VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #5

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MOO: WH knows what he did. He is offering excuses for his presence in the pickup, at the home, at the gas station and given himself an alibi for a late lunch. He is trying to cover every base he can think of. He is placing himself with AJ because he thinks he HAD to. He MAY have been seen. He MAY have been caught on security tape. He placed himself with her for THOSE reasons. He feels very smart. He has an excuse for all of the above. HE is brilliant...
Can someone explain to me what is meant by the "staring at each other at the gas station" comments?
Whew, finally caught up.

Just so many unanswered questions and really the only person that can set us all straight on what really happened that day, is AJ. I know she can't answer these questions right now but I'm going to ask them anyway:

AJ, what really happened that Monday, three weeks ago?
Did you go back to bed after your mom and sisters left?
Did you really call Wes and ask for money?
Did he give you money the week prior as he says he did?
Did you meet him at lunch at the gas station, like he says?
Was that you cleaning the house that day?
Your sister texted your phone when she got home from school. Was that really you that texted back and told her you were with friends?
Your mom says she got some strange texts from you the next morning around 5:30, was that also you?
Wes claims he got the okay emoji from you as well. Was that you?
Did you really tell your mom you weren't ready to come home?
Who was driving the white car at your house, AJ?
Was that really you driving the truck that day?

I believe eventually, AJ is actually going to be able to answer these questions and set the record straight.
MOO: WH knows what he did. He is offering excuses for his presence in the pickup, at the home, at the gas station and given himself an alibi for a late lunch. He is trying to cover every base he can think of. He is placing himself with AJ because he thinks he HAD to. He MAY have been seen. He MAY have been caught on security tape. He placed himself with her for THOSE reasons. He feels very smart. He has an excuse for all of the above. HE is brilliant...
I think this way too . I just don't want to completely focus on him when there's a slight chance (no matter how slight it is that there's another possibility
Its only 11pm here I got a few hours to think before my brain quits for the night

Well, I am off to bed now. No kidding, but first thing I do every morning before I am out of bed is check the thread to see if she has come home. So keep thinking and asking questions, WSers. I hope more family and LE are reading here and asking the questions, too.

Good night to both of you! Well deserved rest. Thank you for all you do to help.
Another thing that's been bothering me...what time does WH go to work? We know, per mom and daughters, that AJ was awake at 7 am. Was she also awake when WH dropped of the truck? He clearly tells us he didn't see AJ, and then gets super detailing about ignition keys vs door keys. That has NEVER made sense to me, no matter how you slice it. If by "door key" he means house key, then why WOULD he leave that in the mailbox along with the ignition key? AJ was already in the house, and surely had a house key of her own. If by "door key" he meant the truck door key, then why wouldn't he include that along with the ignition key? AJ would certainly need that too. And why does he make such a point of telling us that he didn't leave that key? Keys seem to matter ALOT to him in his telling of events, therefore they matter alot to I can't leave this mystery alone. He's trying to cover his *advertiser censored* with this whole key thing, I'm sure of it...I just can't seem to put my finger on what, because I can't figure out which type of key he is referring to, and it's driving me crazy!!!

I wish I could rely on the neighbors sighting of AJ later in the day, but now I feel as thought I can't. And that puts me back to wondering if ANYONE other than Wes saw AJ that day? And is that noon gas station meeting for real, or is it bs he made up to cover for something happening earlier in the morning?

(Sorry....alot of disconnected thoughts here this morning. Def need more coffee.)

And even if AJ was going to go back to bed after everyone left, WH then has his own key to get inside the house. Wouldn't need anyone to answer the door, or open it for him. If he was willing to give her the money she needed, well then, he had already ingratiated himself with AJ. Perhaps he wanted to spend some quality time with her that morning, since he had been living outside of the home, while AJ was on spring break. I'm sure she would not have refused his offer to spend the morning together, have some lunch, etc. (After all, she had no other concrete plans that would have made her unavailable.) That would have been ungrateful. I think LE found something in their search of the motel room and are merely awaiting forensic verification. GAME is OVER, IMO.
Not sure if this has been addressed already, still trying to catch up, but; the kid that saw AJ driving the car and saw the white car and the kid that found the piece of the debit card are two different people. Just wanted to make sure everyone was clear on that aspect.

Just to clarify, you mean truck, right? Did this kid see her driving the car, or the truck? And did this kid actually look right at her and see her? (and while I'm full of questions this morning, why was this kid even home to see her in the first place, since it was a school day?)
Very interesting questions. I see where you are going, but I would not have thought of it (and don't want to). But that could help explain his hangup with the key, perhaps. Still can't figure out how it all fits with the timeline ... the truck was there when sister got home, etc... but I have a theory ...

Dont know- just throwing options out there. Likely his key problem has to do with entering the house. But, he had a van, so did he use the truck at all? ( this is if we suspect wh is culpable of any wrongdoing)
Can someone explain to me what is meant by the "staring at each other at the gas station" comments?
You know! That thing fathers and daughters do all the time...NOT.
my 19 year old daughter would call her dad creepy if he did that.
I really think he was speaking on the fly. Trying to maximize what he stresses was a benign meeting. Trying to place them for a time at the gas station (which one?), instead of somewhere else before WH returned to work.
Can someone explain to me what is meant by the "staring at each other at the gas station" comments?

WH claims to have met AJ for lunch that day but says they didn't really talk, they just kind of stared at each other.
WH claims to have met AJ for lunch that day but says they didn't really talk, they just kind of stared at each other.

They met for lunch. At a gas station. Where they didn't talk. They just stared at each other. SMH
He's a train wreck. And yes-his rambling slough. What do we make of this-is it his narcissism which distracts us-yes. Do we listen or look away at what he says. Is he on it or is he it? I think he is dirty but he is protecting someone who will rat on him. Dirty in that he knows who did it or he has great suspicion toward same. I hope he sings in jail.
At the cost of putting him in the middle of it.

I don't think narcissists take the fall for anyone-I think they are the first ones to throw someone else under the bus. Like the kid he tried to frame. I think there is at least one other involved and I keep checking vine to see if he's been arrested yet. lol It's coming.
And just to throw this out there... AJ's home for spring break. No schedule, no deadlines, no routine... just a wonderful week of down time, staying up late, sleeping in, eating mom's food, seeing friends, etc.

Is this girl really going to get up at 5:30 in the morning and text her mom? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. The only people routinely up at that time of day are people who have to be, say, for school, or work.
I wonder what WH was referring to when he said he knew AJ needed the truck on Tuesday .
Just to clarify, you mean truck, right? Did this kid see her driving the car, or the truck? And did this kid actually look right at her and see her? (and while I'm full of questions this morning, why was this kid even home to see her in the first place, since it was a school day?)

Sorry, sometimes I type faster than I think. I meant to say truck. Good catch! Sorry for the confusion.

From what I understand, and yes I know this "kid" and his family, he did look right at her and recognized her. He is considered a "kid" only because he is still a teen. I still don't understand why, by many high schools in this area let the kids that are don't have classes in the afternoon go home early. I have a couple of kids in high school here and many times they are home by noon.
In the past two weeks in my area young girls have been followed home by people they don't know. The first instance was a high school student who realized she was being followed so she didn't go home, but continued on to her grandparents house because no one was home at her house. Another young woman was followed home from a Walmart and whoever followed her continued to ride up and down her street quite a few times once she was inside. The first instance took place in Camden, NC and the second from Kitty Hawk, NC to Currituck, NC. I only bring this up because we are so close to the state line and I have never heard of anything like this happening in the area until recently. Family members Of these girls posted to SM to warn others, but I have not been able to find any sort of report otherwise.
I am interested to know what signs there are showing she left in a hurry. Did she not take something with her? Did she forget to shut and lock the door?

Zach, maybe your the best person who could answer that question. Can you give more detail as to how she left in a hurry? I have a theory but want to wait until I hear from you to voice it.
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