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UPDATED: Casey Anthony civil case: P.I. sworn interview is over
Private Investigator Jim Hoover to answer questions about Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez
Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writer
4:31 PM EDT, March 25, 2009
4:31 p.m. ABC News allegedly paid Jose Baez upwards of $200,000 for home videos of Caylee Marie Anthony, according to a sworn statement Jim Hoover made this morning.
Attorney John Morgan asked Hoover if he knew of anyone getting paid by ABC to which Hoover answered, "Um, I had head that money had been given to the attorney [Baez] for some individual -- I don't know if it was given to the attorney or to Casey for some videos that was on ABC."
A few moments later he said Dominic Casey told him Baez was paid between $200,000 or $225,000 for the videos.

4:10 p.m. Private investigator Jim Hoover told an attorney this morning that the purpose of his trip to a wooded area near the Anthony home in November was to look for the dead body of Caylee Marie Anthony, according to a transcript of his interview.
Hoover said Anthony family private investigator Dominic Casey asked Hoover to accompany him in November.
"[He] asked me to go with him -- asked me to go with him to find Caylee's body," Hoover said in the interview.

3:47 p.m. Attorneys in the civil case against Casey Anthony just released a 152-page transcript of the interview with Jim Hoover.
Attorney John Morgan filed the transcript and video recording in court, making both a public record.
The Sentinel is reading the document and will post updates as they are available.

1:46 p.m. An attorney in the civil case against Casey Anthony has finished conducting a sworn interview with private investigator Jim Hoover.
Hoover left the Morgan & Morgan Law Offices around 1:15 p.m. after being questioned for nearly three hours.

This morning he was asked a slew of questions by Attorney John Morgan. Hoover said Morgan asked him about whether there was a romantic relationship going on between private investigator Dominic Casey and Cindy Anthony.
"He asked me who I thought Dominic was talking to" in November, the day Hoover videotaped him searching the woods near where the remains were eventually discovered, Hoover said.

Hoover also told Morgan he didn't think it was odd that they searched the woods the first day, and supposed Dominic Casey was "grandstanding" and trying to be a "super p.i.," he said.
"I don't think [Dominic Casey] found [Caylee] the day I was out there with him," Hoover said, but he wasn't sure about the days that Hoover went in the woods without him.

10:38 a.m. Hoover arrived at about 9:45 a.m. at the law offices of Morgan & Morgan in downtown Orlando.
"I don't know what they are going to ask me," Hoover said, when reached by the Orlando Sentinel reached him earlier this morning. "There is nothing I can add. No one knows anything about Zenaida Gonzalez."

Dominic Casey, another private investigator who works for the Anthony family, who was supposed to give a sworn statement at 1 p.m. today will no longer happen. Dominic Casey has retained high powered attorney Chaney Mason.

PHOTOS: Casey Anthony civil case,0,4523659.photogallery

Casey Anthony case: Will we see her comments this morning?
posted by halboedeker on Mar 25, 2009 9:33:38 AM
Longo turned to former prosecutor Elizabeth Rahter as his expert. "To really be able to get around any sort of conflict for appellate reasons, Casey has to do the talking," Rahter said. "They'll ask her where the money is coming from."

George Anthony, Casey's father, was giving interviews Tuesday. He told WOFL-Channel 35 that the Anthony family was doing pretty well and restated his backing of Casey.
He looked forward to blowing a kiss to Casey at this morning's hearing.
George told WESH-Channel 2 that he and wife Cindy will take leading roles in a planned Caylee foundation.
"People are identifying with me. They're identifying with Cindy of going out and wanting to help families," George told WESH.

George Anthony wants to name search boat after Caylee
9:51 AM EDT, March 25, 2009
George Anthony and Cindy Anthony plan to unveil a Caylee Anthony foundation as well as a search boat named after the murdered 2-year-old girl.
Dennis Milstead of Kid Finder's Network built the boat from the $30,000 donated by the Never Lose Hope Foundation, reports.

"This is the kind of tribute I would rather see, not down at the end of the street. I think that's great, don't get me wrong," George Anthony said.
The Anthonys also would like to see a park where children can play as a permanent memorial to Caylee, the report shows.

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Judge: No conflict exists between Casey Anthony, lawyer
The public may never know how Casey Anthony is paying for her defense team.
Sarah Lundy and Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writers
11:50 AM EDT, March 25, 2009
11:18 a.m. Court has adjourned, but before it did, there was a brief exchange of words between Baez and Ashton.
Strickland responded by telling the lawyers, "This is getting old."

11:09 a.m. The lawyers and Judge Strickland just returned.
Strickland said he is "convinced" no conflict exists.
He's now having a brief meeting with the lawyers at the bench.

11:03 a.m. Judge Strickland is meeting with prosecutors, Anthony and Baez behind closed doors right now to go over the issue.
A few minutes ago, Baez told the judge he has no literary agreement with Casey Anthony.
Prosecutor Jeff Ashton wanted Baez to define "story," but Baez objected.

10:58 a.m. Casey Anthony is being briefly questioned by Judge Stan Strickland.
Jose Baez told the judge prosecutors are trying to say there is a possible conflict of interest.
"We are telling you that one does not exist," Baez said.

10:49 a.m. Prosecutor Jeff Ashton is arguing why the judge should look into how Casey Anthony is paying for her defense. If she is convicted, she could bring up the issue - a dispute between her and her attorney - that could lead to the case being redone.
Jose Baez's assertions there are not conflict doesn't help, he said.
"The way to diffuse this issue right now is to?.get Mr. Baez on the record?and again we're not trying to embarrass Mr. Baez?..We need to make sure that the record is clear of exactly what the situation is, exactly what the financial arrangements are," Ashton said.

10:37 a.m. The hearing is about to start. George Anthony and Cindy Anthony are sitting in the second row in this 23rd-floor courtroom. The courtroom is silent except for whispers among attorneys who came to watch and reporters texting back to their newsrooms.

10:31 a.m. Casey Anthony is already in the courtroom, seated between her two attorneys. Her hair is pulled back and she's wearing a dark shirt. Her parents, George Anthony and Cindy Anthony, are also in attendance.

9:36 a.m. Casey Anthony's hearing in court at 10:30 a.m. will determine if she needs to reveal how she is paying for her defense team.

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton was offended by Baez's comments and said he didn't need to be reminded, but he agreed.
Strickland responded by telling the bickering lawyers, "This is getting old."

After Strickland's ruling, Baez left the courtroom and spoke with reporters.
"We are glad this is behind us," Baez said. "I have told everyone all along that defense has not done anything unethical in any way, shape or form. These accusations are just that."

George and Cindy Anthony left the courtroom without talking to reporters.

Photos: Casey Anthony case: Criminal trial photos,0,610778.photogallery

UPDATED: Judge: No conflict exists
Last Edited: Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009, 12:52 PM EDT
Created On: Tuesday, 24 Mar 2009, 11:58 AM EDT
Casey Anthony has denied such an arrangement and says that prosecutors filed the motion as retaliation because she did not agree to a plea deal for a crime she didn't commit. Casey Anthony is facing a first-degree murder charge after daughter Caylee was found dead last December, months after disappearing.

Baez, co-council Jose Garcia, Casey Anthony, the Judge and State attorneys Linda Drane Burdick and Jeff Ashton discussed the matter "in camera" meaning behind closed doors. What was said in that private discussion will be sealed in court records.

The judge walked out and said to the court "There is no conflict of interest." The state wants to make sure that if Casey Anthony is found guilty, she cannot appeal on the grounds of Conflict of Interest.

Photo Gallery Of The Motion Hearing:

Anthony Won't Have To Disclose Defense Payment
POSTED: Wednesday, March 25, 2009
UPDATED: 4:43 pm EDT March 25, 2009
Prosecutors wanted to know if Baez is handing his client's financial affairs because they said they were concerned that if Anthony were found guilty, she could appeal the decision based on the motives of her attorney.

Baez said the state should be more concerned about prosecuting his client than her possible appeal.
While court was being adjourned, attorneys from both sides began bickering back and forth, forcing Strickland to say, "This is getting old. I'm getting tired of this."

Meanwhile, the deposition of a private investigator did not take place Wednesday in the civil lawsuit filed against Anthony.
Private investigator Dominic Casey was not deposed, but private investigator Jim Hoover was scheduled to be questioned at the offices of Morgan & Morgan, the attorney representing Zenaida Gonzalez.

IMAGES: Casey Anthony In Court;s=1;p=news&dm=ss&tn=b

VIDEO REPORT: Anthony Does Not Have To Disclose Defense Payment 3:57

#1-#232 Photos Included In This Slideshow:

Casey Anthony case: Judge shows his disgust with bickering
posted by halboedeker on Mar 25, 2009 12:35:09 PM
There were fireworks and headlines in the Casey Anthony saga this morning.
Anthony evidently shared details -- in the judge's chambers -- of how she's paying for her high-profile defense team.

But noon newscasts were especially interested in the fireworks between the defense team and prosecutors as this morning's hearing ended.
"Even the judge showed his disgust for it," WFTV-Channel 9's Kathi Belich said.

WESH-Channel 2's Bob Kealing described the "terse exchange" between Baez and prosecutor Jeff Ashton. Kealing added, "Judge Strickland said, 'This is getting old and I'm getting tired of it.' "

WKMG-Channel 6's Mike DeForest said of the exchange, "The judge definitely [was] frustrated by the antics."
DeForest also talked to Baez. "Baez says prosecutors should be more worried about prosecuting Casey and not worrying about any kind of appeal," DeForest said. "He says they shouldn't be spiking the ball before they get to the end zone. And Baez says Casey is innocent."

During the hearing, George Anthony, Casey's father, could be seen smiling or deep in thought. WFTV's Belich described Casey Anthony's court look as "dressed casually but conservatively with a navy pullover sweater with gray pants."

VIDEO: Casey Anthony motion hearing
Last Edited: Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009, 12:56 PM EDT
Created On: Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009, 12:47 PM EDT
ORLANDO, Fla. - In a motion hearing on Wednesday, Judge Stan Strickland ruled that no conflict exists between Casey Anthony and her attorney, Jose Baez, with regard to how he and the rest of her defense team is being paid.
Note: The Orange Co. Court House was having trouble with their audio feed from the courtroom. The video starts where the audio problem was corrected.

Great Time-Stamped Article For all Of Our Wonderful Astrologers!

Judge Says No Conflict Exists For Casey's Attorney
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 12:20:45 PM
We will not be learning anytime soon how Casey Anthony is paying for her legal dream team.
During a hearing Wednesday, Judge Stan Strickland said Anthony has a right to conflict-free counsel.
Strickland heard arguments from the prosecution and Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez and then questioned Anthony. For the more confidential questions, the prosecution and defense went In Camera with the judge.
When they all returned, Strickland said "I'm convinced no conflict exists."

11:16 a.m.: The hearing concludes.

11:12 a.m.: Judge reminds all concerned that anything said In Camera should not be released to the public. The prosecutor appeared to be offended by the comment and has a testy exchange with Baez.

11:09 a.m.: Judge asked for a sidebar with prosecution and defense.

11:07 a.m.: After recess, the judge says, "I'm convinced no conflict exists."

11:00 a.m.: Judge says they can meet In Camera immediately.

10:58 a.m.: Baez clarifies there was an initial retainer agreement with Casey Anthony on child neglect charges, that was superseded by the new retainer agreement. Judge says he wants to see the original retainer agreement.

10:57 a.m.: Anthony said she only signed one retainer agreement.

10:56 a.m.: Casey Anthony is sworn in and the judge asks her to confirm what is in her affidavit.

10:55 a.m.: Judge asks Baez if there are any other means of paying expenses in addition to Baez's firm paying them. Baez declines to answer because of confidentiality.

10:53 a.m.: In Camera means asking the questions in the judge's chambers.

10:52 a.m.: Baez asks that the judges questions be asked In Camera.

10:51 a.m.: Judge says Casey has a right to conflict-free counsel.

10:49 a.m.: Prosecution objects and says Baez has been using the podium as a way of speaking to the media.

10:48 a.m.: Baez says "We are on a very thin line of sixth amendment interference."

10:45 a.m.: Prosecution says the way Baez is being paid does not have to be made public. It can be done In Camera.

10:41 a.m.: The prosecution is arguing that if it is discovered Baez is making money off Casey's story. It could put a verdict in doubt.

10:37 a.m: The hearing has just started.

10:30 a.m.: We are waiting for the hearing to begin.

Investigators Deposed In Zenaida Gonzalez Case
Two key players in the Casey Anthony case were questioned Wednesday in the civil case against her, filed by Zenaida Gonzalez.
Gonzalez' attorney, John Morgan, is trying to prove she was slandered.
Private investigators Dominic Casey and Jim Hoover were deposed Wednesday.

Hoover is being questioned at this hour. Dominic Casey's deposition will follow Hoover's at 1 p.m.

Anthony Family Private Eye Testifies Under Oath
Posted: 1:43 pm EDT March 25, 2009
Updated: 11:23 am EDT March 26, 2009
While Casey Anthony was in court Wednesday morning for a hearing in the criminal case against her, there were depositions for her civil lawsuit.

Before the deposition, Hoover didn't have much to say to Eyewitness News, but in the three-hour videotaped session with attorney John Morgan he did have some things to say about the other private eye, Dominic Casey.

Dominic Casey was also supposed to be deposed Wednesday, but he failed to show up, telling John Morgan he hired a criminal attorney to represent him.






VIDEO REPORT: Anthony Family Private Eye Questioned Under Oath 2:31

VIDEO REPORT: P.I.'s Testify Under Oath

Casey Anthony case: Do George's crossed fingers get results?
posted by halboedeker on Mar 25, 2009 4:57:32 PM
So what was George Anthony's take on today's hearing?
"I could see his fingers were actually crossed," said WESH-Channel 2 Bob Kealing, who was seated next to George and Cindy Anthony in court today. "I asked him why. And he said, 'I'm just hoping this goes well.' And for Casey and Jose Baez, it did."

Anchor Jacqueline London noted that the public still doesn't know who is paying for Anthony's defense. "It is still a mystery," DeForest said. "If the specifics were discussed inside that closed-door meeting, that's going to remain confidential. We won't know about it. But prosecutors just wanted the judge to get this all on record so if it ever were to come up again, at least they can say they discussed it."

WESH explored tensions between Baez and prosecutor Jeff Ashton. As the hearing ended, Baez asked the state to be reminded that what was said in the judge's chambers was private.
"That comment left prosecutor Jeff Ashton hot under the collar," WESH's Amanda Ober said.

Baez later told reporters, "I don't think I could comment on his temper tantrums."

Criminal defense expert Richard Hornsby told WESH that Baez needed to watch the bickering. "He has to be careful about antagonizing the prosecution to the detriment of Casey Anthony," Hornsby said. "Our personal feelings can interfere with our client's case, and that's the danger Jose Baez walks."

Part of P.I.'s interview in Casey Anthony case to stay private
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
5:01 PM EDT, March 25, 2009
Some of the details that private investigator Dominic Casey told detectives in the Casey Anthony case won't be released publicly, a judge ruled today.
Casey, who now works for George Anthony and Cindy Anthony, once worked for defense lawyer Jose Baez.

FBI Agent Nick Savage and Orange County sheriff's Sgt. John Allen interviewed Casey in early January. An 80-page transcript of that interview was released publicly in February after Judge Stan Strickland found it didn't contain any privileged information.

But a second statement, also taken during the Jan. 7 interview, was never released.

Strickland ruled today that portion of the interview contains communications that qualify as "'work product," and so they are privileged.
The judge noted in his order that the second statement is 13 pages and "essentially covers only one subject."

"They are inadmissible at trial, and will not be released by the Court to the general public," Strickland's order states.

New revelations in Anthony deposition
Former P.I. for the Anthonys deposed on Wednesday
Last Edited: Thursday, 26 Mar 2009, 12:46 AM EDT
Created On: Thursday, 26 Mar 2009, 12:46 AM EDT
Hoover talked about what he believed was an inappropriate relationship between Dominic Casey and Cindy Anthony, something the State released in discovery documents earlier this year.
"Mr. Anthony and Dominic were sitting on one chair and Ms. Anthony was sitting on the other, and they were like holding hands and doing this kind of thing," Hoover said. "And she was talking about, 'he's her rock ... she wouldn't be able to get through this."

Private investigator Dominic Casey canceled his deposition, and for that, he could face contempt charges.

Jim Hoover Deposition March 25, 2009 Deposition.pdf

Order Regarding Second Statement-Transcript of Dominic Casey (Released 3/25/09) Statement-Transcript of Dominic Casey.pdf

VIDEO: Casey Hearing Hearing

Investigator: Finding Caylee Anthony was goal of visit to woods
Sarah Lundy and Bianca Prieto | Sentinel Staff Writers
March 26, 2009
Private investigator Jim Hoover said under oath Wednesday that the purpose of his trip to a wooded area near the Anthony home in November was to look for the body of Caylee Marie Anthony.

He said private investigator Dominic Casey got a tip that directed them to the area where the toddler's remains were found a month later.
Dominic Casey, who worked for Casey Anthony's defense attorney and now works for the Anthony family, didn't tell Hoover who tipped him off.

VIDEO: Atty: PI knew where Caylee was 1:58
The attorney representing Zenaida Gonzalez says the PI hired by the Anthony family knew where the remains were all along.

Judge puts funding of Casey Anthony's defense off-limits for now
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
March 26, 2009
Anthony's case has attracted international attention, spawning blogs, magazine articles and constant coverage on cable television. Even before she was charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie, rumors circulated of possible movies and book deals.

Later, Strickland ruled on another motion involving private investigator Dominic Casey, who now works for George and Cindy Anthony but once worked for Baez. Some details he told detectives about the Anthony case won't be released publicly.

VIDEO: Tot mom selling her story? 3:24
Casey Anthony was in court Wednesday, discussing how exactly she is paying for her defense, and whether she would profit.

VIDEO: Caylee born after a fling? 1:14
According to a report, Casey says Caylee could have been the result of a one-night stand with a co-worker.

VIDEO: Photos: tot mom kissing girls? 2:33
Pictures of tot mom Casey Anthony have been released, showing her partying and drinking and kissing girls.

Watch and Read Hoover's Complete Deposition March 25,2009:
Part 1: 118:54 minutes & Part 2: 40:19 minutes

Transcript of Investigator Hoover's Deposition

Updates On The Gonzalez v. Anthony

Zenaida files Motion to Compel Lee Anthony to Answer Questions

Zenaida files Motion to Compel Casey Anthony's Answers to Interrogatories
Anthony Tries To Avoid Answering Questions In Civil Case
POSTED: Thursday, March 26, 2009
UPDATED: 12:43 pm EDT March 26, 2009
In a newly-filed motion, the civil attorney for Casey Anthony is asking the judge in the case for a "protective order," which would declare her off limits from answering questions from Zenaida Gonzalez.

"We're not going to help the state of Florida prosecute my client by giving statements which could hurt her. And I think that that's clear," said Anthony's civil attorney, Jonathan Kasen. "If they really had an interest in the truth, what they should do is stay the civil case until the resolution of the criminal case and then they could ask her any question they want. At that point there would be no criminal penalty hanging over her head."

Casey Anthony should not answer questions in civil case, attorney says
Casey Anthony's attorney wants civil court to put questioning off until criminal case is done.
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
2:07 PM EDT, March 26, 2009
The attorney for Casey Anthony in her civil case this week filed paperwork, saying the 23-year-old mother should not have to answer questions while her criminal case is pending.
Every question proposed is "inextricably intertwined" with her first-degree murder case, wrote Fort Lauderdale-based attorney Jonathan Kasen in the four-page document.

Gonzalez's attorneys haven't questioned the detectives &#8211; a move they should have done before attempting to question Casey Anthony, Kasen wrote.
Kasen is asking the judge to stop Gonzalez's attorneys from getting the questions answered while the criminal case is pending. No hearing date has been set.


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VIDEO Report CFNEW13-Casey Anthony Hearing - 3/25/09 Part 1: 9:52
Live in front of the court house before the hearing!

VIDEO Coverage By CFNEWS13-Casey Anthony Hearing - 3/25/09 Part 2: 8:31

VIDEO Coverage By CFNEWS13-Casey Anthony Hearing - 3/25/09 Part 3: 9:15

VIDEO Coverage By CFNEWS13-Casey Anthony Hearing - 3/25/09 Part 4: 9:26

VIDEO Coverage By CFNEWS13-Casey Anthony Hearing - 3/25/09 Part 5: 9:15
VIDEO HLN Prime News on KC 3/25/09 Part 1: 7:33

VIDEO HLN Prime News on KC 3/25/09 Part 2: 3:41
VIDEO Issues w/JVM 3/25/09 Part 1: 7:16

VIDEO Issues w/JVM 3/25/09 Part 2: 4:23

VIDEO Issues w/JVM 3/25/09 Part 3: 6:19
VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/25/09 Part 1: 6:03

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/25/09 Part 2: 6:19

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/25/09 Part 3: 7:55

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/25/09 Part 4: 1:13

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/25/09 Part 5: 9:52

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/25/09 Part 6: 8:21

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/25/09 Part 7: 2:41
VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/24/09 Part 1: 5:14

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/24/09 Part 2: 6:35

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/24/09 Part 3: 1:21

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/24/09 Part 4: 6:56

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/24/09 Part 5: 1:48

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/24/09 Part 6: 9:54

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/24/09 Part 7: 8:10

VIDEO Nancy Grace 3/24/09 Part 8: 2:40
VIDEO HLN Prime News 3/24/09 Part 1: 5:11

VIDEO HLN Prime News 3/24/09 Part 2: 1:54

VIDEO HLN Prime News 3/24/09 Part 3: 3:43
New Motion Filed in Zenaida Gonzalez vs. Casey Anthony
Last Edited: Thursday, 26 Mar 2009, 6:16 PM EDT
Created On: Thursday, 26 Mar 2009, 6:09 PM EDT
Local defense attorney, Diana Tennis thinks the defense's motion was a smart move. "I think it would be very unusual for a judge to make a criminal defendant answer this type of question until a criminal case is done. So I think they'll probably get the protective order," said Tennis.

Tennis thinks the plaintiff has a weak case to begin with. Casey Anthony told investigators a nanny by the name of Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez stole her daughter Caylee. The woman who is suing is just "Zenaida Gonzalez." FOX 35 asked Tennis the relevance of that. "Depending on how important you find your middle name. I think it makes a big difference. "At some point I think this case is going to get thrown out, the civil case that is," said Tennis.

*NOTE: Video Included In Article!

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