The Canvas Laundry Bags

DNA Solves
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Here is the line in the documents, and a link so you can read it. It states:
"There were two bags visible next to the skull. The black bag appeared to have been inside the tan bag. I could see additional bones within the opening of the black bag." TO 3463B REDO.pdf

Page 4 of 90. :)

OK, so I speculate Caylee was killed in the house and placed inside the black trash bags. Later on, either that same day, or perhaps the day Casey backed into the garage, Casey got the round Krush container from the shelf above the washing machine in the garage. Remember that is where the detective found the matching rectangular Krush canvas bag.

I am wondering if she put the black bagged body into the canvas one that day she backed into the garage and intended to bury her but never bothered? Or did she use the canvas bag later for some other reason?
I believe these bags have vinyl (waterproof) lining. That could be significant!!

Yeah, it likely means that she chose that bag BECAUSE Caylee was decomposing in her trunk and she needed to put her inside of something that would not leak, and that would not be "noticed" as an odd thing to have in a trunk. I wonder how long she DID keep Caylee in that trunk...I think many days, and the decomp that tested 2.6 days was it? was how long she was in there inside of NOTHING and then Casey wrapped her and put her inside of that laundry hamper bag for Lord only knows how long after that!:eek:
Thanks for that.

Just to clarify the clarification:

LE say the bag found at Hopespring is of the SAME BRAND. They did NOT say it was identical to the one found at the remains site.

Both laundry bags are "Whitney Design". Just different shape/size. The above photo is the one found at Hopespring. Below is the description of the laundry bag found with Caylee.


i4o5ye.jpg TO 3463B REDO.pdf
Oh my God! Did she borrow that shovel to take Caylee OUT of the trunk and put her inside this bag with handles so she would not have to handle her at all? She HAD to have put her in the black garbage bag at some point. I wonder if she did not do that immediately upon killing her...or even more horrible a possibility, amybe she duct taped her mouth hands and feet and put her inside that garbage bag and then put her inside the trunk? OH GOD! I pray that was NOT the case and that poor Caylee did not suffer one moment of pain or fear.
Yeah, it likely means that she chose that bag BECAUSE Caylee was decomposing in her trunk and she needed to put her inside of something that would not leak, and that would not be "noticed" as an odd thing to have in a trunk. I wonder how long she DID keep Caylee in that trunk...I think many days, and the decomp that tested 2.6 days was it? was how long she was in there inside of NOTHING and then Casey wrapped her and put her inside of that laundry hamper bag for Lord only knows how long after that!:eek:

:sick: honestly out of all the screwed up details about this case, the fact that she was driving around practically living out of her car for a month with her dead baby in the trunk is the sickest.

seriously, beyond effed up.

not to beat the "mental illness" horse again (or bring it up for that matter and derail the whole thread!) but assuming one isn't already bat$hit insane to detach like that........ it sure could push someone over the edge. good god.

[also ot: i just found the "view first unread" link. hooray, me! - makes backtracking to threads as they are updated so much easier.... no more going practically blind constantly scrolling down at high speed. :crazy: ]
Both laundry bags are "Whitney Design". Just different shape/size. The above photo is the one found at Hopespring. Below is the description of the laundry bag found with Caylee.


i4o5ye.jpg TO 3463B REDO.pdf

Now you have got me wondering if there were a total of 3 black garbage bags. They state the one found by the skull appeared to HAVE been inside the canvas bag, and then later that there were a total of 2 black bags with yellow ties INSIDE the canvas were there actually 3 bags? God almighty! Maybe she just taped the bags over her head and pulled on up over her and taped that one on...I don't know, but this seems to indicate there were 3 bags and not 2 as we have been assuming....hmmm....:waitasec:
I believe it was the opposite. The laundry bag was inside the plastic bags?

Thanks for your work and finding this bag and also for starting the thread.. I was trying to figure out how that rectangular one was fitting inside of a black bag...:crazy:

I am very confused though on these speak of TWO bags laying beside each other....?? I thought the cloth bag was inside the plastic but now it looks like it is opposite.

Problem....MR states he saw a light color bag in August. I got the impression they found a black bag not light...:confused:

she busted the liner when she removed the metal thingy's that gave it form. :eek:
I think the metal "hoop" is still there. At least partially.

I think the body either in black bags or not leaked into the trunk for 3 days, then the Beast put the whole lot in the leak-proof laundry bag and went straight down the road and dumped it (20th June?). She then started La Bella Vita with trip to Fusion that night.
(Perhaps wrote in her diary at AL's appt the next morning?)
:sick: honestly out of all the screwed up details about this case, the fact that she was driving around practically living out of her car for a month with her dead baby in the trunk is the sickest.

seriously, beyond effed up.

not to beat the "mental illness" horse again (or bring it up for that matter and derail the whole thread!) but assuming one isn't already bat$hit insane to detach like that........ it sure could push someone over the edge. good god.

[also ot: i just found the "view first unread" link. hooray, me! - makes backtracking to threads as they are updated so much easier.... no more going practically blind constantly scrolling down at high speed. :crazy: ]

I was so happy when I discovered that little button...:)

Let's be clear...I do not believe Casey is crazy...I think she did what she did because that is what she WANTED to do and I believe she was full well aware and in her little pea-brained Casey head while she did it...all of it...I mean, come on-who drives around with their dead child in their trunk? :eek:
If you google "Whitney Design™ Item #2516" the circular shaped laundy bag always comes up. The Police Report refers to it as ""Whitney Design" laundry bag (item# 2516)"


Storage Container – Large Krush™ Can by Whitney Design™ Item #2516
I was so happy when I discovered that little button...:)

Let's be clear...I do not believe Casey is crazy...I think she did what she did because that is what she WANTED to do and I believe she was full well aware and in her little pea-brained Casey head while she did it...all of it...I mean, come on-who drives around with their dead child in their trunk? :eek:

she's probably just a cold calculated killer like most of her soon-to-be death row buddies. but crazy or not, driving around inhaling that has got to do some permanent damage. at least it would haunt a person (assuming they have a shred of conscience to start with) - and well it should!

the more i am looking at the bag i am recalling RKs original calls about seeing a white bag or something light colored. it seems that black bags were in this laundry bag so that corroborates.

my paranoid feelings aside, swinging between the weirdness of roy calling multiple times (strangely persistent) and LE not being interested (KC's prior amorous involvement with LE and subsequent resignations)......... i think this canvas bag may definitely be the lighter colored bag that RK claimed on the first call (or first few??)

After reading appears the MR saw this exact bag in August. What a difference this would have made if somebody actually believed him.:frown:
Now you have got me wondering if there were a total of 3 black garbage bags. They state the one found by the skull appeared to HAVE been inside the canvas bag, and then later that there were a total of 2 black bags with yellow ties INSIDE the canvas were there actually 3 bags? God almighty! Maybe she just taped the bags over her head and pulled on up over her and taped that one on...I don't know, but this seems to indicate there were 3 bags and not 2 as we have been assuming....hmmm....:waitasec:

It was the rectangular "Whitney Design" laundry bag, found at Hopespring, which was inside a black plastic bag on the top shelf above the laundry machine.
Well, here's another thought:

What if the round Krush canvas bag was actually being used in Caylee's room at the time of the murder? Just a thought, I think it is more likely it was in the garage with the rectangular bag.

But say it was in Caylee's room. There might have been a few toys or clothes in it when Casey put the body inside it. That might account for some things being found with or near the body. It might account for the interest in doll clothes?
Thanks for your work and finding this bag and also for starting the thread.. I was trying to figure out how that rectangular one was fitting inside of a black bag...:crazy:

I am very confused though on these speak of TWO bags laying beside each other....?? I thought the cloth bag was inside the plastic but now it looks like it is opposite.

Problem....MR states he saw a light color bag in August. I got the impression they found a black bag not light...:confused:

Hope this helps.

"There was a total of two black plastic bags with yellow ties inside the canvass type bag"

i4o5ye.jpg TO 3463B REDO.pdf
ThinkTank alerted me to crime scene photos which we both think show the laundry bag and part of a black plastic bag with yellow ties.


This is definitely the laundry bag and the garbage bag. On p. 3480 the location of several items are given.


I've interpreted it in relation to the skull as if you are facing the skull with your back to Suburban Dr.

Skull was 19 ft, 8 in. from Suburban Drive (measured from S. edge of
east-bound lane. 87 ft from the light pole located west of the site along the east-bound lane of Suburban

Disney bag was 1/2 in. behind and 9 inches to the right of the skull .

Black bag was 1 ft, 3 1/2 in. in front of and 1 ft, 7 in. to the right of the skull.

Canvas bag was 1 ft, 7 1/2 in. in front of and 1 1/2 ft. to the right of the

Shorts were 10 1/2 in. in front of and 9 in. to the right of the skull.

You can see that the pic shows the exact proximetry of the bags to each other as in the narrative.
At some point over the months, obviously the body and the bags, all three of them became separated. Animals got to the remains. It is possible the meter reader saw the canvas bag early on, then later it was the black trash bags he saw in the same general area. The first time he saw the light colored bag, the body may have still been inside, still in the trash bags and of course, far more intact. Or maybe he just saw the canvas bag already separated from the trash bags by animals.

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