Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.

It's about time someone came out and said that :clap::clap::clap:

My opinion only
This is what I think (hold on to your butts lol): this is a simple crime committed by a sociopathic woman with several personality disorders. She got increasingly fed up with being a mom and started envisioning her daughter dead and thinking of ways to do it. She looked up neckbreaking and household weapons and how to make chloroform on the computer. She lookup at missing child websites to get some more ideas. Her personality being what it is, she never figured LE or anyone would be smart enough to figure out what she did (IMHO THAT IS HER BIGGEST DOWNFALL).

She has done nothing smart or cunning. She has been in jail/under arrest since her first batch of lies. The only elaborate thing in any of this is her ability to lie but even that falls apart easily when examined.

All the indiosycracies of the parents and literal circus they made of this built upon the labyrinth of lies that Casey wove. It will not take away from her sloppy trail of evidence that she left in her wake.

I feel more confident than ever that she will go down for this and hard.

Can I let go of my butt now? :woohoo: LOL

My SO hasn't been following this at all but watched NG with me the other night. The first thing he said after watching some of the clips of Casey is, "She's such a narcissist and thinks she's going to fool everyone because she thinks she's smarter than everyone else."

I agree so much with what you've said. I think a lot of the speculation goes way too far and that answers are going to turn out to be the simple ones because she's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is and no one else is nearly as dumb as she thinks they are.
I agree totally about everything. And none of the BS that the A's or JB will spin will make a bit of difference. Anyone with half a brain can see that Casey did this and did it on purpose (I am shocked that LP is still claiming it was an accident and that she drugged caylee and she died by accident). This was no accident.

Amen sista.

They don't call it spin for nothin.

What made it such an utter quagmire was the lengths her own family went to with the spin. In the same breath that they complain of being villified in the media they are on national news shows saying the exact oposite of what they told LE on tape and under oath.

This was a simple case of first degree murder with a spin unlike any I have ever seen in my life! Like I said earlier... the chic is going down for this. She left the perfect trail for LE to drive this one home. Absolutely. (if I were prosecution I would make ample use of that word in the trial!)
The 24tht was the day that GA wanted to get something out of the trunk of KC's car and KC quickly stopped him.

The 24th is the day KC told Amy she got rid of the stinky smell.

Is it possible KC may have freaked out after almost getting busted by GA and took Caylee to the closest spot and tossed her?
I really don't think that KC moved her.I think it was a simple as it could be with anything she did. I understand that there is something in the search warrant that the judge and everyone is speculating about. But maybe the Procesution is taking a defensive poster. The Defense could bring on the fact that this area was search in the early part of the investigation and you didn't find her then and someone must have moved her while KC was in jail. Just a thought.
This sounds right...a spin that the defense is putting on to lessen KC's guilt.
She must have thought that if she got rid of the thing that was smelling; the smell would be gone soon enough.

I certainly mean no disrespect by saying 'thing' either. Bless poor little Caylee. She just never had a chance.

Now that they have found poor Caylee it seems like there is only one less question. I thought finding her would answer many, many questions.

Hmmm, I wonder if she figured tossing the bag in the water would cover up the smell?
A couple of posts mentioned how long ago she did these internet searches until the time she did the deed. I think she thought about this for a long time, whenever there was turmoil in her dealings with her Mom. Things would blow over and it wouldn't be in her sick head anymore. But then things get ugly and the evil thoughts come back. I believe she thought about getting rid of Caylee way earlier. Which brings me to thinking they may go with an insanity, post partum depression that was never treated, sort of defense.

She staged all this to make it look like a kidnapping, that's obvious. But to go with that defense is risky considering there is no evidence of any nanny or anything that points to another party. She's more likely to get sympathy by playing the crazy mother spin.

ITA with you about the internet searches and her thought processes! I don't believe this was premeditated in the sense of deciding to do the deed and methodically working out a plan, selecting a date, etc. But I do think the thought was in the back of her mind, and had been for a quite a while. When the stresses got high enough, she finally acted on those thoughts.

I doubt duct tape found over the mouth area of the skull (if indeed that turns out to be accurate) was part of trying to make it look like a kidnapping. With an adult, sure - but a toddler? Especially a toddler who's theoretically been kidnapped by a regular babysitter?

I think the tape is more likely to have been part of the cause of death. Whether KC taped and drugged Klee to stash her somewhere while spending the night with TonE, or maybe even taped and smothered Klee while in the Anthony home, I don't know. But I doubt she would go back after the fact and remove the tape. I think she would have wanted to spend as little time as possible touching or tending to that little body. :mad:
If Casey were not responsible for Caylee's death, why would she come up with the story that ZFG had her? There are too many lies from Casey to make me think that another famly member was involved.

As far as I can recall, Tiomarie was the only person who has mentioned these woods, although reporters kept refering to friends of Casey's who said these woods should be checked.

Kiomarie has her own wacky story. She allegedly heard from Casey on July 9, and Caylee was in background, then it was a different person, Casey W., who she talked to. I don't think police were ever able to track down this Casey W., since she seems to have a knack for moving around and changing phone numbers. Also, Kiomarie's BF would not let them have his phone ... I'm fuzzy on details, but it definitely gets a vote for a re-look in my mind.
Thanks for answering about the body of water behind her house- but it seems to me if that was retention pond, wouldnt all that water be down by now? When they showed it on the news, that pond was plum full of water-
The 24tht was the day that GA wanted to get something out of the trunk of KC's car and KC quickly stopped him.

The 24th is the day KC told Amy she got rid of the stinky smell.

Is it possible KC may have freaked out after almost getting busted by GA and took Caylee to the closest spot and tossed her?

Certainly sounds like how it could have happened!

from the interactive calendar here are the pings for that day:

12:40 am - cell tower pings near AL's apt until . . .
8:04 am - cell tower pings continue near AL's apt until . . .
2:42 pm - cell tower pings near the Anthony home until . . .
2:59 pm - cell tower pings near Chickasaw Trail until . . .
3:12 pm - cell tower pings near AL's apt until past midnight into the next day

also...that day was when George went to the bank of america and was back home at 230. That was when he bumps into Casey.
I guess it's just a difference of opinion. I don't see KC as being smart enough to know what pings are. She knew what a SIM card was, and I had never heard of that before either... but I'm pushin' 40 and I'm one of those folks who has never sent a text message in my life. I don't keep up with technology, but young folks know more about that stuff. I believe her planning didn't stretch beyond the Zani tale. Even LP said she lives in ten-minute spurts. Remember... she pulled the "Zani and Samantha at Blanchard Park" out of the sky one day.
Casey is the daughter of a former policeman/detective, she dated an unusual number of LE types, the CSI programs, etc. - she knows what cell phone pings are. I believe she did her homework (web searches, etc.) with this crime and the subsequent cover-up in mind. She's smart, just not smart enough to pull off something this big.
I think this is exactly where KC dumped her child's body - without any help. Her family was distraught, think back on the 911 calls, CA wanted her own daughter arrested, GA went to LE and told them about the "smell of decomposition", and even LA offered up his sister in terms of saying there was no prior mention of 'Zanny' and he provided KC's Target receipts and so on. The Father, Mother and Brother reacted exactly how they should have at the beginning, they fed her to LE. They did not assist KC.

KC would not take the fall for any one of them. This is purely her doing, she was not thinking. Something happened and she was "stuck" with a corpse that began to reek, she had to be rid of it. FBI criminal profilers suggest the body is usually dumped in spaces/areas known to the perp/killer. KC had too little time to dispose of this body without raising suspicion given she was to-ing and fro-ing her parents home and TL's apartment.

She never went back to move it because as cruel as she is to have "killed" her child, she did not want to pick that bag up again. Recall how she claimed that she did not want to return to the Anthony house because she could not bear to be there without Caylee? Red flag. She could not bear to be in the Anthony home/house because the body was not too far off, and it is also possible that that house is where Caylee died.

:clap::clap::clap: I believe KC acted alone, too.

GA looks absolutely grief-stricken.
CA scurries around, spouting things that don't make a whole lot of sense.
LA has pretty much disappeared from the whole scene.

And KC... she even so much as said that she isn't sitting around in jail crying her eyes out because she needs to keep her wits about her.

I believe all of the details will fall into place once the trail begins and then, and only then, we'll clearly see the center of the storm: KC - all alone.
Um, and the 24th is the day George can't keep his stories straight about. Wish my Dad would help me in that kind of problem the way it appears GA did......
remember the Chandra Levy case
she disappeared from a park
the park was searched extensively
then some time later a jogger I think discovers her body/remains
I agree totally about everything. And none of the BS that the A's or JB will spin will make a bit of difference. Anyone with half a brain can see that Casey did this and did it on purpose (I am shocked that LP is still claiming it was an accident and that she drugged caylee and she died by accident). This was no accident.

My opinion also. Casey, imo, always felt resentment towards Caylee, like a small child does when a new baby arrives. A severe case of sibling rivilary, because Cindy always acted like the Mother of them both ("I tucked them both into bed..."), and seemed to favor Baby Caylee (like children often do when a new baby arrives into the family and the baby who was... is no longer the baby.)

Casey resented that Cindy was the first to hold Caylee after birth. Casey resented that she had to take Caylee every where with her, had to "babysit" her when Cindy (the "real" Mother) was working.
Caylee kept the "adolescent" Casey from having fun and from having a life of her own. Caylee took the "baby" place in the A family, that Casey had for so long.

Many people have asked and wondered how a mother (Casey) could kill her own beautiful baby. As I see it, Casey... from day 1.... never saw herself as Caylee's mother, nor loved Caylee as a mother would, and never had any maternal feelings at all towards Caylee.

Nor do I think Caylee loved or saw Casey as her mother. I think Casey felt that Caylee was beginning to tattle on their whereabouts during the day and reveal the truth about what Casey was doing. (According to Geo: "Caylee never seemed to recognize the name Zanny.")

Casey had pure hatred and resentment towards the new baby in the family... and wanted her gone, for many obvious reasons. I think Casey had been thinking about ways to get rid of Caylee.... for a long time.
I also think that Caylee beginning to talk was a major motive. Pretty soon, KC's lies were going to be exposed. No nanny, no job. Caylee would have ruined her stories, inadvertently exposing her lies. George even said Caylee already showed zero recognition at the name "Zanny."

(respectfully snipped for space)

a bit o/t

I know this might sound crazy, but I wonder if during that fight maybe Cindy was yelling at Casey, asking her WHY she would steal from everyone, including the grandparents, if she had a job, and that maybe Cindy started to suspect that Casey was lying about working...maybe she threated Casey to ask Caylee, and Casey snatched her up out of the house and left with her...then killed her

I don't think Casey just made ZG up AFTER caylee went missing, because she referenced "Zani" in the instant messenger conversation with that police officer that was fired because of their previous contact...maybe Cindy really had started to question her that night

who knows:confused:
Hmmmm.... please explain.

You can't take for granted that it was Casey who put the bag there,my guess is that LE wants to be sure.They have to gather evidence in order to prove that the bag WASN'T put there recently.Let's say they find the tape inside the house and it can be proven that it was bought last month for ex.Changes everything.

They were looking for notes.Who knows,maybe one says "Mom,dad,please help me out,move that bag...."etc

There can't be many things inside that house right now that can prove how Caylee killed Casey BACK THEN,IMO CA and GA looked for such evidence and it's no longer there if you ask me.

Maybe LE is looking to see if Casey had accomplices and that's why they are searching every inch of that house.IF she had any then it's important to establish those person's moves etc.

(Dunno if that was clear :) )
In my response I was trying to point out LE found something in that bag that immediately sent them back to the A's house.........while forensics will tell us LATER about any fibers/hair on the duct tape.

right, I was agreeing with you...not disagreeing:) Just expounding on the post...
I agree with you. I think she planned the story she was going to use so it didn't really matter where the body was dumped. I think that may also be why she used the duct tape on the mouth. To make it appear like a kidnapping. It would also explain why she didn't take the body at least a little bit further into the woods. I bet she has been laughing inside thinking about how stupid LE is that they can't even find the body when it is in such an obvious spot. Just like she did when she said "they haven't even found the clothes she was wearing yet".

I had a lightbulb moment in the wee early hours of the morning. I couldn't understand what Casey meant about them not even finding Caylee's clothes yet. It hit me that she probably thought the bag would be ripped open by an animal, high water bumping it up against something that would rip the bag, etc. The contents and clothing in the bag would float free. She was surprised they weren't found yet. I don't think she felt the plastic bag would stay intact.

Also, I feel most of us thought it was horrible that she put Caylee nude in the garbage bag. It occured to me that is what Caylee would do with her baby dolls. I read where she always took all their clothes off. Could it be Casey wasn't actually being disrespectful to Caylee by burying her nude?
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