Ping Map for July 1, 2008 - Discuss that day only

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Georgia PI -

Can you please put the location of Andy F. residence on the Ping Map for July 1?

She's texting him in the early morning hours of 7/1. Ping 3 is noted as being near Andy's home. And it is the only time this tower is ever pinged.
I gotta say, the ping map is crazy for this day. She's driving all over the place. Is she driving Tony's jeep? He's left for NY the day before.

I'm imagining a very hysterical KC this day, driving around like a maniac. Possibly had nowhere to go. Maybe slept in the car. Her mother calls several times in the 1 AM timeframe and she lets it got to voicemail.

I'm also curious - Georgia, have you had any pings in the vicinity of Shot Girl Jenna's home? I ask because she had directions to Jenna's home in the car. I'm just curious to know if she ever actually went there.
I gotta say, the ping map is crazy for this day. She's driving all over the place. Is she driving Tony's jeep? He's left for NY the day before.

I'm imagining a very hysterical KC this day, driving around like a maniac. Possibly had nowhere to go. Maybe slept in the car. Her mother calls several times in the 1 AM timeframe and she lets it got to voicemail.

I'm also curious - Georgia, have you had any pings in the vicinity of Shot Girl Jenna's home? I ask because she had directions to Jenna's home in the car. I'm just curious to know if she ever actually went there.

That's a great question. There was soooo much texting between these two, and this question never occurred to me. I haven't seen an address for Jenna myself. I'll post on an old thread that was focused on her early on to see if anyone can supply an addy.
From The Calendar

Casey driving Tony's Jeep (AL interview)

Casey spends this time sleeping at Amy's, without Caylee. (AH interview, pg. 20, lines 13-22). She mentions this date corrects the date she gave in her first affidavit. I think this is incorrect.

Cindy takes the entire week off work.

Casey spent night in Bithlo, FL area, not at Amy's

Casey's cell continues to ping the tower near Fusion until 2:07:19. Pings after that time are to towers east of Fusion, in the area of Bithlo. Pings from that area occur until 9:48:07. After that pings occur progressively west, indicating Casey is traveling west, and at 10:15:26 and 10:17:43 two towers very close to Tony's are pinged. It takes about 1/2 hour to drive from Bithlo to Tony's, so this time lag makes sense.

Taking a look at the July 25 Ricardo Morales interview transcript, beginning page 22, note that Corporal Edwards says "something came up" and asks if "you guys" know anyone in the Bithlo area or Chuluoto Road area. Ricardo says no, but when pressed on additional areas (Alafaya and 50, Lake Pickett) Ricardo comes up with the name Steve J's, a person Casey was apparantly involved with a year prior. The detectives seem particularly interested in knowing if his residence is near a Winn Dixie.

Casey calls Jesse and asks to shower at his place. She seems normal and not in need of a shower (interview with J.G. page 19, line 19-page 20 line 11)

KC and AH Text Messages 7/1/08

AH KC 07/01 11:02 AM So you’re working all day today.. correct?

KC AH Not this morning. I couldn’t pick up. I'm in at 5.

AH KC 07/01 11:04 AM Ah, I work 'til 5. Are you closing?

KC AH Hopefully.

AH KC 07/01 11:06 AM Well if not maybe we can grab a drink.

KC AH We’ll see. It’s Ricardo’s last night in town so I should probably chill w him. But we will see where the night goes. Oh, bbq at Will’s for the 4th. Then to Eola for fireworks.

AH KC 07/01 11:10 AM Done deal. I’d like to see Ric before he leaves.

AH KC 07/01 1:19 PM Sorry. Was talking to my crazy mother.

KC AH I should be out of here by 11. Thank god I managed to close. He is really watching out for me.

AH KC 07/01 10:19 PM Good! Call me when you leave.

KC AH I should be out of here by 11. Thank god I managed to close. He is really watching out for me.

AH KC 07/01 11:46 PM On my way.

KC AH Sweet.


11:20 pm near Union Park Drive (3.7 mi from Fusion). There's a gap in the calls between 11:20 pm and 1:10 am when the phone pings near the Spur Road tower (3.8 mi from Fusion), then back to the Union Park Dr tower (3.7 mi from Fusion). By 2:25 the tower by Alafaya Trail in Bithlo pings, which is 5.7 miles from Fusion. Yet, by 2:26 (about a minute later) the tower near Newburg St in Wedgefield pings, which is 13 miles from Fusion.


Then there's about a 2 hour gap and at 4:24, the tower by Alafaya Trail S in Tala Apopka pings, which is 17.5 mi from Fusion. Then about a two and a half hour gap with no cellular activity followed by cellular activity for which no towers are listed - from 6:56 am to 7:51 am.

By 7:51 am the cell pings at the Windmill Ridge Loop tower, which is 3.5 miles from Fusion, then back to Alafaya. There is about an hour and a half gap but the next ping is at the same place at 9:34 am. At 9:48 the Windmill Ridge Loop tower pings again, then 42 seconds later, the tower at Tanner Rd S pings, which is 4.2 mi from Fusion. Two seconds later, the Windmill Ridge Loop tower pings. By 9:59 am, the pings again hit the Spur Road tower.

This tower is not only near Fusion, it's 2.1 mi from JG's.

By 10:15 am, KC's phone is pinging a tower on Purlieu Place near AL's apt while she is calling JG. It then pings a few more towers by AL's, then pings from Spur Rd from 10:39 to 11:05 am. Again, this tower is 2.1 miles from JG.

The pings then hit towers at Union Park Dr, Palmetto Ave N and by 11:10, back to Spur Rd where the pings continue until 12:56 pm. At 1:13, the cell pings the tower on Palmetto again, near AL's apt until 2:40 pm, when the pings hit the tower on Robinson St E, 0.4 mi from RM/AH's apt.

Pings continue at that location until 5:00 pm when towers on Old Cheney Highway, Chickasaw, and Union Park receive pings. May indicate traveling around, and by 5:28 pings are picked up at Lake Underhill Road, 1.5 mi from Fusion. By 5:34 the pings hit a tower on Econlockhatchee Trl S, Goldenrod, and Renwick, all near the Anthony family home.

There is an hour gap between the ping at Econlockhatchee Trail and Goldenrod (5:35 to 6:33 pm), but pings continue near the Anthony home until 8:57 pm, when cell towers near Fusion (Lake Underhill Rd) begin pinging and continue at that location until 11:50 pm.

From 11:50 pm until 11:58 pm, cell towers at Econlockhatchee, Chickasaw, and Curry Ford ping (indicating travel IMO). At 11:58 pm, the towers near RM/AH's apt are pinged and continue pinging past midnight into the next day.

Amy H. Says: Casey had her nails done

July 1st Amy said Casey had her nails done.
Page 1046 Lines 13-17 Amy H. Interview with LE on 7/23/2008

Casey spends the day at Ricardo's

Casey pretty much stayed the day at RM's. (RM interview, pg. 20, lines 12-14)

KC's Receipts (Provided by LA)

July 1:

JC Penny Fashion Square @ 4:17 pm cc$31.93

Ricardo confirms overnight stay

Ricardo confirms Casey spent the night without Caylee. (RM interview, p. 20, lines 16-18)

Troy's friend Melissa arrives and they party

July 2 Melissa E. flew in Tuesday night [Tuesday is actually the July 1] Troy B. was actually dropping Ricardo M. off at the airport to go to Boston and they went out that night to Voyage then Maco’s and the Voyage. Casey met Melissa E. at [Club Voyage 17 West Pine Street Orlando Fl, Makos 23 W Church St Orlando, FL 32801]
Page 1327 Line 16-& Troy B. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

Jeff H sees Casey at Waterford Ale House

Jeff H is at Waterford ale house and runs into Casey with Sean D and a group of friends. She is drinking beer. Per Jeff H. statement, he saw her at the ale house the first tuesday of July.

Casey driving TonE's jeep 30 june~5 July: per Amy

June 30-July 5 Amy said Casey was driving Tony’s jeep
Page 1044 Lines 24-25 Amy H. Interview with LE on 7/23/2008

Ricard M. Says: Casey stayed overnight to 10:35AM. First time without Caylee

July 1 Casey stayed at Ricardo M.’s was sleeping on the couch and that was the first night she had been there without Caylee. He left about 10:35AM [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803]
Page 1292 Lines 6-12 Page 1298 Lines 22-24 Page 1299 Lines 4-5 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

Tony L. Says: He was in New York

June 30-July 5th Tony L. was in NY. Flight departed mid-morning on the June 30th and arrived on July 5th before it was dark no time given
Page 1016- 1017 Tony L Interview with LE on 7/22/2008

Casey with Sean D, LakeVaj friends, their army buddy at Ale House.

Casey was with Sean D, the Lake Vaj guys, and their army buddy at Ale House, per Sean D and others. Jeff H reports seeing Casey with five guys from their highschool at Ale House on this date.

Weather: Heavy thunderstorms and rain

Amy H. Says: Casey spent every night with her 6/30-7/4

June 30-July 4 Amy thinks Casey spent every single night with her [232 N Glenwood Ave Orlando, FL 32803]
Page 1045 Lines 13-17 Amy H. Interview with LE on 7/23/2008
That's a great question. There was soooo much texting between these two, and this question never occurred to me. I haven't seen an address for Jenna myself. I'll post on an old thread that was focused on her early on to see if anyone can supply an addy.

I have the address. I'll PM you.
the wooded area just to the left of the ping slightly above beachline expressway
( # 4 ) is the area the globe says Caylee is . LP interview
and this map with a big red arrow .
the wooded area just to the left of the ping slightly above beachline expressway
( # 4 ) is the area the globe says Caylee is . LP interview
and this map with a big red arrow .

I can see that. I had a thought that - assuming she got rid of the body before July 1st - that these pings signified her going back to check on it. She felt incognito not being in her own car so didn't think she would be identified. And she had no place to go for the night anyway.

But the cell tower hits near Andy's home and her texting him around the same time kind of threw water on that theory in my opinion. That's why I'm curious to know what his address is.
This day is (to me) extremely strange. She drives around all creation in the wee hours of the morning, shows up at Jesse's to shower (get the stink off), and then the next day washes the clothes at Ricardo's.
Exactly! All this weird driving around the night of June 30/AM of July 1, then the shower at Jesse's...then the next night (night of July 1/AM of July 2) she takes Tony's jeep out in what she would consider the middle of the night (before 5 am) (ping 2 on July 2 AM), then comes back and washes clothes at Ricardo's, then writes Diary of Days, then (I think) drops by the tattoo place to make an appointment for July 3 (pings before 7 pm on July 2)...

I posted about this in the July 2 thread, but the events really spill over from the night of June 30 into July 2. I think Casey really thought she had solved the problem over the course of those 2 days.
Do we reckon she went to meet up with AndyF since seemingly all the wild texting to him and from him stops about the time she gets in the range of AndyF's parent's home (at 2:24 AM)?

Perhaps he was giving her blow-by-blow directions on how to get to his place?
I agree, AZLawyer. I also like the theory that since she wasn't in her own car that she may have felt more comfortable going back to check on things...
I really dont know very much about cell pings but here goes. on this date 7/1 kc starts pinging near the a's at 7:09pm/ she next pings near johnsons tow yard, ping 30, she pings near Johnsons from 7:13 until 7:51, maybe checking to see if her car had been towed there ? ping 34 8:06 until 8:48 also close to jonhsons, I think she may have been checking the dump site to make sure that no discovery had been made ? I think the thing that strikes me most is that, why is she in this area, theres a good chance that ca is home so she would not be stopping for clothes. Why is she in this area at this time ?
pings 32-35 7:36pm through 8:12pm triangulated area around Bent Pine Dr. address of witness Kio
Is there any chance that the cell company only provided ping locations for Orange County since they are the LE that requested them? I would imagine their database for ping information may query by County, not necessarily only all pings for a given number. If the clerk who pulled/queried the information entered the County, then Brevard County pings wouldn't be on there.

Also, she could have removed her battery and not been pinged easily enough. The middle of the night ping bothers me South by the Bee line and next ping way NE in just enough time to travel here to Brevard County, spend about 30 minutes and return...

And WHO IS ANDY F?????

Check out this link - street name - right off the Bee line? Spelled Bella Vita with a "t" but well within her time frame? Just thinking here in case Brevard County pings have not been provided?? Too many holes in the pings for me to feel that something wasn't left out by LE?
Is there any chance that the cell company only provided ping locations for Orange County since they are the LE that requested them? I would imagine their database for ping information may query by County, not necessarily only all pings for a given number. If the clerk who pulled/queried the information entered the County, then Brevard County pings wouldn't be on there.

Also, she could have removed her battery and not been pinged easily enough. The middle of the night ping bothers me South by the Bee line and next ping way NE in just enough time to travel here to Brevard County, spend about 30 minutes and return...

And WHO IS ANDY F?????

Check out this link - street name - right off the Bee line? Spelled Bella Vita with a "t" but well within her time frame? Just thinking here in case Brevard County pings have not been provided?? Too many holes in the pings for me to feel that something wasn't left out by LE?
interesting, If you get a chance re-read will w interview with le, page 2 is missing. did we ever figure out just what her tattoo says ? in ah interview they tell ah it says buena vita. kc is not the only one lying in this case , there are a bunch of em not telling the whole truth.
On June 26th Casey saved this file to her computer

La Vita Bella

Not sure it her tattoo is the same
On June 26th Casey saved this file to her computer

La Vita Bella

Not sure it her tattoo is the same
It was in her photobucket account in her icon file. I am convinced that this is what she had tattood onto her shoulder.

That's a great question. There was soooo much texting between these two, and this question never occurred to me. I haven't seen an address for Jenna myself. I'll post on an old thread that was focused on her early on to see if anyone can supply an addy.

Bond~ IIRC, she kept putting off Jenna b/c Jenna was confused cause she would always lie to her. She never made it to her house per Jenna.
Midnight to 2:10 AM

  • At Fusian. Initially lots of texts with Tony and the "shot girl", later with Andy F.
2:10 to 2:25 AM

  • Drive to Andy F. parent's home
2:25 to 9:45 AM

  • At Andy F. parent's home
9:45 to 10:15 AM

  • Drive to AL: Avalon Park Blvd to E. Colonial to N. Goldenrod to University Blvd.
10:15 to 10:30 AM

  • At AL's
10:30 to 10:40 AM

  • Drive to JG via University (pings noth side of "Caylee's tower" along the way)

  • Casey shows up at door at 10:39 AM (page 1522)
10:40 to 1:00 PM

  • At JG's - takes shower (page 1523)

  • Bizarre pings: From 11:05 to 11:10 it appears someone with KC's phone drove toward AL's on University and turned around and came back. At least 3 pings are originating, implying Casey had the phone. Distance is 4 miles max, so maybe pings occurred without movement.
1:00 to 1:15 PM

  • Drive to AL's along University
1:15 to 2:15 PM

  • At AL's
2:15 to 2:30 PM

  • Drive to Ric / Amy's
2:30 to 4:55 PM

  • At Ric / Amy's

After 5:00 PM movements get quite complex - she travels east toward Fusian then south toward Lake Vaj then over toward her parents then back to Ric and Amy's, but it is not clear where she stops. Need more time to study, but not sure of importance. I think at this point Caylee is in her final resting place and clingy / needy KC is just looking for company and/or trying to clear her mind.
Probably worth starting off with a synopsis of her movements during that time in an attempt to begin putting things in perspective. I'm a little out of practice looking at pings, but I will do my best. :bang:

Midnight to 2:10 AM : At Fusian. Initially lots of texts with Tony and the "shot girl", later texts with Andy F.

2:10 to 2:25 AM
: Drive to Andy F. parent's home in the Bithlo area.

2:25 to 9:45 AM
: All-nighter with Andy F. at his parent's home.

9:45 to 10:15 AM
: Drive to from Andy F.'s to Tony's (to pick up fresh clothes?)

10:15 to 10:30 AM : At Tony's

10:30 to 10:40 AM
: Drive to Jesse's Casey shows up at door at 10:39 AM (page 1522).

10:40 to 1:00 PM : At Jesse's - takes shower (page 1523), then hangs out.1:00 to 1:15 PM : Drive to Tony's

1:15 to 2:15 PM
: At Tony's

2:15 to 2:30 PM : Drive to Ricardo's

2:30 to 4:55 PM : At Ricardo's

4:55 PM to 5:35 PM : KC leaves Ricardo's and takes an odd little drive during Tuesday rush hour. Essentially the pings support her driving out East toward Fusian along Colonial, then circling back toward the area of Chris S.'s home taking the 408.

Now, as she starts this drive she is texting with Tony. At about the time she changes direction she is texting with Iassen, and her change in direction is consistent with a drive toward Lake Vaj. But that ends after a half-dozen or so quick texts, and she continues heading in the direction of Chris S. This last ping is east of Chris's home.

6:30 PM : There are no further pings for an hour, but the next time she does ping she is roughly southwest of Chris's home, in the direction of Suburban Drive but not quite that far south (maybe a mile or so north). This lone ping is due to a call she makes to Chris that goes unanswered. :eek:

Was she looking for companionship but not finding it? :waitasec:

7:09 to 8:45 PM : KC is driving in and around the Anthony neighborhood. It is clear from the CID's on the cell towers that she is moving and does not appear to stop. She begins northeast of the Anthony home and meanders by it, traveling close to Orlando International Airport, then meandering her way back. During this time - at 7:51 PM - she takes a 16-minute call from the Anthony home.

8:45 to 9:00 PM : Appears to drive toward Fusian.

9:00 to 11:45 PM : Remains in a location consistent with Fusian.

11:45 PM to 12:05 AM : Drive back to Ricardo's

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