
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Casey was trying to keep George away from the "trunk", on the 24th!

And let's not forget the gas cans but not sure which list(s) these things should go on. Team?

Tweety933, I appreciate all the efforts you're making to help with this. Please don't slow down!
Caylee being fatherless? Lying to family concerning Caylee's biological father! Not involving Caylee's father or his family in her "life". WHO does that? Didn't she tell multiple people varying stories as to the circumstances related to Caylee's creation? Doesn't this speak to MOTIVE?

I wonder what she would tell Caylee herself, if she was old enough to ask..."Momma, who is MY daddy?"
She tried to pin the parenthood on Jessie (the imagipappy), like she tried to pin the death on the imaginanny (Zanny).
This may be a myth, but didn't Tony L. state to Casey that he only wanted BOYS?
Bella Vida tattoo while her child was missing/dead. What kind of behavior is THAT?
Why didn't she pick up her car from Amscot? Why didn't she inform her parents that the car was towed? Why didn't she use the money she stole from Amy to get her car outta the tow yard?
What about computer searches, were they ever confirmed....household weapons, missing children websites, neck breaking, chloroform?
tweety if you do a search on each of those items you will find loads of info and discussion on each.
Evidence that a dead human was in the backyard of the Anthony Home, K-9 cadaver dogs 7/17/08.
Caylee being fatherless? Lying to family concerning Caylee's biological father! Not involving Caylee's father or his family in her "life". WHO does that? Didn't she tell multiple people varying stories as to the circumstances related to Caylee's creation? Doesn't this speak to MOTIVE?

I wonder what she would tell Caylee herself, if she was old enough to ask..."Momma, who is MY daddy?"

Important character info, imo, but not sure it would legally be considered evidence of motive or directly connected to the crime.
Her own words, in writing, telling the Nanny tale.

Is that your way of saying you're willing to make a Nanny list? hint, hint.

I've read enough of your posts to figure begging isn't going to help me. :)

For my semi-annual sucking up to the mods post, just wanted to point out, here I am looking for info for the lists and it sure is convenient to be able to find threads for the specific topics and review those discussions.


ETA: Anyone wanting to help but not sure where to start --- here's good place. I'm leaving these threads alone for now and looking elsewhere. Maybe we can break this down into teams looking for things for specific lists? Whaddaya think?
Hat tip to Butwhatif? for posting on another thread.

Begins Discovery page 2616

Comments and context additions added in [ ] and italicized

July 13, 2008; nearly a month after Caylee last seen:

KC (11.26AM) Sitting around. tired
ID Late night?
KC Eh, not really. just havent been sleeping well
KC: Cant wait to get into my own place
ID: You should exercise more. when is that happening?
KC: This is true. i need to. probably within the week
ID: Oh true, you and tony?
KC No sir. just me and the kid
ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love herID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust.
KC (11:30AM ) It just depends. i pay her a lot more than most nanys make. its worth it though.
ID: Yeah, i understand. where does tone live?
KC (11.31AM) She's a friend. between myself and one of my coworkers, its her main source of income.....he's off of university. really close to full sail.
[Comment: But she doesn't need income being all wealthy and all...]
KC (11.32AM) We've [she and TonE] only been dating 7 wks . haha
[Comment: currently approximately 4 weeks since Caylee last seen]
KC (11.44AM) I am very happy now
KC This is the first time i've felt this way in along time
....yeah. it is, seriously.
ID (11.46AM)Wow. but you've known him [TonE] for a lot longer than 7 wks, right?
KC Yeah. we've [she and TonE] been friends for almost a year
[Comment: Not according to TonE; he had met her less than 2 mos prior.]
KC But one, i'm in a r/ship with someone who is a yr younger than me, isnt sure what he wants, and most likely wont be living here this time next year. so much uncertainty
[Comment: Goes to motive? Wanted to be able to follow TonE?]
KC(11.51AM) I know about life, but even then, i'm not satisfied. tgrue love hurts. completely takes the breath out of you
[Comment: Not likely she was thinking of Caylee but eerie nonetheless]
KC I went through that phase, all i did was randomly make out with guys , and had a hook up, for almost 2 yrs on and off
[Comment: KC admits numerous random "hook ups" (implies one night stands) for 2 years; goes to character, lifestyle and also indicative of likelihood she has no idea which random hook up created Caylee.]
KC But i see the other side. i'd rather take the chance, than miss out on the potentidl for greatness
[Comment: mindest re: taking chances]
ID Delete your logs so you dont get into trouble
KC Haha. no worries
[Comment: Knowledge and habit of covering tracks on computer, not that LE didn't find anyway but she tries.]

July 14, 2008:

KC Sh#t, even outside of a relationship, I'm probably not in the best spot either.haha
ID (3:10pm ) Why?
KC( 3.11pm) I'm pretty hung up on tony, and realistically, if he moves back to new york next year, my relationship will end.sucks to know that inevitably, unless I were to drop everything, I'm going to lose someone close to me.
KC If he gets offered the jobs he's supposed to, I couldnt keep him here
KC NO worries . Whats life without taking risks? Its necessary
Hat tip to Butwhatif? for posting on another thread.

Begins Discovery page 2616

Comments and context additions added in [ ] and italicized

July 14, 2008:

KC Sh#t, even outside of a relationship, I'm probably not in the best spot either.haha
ID (3:10pm ) Why?
KC( 3.11pm) I'm pretty hung up on tony, and realistically, if he moves back to new york next year, my relationship will end.sucks to know that inevitably, unless I were to drop everything, I'm going to lose someone close to me.
KC If he gets offered the jobs he's supposed to, I couldnt keep him here
KC NO worries . Whats life without taking risks? Its necessary

Respectfully snipped and Bold and RED by me:

So what is Caylee --- chopped liver? This really :furious: :furious: :furious: me .........

More worried about losing Tony than murdering Caylee. We already knew this, but to see this text message again just ................floored me.
Hat tip to butwhatif?

Roughly a 4-6 weeks prior to Caylee's last seen date KC was complaining about the restrictions Caylee caused; resentment building:

AR ( 9:14pm) get your rents home damnit
KC ( 9:14pm) I wish I knew where they were
AR ( 9:14pm) wtf
KC ( 9:14pm) seriously.
AR ( 9:16pm) this really sucks its like three times now **** has comeup
KC ( 9:16pm) every other time its been work. Honestly, i'll start throwing that on the backburner.
KC ( 9:16pm) but this, with my folks, i'm pissed
KC ( 9:16pm) my mom and I had a deal
KC (1:42pm) god. I'm so sick of having to rely on other people
AR (1:42pm) yeah I bet. That has to suck
KC (1:42pm) yeah, it really does
AR (1:43pm) what did the nanny say?
KC (1:43pm) I always have to change my plans now, and i'm someone who likes to make plans and stick with them. She's coming back from tampa. Her sister is getting married this weekend
KC (1:50pm) my point in all of this ...if its going to work, whether I 'have to make this up to you', or whatever, youre going to have to suck it up, and come see me every once and a while. Youre a lot more mobile than I am a lot of the time.
AR (1:51pm) oh I will eventually no doubt I meanits just nice to get out of your element too you know?
KC (1:52pm) believe me I need that time out of my element. I'm craving it
AR (2:08pm) come over. I'll cook
KC (2:08pm) ha. Want me to bring the little snothead?
KC (2:08pm) didnt think so
KC (4:11pm) I hate playing phone tag
AR (4:12) Huh?
KC I'm playing phone tag with both zani and my mom
AR So in other words....looking worse
KC No. just means that everyones timing is terrible
AR (4:14pm) K
AR (4:15pm) I'm not going to get upset. I cant anymore
AR Nothing I can do its like the norm now
KC well it shouldnt be but strangely, theres not much I can do either. It sucks
AR (4:20pm) So what do you think tonight, like a 25% chance?
KC Most likely
AR (4:21pm) Wow thats staggering, odds not in my favor
KC ****, not really in mine either
AR So then just forget it babe. Just forget it.
KC (4:22pm) Ok? At this point I think its worth it even if its for a short time. Better than nothing at all right?
AR Yes but you just said it didnt look good today
KC (4:23pm) I can still try
KC (4:31pm) I feel like I have cabin fever. I'm ready to chew my arm offAR (4:32pm) why?
KC (4:36pm) I'm going stir crazxy sitting around here
KC No, seriously, without the pokes at me not being able to come over all the time, why did you go out of your way to text him that?
KC Oh, this will be after that.I was thinking the 29th, doing something for the day. My mom is taking Caylee on Vacation with her, and my dad, while I'm on my vacation.
AR I'm off Wed and Thur that week.
KC I should be moving by then anyway
[Comment: Starting to wonder if the "moving" theme wasn't the beginning of the plan to get rid of Caylee.]
KC Baby if my mom could actually sit up, i'd already be there
KC 7:19pm She cant babysit , she can barely hold her head up right now
AR 7:26pm Yeah, and unfortunately I cant do it much longer, not gone yet, but not m,uch left babe.
KC 7:27pm Like I said, it sucks that youre putting a timelimit on things.
KC 7:35pm Its like we're in along distance relationship, as much as it sucks, its feasible
AR I cant babe, we live in the same ****ing city and I see my parents more
KC 7:37pm Thats obviously an exageration
AR Kinda, but not really
KC You know what your getting into with me, and i'm sorry, caylee has to come first, my job, a close second. I can only take so much time from that for everything else.
AR I understand that but understand my point. I cant see someone every 3+ weeks and say we're dating
KC 7:39pm Its not going to be once every three weeks
AR It has been
KC My schedule is changing at the end of this week. I'll have a more flexible schedule. If I can get my L1, I canm start training in a month, make my own schedule, and its cake from there.
KC 7:42pm I'm asking you to stick it out a little longer. And if you cant, then why wait?
[Comment: Really laying the pressure on KC about her lack of mobility; Caylee was seen after 'the end of this week but could again be when planning started.]
KC I'm pretty much over a lot of stuff, and have moved on from others. Getting sick AGAIN, is just proving to me that I need to start looking out for numero uno more often.
KC 2:34pm I start my vacation Thursday, so I'll be free for 12 of my 15 day vacation
KC seriously, spending the day with caylee is 10 times more exausting than working a 12-hour event.
Her own words, in writing, telling the Nanny tale.

Don't know if you've been following the jury instructions thread but suspect you know anyway, these false exculpatory statements are very, very incriminating and go to consciousness of guilt.
Edit expired; quoting to add.

If you can think of any incriminating behavior or lie that wasn't listed yet, please post. I'm so impressed with what everyone has contributed so far but I know there's more; video visits; text messages; witness statements about her behavior; etc. etc. etc. TIA I know there was some incriminating stuff w/TonE and NYItaliano but can't remember clearly enough to post.

If anything on the lists is inaccurate, in your opinion, or duplicated on the same list, (items may appear on more than one list but hopefully not twice on one list), please post that too. I'm sure we all agree the lists are worthless if inaccurate. TIA

Finally, if anyone can drag Brini over here, please do so --- we need more of her help. But don't tell her I'm going to try to get her to do a list! Let's just keep that our little secret...

Please keep in mind that legally, a juror may infer consciousness of guilt from false exculpatory statements, such as the imaginanny did it; and the same is true for conflicting pretrial statements, such as 'just like a normal day' v. 'kidnapped from JBP.' Avoiding detection or the start of an investigation for 31 days, as well as obstructing the investigation once started also goes to consciousness of guilt. Some cases verifying this are posted in the [ame=http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3982821&postcount=558]jury instructions thread here.[/ame]

The purpose of this list is to show KC's consciousness of guilt and to show her behavior inconsistent with any theory other than murder.


Finally, we were working on the list below. To get caught up, the discussion is on pages 26-27 of the jury instructions thread. All help appreciated; add to it; pick it apart; it's all help and it's appreciated.

1. 31 days evading investigation, including hiding from family, during which time she mentioned to no one about Caylee

2. Fabricated call from deceased Caylee to investigators

3. IM with Iasson: I love nanny; happier than ever

4. Inconsistent pretrial statements: Dropped at Sawgrass; kidnapped at park

5. Obstruction of investigation prior to finding remains; Universal and Orlando tour wastes of time, lying, etc.

6. Failed to cooperate in any way, provide any information post-remains found negating possibility KC was keeping silent to 'protect' a 'kidnapped' Caylee

7. Borrowed shovel from neighbor on July 18, approximately 2.6 days (time estimated by Body Farm that Caylee was in trunk) after last time Caylee seen alive; highly unusual behavior; suggestive of possible planned burial.

8. Gave incorrect date of last seen

9. Was at Blockbuster within 24 hours of last time seen alive, admitted last date seen by perp, and gave no outward showing

10. Imaginanny -- no evidence a nanny existed; no text, email or telephone records; no pictures; no witnesses; No bf JH, no son Zack; no contact info at all; NO EVIDENCE she existed; false exculpatory statements related to imaginanny (How could I have failed to list the imaginanny??? )

11. No evidence of search for Caylee; no items purchased for Caylee

12. "Party-girl" behavior from date last seen through arrest

13. KC had no trouble calling 911 over protesters but not for Caylee

14. Released videos of jail calls and visits show no concern for Caylee or search.

15. 1st call home from jail in particular only concern was reaching TL and ended with "calling you guys was a waste, huge waste" when they refused to give #; no concern or remorse for Caylee.

16. August 14, 2008 video, 'my life has been taken from me' and complains of how long a month is related to her incarceration. (v. not reporting for 31 days.) Reaction to pool death theory was a calm "surprise, surprise"

17. ***SOLD***pics to media (Anyone else would be begging media to air, not charging.

18. Did not identify ZFG in photo lineup then lied to CA saying she hadn't seen line up and alluded to 'girl in Kissimmee' to falsely exculpate herself by falsely implying ZFG was the imaginanny.

19. Text messages and online social account messages Casey left online during the 31 days she desperately "searched".

20. Pictures of KC conducting her "search" for Caylee at Fusian.

21. KC's "Diary of Days" poem downloaded the day after KC either had a one-night stand or slept in her car (according to KC's phone pings). On July 2 phone records show Cindy frantically calling every 5 minutes. Cindy was was taking a vacation week from work cutting off KC's main daytime hideout. Tony was out of town & threatening not to come back to Florida.

22. KC's tattoo shortly after Caylee's death "Beautiful Life."

23. KC backing into garage **** is this the right list for this?

24. Trying to keep GA from trunk of car after stealing gas cans

25. Hyperventilating, dramatic reaction to remains found but no reaction to BP find

26. Websearches for missing child websites but no evidence of any follow up to indicate genuine interest

27. Diary of Days *** does anyone have it handy to post as attachment to this list? TIA


ETA: Thanks Jolynna, Coco puff, lampchop, countzero, MissJames, treeseeker, Brini, jeepgirlva, tweety933 additions

And to everyone else too, thanks for all the help with this -- Go TEAM!!

ETA: If anyone can remember, among other things that we haven't thought of so far, specifically looking for incriminating statements, like on the text w/Iaasson; I know there were some with NYItaliano, but don't remember them well enough to list.
Not sure if this qualifies,but the phone call from jail when she asks Lee for Tone's number.Christine gets on and KC rants a while .When Christine starts crying about Caylee KC says"calling you guys,a waste, a huge waste"
And the phone comments that all anyone cares about is finding Caylee......duh!
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