Does Anyone here think Casey Anthony is innocent?

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My dog died in October too, no-one in our family of six has been the same since. When you love some-one or something, there is a whole in your heart that will be missing forever. Lucky(our lab) died in our home....from old age I watched him laying on the floor suffering for the last hour of his life, shaking and wheezing with every drawn in breath. I screamed because my heart was in so much pain watching him go. I have four children and I love being a mother. It is what I do best and the only way I can reconcile what happened between Casey and little Caylee is to believe that Casey is soul-less, with a cold cold heart. But I am loving and I teach my children to forgive, and I am sure I could find it in my heart to forgive Casey if she came clean and told the truth. It is not my job to judge.

I am sorry for your loss :blowkiss:
I've watched a family dog die in front of me too, and it's a horrible experience. I'll never forget it. I can only hope that Casey feels that same terrible, horrible, wretched feeling, somewhere deep inside of her soul, for what she did to Caylee. I'd like to think that I could someday find it in myself to forgive her if she were to ever come clean, but another part of me thinks that'll never happen. As a mother, looking at the precious face of that little tiny baby and thinking of what Casey saw and thought as she did such horrible things to her, her baby, the child she, I don't think I'll ever forgive her. You are a much better person than me.

God, poor baby Caylee. It just hits you over and over, no matter how much you think you are used to the thought of what happened to her. It's so sad.:(
Here I go again - don't shoot me!

What if....she could go out and party because she didn't think or know that Caylee was dead yet?

oh yeah -

decomp in trunk/smell....

I guess that partying will be her downfall in court! No explanation whatsoever will justify that to anyone I know...
You are right. Nobody can understand that but again there has been no trial and the information that is being put out to the public is being done for a reason. No one really knows what will come out on the defense side that might turn this thing all upside down. Just my thoughts

I personally believe KC to be GUILTY as sin. She disgusts me. this cannot convict if there is reasonable doubt. The prosecution needs to have a "smoking gun" which I am sure they have, but cannot release info yet. They won't release it until day before trial.
The defense just has to CREATE reasonable doubt. Their stuff hasn't and won't come out, because then it gives too much time to disprove what they have. The only hope they have is to take all of the prosecutions evidence and spin it into a "what if?"
Here I go again - don't shoot me!

What if....she could go out and party because she didn't think or know that Caylee was dead yet?

oh yeah -

decomp in trunk/smell....

I guess that partying will be her downfall in court! No explanation whatsoever will justify that to anyone I know...

Cocoamom -

Trotting along with you on this one. I agree on the 31 days. Good grief!!

However, I have heard the defense say there can be very good reasons why you don't immediately make a missing report -- can't wait to hear what that argument will be.
Here I go again - don't shoot me!

What if....she could go out and party because she didn't think or know that Caylee was dead yet?

oh yeah -

decomp in trunk/smell....

I guess that partying will be her downfall in court! No explanation whatsoever will justify that to anyone I know...

Nope! and even if, by some stretch of the imagination, she didn't technically know her child was dead, then still, what the h*ll is she doing out there partying? still doesnt fly!!
With all due respect to your post, I disagree. Yes, it's true that forensic scientists challenge each other all the time in court but the scenario isn't as simple as you made it sound. To put it in layman's terms: I could say the sky is could say the sky is turquoise blue...we argue over and over as to who is more right...we go to could be able to prove that the sky was actually closer to your shade or tint of you could be found as the winner. What does that have to do with anything, b/c as we all know, blue is blue no matter how you look at's still blue...right? Basically, in court, it sucks that the evidence could be found to be factual and conclusive on the prosecutions side and the defense knows this but are able to misconstrue the meaning behind it all...causing confusion. I think it's abhorrable to say the least. In high profile cases, it has nothing to do with guilt, but everything to do with money...that's what drives the experts, imo. :blowkiss:

I was referring to forensic evidence which is based upon tests, results and analyses. An analysis is simply an opinion, interpreted or 'construed' from the results and as such it is equally open to being 'construed' differently by another forensic expert. Each professional opinion has equal validity IMO, and I don't see how an alternative interpretation arrived at by analysing the same forensic evidence can be viewed as 'misconstruing the meaning' of those results. How do you determine 'misconstrued'? An opinion is just an opinion, no matter what side of the aisle it comes from. The tests applied can be flawed in some instances, so who's to say who is right and who is wrong? The jury is free to adopt the interpretation they think makes most sense, but IMO it could never be fair to allow just one professional interpretation to stand as given fact.
yes that is what I wanted to say and you said it for me. I try to figure out ways she may not be guilty. There is always something that gets in the way. like you said to many people would have to be out to get her.

I always come back to the decom in the trunk of the car. And more but don't want to carry on to long.

I find this question interesting. And still after all this time I am thinking again, it really must stop you would think that I did not have a life.

You said you try to figure out ways she may not be guilty but something always gets in the way, but have you gotten with a group of people to work on it together? There are a lot of people here that have gotten together to work on her guilt and I may have missed it but I don't see anyone trying to work on a scenario where she may be innocent.
You said you try to figure out ways she may not be guilty but something always gets in the way, but have you gotten with a group of people to work on it together? There are a lot of people here that have gotten together to work on her guilt and I may have missed it but I don't see anyone trying to work on a scenario where she may be innocent.

We are not her defense lawyers.....we see the facts and go from there. There are NO facts supporting her innocence.
As I have stated all along I am not 100 % positive that it was Casey that killed Caylee.

Any ideas on who could have murdered her out of the list of characters we know about or someone we have never heard about?

If you have already discussed this, sorry I missed it.
Any ideas on who could have murdered her out of the list of characters we know about or someone we have never heard about?

If you have already discussed this, sorry I missed it.

It has been discussed since day 31.....everything points back to Casey. There are many many threads some reading. You will see that all kinds of possibilities have been talked about.
You said you try to figure out ways she may not be guilty but something always gets in the way, but have you gotten with a group of people to work on it together? There are a lot of people here that have gotten together to work on her guilt and I may have missed it but I don't see anyone trying to work on a scenario where she may be innocent.

I have discussed ways she could be innocent of Caylee's murder, with others. But the thing that I always come back to is her lack of remorse. I have come up with one theory, but it can't explain her actions. I would have to believe that she knew Caylee was dead but didn't care. Could a mother be innocent of the death of her child and be afraid to tell her own mother for fear of the reaction, and rejection and condemnation of her family? I don't know.
KC is guilty of SOMETHING. I think everyone can agree that she is far from blameless. However, I am not 100% convinced that she is guilty of murder. I do believe there is enough evidence, combined with her lack of cooperation, to convict her. IMO, and I know I am in the minority, Caylee died accidently due to KC's neglect and the rest of the mess was staging/panic/stupidity (take your pick). Was chloroform actually manufactured and used to drug the baby? I don't know. Chloroform is a natural byproduct of decomp and if the baby died in the pool (still my working theory), the chlorine would have increased the occurance of chloroform. This does not fly with websearches about the product, but KC strikes me as a dreamer, not a "do"er, so I still think that may have been an odd coincidence. I think the searches for self-defense/neckbreaking were for her battles with another adult...not a child.

short answer-NO, KC is not innocent...possibly not a murderer....slim my answer is long again, sorry
You said you try to figure out ways she may not be guilty but something always gets in the way, but have you gotten with a group of people to work on it together? There are a lot of people here that have gotten together to work on her guilt and I may have missed it but I don't see anyone trying to work on a scenario where she may be innocent.

When it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck, not a dog in costume. While it is always good to look outside the box, facts can be beyond dispute.

My life experience tells me a "mother" wouldn't be arm in arm with her new squeeze before her baby's body had had time to cool off IF the death was a surprise.

I also cannot rationalize putting duct tape over my baby's face. Or happily chattering away to people about my baby being at park/beach having such a GOOD time after I'd taped over my baby's face...

I realize most of you have been here longer than me. But is there anyone out there who believe she may be innocent??

Innocent or not, what I just can't figure out is how she can act the way she does. If she is innocent, her child has been found murdered, in a trash bag, dumped in the woods, just like garbage, and the sweet beautiful innocent baby still sits in a box, how can she go on knowing what has happened to her daughter, her sweet little innocent baby! How can she sit there laughing, and joking. The innocent one is Caylee!
From everything I've read and seen and heard thus far, she's definitely guilty. I am soooooo flippin' curious, though, to see what the defense will pull out of their hat because I seriously cannot imagine what they could have to defend her with at this point.
Looks to me, that there are people out there, who can make a case for doubt. I don't know if it is reasonable doubt, but doubt. So with that said, I hope to God there is a print or KC's hair stuck to that duct tape.
I am saying that there appears to be an abundance of evidence against her. I don't deny that. I think the defense has evidence that has not been brought to the public view yet. Baez keeps saying we don't know the whole story. I am saying I agree "we don't know the whole story". Ther's more to it, more people, accidental which scared who was involved for whatever reason, could have been blackmailed and after her arrest, blackmail went bad. Drugs, smuggling, stolen parts, travel to get rid of stuff, I'm thowing stuffout that you have already discussed. Gang retribution in Floirda is not nice. Promises of paying someone in some type of illegal activity that doesn't happen, you lose your life or someone else you love and then you're fearful to say anything. Maybe somebody killed her daughter in front of her, and she had to do what only a parent could do and take her baby home in the trunk of the car. Maybe the duct tape was put on the girl by whomever and not Casey. Maybe Casey was crushed and wrapped her in a special blanket with special thing and put the kiss on her lips forever from her mom. I don't know BUT these things happen in our country. Sick as it is, she maybe guilty of a crime but not necessarily 1st degree murder. I just don't know but I do know what happens when these young people get involved with "friends" and find themselves in preety serious life threating situations. I have 1st hand information on this.
Listen to the story Casey told the detectives after they arrived at Universal. She told them what happened. Even though detectives told her they had evidence contradicting her story at that point, showing that wasn't the truth, she was adamant that it was the true story of what happened and she was going to stick with that. She had every opportunity to change her story. IMO none of your scenarios are plausible after hearing this. The story she told has been documented to be full of lies. The defense cannot put out a new story without putting Casey on the stand.
The evidence points towards guilt.
Here is who is innocent:


Her name is Caylee Marie Anthony, and she was only two years old when she was murdered, and thrown off the side of the road like nothing more than a piece of garbage.

I am committed to seeking out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about what happened to Caylee, that this precious, sweet, and innocent baby is no longer with us as she should be. After carefully pouring through the evidence released by LE over the past months, I am firmly convinced that Caylee's mother killed her, that she acted alone, and that she killed Caylee because she is a sociopath whose rage at her mother, coupled with a sociopath's 'me' centered personality and enjoyment of seeing others suffer, as well as there never having been any attempts by her parents to control or contain what they recognized as her sociopathy.

Is Caylee's mother presumed innocent right now by law? Indeed. And I will defend her right to a fair trial. But this is not a court of law - WS is a court of public opinion. I have no evidence, signs, or indications whatsoever that anyone but Caylee's mother murdered this baby, and that she acted completely alone and without any outside influence whatever.

I could let my imagination run free, and I indeed have a very creative imagination. I could certainly come up with wild, unlikely, yet perfectly plausible scenarios within the realms of possibility to defend Caylee's mother. I have no reason, however, to do so, and it would be an abhorrent exercise for me to engage in. I would feel I was betraying and disrespecting the innocent one - sweet baby Caylee - who has no one in her family demanding justice for her.

Protecting and defending the innocent is of utmost importance to me. My heart, mind, soul, and conscience demand that I attempt my best, and do what I can, to protect and defend Caylee.

Please excuse me, all, for my rambling. I'll get off my soapbox now.

BeanE, I love you. You express your thoughts so well, and what I admire the most is the way you keep Caylee Marie Anthony at the very front of all this: where she should be. It should be all about finding justice for HER!
*Diz gets on one knee, holds out a black velvet box with a Cheesy Poof in it* Marry me???:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
Okay, say Casey got involved with bad people who took Caylee, and Casey was afraid to tell the truth for fear they'd harm her daughter and LE (including the FBI) had no leads, tips, or information about these people from other sources. (And somehow the whole scenario could explain all the evidence found so far and also Casey's behavior.:rolleyes:)
So -- now that Caylee is dead and is no longer in danger, Casey's in a position to tell authorities who these people are and what happened with Caylee -- why does she not do it? Why doesn't her family or her defense team take precautions for their safety if they know evil gang members want revenge or silence? Why haven't these bad people killed or hurt any other members of her family?
Why, if someone killed Caylee in front of her, would she not tell anybody??
Why would JB have a little handful of PIs rooting out this dangerous gang of merciless killers, when he could go to the FBI with his evidence and have them arrested?
It just doesn't make any sense.
And in the words of Judge Judy "if it doesn't make sense, then it's not true" You make some excellent points, Steadfast. ITA! :clap:
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