Forensic Astrology - Haleigh Cummings #1

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I can't help but comment....It sounded, in a way, by the arrangement of the whole thing, that the "they" that took the van is the "them" that took Haleigh. I have a real hard time with that interview and the van. I can't make sense of it, and wondered if the "they" is the visitors from earlier? It has been driving me batty.

no, it is exclusive to the missing blanket, the ref was to what was normally in the van, she explains that is due to a blanket in need of laundering used by Haleigh, which btw, Im ready to smack her based on her description of it :furious:
Drive - the latest presser from LE at 4pm today said they were in the process of REpolygraphing and REinterviewing several family members and friends at the office. They're at it again!

I saw Beck and am not surprised, I think it is time to declare a POI, or point out the liar.. given the circumstances, I would take the DA or the clink over Ronald Cummings anyday..

I do believe this case will come to conclusion shortly.
Have run some charts of the hours between 10pm & the 3:27a.m. call to 911 to see if we can learn anything new. Will post soon.
This Forensic Astrology-HALEIGH Cummings thread now has new a sub-thread:

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"was in the van... that they took.."
I could post about 30 mannerism vs. statement vs. body language thoughts on that interview, but I am thinking not this thread..

Thanks for posting Beck..

I'm with you on this. After listening, I have lots of questions. Hinky meter going off an over the place.

I need to go read her chart again and the comments by all the astrologers. I missed the blanket/pee business before........... Maybe we should start a mannerisms thread. :eek:

Posted by Khaki_Pants]I can't help but comment....It sounded, in a way, by the arrangement of the whole thing, that the "they" that took the van is the "them" that took Haleigh. I have a real hard time with that interview and the van. I can't make sense of it, and wondered if the "they" is the visitors from earlier? It has been driving me batty.

I had to listen to that part a few times. What did she mean? Who are "they"? Who took the van? Should I ask about the urine, too? LE must call this gal back in for more questioning - especially after watching this and reading the chart analyses concerning her. :eek: She's not telling everything that happened that night.
Have run some charts of the hours between 10pm & the 3:27a.m. call to 911 to see if we can learn anything new. Will post soon.

OOOOOH Thank you Kait!! :blowkiss: Can't wait to see them!
So far I have cast charts for 11 RSO's and have examined four of them. If any of the other Astrologers can pitch in & take a look, it would be helpful.

Of the four I have already looked at, in order of Euwwwwwww!-iness:


7:35:47 am EDT (+4.00)


6:31:07 am EST (+5.00)


7:17:06 am EST (+5:00)


7:06:46 am EDT (+4.00)

Note: All charts relocated to SATSUMA FLORIDA scene of the abduction, and cast for SUNRISE.

What I did was compare each RSO to Haleigh's natal Sunrise and the 911 Call Event chart (the only timed chart we have), looking for interaspects.

Of the four RSOs already looked at, SAPP is by far the worst with LOUCAKIS close behind.

I will look over the other seven and post later today. As of right now, I don't think KYLE S. JOHNS is involved.


Hi Soulscape,

I have just caught up to this post here and will continue reading through the thread until the end. If there are still any of these left to be looked at, I'll start at the bottom of the list of those still undone and work upwards while assuming you'll be starting at the top of the list and working downwards. I'll tell you when I get there. :)

I decided to take a look at the hours just before the 911 call to see if they could give more information. I posted the links to the charts below the analysis, so you can follow along with my thoughts. Just touching some of the highlights, and note THIS ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PRESUMPTION THERE HAS BEEN A TRUE KIDNAPPING.

IN THE CHART FOR THE 911 call @ 0327:

Jupiter rising = Misty making the phone call (house 3) as instructed by Ronald (Mars/male and 7th house/ruled by Mercury as Misty’s live-in “marriage” partner). Mars & Jupiter conj. in Aquarius = the couple united in explosive energy

3rd house phone call ruled by Neptune (call is about a kidnapping, missing person) conjunct Sun (male) both inconjunct Saturn (ominous). Uranus (sudden disaster) in 3rd house opposite Saturn in the 9th (stranger? or someone from a distance?). Mercury falling at 25 Capricorn – latest degree in chart; Ronald Sr. is Johnny-come-lately to the news of missing daughter.

Moon (action, females) at 01:41 Virgo is opposite Haleigh’s natal Uranus at 01:06 Virgo conj. Mars 07:51 just leaving 8th house of sexual assault and death. Venus in Aries, Haleigh, is OUT OF THE HOUSE (no longer in 4th house).

SO WHAT IS HAPPENING BEFORE THE 911 CALL (between 10pm – Soulscape’s last seen chart and the actual 911 call at 0327a.m. Looking at these charts as a snapshot of the “situation”. We can read Misty as 1st house (as in the 911 chart), or 6th house as caretaker. 4th house is the trailer, 5th house (and Venus) Haleigh.

@ 2300p.m.
Who’s that knocking at the door? See Mercury in Capricorn just arriving at the 4th house cusp? Pluto in 3rd of neighborhood, nasty neighborhood lurker? As Mercury is still in the 3rd, could Misty be on the phone (surely LE would know this? Loaded 4th house (the home) full of angry, confusing energy. 5th house of the child holds Uranus in opposition to Saturn – tragedy. Venus (Haleigh) is in the 6th house – and if we read this as the caretaker’s house, she is still with Misty. Moon (mothering) ending in Leo, worn out?

@ 0039a.m.
Crisis degree 21:09 Leo/Aquarius on MC/IC axis with Chiron wounding exactly on the nadir, seconds away is Sun and minutes away Neptune. IS THE KIDNAPPER IN THE HOUSE? Moon’s entry into 00:00 Virgo opposes Haleigh’s natal Uranus (shocking, horrible). I think this is a time of action “in the midnight hour” – nadir influence “end of the matter”.

@ 0127a.m.
Loaded 3rd house – movement, automobiles, COMMUNICATIONS?

@ 0230a.m.
Saturn in Virgo on MC opposite Uranus (disaster) in Pisces on the 4th of endings. Catastrophe has occurred. Fait accompli. Could this be when Misty really awakens to the situation? Is this when Misty becomes aware? Who can sleep with such uranian energy?

I do believe there are other alternative situations that can be described by these charts. Such as, is Misty outside of the house or otherwise occupied? Is the kidnapper a stranger (12th h.) or friend (11th h.) Misty’s interviews concern me. Not all is as it appears. LE is certainly playing it close to the vest – only saying it is treated as abduction. No info on polygraphs, phone calls, visitors in the house, etc. Would like to analyze more, but am really pressed for time. Might not be able to post again (on the charts) until I return from MI next week. call/9112300.jpg call/911-0039.jpg call/Haleigh911callbackedup0127.jpg call/haleigh911callbackup0230.jpg
Hope those chart links came out okay. So pressed for time, and wish I could have gone even more in depth. Really - this was just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. I think we can learn much, much more. Will try to check in while I am on vacation - but with a little 4yr old to keep up with, who knows? You better believe I am going to hug him so tight. I sleep well at night knowing my previous angel GB is so beloved and well cared for by his wise and loving parents. I am praising God for this blessing in my life.

Tuba, Soulscape - what do you think about using the Moon (mothering, care taker), 6th h. for Misty....and also 1st house - as she is supposed to be the one in "control" of the situation (household)? Want to look more deeply into the significator aspects.
Hi Guys - it is currently 10:56 p.m. PST my time and I'm wondering if the location of Haliegh has changed since the first locator chart? Specifically, I'm wondering if she was moved very early on the morning of Feb. 16th or anytime on the 16th?

I'm going off line now, but if you need more info let me know and THANK YOU for all that you do!

Thanks for posting, KAITLAND. The links work fine.

Have a good trip. We'll dissect what you said tomorrow.
Hey again. OK, I just now got to the end of the thread. Glad to see others are also interested in the blanket stuff. Early Saturday morning I wrote up about 15 questions that blanket interview raised for me. That was on the Marc Klass/Haleigh thread, post 227.

I have totally lost track now as to whether all 11 RSO charts that SS was working with have now been analyzed for their insights into the chart owners' personalities and their intersections with Haleigh's chart and the 911 call. I'm going to go back through and this time make notes! But late as it is, I probably won't be able to post anything until after I get my kiddo off to school in the morning, if there are any of them that even still need doing.

I'll also try to take a fresh look at the stranger/friend issue via the 911 call chart. I'm actually quite a loyalist to equal houses, so I know I won't have both 11th and 12th under Scorpio. Anyway, will see what I can do to pitch in as another hand on deck.
Mary, go ahead and do those equal house charts. You may come up with more clues.

I looked all over the place and missed the thread with your post and questions about the blanket.
Hi Aksleuth,

My blankets post is here:
Sorry I didn't link it before. I want to like and believe Misty. I feel really sorry for her. But it boggles me. Maybe there are good answers that the police already have. I just don't know and of course, nobody's saying.

As far as the registered sex offenders, I think this is the current status of charts done and not done:

Kyle S. Johns, 8-31-71, done by Soulscape
Timothy R. Loucakis, 10-14-58, done by Soulscape
James J. Lane, 12-13-76, done by Soulscape
Donald L. Sapp, 10-21-70, done by Soulscape
William M. Cook Jr., 6-6-52, done by Soulscape
Chad E. Reynolds, 6-18-83, done by Tuba

Not yet analyzed:
Timothy S. Fearns, 3-3-75
James R. Stone, 1-7-77
Paul S. Williams, 5-4-65
Larry D. Yates, 5-6-69
Richard S. Winch, 3-10-56

So I will plan to start at the bottom of that list with Winch and work my way up in case someone else wants to start at the top with Fearns and work down.

I can barely believe that with the massive search effort that began the day the child went missing she hasn't yet been found. Poor little thing.
I do not know if this has been mentioned...and I am probably going to be asked not to come back...
The mars square pluto the charts...could that be a possibility of something like shaken baby syndrome...Ron may have gotten angry at Haleigh before he went to work, maybe she didnt get to the bathroom on time...she later died and Mistie covered it up because she knew he would go to jail, and did not tell him until later....this I hope is not some wild speculation ...but, sometimes it takes a little time after a child has been hit in the head, before the fatality occurs.
I do not know if this has been mentioned...and I am probably going to be asked not to come back...
The mars square pluto the charts...could that be a possibility of something like shaken baby syndrome...Ron may have gotten angry at Haleigh before he went to work, maybe she didnt get to the bathroom on time...she later died and Mistie covered it up because she knew he would go to jail, and did not tell him until later....this I hope is not some wild speculation ...but, sometimes it takes a little time after a child has been hit in the head, before the fatality occurs.

The charts all give kidnapping, probable rape and murder.

Hi Aksleuth,

My blankets post is here:
Sorry I didn't link it before. I want to like and believe Misty. I feel really sorry for her. But it boggles me. Maybe there are good answers that the police already have. I just don't know and of course, nobody's saying.

As far as the registered sex offenders, I think this is the current status of charts done and not done:

Kyle S. Johns, 8-31-71, done by Soulscape
Timothy R. Loucakis, 10-14-58, done by Soulscape
James J. Lane, 12-13-76, done by Soulscape
Donald L. Sapp, 10-21-70, done by Soulscape
William M. Cook Jr., 6-6-52, done by Soulscape
Chad E. Reynolds, 6-18-83, done by Tuba

Not yet analyzed:
Timothy S. Fearns, 3-3-75
James R. Stone, 1-7-77
Paul S. Williams, 5-4-65
Larry D. Yates, 5-6-69
Richard S. Winch, 3-10-56

So I will plan to start at the bottom of that list with Winch and work my way up in case someone else wants to start at the top with Fearns and work down.

I can barely believe that with the massive search effort that began the day the child went missing she hasn't yet been found. Poor little thing.

I am waiting with eager anticipation. I have never been more determined to learn something new and so awkwardly bad at it at the same time. Us conventionals struggle through this, but wanted you to know it does not make me appreciate all of your efforts any less. I trust the information on this thread above all other, truly.
I am waiting with eager anticipation. I have never been more determined to learn something new and so awkwardly bad at it at the same time. Us conventionals struggle through this, but wanted you to know it does not make me appreciate all of your efforts any less. I trust the information on this thread above all other, truly.

Amen to that! I am in awe of all astrologers on this forum, we definitley have the BEST of the BEST here. No need to analyze a chart for that!:clap:
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