Forensic Astrology - BRITTANEE M. DREXEL, missing 4/25/09 Myrtle Beach

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Ordinarily a New Moon trine our Jupiter is a good thing. Brittanee's experience was different. She was born on a Moon Wobble, a New Moon in Libra square the Nodes of the Moon. What happened when she disappeared was a repeat of that unfortunate formation. April 24, 2009 was no commonplace New Moon, it was once again, a Moon Wobble. It is so marked on our Astro Calendar.

Under a Moon Wobble, there is restless rash action, sudden ups and downs, trauma and yes, violence. Judgment is poor and there is inattention to detail and tremendous instability, even upheavals of the earth's surface as in quakes! Volcanoes regurgitate their fiery content. Human beings over-react.

Someone who is already under the stress of perverse compulsions and mentally unwell will be the first to act out recklessly under the influence of a Moon Wobble. My thoughts go to Professor Z. who shot three people in a jealous rage in the S.E.

There was some reported contradiction in Brittanee sending text or receiving text at 9:15 p.m. Her Rochester boyfriend tried to reach her by text message at that time and rec'd no response but WHEC also reports that she was last seen leaving the Blue Water Resort alone at that moment. That is the time used for the chart cast which begins this thread on p.#1.
Professor Zinkhan's body was just found at Bogart. He committed his crimes the same day Brittanee disappeared.
:waitasec: so which is it, I wonder?

The facts regarding the last ping/pings has been bothering me for days so I just spent an hour going back to the beginning to try to determine when and where the last ping occurred. I have to say it's about as clear as mud.

There are reports that the last ping was in Georgetown and it occurred around midnight Saturday into Sunday. Well, it's either one or the other, isn't it? Unless it was straight-up midnight.

I also found a report that there was a ping late Saturday and then another one early Sunday.

The latest information is that there was also a ping in Charleston after the one in Georgetown.

So perhaps there really were two pings. Who knows. The information coming out of MB is convoluted at best. It's very frustrating.
I'm bringing my post over from Brittanee's main thread. I want to know what the super-astros think about this area. I know that Soulscape did an analysis with a map and one of her charts BUT, when it comes to reading maps, I am LOST!

I am about an hour away from this place. Is this an area of interest as far as the astrologers are concerned?
I think some of the confusion is because of 'poor' reporting since she went missing. Even the 'times regarding th hotel etc. were confusing. Although the time stamp in the video coming & leaving the hotel 'looked' one way, it was determined they were not correct ( don't have information as to how the times are 'set' on cams ) and LE adjusted it down to her leaving the hotel at 8:45. They believe her northerly direction changed near or around 11th Ave South. Her boyfriend attempted to reach her @9:15/16 by text and didn't get a response, so LE has stated, the 8:45pm to 9:15pm period is critical.


Here's a news article where an expert discusses the ping.
Cell phone technology used in search for missing teen
(an expert in cell tower triangulation is quoted within)

Searchers have focused on an area near the North Santee River, because that's where her cell phone last gave out a signal.
Investigators say her cell phone gave a signal to a cell tower in southern Georgetown County the night she went missing.
The search has recently focused on the area along Highway 17 around the Santee River on the Charleston - Georgetown county line.
"It's not a very specific area, it's a very vague area. Those cell phone towers can go for miles and pick up a signal so we have a general area to start searching at least."
Every signal that a cell phone sends to a tower has a time stamp attached to it.
By calculating the amount of time in milliseconds that it takes for the signal to get from the cell phone to the tower, the phone company can calculate how close the cell phone is to the tower.
Keep in mind, the cell phone is sending a signal to many towers at the same time, and HTC engineer Ryan Graham says, for tracking purposes, the more towers the phone can communicate with, the better.
"Depending on how far away it is from tower A to tower B, it will triangulate that position of that phone, depending on how many sites. Obviously, the more sites it can communicate with, the better or tighter that triangulation can come," said Graham.
"It can be anywhere from right near the cell site, within a half a mile to 5,6,7 miles away, radius around the cell site," said Graham.
The New Moon was on 24 April launching matters of all sorts all over the world. The pool of this Moon's influence lasts for a couple of weeks. Some projects and enterprises will start after the New Moon but still bear the cast of that Moon. Then comes the Full Moon, exact on a particular day but radiating forward for the following two weeks. The Full Moon represents the culmination of those projects and happenings from the New Moon. Sometimes they come to a head right on the Full Moon, it is a STRONG force. Sometimes things are brought to fruition just before the Full Moon or in the two weeks thereafter but the influence is real.

TUBA said:
Professor Zinkhan's body was just found at Bogart. He committed his crimes the same day Brittanee disappeared.

Just as TUBA has explained above, we have seen the powerful influence of this Full Moon. Zinkhan was found and now we learn that Jason Holley's body has been found as well. (Jason's thread in our forum is titled DURANGO for the town he was from) Soulscape did his charts and unfortunately, his 'friends' as indicated in those charts were responsible.

Let's seriously PRAY for BRITTANEE.

BRITTANEEeeeee, where are you??? BRITTANEEeeee.....​
I don't know if this article might help the astros, with Peter Brozowitz speaking:

"But in her hometown, Peter Brozowitz told WHEC that he was tired of being singled out as the bad guy. He said that he and four other guys were in the hotel room when Brittanee Drexel showed up Saturday night, April 25. "Of course I'm concerned about Brittanee," he said, "I mean that girl is a nice girl but when I was in the room with four other kids, they're all with me the whole night and then all of a sudden my name is mentioned as a person of interest when there is absolutely no evidence..."
Okay, I just watched the Peter B interview on Dr. Phil. I don't think he's being entirely truthful, his eyes and facial expressions were hinky.

Anyway, at the very end of the show, Dr. Phil says this:

Dr. Phil: there was some information between 8:45 pm and 9:15 pm, in Myrtle Beach, between 11th Avenue South and 21st Avenue South.
I got about 8 twitter tweeks on this:

Georgetown steel mill will be closing, down laying off over 200 employee's. No news link yet as it seems most of the local media are waiting for the 5pm newscasts.
I got about 8 twitter tweeks on this:

Georgetown steel mill will be closing, down laying off over 200 employee's. No news link yet as it seems most of the local media are waiting for the 5pm newscasts.

That is huge because Georgetown is not a very big town to start with and the steel mill was I think the largest employer.
I don't know if this article might help the astros, with Peter Brozowitz speaking:

"But in her hometown, Peter Brozowitz told WHEC that he was tired of being singled out as the bad guy. He said that he and four other guys were in the hotel room when Brittanee Drexel showed up Saturday night, April 25. "Of course I'm concerned about Brittanee," he said, "I mean that girl is a nice girl but when I was in the room with four other kids, they're all with me the whole night and then all of a sudden my name is mentioned as a person of interest when there is absolutely no evidence..."

Okay, I just watched the Peter B interview on Dr. Phil. I don't think he's being entirely truthful, his eyes and facial expressions were hinky....

Lovejac, I agree with you. There are a couple things about Peter B. that just don't flush.

First, as he whined in his statement in the quote above provided by Flossie, there were four boys in the hotel room, yet he was the one who was singled out and regarded suspiciously.

Why? What made LE suspect Peter?

Second, within a day of getting back to Rochester, Peter lawyered up. Because of this, I am skeptical he provided any valuable information to LE during subsequent questioning. The legal eagle on his shoulder would see to that.

When questioned why the boys had 'suddenly' left the hotel at approx. 1:00 am Sunday morning (nearly five hours before the missing person report was filed), Peter told the authorities, 'they (the boys) were planning to drive back home the next morning but decided to leave early.'

Sounds like a pretty casual, spur-of-the-moment decision, and nothing out of the ordinary, considering we're talking about college students here. However, after casting the Event Chart, I reconsidered.


I was stunned to see critical degrees on no less than three angles: 13 Cardinal on House 1/7, 00 Cardinal on House 3/9, and 17 Mutable on House 12/6. 'Casual, spur-of-the-moment' decisions do not produce charts like this.

On the contrary, the chart suggests crisis right from the get-go. The decision to high-tail it to the car and get the h*ll outta Dodge (so to speak) was a decision made in crisis mode. Critical degrees on the 3/9 axis confirm, as House 3 involves cars/transportation and House 9 trips at a distance. The 12/6 axis in critical degree is somewhat more disturbing as 12th House shows secrets, misfortunes, self-undoing and the like. Notice who is residing in the unfortunate 12th House: BLACK MOON LILITH, the Part of MISFortune, and PLUTO --- all very sinister planets/points in a very sinister house.

Creepy. But it doesn't stop there.

Why is Lord 1 SATURN posited (and intercepted, no less, not to mention Retrograde) in the 8th House of Crime/Death?

What is the secret shown by the interception in House 2 with Part of Secrets within at 00 Pisces? Notice URANUS, whose actions can never be predicted, is also intercepted in loopy, nebulous, secretive Pisces. With the mutual reception between NEPTUNE & URANUS, we may have to accept that such a secret may not be revealed and may very well remain a mystery.

Why is the Part of Tragedy (22 Taurus) in the same 22 degree we saw emphasized in the Last Text Chart and the Missing Person Report Chart, with BML in that degree as well? (According to Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic, the 22nd degree = 'kill or be killed,' a degree of death and murder.)

Why are the SUN & MOON (with MOON = Brittanee Lord 7) posited in the 4th House of Endings, with Leo on the 8th House (death, crime, murder) cusp?

And why are Houses 4 & 5 and 10 & 11 connected (Taurus on 4 & 5, Scorpio on 10 & 11)? Could the Ending (House 4) have to do with sex/lust (House 5) perpetrated by 'friends' (House 11) --- and did someone 'lose their head' in the heat of the moment (MERCURY conj. ALGOL in House 5)?

Finally, why is this chart's Part of Death (11:45 Aries) partile conjunct Peter B.'s natal MARS?

For any astro's reading here at this early morning hour, lol, I heard on our local channel 2 that Brittanee's family were in Georgetown today passing out flyers and talking to locals. They told the reporter that they might be coming to Charleston tomorrow. If they do and if I can find child care tomorrow for my 3 kiddos, is there anything astrological that I could try and share with them regarding where they should be looking for Brittanee? My heart aches for her mother, I so very desperately want her to be able to find her daughter.
Soulscape, after reading your informative chart, I have no choice but to believe that at least one (or more) of his friends know what happened to Brittanee. I'm assuming Peter B did not drive to and from Spring Break by himself AND even if he did, I'm certain that his other males friends were following. At least that's what me and my friends did when we were younger and going on trips, we all followed each other.

Which also leads me to think that one or more of those same male friends were with him when Brittanee was disposed of. I can't imagine that Peter B left by himself to dump her and then came back to meet his friends and leave. KWIM? He probably dumped her off of the route that he used to go back to Rochester, especially since he doesn't know that area very well.

Thoughts from anyone?
He lives with his parents, Wanda & Mark, has an older brother, Adam, address is 456 Covewood Blvd Don't know if is a "ritzy' neighborhood, maybe someone who knows the area could tell us?

His father owns a charter business

Webster is a pricier suburb of Rochester. This is off Bay Rd/that isn't the most expensive part but some houses are average and the next is really nice
Soulscape, after reading your informative chart, I have no choice but to believe that at least one (or more) of his friends know what happened to Brittanee. I'm assuming Peter B did not drive to and from Spring Break by himself AND even if he did, I'm certain that his other males friends were following. At least that's what me and my friends did when we were younger and going on trips, we all followed each other.

Which also leads me to think that one or more of those same male friends were with him when Brittanee was disposed of. I can't imagine that Peter B left by himself to dump her and then came back to meet his friends and leave. KWIM? He probably dumped her off of the route that he used to go back to Rochester, especially since he doesn't know that area very well.

Thoughts from anyone?


The chart doesn't 'prove' PB did anything to Brittanee, let alone murder and dump her...

It does, however, raise questions, especially in light of the fact that the first thing PB did upon return to Rochester was to lawyer up.

Aren't you stung at the lack of progress in this case? I know I am but (as with Haleigh) there is SO much deception & concealment built into the event that it is easy to explore the wrong elements.

This morning I was inspired to examine where the Dark Moon Lilith might have been when Brittanee disappeared and also, where it is now. Well, it so happens that Dark Moon Lilith was dead bang on the Ascendant of the Disappearance chart. Brittanee and her NY boyfriend had been texting back & forth in steady communication when suddenly text went dead at her end. At that same moment Dark Moon Lilith took the ASC.

If you're not familiar with Lilith, she has a terrible reputation as one who lures and beckons and then denies and demoralizes and debases. Lilith is illicit and ungodly and brings chaos to the personal affairs when in House 1, as here. She is always sinister and malevolent. She is the source of crime and catastrophe and is the Great Betrayer.

That night, she was opposite Mercury and square Jupiter-Neptune intercepted along with conjoining the event Ascendant. It can cause us to make a fatal mistake which consists of something so seemingly minor as putting a foot wrong.

My other thought on this aging situation is that the Moon had been at the midpoint of Sun and Mercury four hours earlier. That is about the time of an evening meal, if any. It is certain from the House & Sign of the Moon plus the planets involved that at least Brittanee was hungry then. But she was out of funds and this was not an open handed gang, so what happened?

Today, Dark Moon Lilith is right on the cusp of House 3 which is the accounts that were given of the night of April 25. This damages casual testimony because it is an influence that goes, "C'mon, I'll tell you what I know and what you need to know." But nothing truthful is then provided. If anyone is asked today to repeat what happened that night, be assured the statements are false.
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