media/sta...lice_in_garden_ridge_texas_d_0_1390829805.mp3
Update February 12:

This is a list of things that family and/or friends of LB have mentioned on the official facebook page. This is not "what we know" - it is what LHB's family and friends have said regarding LHB and the case via their facebook page.


Timeline of Leanne's disappearance

- LB/JB hiked Enchanted Rock the week before, took the backpack (daypack of JB) with them with power bars and a couple of small items
- JB was upstairs working on the computer and LB went out the garage downstairs
- The job prospect Leanne had (3:15 phone call) actually did call her and email her
- Eyewitnesses (ALL of them) said they saw her with a backpack before JB noticed it was missing. JB located LB's backpacks, then a few days later realized it was his own that was missing.
- Bloodhound tracked her to 3009 (and teakwood?)
- Witness saw LB walking east on the opposite (north?) side of 3009.
- Witness 2 saw LB walking on 3009 2 miles further east.
- A witness on 3009 towards 2252 who sat on his front porch and read the paper saw Leanne. Josh says that this is close to where the dog stopped following her scent "because we were told to stop."

Leanne's potential possessions

- Her driver&#8217;s license is in her wallet with the credit cards
- Leanne was wearing jeans and hiking shoes with pink & white laces
- Leanne was wearing a hoop earring in the upper part of her left ear (pic on facebook)
- Leanne had $60 in cash
- Leanne did not take her passport
- Leanne was wearing wedding ring, engagement ring, and third ring that looked the same as wedding band - 3 rings total.
- Leanne was wearing a Timex Expedition watch with Kavu band (pictures on FB page)
- Leanne MAY HAVE been wearing sunglasses (pictures on FB page)
- Leanne may have taken JB's backpack
- The tree trimmer reported Leanne wearing the backpack
- Backpack empty except for maybe some power bars and other small items
- Not all items in missing backpack have been described to public
- JB/LB left a lot of clothing at JB's parents house before they left on their trip. JB doesn't know exactly what she could have grabbed
- LB had access to $700 cash that she did not take.

Leanne's appearance/habits

- Leanne has no tattoos
- She has no scars
- She has a flat mole (birthmark) on her left ring finger (may be covered by rings)
- She was not wearing glasses (had eye surgery, no need)
- It was normal for LB to take her wallet on walk
- It was not usual for LB to take JB's backpack
- LB did not routinely go for walks alone in TX. She usually went for walks together with Josh.
- LB and JB did hitchhike while traveling, but agreed they would not be comfortable hitch hiking in the US.
- JB said this was not a usual route for LB. Their walks were always different routes because they liked to see different things. Their walks were usually 2 hours or more
- When the weather was cold they would go to the little local neighborhood gym down the street to run on the treadmill or play racquetball
- LB got a haircut in Atlanta (with her sister when she got back in the US). Referring to second picture in first post of this thread.

The search

- TES may come and help searching. They were call early on, but so far have only been in discussions with LE
- On Jan 17 Josh drove around in his parent's car because the battery n his truck was dead to look for Leanne
- Hospitals have been checked
- Jane Does are being checked
- JB has been traveling to Austin (2/6) to address sightings and hand out fliers
- LE has told the family that they have looked at camera footage from locations in the 3009/I35 area where she was last spotted
- Only the sightings from the first day have been "verified"
- Three confirmed witnesses saw her
- Bloodhounds followed her scent in going toward 35 on 3009
- Mexican border has been alerted about her
- Family has reached out to shelters in the area and throughout TX
- All friends in US and abroad have been contacted by family and none has reported hearing from her
- JB hired PI Charlie Parker

The investigation

- Leanne has not used her insurance card.
- LE still has JB/LB laptop as of 2/4 (returned 2/7/14)
- All 3 credit bureaus have been contacted and her reports are being monitored
- Hasn't used her credit cards

JB/Family General comments

- Josh believes that Leanne would have contacted someone by now if she could.
- JB and LB did NOT log on to Couchsurfing website after they returned from travels, and JB believes this to be a dead end
- JB really doesn't think it was planned (LB leaving) but is keeping all options open.
- The WOAI article was inaccurate in saying the family has concluded she voluntarily left Garden Ridge (they still don't know)
- Friend of LB/JB have some of their travel purchases in storage in Denver (e.g. Saris from India)
- Brother appeared in news interview and is involved in search
- LB's parents thanked the volunteers/helpers
- LB's close friend MS describes LB as loving to sing, dance, being very close to her friends, a care-taker, and very communicative in her friendships.
- Columbia was the last country they visited on their trip
- They arrived in Miami on December 17 then connecting to Atlanta for 6 days
- They arrived in San Antonio on December 23
- JB's parents left the house for out of town trip on Saturday, January 11. They came back on Friday, January 17
- JB/LB had been searching for jobs and getting things lined up for Denver during their stay at his parents
- JB said that 2 weeks before coming home Leanne became really anxious and was scared to go back. JB actually thought she didn't want to come back
Leanne Hecht Bearden Missing: Siblings Say She 'Would Never Leave' Without Telling Anyone
Posted: 02/12/2014 5:14 pm EST Updated: 02/12/2014 5:14 pm EST
David Lohr
"She said, 'I want to come home to my family with lots of hugs and kisses,'" Bearden's sister, Joy Hecht Colombo, told The Huffington Post.
"She would never leave of her own free will. That is not her at all," Leanne Bearden's brother, Doug Hecht, told HuffPost.
"And there has been no evidence found on her computer," Colombo said, referring to Internet rumors. "All of the tips, sightings, and everything else has led to nothing."


Official Search for Leanne Hecht Bearden
Garden Ridge, Texas, Police Chief Donna O’Connor


Greg Pyles: My name is Greg Pyles. I’m the CEO of TEXSAR, Texas Search and Rescue. We were contacted earlier this week by Garden Ridge Police Department. Chief O’Connor asked us to come in and work with them on this case. We evaluated the details and put together a massive search operation today with our law enforcement partners from the county, the state, and some federal resources. The Department of Public Safety, the Texas Rangers, the US Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation – there are a number of agencies involved. Search personnel came from Dallas Fort Worth area, from the Houston area, Galveston, and south Texas to participate in the search. We have some excellent personnel. All personnel in the field are certified in ground search and rescue plus many other disciplines. All the K-9’s that we have deployed today are certified canines under the NISAR standards. We are very pleased to be able to assist Chief O’Connor and very pleased to be here. Texas Search & Rescue is a state resource available to all of our law enforcement partners throughout the state.

Male Reporter: How big of a radius are we looking today?

Greg Pyles: The radius extends…I can answer you in square miles, roughly 23 square miles that we’re searching today. It’s a huge search area.

Female Reporter: Well, how did you sort of determine... I mean, I know there’s an idea of the direction she went where she might have been, how did you determine that overall?

Greg Pyles: Good question. Texas Search & Rescue is fortunate to have search planners that are trained by our U.S. Air Force….and the US Coast Guard Inland Search & Rescue School. In their training they learn some details missing and lost person behavior characteristics. We also use a database of about 60 years worth of history in missing person’s cases and lost persons cases so we can take and correlate the details of this case to past cases and those cases help guide us in determining where the most probable areas are for this person.

Male Reporter: The physical search itself – is it going… I’m trying to figure out – get a sense is it going to be people walking on the ground – is it going to be people on horseback, on motorcycles? What are we talking about?

Greg Pyles: It will be all of those things, yes, sir, and there will also be air resources.

Female Reporter: So people on foot, people on horseback, people in vehicles…

Greg Pyles: ATV’s, yes.

Female Reporter: Okay. And, choppers?

Greg Pyles: Yes, ma’am, there’s…at present there is one helicopter assigned by the Department of Public Safety to this effort.

Male Reporter: And, canines?

Greg Pyles: Canines -- I believe we have 12 canine teams deployed today, which is a lot of canines, and they’re all good. We’ve worked with all of them before. They’re very good dogs

Male Reporter: At this point, you guys are looking at recovery not rescue, is that correct?

Greg Pyles: I can’t speak to that, sir, that would be up to the Chief.

Male Reporter: With the canines, I’m not completely familiar with the canines, because this is 8 days later, does that make a difference with the canines?

Greg Pyles: It does, sure. It’s a mix of disciplines.

Male Reporter: What does that mean? I’m sorry…

Greg Pyles: A mix of different certifications for the dogs.

Male Reporter: So it’s both searching and…is it – I hate to be morbid but is it cadaver dogs?

Greg Pyles: There are human remains dogs as well as live finding air scent dogs deployed today.

Male Reporter: And they can…they can catch a scent 8 days later?

Greg Pyles: They certainly can.

Male Reporter: That’s pretty amazing.

Greg Pyles: Yes, sir.

Female Reporter: You mentioned that when the police chief from Garden Ridge contacted you earlier this week, uh…that, you know, you looked at the case, you evaluated the details. What made you decide that this is a case that …where you guys could be of help? Why come here now?

Greg Pyles: Our resources are available to law enforcement when their own resources have been exceeded. We often are asked by DPS, the Texas Department of Emergency Management, or local jurisdictions to assist them as a force multiplier and a trained resource in these cases.

Male Reporter: I’m sorry, I don’t know if I caught it earlier, can you tell me how many people are involved with today’s search?

Greg Pyles: There are a little over 100 certified folks in the field today.

Male Reporter: 100 folks, 12 dogs? Okay.

Greg Pyles: Yes.

Female Reporter: And does that include the folks from the Texas State Guard and Search and Rescue plus the folks from the other DPS, FBI or are they separate?

Greg Pyles: The law enforcement folks are not included in that count. The Texas military forces that we train and work with on a very regular basis are included in that count. They’re a very valuable partner.

Female Reporter: Do you know a total if you were to include law enforcement how many folks you have up here today?

Greg Pyles: It would only be a guess, ma’am. I’m guessing around 145.

Female Reporter: Okay.

Male Reporter: I know a lot of the area up here is privately owned property. How does your agency work with private property owners here in this area?

Greg Pyles: A lot of the law enforcement personnel involved today is assisting the teams in the field to obtain those land owners’ consent to search. Additionally, the county Sheriff’s Office requested last night the reverse 911 call for the areas affected. That’s been very effective in obtaining consent to search.

Male Reporter: How does that work? Can you sort of explain how that reverse 911 works?

Greg Pyles: The Reverse 911 message lets the landowner know that a search is going to take place. It gives them the details of the search and it asks for their cooperation. It also gives them a number that they can call.

Female Reporter: And that went out last night?

Greg Pyles: It went out last night. Yes, ma’am.

Male Reporter: Is that also beneficial to get the word out – maybe there’s somebody who doesn’t know that this woman is missing?

Greg Pyles: Absolutely! Yes, sir, you bet, and you folks are important in this effort as well. Any word out about a missing person is worthwhile.

Male Reporter: And is there, with the search you said it’s about 23 miles? Is there an epicenter like at the beginning and then a circle, or is it a grid search, sort of…explain how that works?

Greg Pyles: I think I mentioned earlier that our folks are trained in lost person behavior, so you take the point last seen, the last known point where we can factually say this person was and then you apply that behavior on the terrain, the country around it to determine your search area.

Male Reporter: And what was that last point?

Greg Pyles: It was very near here. It was very near her home.

Male Reporter: Near her…on her street?

Greg Pyles: Yes.

Male Reporter: in her neighborhood?

Greg Pyles: Yes, sir.

Male Reporter: Okay. And do you know who, who was the last person to see her? Was it a verifiable source?

Greg Pyles: Uh…that’s going to be up to law enforcement to answer that question.

Male Reporter: Okay.

Female Reporter: And real quick, the 23 miles, 23 square mile area, is it north where she was last…can you give us the direction?
Greg Pyles: It extends in all directions, some directions further than others.
Male Reporter: It’s not like a circle where there’s a point at the middle and you go from…?

Greg Pyles: No.

Female Reporter: It’s beyond the boundaries of Garden Ridge.

Greg Pyles: That’s correct. Yes, Ma’am.

Male Reporter: What are some of the key challenges you guys think you… anticipate you may face with a search like this?

Greg Pyles: Weather is a challenge today. Terrain is a challenge. The terrain is rough. There’s a lot of elevation. It’s slow going.

Male Reporter: We had some pretty freezing weather Thursday night, Friday, even some last night. Give us a sense does that help, does that hurt, how does that affect the search?

Greg Pyles: It really doesn’t have an impact except for the remaining slick spots for people that are out there on the ground. I mean it’s slick. They can fall and hurt themselves. We’ve provided them with the safety measures and equipment to try to mitigate that.

Male Reporter: I hate to be morbid again, if this is, if there is a dead body out there, the freezing weather--would that preserve the body, would that make it go…disintegration go faster, I…I’m just trying to get a sense of…

Greg Pyles: Uh…I…I can’t speak to that.

Female Reporter: Realistically, if she’s been out there for the last eight days, do you believe that she could survive if, let’s say she was hurt, in these weather conditions?

Greg Pyles: I can’t speculate on that. There are certainly cases where people have been found after eight days to be alive. There are cases in these weather conditions.

Audio Link for above: http://media.ccomrcdn.com/media/sta..._garden_ridge_texas_d_0_1390829805.mp3&#8195;


QUESTIONS/ANSWERS with Police Chief Donna O’Connor

Male Reporter: Chief, can you give us a sense about what searches have already been done and how this will be different from what has already been done?

Police Chief Donna O’Connor: What I will say to you is that your interpretation of search and my interpretation of search frequently aren’t the same. Uh…my interpretation of the search is that we search the area for any homes that might have cameras on them, that have footage, we research businesses and our own facility, the tapes, to see if anything shows, any sign of Ms. Hecht as she went for her walk that afternoon. Uh…the family has been massively involved. We have worked together with the Hechts and the Beardens. They have contacted many sources and done private searches. When I say we haven’t had foot searches our officers on every shift have walked. Understanding that we have a small community that is mostly a bedroom community, and a good majority of our residents are a part of our Citizen’s Police Academy and have been very active, and neighbors know each other in this community. It is very much a bedroom community where people know each other and talk to each other, and the churches are a source of support for them and they spread the word, so the word has been out there. Our officers walk every shift, we’ve walked every creek. I don’t think at this point that within our small six, little over six square miles of Garden Ridge, that there is anywhere where someone hasn’t walked.

Male Reporter: There was just some confusion with people saying, “Why, why are you doing this eight days later, why wasn’t this done on Day 1?

Police Chief Donna O’Connor: Well, I can tell you that on Day 1 our officers were walking and meeting with neighbors. On Day 2 Comal County Sheriff’s Office provided us their canines and we did a search. On Day 3, we continued to follow up every lead that came in. When we’re talking about this week, we would have probably pulled this together by Wednesday, but we knew the weather events that were going to go on Thursday and Friday and we did not think it was practical to try. We would not have had the success that I think we will have today having better weather.

Male Reporter: Thank you, Chief.

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Leanne Bearden's body found in Garden Ridge

By Kolten Parker : February 13, 2014 : Updated: February 13, 2014 6:50pm
SAN ANTONIO — Garden Ridge Police found Leanne Bearden's body Thursday less than a mile from a home where the 33-year-old was last seen in January, officials said.

The body was found in a wooded area behind a home in the 21600 block of Fairview Circle in the San Antonio suburb, a few blocks from where Bearden was last seen walking Jan. 17, police said at a press conference.


RIP Leanne.
Bearden final
Michael Board WOAI

Click through to Garden Ridge Police Chief Donna O'Conner audio interview at link.
Police say missing woman's death a suicide
February 14, 2014 : Updated: February 14, 2014 5:51pm
By Zeke MacCormack :
“The investigative information indicates the death occurred a short time after she was seen leaving the residence for a walk,” O'Conner's statement said. “Our thoughts are with the Hecht and Bearden families as they grieve the loss of their loved one.”
“It's hard to understand how it took this long to find her. It just doesn't make sense,” said <name at link>, 82, who lives beside the lot that was swarmed by police Thursday.


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