GUILTY WI - 12-Year-Old Girls Stab Friend 19 Times for Slenderman, Waukesha, 31 May 2014 #1

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I am just appauled by this.

I am a mom of a 10 and 8 year old. I will ask them tonight if they have heard of Slenderman.

My Daughter does hang around on youtube but has never mentioned slenderman. They do, though play minecraft.

I don't think that these kids did this because of the slenderman meme. I would be interested to see if they have come across someone posing as slenderman somewhere and see their internet accounts to see what has been accessed. They seem to have a lot of knowledge that I HOPE my children don't have and a lust for blood which is sick.

They should be tried as adults. They know right from wrong. They tried multiple times that night from what I Can read to kill this other girl and made an informed choice to leave her there and not get her help. Even told her how to slow the bleeding (which was a lie!).

I think, though that if I created this slenderman character, I would be pulling it. Deleting it. Stopping it. I couldn't live with myself otherwise. I don't believe in censorship. I believe in making responsible decisions when the costs are too high.

Slender Man was a fictitious character created for a joke website. It's like a modern version of Bloody Mary, urban folk tales.
It's hardly realistic to sane people.
I am not sure why two 12 year olds would think it's real. That's why I think they must have mental issues. (delusional)
Teachers monitor technology usage while students are on school sites, but can't do so when they are not at school.

Um... no they don't... that would be how my child ended up on a site that was a sandy hook conspiracy site. At School!!! She came home talking about how it never happened and how all the kids were at the superbowl a month or two later.

I think that parents have a valid question about internet use in schools as it pertains to this crime.
Slender Man was a fictitious character created for a joke website. It's like a modern version of Bloody Mary, urban folk tales.
It's hardly realistic to sane people.
I am not sure why two 12 year olds would think it's real. That's why I think they must have mental issues. (delusional)

But it is an urban legend that now can inspire copy cats in sick or delusional children.

There has been a rash of school homicides since Columbine. This crime will give ideas. Slenderman is just a catalyst.
Revealed: Father of girl, 12, who stabbed 'school friend 19 times to prove Slender Man myth was real’ proudly shared her sketch of horror creature on his ‘DEADBOY’ Instagram filled with skulls

The parents of Morgan Geyser, one of the two 12-year-olds charged with trying to murder their friend, have Instagram feeds featuring skulls

Morgan and her friend Anissa Weier were allegedly trying to be proxies for a mythological horror creature called Slenderman with the attack

In one Instagram post from mid April, Morgan's father Matt shared a photo of a drawing 'Mogo' made of Slenderman

His handle is 'deadboy420' in homage to a 'stoner rock' band

Both her father Matt and mother Angie have Gothic-themed photos

The friend that Geyser and Weier stabbed 19 times miraculously survived and is said to be in stable condition at a hospital in Wisconsin
This sounds like Folie à deux, the kind of thing already mentioned in the case of the "Heavenly Creatures" child murderers. I'm not saying unlimited, unsupervised internet access is good for children, but I think this goes beyond exposure to a scary story or game. Something must be "wrong" or lacking in these girls' psychological make up, and their finding each other was the worst case scenario. I also have mixed feelings about their being tried as adults, but I have a hard time believing they should be held responsible in the same way adults should be held responsible. Held responsible, yes, but not as adults.
I don't know how much outing is allowed here, so I'll be vague. One of the girl's parents were heavily into the culture of death. Open instagram links have since been privatized, but I was browsing this morning and it appears as though death and dying was largely glamorized in the home of one of these 12 year olds. Could that realistically have had an influence?
I don't know how much outing is allowed here, so I'll be vague. One of the girl's parents were heavily into the culture of death. Open instagram links have since been privatized, but I was browsing this morning and it appears as though death and dying was largely glamorized in the home of one of these 12 year olds. Could that realistically have had an influence?

The above link has some reference to that... I believe you can talk about it if there is MSM that links to it.
Revealed: Father of girl, 12, who stabbed 'school friend 19 times to prove Slender Man myth was real’ proudly shared her sketch of horror creature on his ‘DEADBOY’ Instagram filled with skulls

The parents of Morgan Geyser, one of the two 12-year-olds charged with trying to murder their friend, have Instagram feeds featuring skulls

Morgan and her friend Anissa Weier were allegedly trying to be proxies for a mythological horror creature called Slenderman with the attack

In one Instagram post from mid April, Morgan's father Matt shared a photo of a drawing 'Mogo' made of Slenderman

His handle is 'deadboy420' in homage to a 'stoner rock' band

Both her father Matt and mother Angie have Gothic-themed photos

The friend that Geyser and Weier stabbed 19 times miraculously survived and is said to be in stable condition at a hospital in Wisconsin

Just speculation, but IF the parents smoked a lot of weed, especially while the girl was in utero, then it is quite possible that there is some genetic damage. I have read reports about babies of heavy pot smokers, being more prone to mental health issues such as border line personality disorders, due to underdeveloped brain cells in specific areas. Any remember reading anything like this?

I will go try and find a link..


Using marijuana during pregnancy could affect a baby's brain development by interfering with how brain cells are wired, a new study in mice and human tissue suggests.

Researchers studied marijuana's effects on mice and brain tissue from human fetuses, and found that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, interferes with the formation of connections between nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher thinking skills and forming memories.

"Our advice is that [pregnant] mothers should avoid marijuana,"said neuroscientist Tibor Harkany of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and the Medical University of Vienna, in Austria, who led a study detailed today (Jan. 27) in the EMBO Journal. [11 Facts Every Parent Should Know About Their Baby's Brain]
Good grief,[modsnip]. Apparently "gothic" themes and rock music and skull pictures are a reason to be frightened. I'm just glad they never saw my older brothers iron maiden skull themed posters back in the early 80s, any of my high school goth friends (before it was even called goth lol)... So far we have never killed anyone.

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There is no way to delete or remove Slenderman from the internet. He is now an urban legend, alongside Bloody Mary, hook hand, the ghostly hitchhiker, and all the rest, no more or less dangerous than all the other old stories.

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teen angst?! This is way beyond teen angst. Teen angst listen to metal or rock music and write bad poetry in sad journals or run with a drinking, smoking, partying crowd.
The two are delusional, mentally ill or psychopaths.

I concur.
[modsnip]. Apparently "gothic" themes and rock music and skull pictures are a reason to be frightened. I'm just glad they never saw my older brothers iron maiden skull themed posters back in the early 80s, any of my high school goth friends (before it was even called goth lol)... So far we have never killed anyone.

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I agree with you. That being said, could it be that the way death was embraced in Morgan Geyser's household may have further ushered her immersion into a total fantasy world. Or, knowledge of the slender man, through her father, merely supplied these girls with a great idea for an excuse, in case they got caught. Part of the plan.
There is no way to delete or remove Slenderman from the internet. He is now an urban legend, alongside Bloody Mary, hook hand, the ghostly hitchhiker, and all the rest, no more or less dangerous than all the other old stories.

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But this site... creepy whatever... the story telling one.

I didn't say get rid of it, I said if I were the creator, I wouldn't allow my "management" (his words) to continue.

My conscience would not allow it.
I agree with you. That being said, could it be that the way death was embraced in Morgan Geyser's household may have further ushered her immersion into a total fantasy world. Or, knowledge of the slender man, through her father, merely supplied these girls with a great idea for an excuse, in case they got caught. Part of the plan.

Honestly, though... think about all the times you have told folklore, fantasy stories or even a campfire story.

Have you ever told a child about the boogey man? It could be as simple as that. These children / monsters took it a step further and jumped into a whole world of crazy that only a sociopath or psychopath could understand. As time goes on, we will hear more and more about these children and what they were like. Today, there is only confusion and finger pointing. Lord help me if I ever come across the evil that is these two girls.

Reminds me of the boys that killed that British boy years ago. Sad.
But this site... creepy whatever... the story telling one.

I didn't say get rid of it, I said if I were the creator, I wouldn't allow my "management" (his words) to continue.

My conscience would not allow it.

He's way beyond just that site now, though - like I mentioned earlier, it's talked about by tons of people, even my first grader knows the story of the guy with Long arms and no face .. and not from creepy pasta, but just from other kids talking about it.

So he's beyond just that website, he's an oral legend now. Just like the others.

Which reminds me of another story I heard as a kid, first grade - black van going around, driven by a guy in a clown suit handing out balloons to kids; the twist being that he'd snatch the kids and it turned out he wasn't clothed from the waist down! :eek:

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I don't know, I live in the city, I never told a story around a campfire until I was nearly 30 lol. These stories were talked about amongst us kids - at school, on the bus, or jut out and about, no special occasion. "Don't ever go park with your boyfriend at XYZ place, that's where that couple got murdered". Or I remember yapping on the phone one night while babysitting when my friend reminded me about te babysitter killer. I wanted to kick her arse for that lol.

And latchkey kids aren't anything new either. My dad was a latchkey kid in the 30s and 40s in Harlem and Boston, most of my friends were latchkey kids when I grew up in the 80s (my mom was in fact the only parent who got home before my bus in my neighborhood). The myth Of the idyllic past with two parents and mom always at home was only ever true for a certain class Of people in a certain select time and place.

I dunno, there's really nothing new under the sun. Stories originate, get passed around, kids have their own worlds that their parents know very little about, in all eras. Crime is down but everyone always thinks things are worst *now*. I think it's important to be realistic, and for kids to NOT constantly hear how awful/different/uncaring kids and parents are these days. Doesn't give them much incentive to be other than what people expect of them, IMO.

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All of the above is true. But there is no escaping the modern escalating trend of teens killing schoolmates. It is happening way too often and that is a new thing, imo. Am I wrong?
That is awful, but I probably do have an unpopular opinion. I don't think they should be charged as adults. Yes it is an awful crime but I just have a hard time with 12 year olds being charged as adults even if the crime is brutal. IMO.

I agree with you. For me, the juvenile-tried-as-adult should be used for repeat offenders who have had experience with the criminal system and didn't learn a lesson, or that 17-and-11 month year old. 12 is just too young.
But it is an urban legend that now can inspire copy cats in sick or delusional children.

There has been a rash of school homicides since Columbine. This crime will give ideas. Slenderman is just a catalyst.

It's been around for centuries as different names. Der Grossman, Thin Man, Mothman, Smiling Man, Child Eater, aka the Boogeyman, The Beast or The Devil. You can't ban folklore.
Slender Man is just a new name for an old Jungian archetype.

You can ban it from your household, block the sites, and from school but the legend is ancient. (I am not siding with the pre-teens who stabbed their friends, quite the contrary.)
They didn't mention mom or dad in the police interviews if they were neglected or abused I would look for at least one of them to bring it up. Also at least one of the girls parents took them skating, let them have a sleepover, showed up/cried in court, etc. I do not want to jump to the conclusion that one or both had a bad home life. They were not properly monitored on the internet, that I do agree with, but to say they were neglected or emotionally abused, I am not going to assume that based on the facts we have.

I don't think it's all that fair to blanketly assume that "no one" was monitoring their internet. All it takes is one kid to print out and xerox a Slenderman story to expose their classmates at school. There is no way to 100% control what a child is exposed to, and too much monitoring will just either drive the kid underground, or make them totally neurotic which some people I know did with their kid: controlled literally every minute of his life, until he hit college, where he went totally wild because he'd never learnt self control, never learnt any self-protection skills. Ended up doing drugs, kicked out of school, trashed his whole life.
I think we need to start making parents more responsible for their minor children. Today, kids raise themselves. They have all kinds of access to insane sites and I don't think parents even care who their kids are friends with.

It is funny. People say the 50's were an awful time, but when I talk to people who grew up then, It wasn't. Everyone knew each other, People looked out for other people's kids, You had to be present when you were with people, if you had no money in your pocket you could not spend it or go into debt.

Sure there was crime and horrible people, But as a rule I think society was better because it was connected in a different way. I think that now kids have this disassociation with other humans because the internet dehumanizes people. It has taken the value out of humanness and compassion. In an early mind this is dangerous.

I think that kids today are becoming more and more immunized to compassion and basic morality.

Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy: all children of the 50s.
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