Accountability of Caylee

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Just listened (again! weeeeeee!) to Cindy's OCSO LE interviews looking for other info, but was aware of this thread, so passing on this info for what it's worth (note this is all what Cindy says):

Friday may 30 until Monday june 9 cindy was off from work on vacation.

Cindy babysat caylee all week. Caylee and Cindy swam in the pool every day. went shopping a few days, mostly stayed home, finger painted, watched movies.

Casey was in and out, but Cindy saw her every day.

may 30 - friday - Cindy's mom called her day before and said dad wasn't doing well, so Cindy went to mt. dora after work to

visit dad, and stayed overnight. Cindy was supposed to go to fort meyers with casey on this day but didn't because of dad being sick.

may 31 - saturday - cindy in mt. dora in morning from overnight

stay. Spent the day, then came back home.

June 1 - sunday - george working. cindy stays home because george is working.

June 2 - Monday - cookout with casey and lee and caylee on memorial

day monday before george went to work. later says lee invited but

may not have come.

June 7 - Saturday - george and cindy went to cocoa beach. they did not have caylee with them.

june 8 - sunday - Cindy visited her dad.

Detective brings up the night that ricardo says casey and caylee at his place, all went to sleep, caylee gone in morning when he and casey woke up, casey said cindy called middle of night and said to bring caylee home. cindy denies this happened.

Detective brings up 2 Casey overnights with Ricardo several times. Cindy says she is positive caylee was with her both nights that ricardo says caylee stayed at his place. cindy stressed this.

begin discussion of week of june 9 (monday)

"normal" week. Cindy only remembers 1 night that casey was gone

overnight, and that would have been to crash at zanny's.

later detective brings up june 9 at ricardo's again, and cindy says well maybe it was 2 nights at zanny's through last week and this because casey was beginning to spend more nights at zanny's.

My comments:

Cindy claims several times throughout that Caylee was with her every night this week and the week before.

Sorry this isn't properly punctuated and capitalized and all that.
Doing research. Had this thread in mind. Thought this info might be helpful here so posting.

Jesse OCSO LE interview. Jesse reports from his timeline he prepared with input from Amy, Ricardo, Troy, Tony

May 30 - Casey and Caylee spend the night at Ricardo's

May 31 - Pool party at Jesse's apartment complex. Casey attends with Tony. Tony DJs. Jesse left to go to shopping for birthday gift for his brother. When he got back, Casey and Tony were gone. Where's Caylee?

June 1 - Casey texts Amy/Ricardo/Troy, who are at Voyage nightclub, and tells them she's already out at place unknown. Where's Caylee?

June 2 - Casey tells Ricardo she's kissed Tony.

June 4 - Casey and Tony go to Voyage nightclub. Meet Amy/Ricardo/Troy. It's Troy's birthday. Casey, Tony and 2 friends leave at 12:30 - 12:45am (June 4). Casey drove this night but unknown if it was her car. Where's Caylee?

June 6 - Casey goes to Fusion for 1st time. Was supposed to go out w/Ricardo but told him she was working. Ricardo later finds pics of Casey at Fusion on the internet. Where's Caylee?

June 7 - Casey and Caylee spend the night at Ricardo's.

June 8 - Casey and Caylee spend the night at Ricardo's. Amy is home from Tallahassee.

June 9 - Casey and Caylee spend the night at Ricardo's. Amy is home.

June 11 - Casey tells Ricardo she's dating Tony. Amy and Ricardo go to Voyage nightclub without Casey. Troy goes to D.C.

June 12 - Ricardo goes to Tampa.

June 13 - Casey supposed to go to Jacksonville with Amy, but tells Amy (and Ricardo by phone) she can't because George had a stroke.

June 14 - Nobody knows where Casey is

June 15 - Amy and Casey talk about Cindy and George divorcing, Cindy getting condo and signing over house to Casey, Amy and Casey will move into house. Move is delayed because George is doing some work on the house.

June 16 - Casey tells Jesse via phone (12 minute conversation) that Cindy and George divorcing but Cindy is not moving after all, and Casey must move out of the house. Jesse hears Caylee in background.

June 17 to 23 - Casey falls off the face of the earth. Nobody knows where she is. All indications are that Casey is with Tony.

June 24 - Jesse calls Casey. Doesn't know where she is. Heard Caylee in the background. Casey tells Caylee "Caylee! No! Stop!" "Get off the table, Caylee! Mom's on the phone!"

ETA: At the end of the intervew, Jesse says that Casey did not stay at home from June 11 through 15th
I'm glad to see this thread here. I think with some input from our "ping mavens" and from some of the other hot sticky threads, we may get closer to filling out the title of this thread: Accountability of Caylee.

It is likely that LE is withholding some info that would be of great value to easy answers, though. With every doc dump, there are either more pieces to this puzzle presented -- or pieces we thought we recognized changed either color or shape (or both!) :banghead:

For me, it's like a jigsaw puzzle made up of pieces made like those old Cracker Jack prizes that change depending on from what angle you view (am I dating myself? LOL
I am confused.

So, in this video with foxnews Megyn Kelly on July 21, Cindy states that the last time Caylee was with Casey was on June 14th:

So, which is it? June 14 or 15th?:confused:

Cindy also confuses me. I noticed in the FBI interview with CA, she is talking about KC's passwords having meaning, one of which is the "timer55", and CA says if you count back 55 days from Caylee's birthday you get June 14, I think she goes on to wonder if something accidental happened to Caylee on 6/14? I thought to myself, "what is she talking about, she had Caylee on the 15th of June, didn't she? so how can she be wondering if something happened to Caylee on that day???" It doesn't make any sense. I guess it's just more gibberish from CA???? Strange tho.
On a related note, the most recent docs show that Casey texted and phoned Tony several times between 8pm ish on the night of 6/15 into the early hours of 6/16. He finally texted her back around 3AM on the 16th, so she and Caylee weren't with him then.

LP thinks Caylee was murdered on June 16, 1-2 am..........on NG
The ones you mentioned were the only ones I could find using the Calendar here on WS. As much as it pains me, I may have to go back to Cindy's interview with OCSO where she was 'helping' them with their time line. I just can't remember if they mentioned these dates or just started with the 16th of June. Does anyone else remember, it might save me from getting a headache - I tend to want to bang my head against a wall after watching her for more than 30 seconds :)

I'm trying to read Cindy's transcript now. anthony.pdf

I found the reason why on the 3rd of July that Casey told her friends, if her mom phones, to tell her she isn't there.. I copied it below. Row 15. Page 17.

Q Okay and the 3rd you say you actually visited Universal Studios.
A Uh huh (Affirmative)
Q an effort to go pick up the child, Caylee not there and you spoke with her on the phone that day. Friday, anything on Friday stand out?
A friday was the 4th of July, we spoke a couple of times um, as to whether or not we were gonna get to take Caylee to see fireworks. and Caysee wasn't sure if they were coming back and then...
Q From where?
A She was supposed to be still in Jacksonville. Cause on Thursday is when she told me she was in Jackonsville and that she'd actually been in Jacksonville all week. That's what she said. She was with Jeff all week. Then she told me that they were um, trying to work things out to be a family. She also told me that um, during this, from here out that um, there was a possibility that when Jeff moved back to Orlando that they'd be moving in together. So again Im not sure if Jeff's the actual person but the name but might be a person that se was talking to about that. Jeff was supposed to be coming home on Saturday. He was gonna follow Caysee.
Q From?
A Was that the weekend she told me he (inaudible). Um oh gosh, there was one weekend they were supposed to come home I think. That didn't happen.
Q And so they stayed in Jacksonville this whole week here too you think?
A That's what she said. In fact I was under the impression she was in Jacksonville the day we found the car, that was the whole point, she was supposed to be in Jacksonville.
I'm trying to read Cindy's transcript now. anthony.pdf

I found the reason why on the 3rd of July that Casey told her friends, if her mom phones, to tell her she isn't there.. I copied it below. Row 15. Page 17.

Why did Cindy go to Universal if Casey was in Jacksonville, supposedly, all week.
Casey was in Jacksonville with Jeff, and Caylee was where? spending all week at Universal?
So Cindy went on her own wild goose chase to Universal to find Caylee....When going to Universal Studios you pay to park at the parking garage, then you walk over to CityWalk Entertainment/restaurant area (Free) but to go into Islands of Adventure or Universal Studios you have to pay to get in at the gates...did Cindy pay to go into the theme park and just walk around?
Also, I think I read a transcript with Cindy that Casey also told her they couldn't come back, car troubles, Jeff had Casey's car in the shop and Jeff's mom or sister was watching Caylee, or something about Jeff's mom getting married.....Am I confused here? probably, too many of Casey's lies and stories to keep straight. :banghead: anthony.pdf

cindy starts off saying Jeff is at the Hard Rock hotel (Universal Orlando) and mentions the dates June 29&30, Casey is hanging with Jeff at the hotel. Zannie not able to babysit Caylee so her roommate is taking Caylee around Universal etc.....on June 30(Monday)
further down in the interview(page 17) cindy says Casey told her she'd been in Jacksonville all week working?
I'm trying to read Cindy's transcript now. anthony.pdf

I found the reason why on the 3rd of July that Casey told her friends, if her mom phones, to tell her she isn't there.. I copied it below. Row 15. Page 17.

Reality #1: Caylee Anthony's remains were found near her home that she shared with her mother/grandmother/grandfather. We know that Caylee died.

Reality #2: Casey did not report or tell anyone that Caylee was missing.

(I do not want to add the "31 days" and all that because nothing is clear about that to me. Casey stated to LE on July16th the last time to see Caylee 6/9. Cindy stated to LE on July15th the last time she saw Caylee was 6/8. She also stated 6/14. Currently Cindy states? George states to LE July15th that 6/9 was the last time he saw Caylee. George then states to GVS the last time he saw Caylee was on June16th 1:00PM while watching his 'favorite program' before work. Cindy is at his side and does not dispute this, because she was asked when she last saw Caylee and she had deferred the question to George because (paraphrasing) "he really was the last of us two to actually see them, I was at" And George begins story with Cindy interjecting to help him tell the story that she didn't really know about 'cause she wasn't there but George was...

July3/7th(?) MySpace entry by Cindy: "My Caylee is missing." From June8/9th to at least this entry Cindy saw Caylee as "missing"/meaning she(Cindy) was not the one taking care of Caylee. This would be an interesting time-frame to take a look at...doubtful that Casey had Caylee with her everywhere she went during this time?

This case is a maze to my mind. It seems the more information I take in the less things make sense. I know this is what it is like to actually know this family because I have a family eerily similar...:crazy:

So, I want to bring up the post in this thread "WHERE IS CAYLEE?" And that this thread's purpose is for Accountability of Caylee: yes, lets answer all those questions on each day...where was caylee?

Like this: If WE KNOW that on July3 that Cindy believed Casey was in Jacksonville...and she told her friends not to tell her mom anything if she called...then do we know from any friends they saw Caylee that day? Because: using this date as an example, if Cindy/George did not have Caylee and she was not with Casey who was with her friends?:confused:

With all the information swimming around in my head: rumor, fact, theories, documents,'s like you see Caylee is as mysterious as "Nanny/Zanny"-no one really saw her, they don't know who had her at the time-no matter who you talk to-family, is the same. It seems that if a child was being taken care of...even if poorly by being passed around or taken to all kinds of inappropriate places: if we put together the stories of everyone, we SHOULD see where was Caylee.

But: it seems with more information Caylee become hazy in her own story, I can't imagine everyone is lying and memories of dates can become hard to recall, add in that someone/or someone's for same or different reasons may be covering/fudging/whathaveyou/forwhateverreason-and I can see why putting together "what really happened" needs much more work.

But Again: Even with all of this being said: Caylee should be all over everyone's stories. More than this. It's like you are seeing that Casey did something with Caylee when no one could/would watch her. This only starts happening: it being very unclear about who has Caylee after Cindy's vacation May30 to 6/3: Cindy has her this week in full. It is after 6/8 that Cindy's part in knowing "where is Caylee" gets fuzzy/George too till Caylee pops up in their life for 6/15th Father's day visit to GGrandpa(george states early 16th)-so now they are out of Caylee's story on the 16thJune.

We have to decide if we are going to include JG statement about "hearing" Caylee 6/24. This is "accounting" for Caylee and even though this is not a physical sighting: if true she can be 'accounted for'.

Accounting for Caylee during the time 6/9 to July15th when she was offically reported missing takes on two directions: trying to know/show where/how Caylee was being taken care of during a window of time at the end of her life. Creating a "just the facts mam'" chart of each day and if we can know what that day was for Caylee/what she was doing/who had her. This is separate from understanding Casey's time line to know "how she did it/when/etc."

We would like to throw out almost that Caylee passes at the end of the 'story'(I don't like being so detached about this but I have to say it this way to get my point across-I don't mean to call what happened to Baby Caylee is just a story):( As if we were looking into just a child neglect case. (is there one being put against anyone?)

I would love to have the cold hard facts(as best we can know)about where was Caylee for the few months before her death? I think it may be a clue as to more about Casey and the life she was living during that time, her mind set, and other clues to Caylee's demise. :(

....jmo...Thanks for indulging my babble.
Casey was seen by lots of people after June 9.

Tony took Caylee and Casey to the mall of the millenium to pass out flyers on June 11. Clint House saw Caylee at Tony's apartment the afternoon of June 13. Kristina and Casey and Caylee took a walk June 12, 13 or 14. Cindy took Caylee to Mt. Dora on June 15. Caylee was seen by her great grandmother and great grandfather and several Mt. Dora employees. Cindy signed the guest book that day. Caylee was videotaped.

The case calendar gives a good account of Casey and Caylee before June 16 and then before July 15.Ibyoungr on the Fight between Cindy and Casey thread has broken down all of Casey's pings, links to witness accounts of Casey's activities, texts between Casey and Amy, and Casey's cell phone records. They are very telling.

Casey was seen by lots of people after June 9.

Tony took Caylee and Casey to the mall of the millenium to pass out flyers on June 11. Clint House saw Caylee at Tony's apartment the afternoon of June 13. Kristina and Casey and Caylee took a walk June 12, 13 or 14. Cindy took Caylee to Mt. Dora on June 15. Caylee was seen by her great grandmother and great grandfather and several Mt. Dora employees. Cindy signed the guest book that day. Caylee was videotaped.

The case calendar gives a good account of Casey and Caylee before June 16 and then before July 15.Ibyoungr on the Fight between Cindy and Casey thread has broken down all of Casey's pings, links to witness accounts of Casey's activities, texts between Casey and Amy, and Casey's cell phone records. They are very telling.



Caylee was with Cindy or Casey. Casey during the day and Cindy at night.
She is accounted for.
She was not stuffed in a trunk during parties.
Reality #1: Caylee Anthony's remains were found near her home that she shared with her mother/grandmother/grandfather. We know that Caylee died.

Reality #2: Casey did not report or tell anyone that Caylee was missing.

(I do not want to add the "31 days" and all that because nothing is clear about that to me. Casey stated to LE on July16th the last time to see Caylee 6/9. Cindy stated to LE on July15th the last time she saw Caylee was 6/8. She also stated 6/14. Currently Cindy states? George states to LE July15th that 6/9 was the last time he saw Caylee. George then states to GVS the last time he saw Caylee was on June16th 1:00PM while watching his 'favorite program' before work. Cindy is at his side and does not dispute this, because she was asked when she last saw Caylee and she had deferred the question to George because (paraphrasing) "he really was the last of us two to actually see them, I was at" And George begins story with Cindy interjecting to help him tell the story that she didn't really know about 'cause she wasn't there but George was...

July3/7th(?) MySpace entry by Cindy: "My Caylee is missing." From June8/9th to at least this entry Cindy saw Caylee as "missing"/meaning she(Cindy) was not the one taking care of Caylee. This would be an interesting time-frame to take a look at...doubtful that Casey had Caylee with her everywhere she went during this time?

This case is a maze to my mind. It seems the more information I take in the less things make sense. I know this is what it is like to actually know this family because I have a family eerily similar...:crazy:

So, I want to bring up the post in this thread "WHERE IS CAYLEE?" And that this thread's purpose is for Accountability of Caylee: yes, lets answer all those questions on each day...where was caylee?

Like this: If WE KNOW that on July3 that Cindy believed Casey was in Jacksonville...and she told her friends not to tell her mom anything if she called...then do we know from any friends they saw Caylee that day? Because: using this date as an example, if Cindy/George did not have Caylee and she was not with Casey who was with her friends?:confused:

With all the information swimming around in my head: rumor, fact, theories, documents,'s like you see Caylee is as mysterious as "Nanny/Zanny"-no one really saw her, they don't know who had her at the time-no matter who you talk to-family, is the same. It seems that if a child was being taken care of...even if poorly by being passed around or taken to all kinds of inappropriate places: if we put together the stories of everyone, we SHOULD see where was Caylee.

But: it seems with more information Caylee become hazy in her own story, I can't imagine everyone is lying and memories of dates can become hard to recall, add in that someone/or someone's for same or different reasons may be covering/fudging/whathaveyou/forwhateverreason-and I can see why putting together "what really happened" needs much more work.

But Again: Even with all of this being said: Caylee should be all over everyone's stories. More than this. It's like you are seeing that Casey did something with Caylee when no one could/would watch her. This only starts happening: it being very unclear about who has Caylee after Cindy's vacation May30 to 6/3: Cindy has her this week in full. It is after 6/8 that Cindy's part in knowing "where is Caylee" gets fuzzy/George too till Caylee pops up in their life for 6/15th Father's day visit to GGrandpa(george states early 16th)-so now they are out of Caylee's story on the 16thJune.

We have to decide if we are going to include JG statement about "hearing" Caylee 6/24. This is "accounting" for Caylee and even though this is not a physical sighting: if true she can be 'accounted for'.

Accounting for Caylee during the time 6/9 to July15th when she was offically reported missing takes on two directions: trying to know/show where/how Caylee was being taken care of during a window of time at the end of her life. Creating a "just the facts mam'" chart of each day and if we can know what that day was for Caylee/what she was doing/who had her. This is separate from understanding Casey's time line to know "how she did it/when/etc."

We would like to throw out almost that Caylee passes at the end of the 'story'(I don't like being so detached about this but I have to say it this way to get my point across-I don't mean to call what happened to Baby Caylee is just a story):( As if we were looking into just a child neglect case. (is there one being put against anyone?)

I would love to have the cold hard facts(as best we can know)about where was Caylee for the few months before her death? I think it may be a clue as to more about Casey and the life she was living during that time, her mind set, and other clues to Caylee's demise. :(

....jmo...Thanks for indulging my babble.

Caylee died on June 16th.. Casey's partying picked up and went in high gear on June 20th. bolded above by me...
Casey did not need a babysitter.. Caylee was already dead.
To Intermezzo. You wrote..
Also, I think I read a transcript with Cindy that Casey also told her they couldn't come back, car troubles, Jeff had Casey's car in the shop and Jeff's mom or sister was watching Caylee, or something about Jeff's mom getting married.....Am I confused here

Yes that is what I remember reading in that same transcript of Cindy.

To anyone who had that painful experience of watching the video's of Cindy's LE interview.. I found it well worth the time to read her transcript again, you read things that you miss in the video. I found it very enlightening.
Reality #1: Caylee Anthony's remains were found near her home that she shared with her mother/grandmother/grandfather. We know that Caylee died.

Reality #2: Casey did not report or tell anyone that Caylee was missing.

(I do not want to add the "31 days" and all that because nothing is clear about that to me. Casey stated to LE on July16th the last time to see Caylee 6/9. Cindy stated to LE on July15th the last time she saw Caylee was 6/8. She also stated 6/14. Currently Cindy states? George states to LE July15th that 6/9 was the last time he saw Caylee. George then states to GVS the last time he saw Caylee was on June16th 1:00PM while watching his 'favorite program' before work. Cindy is at his side and does not dispute this, because she was asked when she last saw Caylee and she had deferred the question to George because (paraphrasing) "he really was the last of us two to actually see them, I was at" And George begins story with Cindy interjecting to help him tell the story that she didn't really know about 'cause she wasn't there but George was...

July3/7th(?) MySpace entry by Cindy: "My Caylee is missing." From June8/9th to at least this entry Cindy saw Caylee as "missing"/meaning she(Cindy) was not the one taking care of Caylee. This would be an interesting time-frame to take a look at...doubtful that Casey had Caylee with her everywhere she went during this time?

This case is a maze to my mind. It seems the more information I take in the less things make sense. I know this is what it is like to actually know this family because I have a family eerily similar...:crazy:

So, I want to bring up the post in this thread "WHERE IS CAYLEE?" And that this thread's purpose is for Accountability of Caylee: yes, lets answer all those questions on each day...where was caylee?

Like this: If WE KNOW that on July3 that Cindy believed Casey was in Jacksonville...and she told her friends not to tell her mom anything if she called...then do we know from any friends they saw Caylee that day? Because: using this date as an example, if Cindy/George did not have Caylee and she was not with Casey who was with her friends?:confused:

With all the information swimming around in my head: rumor, fact, theories, documents,'s like you see Caylee is as mysterious as "Nanny/Zanny"-no one really saw her, they don't know who had her at the time-no matter who you talk to-family, is the same. It seems that if a child was being taken care of...even if poorly by being passed around or taken to all kinds of inappropriate places: if we put together the stories of everyone, we SHOULD see where was Caylee.

But: it seems with more information Caylee become hazy in her own story, I can't imagine everyone is lying and memories of dates can become hard to recall, add in that someone/or someone's for same or different reasons may be covering/fudging/whathaveyou/forwhateverreason-and I can see why putting together "what really happened" needs much more work.

But Again: Even with all of this being said: Caylee should be all over everyone's stories. More than this. It's like you are seeing that Casey did something with Caylee when no one could/would watch her. This only starts happening: it being very unclear about who has Caylee after Cindy's vacation May30 to 6/3: Cindy has her this week in full. It is after 6/8 that Cindy's part in knowing "where is Caylee" gets fuzzy/George too till Caylee pops up in their life for 6/15th Father's day visit to GGrandpa(george states early 16th)-so now they are out of Caylee's story on the 16thJune.

We have to decide if we are going to include JG statement about "hearing" Caylee 6/24. This is "accounting" for Caylee and even though this is not a physical sighting: if true she can be 'accounted for'.

Accounting for Caylee during the time 6/9 to July15th when she was offically reported missing takes on two directions: trying to know/show where/how Caylee was being taken care of during a window of time at the end of her life. Creating a "just the facts mam'" chart of each day and if we can know what that day was for Caylee/what she was doing/who had her. This is separate from understanding Casey's time line to know "how she did it/when/etc."

We would like to throw out almost that Caylee passes at the end of the 'story'(I don't like being so detached about this but I have to say it this way to get my point across-I don't mean to call what happened to Baby Caylee is just a story):( As if we were looking into just a child neglect case. (is there one being put against anyone?)

I would love to have the cold hard facts(as best we can know)about where was Caylee for the few months before her death? I think it may be a clue as to more about Casey and the life she was living during that time, her mind set, and other clues to Caylee's demise. :(

....jmo...Thanks for indulging my babble.

I'm sorry I am not following you, unless you mean my post doesn't belong in the "Accountability of Caylee" thread. I am new here and as yet still trying to find my way around, I was replying to post number 3 in this thread, I did a search to try to find a discussion thread on that transcript of Cindy and had no luck, so posted it here because I thought it helped answer post 3.
I know that Caylee was dead on July 3rd, but due to having just found out the reason why Casey told her friends if her mother phones to not tell her where she is (or words similar). From reading that comment about the 3rd from Cindy, I took it to mean she had been in touch with Casey and told her she was coming to see her.
I am confused.

So, in this video with foxnews Megyn Kelly on July 21, Cindy states that the last time Caylee was with Casey was on June 14th:

So, which is it? June 14 or 15th?:confused:

WOW!! I have never seen this interview before (I don't know where I was) but Meghyn Kelly is MY HERO! One of the very few interviewers to stand up to CA and not allow her to control the interview the way she usually does. I know the purpose here is to discern the times Caylee was with Casey, but I am very grateful to know about this interview. Boy, that Cindy never runs out of venom! :snake:
Thanks Tangerinemoon! :blowkiss:
Casey left the Anthony house on June 14th around 11:50 AM. She spent a couple hours at Tony's and after receiving a VM from Cindy at 3:29 PM... she heads home at 3:48 PM. Casey prolly told her mom that she had to "go to work" and Cindy kept Caylee. Casey pings at the Anthony home that evening. We are working on the day to day movements of Casey during May 24th and June 15th.

Read through the above linked post as I generally account for Caylee's whereabouts.

Cindy and George went to the beach on June 7th and Casey was seen with Caylee on that date by Amy and Ric. June 14th.. My guess, G and C wanted to go out to eat supper and wanted to know when Casey was coming home, so a phone call is made to Casey. Casey arrives at home the rest of the night into the next day... when she shows up at Tony's at 9:12 Am in the morning on June 15th and doesn't come home until 7:36 PM. Cindy has Caylee at the nursing home.

Some patterns have emerged... even chaotic people have organized chaos.
Patterns regarding "fight times" and Casey's comings and goings.

Read through the above linked post as I generally account for Caylee's whereabouts.
Ok.. My posts regarding the minute by minute - play by play is getting scattered..

So.. to account for Caylee and Casey from May 24th till June 15th. (only have worked out to the 6th so far)

I am going to repost all of it together over here.. my apologies to all that have read them before.... but they may be easier to reference here.
May 23rd - May 31st... I have no pings to work off of.. only Amy's texts and interviews of the 4 main people who spent the most time with Casey and Caylee. Tony, Cindy, Ric and Amy.

BJB Dug this up... and posted here Unallocated clusters p2655

Casey is chatting it up with Tony R the cop who later got fired for lying about his contact with her...
AR 2:29pm So what did those mean?
KC What did what mean?
AR Your statuses on Facebook
KC 2:30pm Which one/s?
AR Nothing. Forget it
KC Haha, what? If you want to know I need to know specifics
AR Nah its nothing
AR 2:30pm I dont remember specifics.
KC 2:31pm I was feeling a bit better, for a few days, so things I wrote, probably reflected what I was feeling then
KC I'm pretty much over a lot of stuff, and have moved on from others. Getting sick AGAIN, is just proving to me that I need to start looking out for numero uno more often.
AR Yeah, I know the feeling
AR 2:32pm Well, we should get together. Let me know what your your up to when you are free
KC Will do. You working this weekend>
AR No. My friends are coming up for my birthday. They should be here soon hopefully
KC Yeah, I remember you saying your brother was going to be here. Nice
AR Yeah, he wont be here till wednesday
KC Well let me know, as long as i'm feeling better, I'm free all weekend
AR 2:33pm I am tied all weekend but free aftre work next week
KC I guess its next week then. I'll check my schedule
KC 2:34pm I start my vacation Thursday, so I'll be free for 12 of my 15 day vacation
So...from 5/23 week, starting vacation Thursday of 'next week' would be 5/29-30. Planning to have 15-days of vacation. That would put her vacation ending....hmmm... 6/16'ish...

May 24th
Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
"Went to Daniel Howards Bday party where Tony was DJ’ing. Casey brought along 2 friends Amy Huzienga and Troy Brown. This is the night that Tony and Casey met. The first met on Facebook, because it stated she was a Valenica Student and she was hot. During the week of May 19th – 24th, Tony called Casey and she could not meet up with him because she was waiting for the kids to fall asleep. He wanted her to meet his friend Clint House and his girlfriend Maria. Tony stated “she couldn’t because she was with the nanny and her kids.”
Ric Morales interview July 25th with Det Edwards 7
“24th you were in Tampa?” Ric states “uh-hum…”

Cindy states she has Caylee the Sundays in May. Casey told her mom she was working... but she was meeting with Tony instead.

May 26th
Cindy’s Aug 1st audio interview:

Cindy was off Memorial Day. Caylee was home with her that Monday. Memorial Day.. Lee came over and they had a cookout that day before George went to work. Casey and Caylee must have been there. She is not with Ric and not with Tony.

May 29th and 30th
Casey and Caylee spend both nights at Ric's. Cindy thinks they are staying at Zanny’s after Casey gets off work. Amy is not living at Ric's yet. Cindy stays in Mt Dora the 30th

Ric Morales interview July 25th with Det Edwards Page 7[/B]“Casey and Caylee both spent the night at Ric’s. Ric went to work the morning of the 31st and they were not there when he returned"

Cindy’s Aug 1st audio interview: Min mark 28:29

“ Cindy went up the Friday before her vacation to Mt Dora. She stayed over night Friday night and came back on Saturday. I know now I did not go to the beach that Saturday. Stayed home that Saturday.

IM HISTORY with Tony L aka L7Tone 9
Friday, May 30, 2008 from 11:06 AM to 11:34 AM

Document located
just flirting… She mentions that “my kid my actually be potty trained by her birthday! Thank god

Saturday May 31st
Ric Morales interview July 25th with Det Edwards Page 7
“Casey and Caylee were at Ric’s that Saturday morning but not when he got off work.”

Cindy’s Aug 1st audio interview:

“Caylee was with them most Saturday and Sundays… She thought her and George and Cindy went to the beach before the start of her vacation. Could be June 7th, and then went to Mt Dora to see her dad on June 8th. She is pretty sure her and George went before her vacation. Which is May 31st. Cindy later recants this at minute mark 29:45 and says she definitely went to the beach on June 7th with George. She was back that night after the beach… was pretty sure she had Caylee.

George and Cindy's E-Pass records as posted by BJB here

Originally Posted by Muzikman Just for the record, the E-Pass records show them taking George's car to the beach on June 7 - Leaving around 10:37 AM, getting back around 3:42 PM.

May 31st in the evening...
Casey had plans to meet up with Tony later that night at the Hiphop Showcase. Casey says she is working.. Cindy has Caylee

Caylee was evidently home with Cindy on the 31st, she thought Casey was working. Det Edward mistakenly says in Cindy’s Aug 1st interview that Casey brought Caylee home in the middle of the night of the 31st and went back to Ric’s. Ricardo states in his interview that Casey did not spend the night with him on the 31st. This is correct, Casey went to the hiphop showcase on the 31st with Tony and arriving at home at 3:28 AM.
Ric's interview:

Det Edwards makes the same mistake in Lee's interview.. and asks Lee if Casey would have brought home Caylee in the middle of the night on May 30th. Ricardo stated this happen when they were still dating which would have happened prior to April.

Lee's interview:

Cindy’s Aug 1st audio interview:

Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
HipHop showcase –at the Arden Villa pool. First date with Tony. She contacted him and met him ah the Arden Villas. She left for 30 minutes to meet a friend that lived at Arden Villas. She returned to introduce Jesse Grund, her ex-fiance. The weather turned bad and Tony wanted to go to the movies and then he invited Casey. They went to Waterford lakes that evening around 5 to 7 pm. After the movie, Tony and Casey went to Estelle’s apt. Tony states he drove Casey’s car that day as his was still in the shop. When Casey’s mom would call she would step out of the apt. She had a special ringtone for her mother’s call.
She could not stay the night of May 31st because she had to go home. Her mother called and wanted her to come home.
Caylee was evidently home with Cindy on the 31st, she thought Casey was working. Det Edward mistakenly says in Cindy’s Aug 1st interview that Casey brought Caylee home in the middle of the night of the 31st and went back to Ric’s. Ricardo states in his interview that Casey did not spend the night with him on the 31st. This is correct, Casey went to the hiphop showcase on the 31st with Tony and arriving at home at 3 AM.
Sunday, June 1st
Arrives home and pings at 3:16 AM from the night before with Tony at Arden Villages. Casey gets some sleep (4 hours) Gets up and leaves early , pings near to at Tony’s,leaves Caylee with mom while she spends the day with Tony at a BBQ. Caylee was with her grandmother this day. Casey was in and out all week.

AHuzienga July 16 interview

“…her parents were there more than the nanny was.. nine times out of ten or well maybe like four out of five she would talk about having to get her parents to look after her.”
Cindy’s Aug 1st audio interview: Minute mark 20:40.

“Cindy states she had Caylee most days the first week of June. Casey was in and out. They went swimming, shopping at Publix at Lee Vista and did yard work. Played, watched movies, Caylee has a life vest that she used in the pool. These were put on while they were in the screened porch.” “Was going to Fort Meyers.. dad was not doing well so she decided to stay close to home.”

7:25 AM - Casey receives a text from Tony R and by this time she is pinging near/at Tony L’s apt.
7:29 AM
- She calls Tony
7:44 AM- Cindy or Anthony home calls Casey
7:44 AM- Casey VM
7:50 AM- Tony R sends another text while she is at Tony Lazzaro’s
8:16 AM- Casey texts her mother Cindy
8:17 AM- Cindy texts her mother back
8:18 AM- Casey calls her mother 2 min duration
No cell activity again till…. 12:14 PM

During the 4 hours of no activity it would be easy to surmise some sexual activity per:
Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
"This is the first time we became intimate."
Did she not go to Tony’s but shopping in the area, go home.. fight with her mom and then go to Tony’s? There was 4 HOURS of NO Cell activity so we can not say she was at Tony’s during this time.

12:14 PM pings at Tony's
AH- Incoming Text (I think this text happened on 12:14 Am on June 1st because it fits better.)
“I may be home tom. Will isn’t calling me back. Are you guys going out tom night”?
12:51 PM VM
12:51 PM Ric - No Location – He must be leaving a VM
Casey cell phone did not show activity for 30 minutes between 12:14 when Amy sent a text and 12:54 when Rick called and a VM was left.
Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
"They went to Ryan Lopez,a friend’s BBQ at Pegasus Connection, off of Alafaya and University. They drove Casey’s car because Tony’s car was still in the shop. They hung out there most of the day and then headed back to his place."
2:54 PM VM - 1 min - No location
2:54 PM Anthony Home –Incoming Call. VM left. Received text regarding VM message left.
2:55 PM Voicemail text – Pings at University and Alafaya Trail Cell tower location: 11555 Walden Woods Dr/ Orlando/ FL/ 32826 This is near Ryan Lopez's
While still at Ryan Lopez’s BBQ and after Cindy leaves a VM for Casey. Casey calls Jesse Grund.
3:05 PM Casey calls Jesse Grund. No answer. Casey leaves a voicemail message.15 seconds later. Casey tries calling Jesse Grund again.
4:29 PM Anthony Home calls Casey again. Cindy leaves a message. VM notification text received.
5:16 PM Casey calls the Anthony Home and talks for 1 minute. She is still in the area of Alafaya and University.
6:20 PM Casey replies to Amy’s 12:14 PM text:
"Not sure if I'm going out. I’ll be with Tony during the day. I really like this kid! Can’t wait to see you."

Back at Tony’s Apt after a long afternoon BBQ’ing at Ryan’s.

Evening of June 1st… Caylee is with Grandma, Casey is with Tony. Amy, Troy and Ric.. all think she is coming out to the Rock Star Karaoke. She doesn’t show, Ric texts her.

Amy Huzienga July 23rd interview regarding June 1st.

“ …came back from Tallahassee and dropped her stuff off and went to go meet them at Rock Star Karokee at Voyage…fairly certain Casey was with Tony that night.. not a hundred percent.”

Ric Morales interview July 25th with Det Edwards Page 8
“recalls going to Rock Star Karaoke with Amy, Troy and JP. The karaoke is at the Voyage as well.
8:13 PM Casey checks VM and receives a text from Ric
8:14 PM Ric texts Casey while she is still at Tony’s

Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
“They first became intimate. Tony states that Casey left his apartment late evening or early evening. Casey did not stay the night.”
8:51 PM Anthony home calls Casey Casey lets it roll to VM
“When Casey’s mom would call she would step out of the apt. She had a special ringtone for her mother’s call.”

Casey has left Tony’s at this point or has gone outside, as she begins to call her mom, and check in with Ric. She tries Cindy three times. Cindy may not be answering as she may have been putting Caylee to bed.
9:17 PM Casey calls the Anthony home. She tries again a minute later.
9:18 PM Casey texts Ric
9:19 PM Casey calls Cindy’s cell. She tries again in 22 seconds.
9:20 PM Ric texts Casey back.
9:21 PM Casey calls Cindy’s cell
9:23 PM Casey calls Tony L as her pings are 2 mi south and calls him again in 34 secs
9:24 PM Casey calls Ric and talks to him for 4 minutes her cell pings further south 2 mi SW of Tony L
9:28 PM Casey calls Tony L and does not connect - No location of cell tower
9:29 PM Casey calls Tony L and does not connect 20 secs later Tony returns Casey’s call
9:29 PM Tony calls and does not connect

Casey’s cell is pinging near Tony’s apt… but yet they are calling each other…..

9:31 PM Casey calls Tony does not connect. Cell towers still have her near or at Tony’s apt.

Casey’s cell is not in use for 2 1/2 hrs and shows no activity until 12:08 AM, June 2nd. Ping has her at Tony’s.

This is not consistent with Tony that she left early evening. Lack of cell activity could indicate she went and picked up a movie and he stayed at the apt? Did she go get food? Were they watching movies for 2.5 hours or having a sexual encounters?

12:08 AM June 2nd middle of the night....
Casey cell shows activity at Tony’s but within 4 minutes it shows her leaving and heading south.
12:12 AM Casey texts Amy H no record of what she said….
12:12 AM Amy texts Casey (I think this text occurs also 2 minutes before the last on May 31st/June 1st) Amy was out of town and wanting Casey to go out with the boys on June 1st.

“On my way home. I’ll be out with the boys if you anything else going. Limping, but out.”
12:12 AM Casey calls an unidentified number
12:16 AM Casey calls Jesse Grund and talks for 10 minutes
Casey arrives at the Anthony homestead.

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