Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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I was brought up in the Anglican Catholic church, sometimes called "High Episcopalian", and spent my high school years in an Anglican Convent school (bet you didn't know that there were Anglican nuns!)
I didn't even know of the Anglican Catholics, actually.

Thank you again for the helpful explanation.
After discovery of the remains and physical examination by Dr. G, OC Medical Examiner, portions thereof were sent out for forensic analysis, some to the FBI lab.

Has anyone heard when the examinations are expected to be completed --- including examination of duct tape wrapped around the deceased child's skull?

And has anyone heard whether those reports will be released to the public upon completion?

After discovery of the remains and physical examination by Dr. G, OC Medical Examiner, portions thereof were sent out for forensic analysis, some to the FBI lab.

Has anyone heard when the examinations are expected to be completed --- including examination of duct tape wrapped around the deceased child's skull?

And has anyone heard whether those reports will be released to the public upon completion?


I haven't read anything yet. I would think they may have completed some of the preliminaries (especially fingerprinting). I think they will hold it close to the vest for a while. I'll be looking at the upcoming eclipse in January as to whether the A's will be charged with anything, and maybe something about the forensics will be announced. I still have in the back of my mind that the DP may once again be revisted. Trying to remember now which chart Tuba read and merc was retrograde -ah, it was around the time the took DP OFF THE TABLE, and I think Tuba commented that the prosecution had all the strength on it's side at the time. I remember following up in a post that the issue would probably get revisted. Anyway, will try to post something tonight (or maybe in the morning) about the A's outlook for obstruction charges. It cannot be as accurate as other analyses, because we do not have the birth times, so we can't be sure of which houses the planets fall in. Everything will be done on a sunrise chart (often called a solar chart, because I personally find it more acrurate than the noon charts).
The prosecutor filed notice re: death penalty on 5 December. Neptune was in H. 10 opposing Fortuna in House 4. Mercury was not retrograde but was conjunct H. 8 precisely representing what the filing was about. I'll have to see if that chart is on the calendar. The Moon was 5° from Uranus in H. 11.
The chart is on the calendar, December 5 and there are two posts with analyses of what the filing meant in terms of the case. The prosecution is not foreclosed from seeking the death penalty in the future but the perfect moment was lost. Prosecution had every advantage that day with Venus as Significator conjunct Jupiter.
The chart is on the calendar, December 5 and there are two posts with analyses of what the filing meant in terms of the case. The prosecution is not foreclosed from seeking the death penalty in the future but the perfect moment was lost. Prosecution had every advantage that day with Venus as Significator conjunct Jupiter.

Tuba, this deserves to be quoted:

To explain further the LDB filing chart,
Prosecution underplayed their hand. Venus is in her element (earth) and strong conjunct Jupiter, even though he is detrimented. He is the big benefic we depend upon. So the prosecutor has the advantage in a most afflicted chart.

Neptune in the H. of execution announces renunciation of that option.
Relinquishing that choice acts against the state's best interests, opposite Fortuna. Chemists available to the state are more powerful than defense experts. Neptune by mutual reception comes into exact adversarial posture with those worthies, Saturn declaiming insufficiency and lack, paucity of evidence as is the function of Saturn. Chemists available to the state are nothing short of wizards: Neptune by m.r. in Pisces now, the Sign it rules. They also have the common touch, conjunct the Moon.

Planet ruling H. 8, Jupiter, trine Saturn also represents the bones of the child, in H. 5. If those or enough of them are found and identified, Neptune opposite Saturn, Prosecution will reconsider the death penalty on the basis of new evidence and thereby return to a more normal murder case where a body does exist, exercising the exchange of the mutual reception.

This is a fraught period in the progress of this case, particularly as we include the coming Full Moon. I have overstressed this peak time along with the Span of Truth, February 7-20. We need to keep our eyes skinned for every detail now. The Moon of this chart is trine the Dog Star on H. 3 of witnesses. Who is this friend turned state's witness?


Too bad LE doesn't read here!!!

Regarding topical updates._____From Leonard P.'s statements, the FBI seized Jim H.'s still photos, videos and cell phone on 17 December. The Sun was on Casey's Mars, Mars was on her Uranus both exact, with Saturn squaring that Uranus and the Moon in later degrees of Leo that day. Those transits do not spell any advantage whatsoever to the defense. If some directive traveled from the prisoner to the family and then to their private investigator and his colleague, allowing them to locate the remains, she has a new problem. Anyone who assisted in these furtive moves is implicated as well. Guilty knowledge withheld does not foster a strong defense for any of the parties. If Leonard is correct and there was an NBC ag't on the scene offering money for the video of the scene, Prosecution will be justifiably outraged. If I were Jose B., I would be furious as well.
Hello everyone. Just did a quick search through Thread #1 for links for astro info, help, charts, etc.. someone asked for a few days ago. I am in a rush, so may have missed some, but here is what I have: Don McBroom's "Midpoints"

Avoid, like the plague, any pop astrology book, and any book that promises to tell you how to "tell your future"!

And, most importantly, have your son read these two web pages, so he understands the Biblically proper use of astrology.

Once he has a good solid sense of how to properly study and research astrology, a good book to buy for him is "Forensic Astrology", by Dave Campbell. You probably won't find it in the library, but it is available on Amazon.

For those ready for a professional astrology program for their personal computer (Windows compatible, NOT Mac) many astrologers I know use Solar Fire or Kepler is one of the free chart places

Here is thread #1

Feel free to add, and feel free to add all of the books mentioned in all the threads so we can compile a list. Just don't want us beginners to forget to at least give it a try on the side. (Not that I could learn in 20 years, and then I will be rather old if still alive, but...)

ETA: Here are the other threads to date also, I just haven't had time to do this, did not get #1 thoroughly. Boss keeps coming in.
Thread # 5
Thread # 4
Thread # 3
Thread # 2
Thank you again for all of our more knowledgeable Astrology Friends here!

WOW! Thank you 21Merc! This is a wonderful surprise to find when I finally make it back to this thread after having no internet connection for a few days. Thank you very, very much!

WOW! Thank you 21Merc! This is a wonderful surprise to find when I finally make it back to this thread after having no internet connection for a few days. Thank you very, very much!


No problem. There are plenty more books listed I am sure, and I only breezed through Thread 1 looking for the blue underlined links, lol. Feel free to add anytime, more threads to look in also! :blowkiss:
Anthonys Want Immunity In Exchange For Cooperation
Private Investigator To Be Questioned In Caylee Case
POSTED: 7:45 pm EST December 28, 2008
UPDATED: 9:19 am EST December 31, 2008

George and Cindy Anthony, grandparents of Caylee Anthony, have agreed to cooperate with prosecutors as long as they are guaranteed immunity, according to their attorney.

Sources said they are going to be asked to help convict their daughter, Casey Anthony, who sits in jail charged with first-degree murder.


I found above on the Updates Thread for today, thanks Angel~~

Let's run a chart & see what the Stars have to say about this. (Astrologers, please use UPDATED: 9:19 am EST December 31, 2008 date.)

No problem. There are plenty more books listed I am sure, and I only breezed through Thread 1 looking for the blue underlined links, lol. Feel free to add anytime, more threads to look in also! :blowkiss:

These are the books I have from the first thread on my list:


Don McBroom's "Midpoints",
Simplified Horary Astrology
Sue Tompkins - Aspects in Astrology
Sub-title is "A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope".
Isabel Hickey - Astrology, A Cosmic Science
Rob Hand's "Horoscope Symbols" and Planets in Transit? (not sure of that last book)
March and McEvers - The Only Way to Learn about Astrology
Carol Rushman -The Art of Predictive Astrology
Dave Campbell - Forensic Astrology
Rex E. Bills - The Rulership Book
Marc Edmund Jones -The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation (1941, 1969)
Stephen Arroyo - Chart Interpretation Handbook(1989)
Nicholas de Vore - The Encyclopedia of Astrology - not good for beginners

For reading your own chart:

Donna Cunningham - How to Read Your Astrological Chart (1999)
Timothy Curley - How to Read Your Own Horoscope (1995)
I found above on the Updates Thread for today, thanks Angel~~

Let's run a chart & see what the Stars have to say about this. (Astrologers, please use UPDATED: 9:19 am EST December 31, 2008 date.)


HouseMouse, can you post the chart with Orlando FL location? Use Regiomontanus because I like it! (Just kidding, use whatever house system you like; the angles stay the same...)

Notice CAPUT ALGOL 26:17 Taurus (highly malefic Fixed Star, "off with her head!") partile conjunct 4th House Cusp, partile square VENUS at 26:48 Aquarius.

The way I'm reading this chart, ASC Lord SATURN = GA & CA (notice they are in the 8th House of Death in mutual & mixed receptions with their daughter KC shown by MERCURY in the 12th House of Imprisonment. (If GA & CA are Lord 1, then their daughter is Lord 5 (MERCURY) and their granddaughter is Lord 9, VENUS (5th from the 5th).

The MARS/PLUTO conjunction 01-03 Capricorn is important too, because MARS rules the 3rd House of Rumors, Facts & Information.


Sorry it took me a while to post this. Working long shifts and slightly under the weather here.

Since there is much media discussion about whether LA will be charged with obstruction of justice, and his attorney has appeared on national TV voicing such concerns, I’ll take a look at Lee’s chart. Since I do not have his birth time, I’m using a solar chart timed for sunrise (actually the moment his sun degree hits the ascendant – timed for the first breath of life). We can only look at the signs and the aspects between the planets. This will give us some indications, but for the full picture we need a birth time so the MH and ASC would be known as well as the rest of the house cusps. In astrology, the planets involved tell us “what” is going on (and this “what” is very much based on “where”); the planetary signs tells us “how” it is happening; and the houses tell us “where” it is happening; the aspects So, we are missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. But let’s work with what we have in the sunrise chart:

Lee’s planets are highly concentrated within a span of 4 signs, from Pluto 28 Libra to moon at 21 Capricorn (moon has a range of 18-29 degrees Capricorn for the entire day). He is highly focused, intense, private, and likely self centered. He has been the most “quiet” of the A’s.

The full moon energy on 12/12 at 21:02 Sag:Gemini along with mars in sag, with saturn/virgo and Uranus/pisces all forming a mutable grand cross hit Lee’s Neptune (confusion, delusion, deception, also compassion, spirituality). It also slammed his progressed sun/neptune at 24-26 sag. If LA did not really believe Caylee was already dead, this information shattered his faith. All he believed in came crashing down. If he did know, it has laid bare and made “seeable” that which was hidden by neptune’s fog. LE got a glimpse and the seeds of their investigation broke ground

The new moon on 12/27 at 06:06 capricorn (authority, rules, the government,) with Pluto & mars (disasters) conjuncts his natal dragon tail, is near his n. mars and maybe his moon, as well as his progressed venus/merc/moon! This is a most upsetting and fateful aspect – and he is not just grieving he is seething. The NM/pluto opposes dragon’s head at 4 cancer (family, home, hearth). This activates its inconjunct (paratile) to Uranus (shocking upheaval) at critical 4 sagittarius (freedom, truth, justice, laws); fated, shocking events in his family. We already know how these aspects played out in December with the tragic finding of little Caylee’s remains. This discovery has silenced all of the A’s. Lee’s stony (capricorn & scorpio) public appearance belies the fear, rage, and unraveling he feels inside.

As a scorpio, Lee’s sun is ruled by both mars (traditional) and Pluto (modern), so the above aspects near his natal mars are representative of confrontations with LE. I would be more confident if the NM had been smack on top of his mars by degree. It certainly has brought the issue to the forefront via the media. But once again, we do not know what houses it affects!

Heading into January, Lee will have a mars return midmonth and it falls within wide orb of the FM at 21 cap: cancer. At first glance, the eclipse on the 26th at 6 aquarius (accompanied by Jupiter!) does not seem prominent…until we look at his progressed chart. Here we find p. mars at 4 aquarius taking a direct hit from the eclipse and Jupiter.

There is heavy planetary emphasis on LA’s mars (doubly important to him as the traditional ruler of his sun). So, yes he has been at risk of LE bringing action against him. At the very least they are threatening him and will exert significant pressure (no surprise there, his atty has already stated as much). In late January, Merc retro in capricorn + mars goes back over the degree of Jan FM. Past deeds are up for review and under much contention. Concessions will have to be made. CA & GA are already seeking immunity. LA is being backed into a corner. Absent the birth time, I give added weight to Soulscape’s horary chart interpretation stating that the time for arrests has passed.

I have read that his gf is pregnant – do we know if this is confirmed? Any known due date? There is certainly astrological support for this in his chart (especially 2008 transit Jupiter in Capricorn over his mars/moon). If true, LA would have much more than just his own future to consider. He would not sacrifice his own child. He’ll take immunity to avoid charges.
HouseMouse, can you post the chart with Orlando FL location? Use Regiomontanus because I like it! (Just kidding, use whatever house system you like; the angles stay the same...)

Notice CAPUT ALGOL 26:17 Taurus (highly malefic Fixed Star, "off with her head!") partile conjunct 4th House Cusp, partile square VENUS at 26:48 Aquarius.

The way I'm reading this chart, ASC Lord SATURN = GA & CA (notice they are in the 8th House of Death in mutual & mixed receptions with their daughter KC shown by MERCURY in the 12th House of Imprisonment. (If GA & CA are Lord 1, then their daughter is Lord 5 (MERCURY) and their granddaughter is Lord 9, VENUS (5th from the 5th).

The MARS/PLUTO conjunction 01-03 Capricorn is important too, because MARS rules the 3rd House of Rumors, Facts & Information.



Getting right on it, Soulscape, and I will use Regio. No problem.
And, here we go!

If i was younger i would try to learn how to read these charts, i really enjoy all you astro sleuths. Im in awe of ALL of you , Happy NEW YEAR and thank you for all your hard work lots of talent on these threads :)
After discovery of the remains and physical examination by Dr. G, OC Medical Examiner, portions thereof were sent out for forensic analysis, some to the FBI lab.

Has anyone heard when the examinations are expected to be completed --- including examination of duct tape wrapped around the deceased child's skull?

And has anyone heard whether those reports will be released to the public upon completion?


hi...lurker here... :)

i don’t know specifics of when the testing will be officially completed, however, if i had to guess based on what i have asked a friend of mine who works for an FBI should be done by now – even if they had issue due to the condition of the remains.

also, due to the Sunshine Law - i believe once the prosecution hands over discovery to the defense most of it becomes public record. so i would expect another document dump fairly quickly after the deadline next Monday (1/5)...

i would like to say thank you to all of you talented and dedicated ladies...i am drawn to this thread and find it fascinating!
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