Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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Soulscape! Thank you for posting this, for I sense that some of the sleuthers are really looking for more insight into the family dynamic.

This isn't my strength, since I tend to pay more attention to mundane astrology, forensic astrology, etc... Once I get the timing of "events" down on paper, then I tend to be a "watcher" to see how close I come to accuracy.

The chart for last weekend seemed "late", until one realizes that LE was probably very busy getting all the pages of interviews, video and audio files ready for release. Saturn just delayed our (the public) hearing/seeing the results for a few days. This does happen.

I am still going through all the stacks of info released. And majorly worrying about the economic crisis.

Saturn going into opposition to Uranus, with the Moon transit to Saturn today is not a very good omen for any resolution that will be workable.

Where do I post a thread on the economic crisis, the election, etc. It probably isn't appropriate for this board or forum, even though following it is truly demanding a lot of my attention right now.
Soulscape, thank you for your insight and taking your time for sharing this with us. I know this is very time consuming for you.

Housemouse, wherever you post, please let me know. I have never been into astrological things, but I find your postings very interesting.
I am still going through all the stacks of info released. And majorly worrying about the economic crisis.

Saturn going into opposition to Uranus, with the Moon transit to Saturn today is not a very good omen for any resolution that will be workable.

Where do I post a thread on the economic crisis, the election, etc. It probably isn't appropriate for this board or forum, even though following it is truly demanding a lot of my attention right now.

<<Respectfully snipped>>

Housemouse, what disturbs me no end about the bailout/financial crisis is that Mercury turned RX on 9/24, so ANY "solution" concocted between then and end of shadow period after going direct will surely be doomed!!

I, for one, would have no objection whatsoever if you post your economic observations on this thread.

Quite a collection of planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, going over Geo's Moon these days and the Sun has just transited his Saturn. I think he has come to a reckoning with the facts & his mood is heavy. He was born with Venus on the south lunar node opposite Caylee's Uranus--all exact, and meaning a tragic loss having to do with a little girl he loved. Last year, he had a progressed New Moon on Casey's Pluto while his natal Mars conjoined Caylee's Mercury. At his police interview, he said he knew Casey did not have a job, he intuited it. That New Moon on her Pluto meant he was fed to the teeth with her delinquency and sensed something very wrong. He was also angry that she took but did not contribute (the Mars on Caylee's Mercury, ruling Caylee's H. of Circumstances). Of all the members of this family, Geo. had the most insight into Casey because his Sign is opposite hers, granting awareness, illumination. In turn, she would be able to see into him. His Mars in Virgo opposing Pisces sensibilities was not a point of comfort and compatibility, shall we say? Cindy's Mars conjunct Casey's Sun caused discomfort too, as in someone riding you all the live long day. Mercury is a very important planet for Gemini Cindy and Mercury is stationing (resting & turning) on her Jupiter, so it's her turn to buoy George and leaven the mood in the home for his benefit. Cindy's Moon was moving into Aquarius when she was born and probably in that Sign. Her Sun was on the Uranian node we took up earlier, so she was very much of a mind to adopt. Tragic that she didn't take at least the initial steps before beautiful cherub was lost. Cindy's own Mercury is on a fixed star in the Pleiades, The Weeping Sisters. As matter of fact as she sometimes sounds, I'm sure she cries bitter tears unseen.

I certainly think JG and his father know more than they are wllling to say about KC and dear little one, but I am not sure this has to do exactly with what we are trying to find out: place, means, or time.

LA (Mr. insert himself into crime detection and evidence retrieval, laugh with LE) is much more the one on my screen. I think his chart is weird!

I think LA's chart needs to be overlaid with KC's and/ or Caylee's.

Obviously no knowlege to offer, but a concern / question. : )

JG, imo, isn't guilty of the crime, but I think he knows more than he's admitting or he suspects he knows what happened. Yes, he passed a lie detector test which means he's probably innocent, but does it mean he's not trying to protect Casey? I don't think so. I'm siding with suspecting and trying to protect Cindy.

LA has been on my radar since very early in the case. I think the whole family is covering/protecting their precious Casey, at Caylee's expense.
<<Respectfully snipped>>

Housemouse, what disturbs me no end about the bailout/financial crisis is that Mercury turned RX on 9/24, so ANY "solution" concocted between then and end of shadow period after going direct will surely be doomed!!

I, for one, would have no objection whatsoever if you post your economic observations on this thread.


You got that right, Soulscape. Mercury Retrograde is making this entire debacle even more horrific!

Here is a link that us astrologers might appreciate.,-2008/
Hello All,

Working with untimed birth charts is annoying, frustrating and irritating.

That notwithstanding, forensic astrologers rarely have the luxury of obtaining --- or stumbling over, as in the case of Caylee Marie&#8217;s birth certificate being captured on video during a Greta VS interview --- timed birth charts, and as such, have to work with what they have.

Many astrologers assign a 12:00 pm (noon) birth time to a chart with an unknown time of birth. This makes sense because 12:00 pm is halfway through the day. Other astrologers prefer the Sunrise chart which places the Sun on the Ascendant.

Is one type of chart more valid than the other? Probably not. Neither the angles (Ascendant/ Descendant and Midheaven/ IC) nor the Moon position can be accurately determined without a specific birth time. Since the Ascendant (1st House cusp) can&#8217;t be determined, neither can the rest of the houses. These are important considerations and not having them hampers an analysis.

Nonetheless, forensic astrologers have to learn to work around this problem or no charts would ever get cast and/or analyzed. We each have our own ways of looking at charts from a forensic perspective. The other astrologers contributing to this thread --- Housemouse, Neptunian and Tuba --- are highly accomplished. I thoroughly admire and respect each of them and appreciate and look forward to their comments and analyses. I think it is amazing and exciting that we seem to come to many similar conclusions despite the fact that we each look at charts in different ways.

I would now like to share some insights on how I am approaching the charts in this case.

First, when challenged with an untimed birth chart, I gravitate toward exploring that chart from the Sunrise chart perspective. As mentioned above, the Sunrise chart places the Sun on the Ascendant degree. While this type of analysis may be no more valid than the 12:00 noon chart, I find it easier to delineate. In short, it just makes more sense to me. To me, the Sunrise chart gives information about the person from a psychological perspective, and I find it surprisingly insightful and useful.

Over the weekend, I am going to make some comments based on analyses of Sunrise charts. I will start with a comparison of Casey & Cindy, and time permitting, go on from there.



I learned from an old astrologer who used the Ascendant at sunrise, too, so I used that system for nearly 30 years until modern astrologers challenged me. I than began using both ways (sunrise and noon) to see what would happen. Later, I began experimenting at placing the "time" at varying times of the day (3am, 6am, 9am, etc). It's so easy to do with a computer program, and it gives me an all new prospective, plus, that system assures that I will be no more than three hours away from an exact birth time. It's an interesting way to look at charts.

I haven't done that with anyone associated with Caylee, however. I've been "away" from astrology since 2005, so I'm extremely rusty, but I'm trying to oil the brain!
BTW, I don't think the "bailout" discussion is a problem here, as we are talking about astrology and the present conditions, and the effects of the bailout could/would touch everyone including the Anthonys and the investigation. One just never knows.
The Anthony grandparents are innocent in all this. Do a search for my posts to the appropriate threads in the forum. My opinion isn't astrological, understand.

It is based on my growing up on the "right side of the tracks" in the Youngstown/Warren area, and knowing a bit about the sociological undercurrents prevailing there.

These parents are trying to do their best to keep up appearances. They worked so hard to overcome, to move up, to get beyond the stereotypical image held by the class-conscious "wasps" in these steel-mill towns.

Every thing they worked for has been shattered by Casey. They can't understand what went wrong. Cindy worked so hard to "be strong" on her children, so they could climb up the next step on the "success" ladder.

Casey, alas, has destroyed them. Please, let us all be kind, for they meant well, even if they failed.
very interesting housemouse....
Thanks for the insights, housemouse, about the Anthonys and Pluto. Cindy is probably innocent of killing and disposing of Caylee, but she sure is guilty of misleading an investigation and trying to cover for her daughter, imo. I'll try to be gentle.

I've been looking forward for years when Uranus would move into my 10th house, now that's it's there conjunct my Midheaven, I just noticed transiting Saturn is nearly opposing it, and is, along with Uranus, squaring my Gemini stellium which includes my natal Uranus. :eek: This may not be as much fun as I thought, but maybe it will still be good in the long run - I hope. :rolleyes:

I haven't found an astrological discussion about June 26th (and the dumpster, per Padilla's interview). Perhaps I overlooked it. How likely is it, astrologically speaking, this woman carried her deceased child around for 10 days? :bang:
When I mentioned the colors before, I mentioned "black" but tonight when watching the debate, I distinctly saw gray, more like charcoal gray, in addition to the nauseating green/purple which actually blend together. So I'm thinking I initially saw gray but just wrote it as black or thought it was black.

Other political candidates have not shown this type of aura before. Usually they project something light, like white or another very pale color. Nothing sinister, nothing that causes me to say "eeeew" like this one has. This is actually the very first politician I've seen this on. Even leaders of other countries have never appeared this striking, not even Castro, not the leaders of Russia, nor others we've had problems with.

Back to our astrology talk, I can't wait to read what our esteemed astrologers think of Cindy's newly released interview video, especially the second half of Part Two. Is it safe to say I know where Casey gets her gift of spinning a tale? Where would that show up in their charts? Mercury in a deceptive house or sign with sinister aspects? I need to look over those charts. Just for the record, if Jesse had been in that room, Cindy would have had him strung up before the cops could stop her! :eek:

Very interesting dream, chesterp. Very interesting.

Very interesting observations. There does seem to be a pattern forming towards shifting blame from the one responsible, KC, to implicating JG. He doe's bother me for some reason which I can't put my finger on yet.
Also the observations on the political front..question: which canidate do you see associated with this aura?
question: Is there any links to a site where you can get a chart done for yourself?..Thanks!..:dance:
I have had my chart online a few times, one recently. It tells me about when I was born, but none have ever explained things the way that some of the members here do... I would love to find someone who does that with your personal chart...

Very interesting observations. There does seem to be a pattern forming towards shifting blame from the one responsible, KC, to implicating JG. He doe's bother me for some reason which I can't put my finger on yet.
Also the observations on the political front..question: which canidate do you see associated with this aura?
question: Is there any links to a site where you can get a chart done for yourself?..Thanks!..:dance:
Ms MacG, you were wondering about Jesse G. He is a Scorpio with a stellium (collection of many planets) in that Sign. His Mercury & Jupiter are exactly together or conjunct at 21° Scorpio and his Venus is there as well at 26+. His Moon is with Uranus in Sagittarius and his Mars, in Capricorn at 11°. The outer planets are Saturn & Pluto together in Libra and his Neptune is in Sag on Casey's Mars-Uranus conjunction. Node of the Moon: 6°Cancer. He has a private, serious chart.
Ms MacG, you were wondering about Jesse G. He is a Scorpio with a stellium (collection of many planets) in that Sign. His Mercury & Jupiter are exactly together or conjunct at 21° Scorpio and his Venus is there as well at 26+. His Moon is with Uranus in Sagittarius and his Mars, in Capricorn at 11°. The outer planets are Saturn & Pluto together in Libra and his Neptune is in Sag on Casey's Mars-Uranus conjunction. Node of the Moon: 6°Cancer. He has a private, serious chart.

TUBA what do you mean by a 'private serious chart".
I do not believe he has anything to do with Caylee missing although I think he may be more suspect of Casey's actions/involvement then he let's on.
I think he 'thought' he really loved her and coming to find out that Casey has something to do with Caylee's demise, would destroy all that he thought was meaningful and respected in the past regarding their relationship. It would fracture him.
VERY SAD indeed.
I want to share something about treachery & betrayal. From what we know, Casey has committed a ghastly betrayal of her daughter and her family. Cindy wrote on 3 July that Casey had betrayed her. She was well aware of that treacherous current running between them. Whenever I think about betrayal and treachery, I look for Mars-Neptune aspects because that combination sticks up like a Twin Tower and yes, it was drastically activated on 9-11. About the time Geo. sensed that Casey had no job, Casey's Mars and Neptune came into conjunction and they have been together ever since. In Cindy's chart, the opposition formed between her and someone else, 180° between progressed Mars and her Neptune and it is exact. This is the setting for breach of faith, a double cross, a treachery, a betrayal. Cindy's Venus is only 2° further along at 4° Taurus. As the evidence accumulates and the progress of the case ticks along, the heart finds no consolation and absorbs one hurtful hit after another. Her progressed Sun will arrive at Caylee's Saturn in less than two years, than which there is no harsher, more sorrowful reality.
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