Trial Discussion Thread #45 - 14.07.3, Day 36

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Didn't OP say that he thought the non existent attackers (in the plural) were about to open the door?

Yes, but that was before Dixon and Wolmarans proved the mag rack never moved and the locked door wouldn't have made a sound.
If m'lady believes the so far unimpeached Stipps that OP's tub/sink area light was clearly ON when OP swore it was off, all OP's lies about what he heard/feared/did are meaningless imo.
So this is the 'gentle and confrontation-avoidant athlete'. Now this should have been in the trial and in the psychiatric report - Pistorius yelling, crying, angry at relationships:

Rebecca Davis @becsplanb · 3h

David O' Sullivan has written a comment on my article here: … clarifying (& maintaining) his story re Fourie & room
David O'Sullivan • 3 hours ago

It's a very simple situation - Arnu Fourie and I were standing in the mixed zone at the Olympic Stadium, where journalists and athletes have an opportunity to interact. It's the most on-the-record place at the Games. He had just won the bronze medal in his 100m race, beating Oscar into fourth place (as was expected). I had done a five minute recorded interview with him and we were waiting for Oscar to join us. While we were waiting, I asked him, given the level of attention on Oscar, what it was like to be his roommate. Arnu told me that he had moved out of their little room in the Athletes' Village, because Oscar was always on the phone shouting at people. I was quite stunned. I wondered why Oscar, at this glorious stage of his career with two more big races coming up and so much expectation from an adoring public, would allow himself to be sidetracked by whoever he was fighting with on the phone. In the end, that part of the interview was not broadcast. It didn't seem important, and the story of Arnu winning his first Paralympic medal was more important. I subsequently heard from other members of the Paralympic team what the fights were all about, which prompted Fourie to move out. Pistorius was arguing with his then-girlfriend Samantha Taylor and the man who was trying to woo her. I was told he was screaming, shouting and crying, which was upsetting Fourie. None of the people telling me these stories wished to go on the record, so the only on-the-record account I had was from Fourie.
Barry Roux, in cross-examining Taylor, brought up the story of her two-timing Pistorius during the Olympics/Paralympics. Peet van Zyl, under cross-examination, confirmed there had been an incident between the two athletes. Fourie, in a statement on Twitter, confirmed that he had moved out. Neither spoke about the screaming, crying and raging down the phone. I can only assume they wanted to protect Pistorius.
If Gerrie Nel was really interested in pursuing this matter properly, he could have done a lot better than quoting my hearsay article (hearsay, by the way, is allowed in journalism, but not admissible in law). What he should have done is put Fourie in the stand. Or his coach, or the administrators of the Paralympic Team. Or any of the athletes who had adjoining rooms. They would have given a far better account of this side of Pistorius's behaviour.

Prosecution could re-open the case, the path is now up as the defense team just made character witnesses an option.
If m'lady believes the so far unimpeached Stipps that OP's tub/sink area light was clearly ON when OP swore it was off, all OP's lies about what he heard/feared/did are meaningless imo.

Excellent point and probably why the DT were determined to discredit them.
But they weren't, though, at least not when he fired into the door.

Mangena qualified his testimony about OP not being on his legs by saying it was possible he was. Vermeulen never said it was impossible for him to have been wearing his prostheses either. The State's case at the bail application was that he was wearing his legs and only changed it subsequently when Vermeulen said he believed he was on his stumps. Just because OP said he was on his stumps means nothing, and we're all entitled to our own views.
I just found this

"Widely regarded as a popular, entertaining and educational speaker"


Apologies if anyone's beaten me to it ...
I can't remember the exact words about OP being gentle etc with woman, but here's a good example of his charm, gentleness and non-aggression. Actually the whole article is interesting.

"I had the unfortunate opportunity of finding out first hand how unheroic Oscar can be in real life when he has had too much to drink.

I was at the Kings of Leon concert on Friday night with my fiancé, my best friend and her husband. We were seated in the golden circle. An exceptionally drunk and incredibly rude Oscar Pistorius was also there. Unfortunately he seemed to be far too comfortable with being both drunk and rude than one would have liked for one of our "heroes".

My first glimpse of Oscar was seeing him all but fall into a group of people and had to be helped up by one of his equally drunk friends. We just looked at one another and shook our heads. Maybe he just looked that drunk because his blades weren’t too stable. As the evening progressed, Peter (my friend’s husband) and Adrian (my fiancé) went off to buy us something to drink. Marilyn and I were rocking away to the fantastic Shadowclub when we were practically shoved off our feet by Oscar. This was no accidental stumble! It was a pure and simple act of arrogance and aggression. When Marilyn (in a firm but extremely non-aggressive manner) told Oscar that his behaviour was rude and unacceptable, she was met with a flurry of verbal abuse! This included being labelled “f…ing lesbians” and a significant amount more. Good manners preclude a repetition of the full gamut of the tirade. Marilyn – profoundly taken aback – said to Oscar “what is your problem”. His reply: “I’m drunk, what’s yours.”

Another example:
"This led to Oscar asking all of Melissa's friends to leave (using vulgar language) which included myself."
Excellent point and probably why the DT were determined to discredit them.

And not only totally failed to do so, but using a much shorter person than OP on stumps for the "Stipps saw a man through the open window" reenactment destroyed both Dixon and Roux's credibility imo.
N: I'll take you-

O: Milady, before lunch an objection was raised, I'd like a response..

J: I thought that was what he was doing.

Nel was. O jumped the gun but is still unhappy. Doesn't like OP running to the bathroom being on the record. Judge asks O exactly what he's saying?
Yes, but that was before Dixon and Wolmarans proved the mag rack never moved and the locked door wouldn't have made a sound.

I recall that Oscar said that, in retrospect, the "movement" he heard from inside the toilet was most likely the magazine rack, and not the door opening, and this was what triggered him to shoot.

Its location became an issue later when Nel had to prove that it had not been moved from its position beside the toilet against the back wall (Oscar claimed that the police had moved it.) This was disproved by the blood pooled around the foot of the magazine rack showing the precise location of the rack next to the toilet and not against the other end wall where Oscar claimed it was when he was holding Reeva on the floor of the toilet cubicle.

My interpretation of this is that Oscar first heard the magazine rack move when Reeva fell back onto it after the first shot and this caused him to pause and re-aim. It was probably too far on the back side of the toilet for Reeva to have moved it while she (or the intruder) was standing directly behind or exiting the bathroom door and causing the noise he described at first as someone starting to open the toilet door. Hence its extra significance.

He was wasting his time and going nowhere not so long ago according to some too :facepalm:

30minutes later he's demolished this buffoons testimony :floorlaugh:

I meant Nel was wasting his time because of all the reasons others have noted, witness is hostile, disrespectful to the court, tailoring his evidence, extremely bias yet trying to prove otherwise.
Nel has done a good job but boy, does he deserve a stiff drink. jmo :)
Judge asks what the objection is. O says the record says 'I ran to passage to get the gun, and then I walked slowly..'

N: I stand by what I said. There's no running down the passage. We are dealing with walking extremely slow down the passage, looking around...
Oldwage continuing to dispute. 'We need to correct this'.
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