Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

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Ok, I guess I will ask again, or I need clarification and direct me to the post that I may have overlooked.. Does the chart say why she left the arena at all?

The Last Seen Chart does not reveal why she left the arena. What it does reveal was that she was in highly unstable frame of mind, unlikely to be able to make good decisions (her significator MERCURY close approaching critical degree -- 13 Cardinal -- and under the Sun Beams, Part of PERIL exact conjunct ASCENDANT and Part of DELUSION exact conjunct MOON).

Not trying to be cryptic just don't think I can post this outright since no suspects have been named. But would there be anyway to tell if the perp was VERY INTO video games, online games, etc. Also if I gave you a birthdate of 4/25/83....and could you run a chart from that? If you need more info, PM me.

JUPITER the Perp is posited in the sign of Aquarius, associated with the internet and all things electronic, including video games.

The 4-25-83 person has severe afflictions suggestive of a person who may cause or attract harm/abuse, and the interchart connections between this person and Morgan are afflictive and unpleasant. There are suspicious connections to the Last Seen chart as well.

However, this certainly does not prove the 4-25-83 person is the perp. Why do you suspect this person?

Amanda, the very first chart in this thread, #1 on p.1, gives the reason she went out of the concert hall. She was not feeling well at that moment. The chart also states that she was midway between Saturn and the imminent Moon Wobble that night and that the aspects to those besieging factors, Saturn and the New Moon, a Wobble, show the person who besieged or cornered her to be gowed up on the drugs of Neptune. The type of drug(s) is not the sort that puts inhibition to sleep, not weirding downers. It renders a high that overcomes inhibition and reason like cocaine does. Not that it was cocaine but it has the same effect.
I should clarify that there are two charts, as has been made plain before. The first one, which shows Morgan feeling ill, has both Sun & Moon on the Sixth House cusp. A sure sign of indisposition. This is the chart for her exit from the hall and the friends. Then I did a second chart when we learned that there was continued communication after she went out. That too ended and became the disappearance chart. It has different cusps, of course.
JUPITER the Perp is posited in the sign of Aquarius, associated with the internet and all things electronic, including video games.

The 4-25-83 person has severe afflictions suggestive of a person who may cause or attract harm/abuse, and the interchart connections between this person and Morgan are afflictive and unpleasant. There are suspicious connections to the Last Seen chart as well.

However, this certainly does not prove the 4-25-83 person is the perp. Why do you suspect this person?


This person would be a stranger to Morgan. However, he supposedly saw her inside the stadium in the upper corrider near where the vendors and beer stands are. He describes the area as being crowded and everyone as pushing through. He couldn't tell if she was alone b/c it was so crowded and everyone was pushing through. He realizes he saw her on Monday when he saw her story on the news. Could be nothing other than a concerned citizen......but then this is what drew me to him.

He immediately starts a facebook page to help find her. He went on CNN to talk about spotting her and wanted it made very clear that he was inside when he saw her. According to his own messages he's been trying to look into where they are searching and even set up his own searches. Looking into his online history, I have found a person who is very into video/online games. Games that project fantasy and violence. He admits he is a heavy drinker. He has been a security guard and EMT. His favorite show is COPS. (That made me think back to the part about someone removing the battery from her phone.) Also into online *advertiser censored*.....I could go on and on but for now I will start with this.

Wanted to add one more thing....he wants to make love "horror movie style". Whatever the heck that means.

Fifth if you feel any of this is inappropriate, please delete.
For others who have their head tied in a knot, like I do, over the car issue--Dave Gardner is a reliable UVA alumnus and witness. He saw the Morgan party arrive and talked to Morgan and he saw the car after the concert. If you have seen him on Face Book or My Space or any website and can provide contact information, I will write to him regarding the car description.

Amanda Melvin is the source for the report in The Roanoke Times that "Morgan Harrington's car remained in the parking lot." That is, the parking at the arena. Dan Harrington is adamant that Morgan's car never went to Charlottesville. He is quoted in his home town paper, The Register Herald of Beckley, Fayette Co., VA. I also have to ask, because this contention is most suspicious, whether there is a reason why it is more "useful" to someone that the car went to JPJ or not. Police want to focus on what happened after arrival and say which car is unimportant. But if it were unimportant, a clear statement would have been out here long, long ago.
For others who have their head tied in a knot, like I do, over the car issue--Dave Gardner is a reliable UVA alumnus and witness. He saw the Morgan party arrive and talked to Morgan and he saw the car after the concert. If you have seen him on Face Book or My Space or any website and can provide contact information, I will write to him regarding the car description.

Amanda Melvin is the source for the report in The Roanoke Times that "Morgan Harrington's car remained in the parking lot." That is, the parking at the arena. Dan Harrington is adamant that Morgan's car never went to Charlottesville. He is quoted in his home town paper, The Register Herald of Beckley, Fayette Co., VA. I also have to ask, because this contention is most suspicious, whether there is a reason why it is more "useful" to someone that the car went to JPJ or not. Police want to focus on what happened after arrival and say which car is unimportant. But if it were unimportant, a clear statement would have been out here long, long ago.

The problem I have with him is this.....he stated Morgan asked him who the opening bands were. IMO she would have known who they were. She was on the FB page regarding the concert, she had tickets for 6 months and I'm sure knew all about the concert as this info was on Metallica's website, the radio, and I'm quite sure in conversation with friends, etc. I strongly feel she would have known and would never have asked that question.

Also, he mentioned girls...not a male and girls....just girls.

I honestly don't consider him a reliable witness at all based on these two facts. one of her friends and even closer to the girls she was with...ill get to u within 10 minutes whose car she was in to go to the concert and where it was parked at.

and it was 6 friends that went to the concert(including her) and the guy was one of the girls she was with, boyfriend.

but like i said.. give me ten minutes.

ps-i wont tell u what type of car it was just because i dont want any creepers on here to visit her friend.
This person would be a stranger to Morgan. However, he supposedly saw her inside the stadium in the upper corrider near where the vendors and beer stands are. He describes the area as being crowded and everyone as pushing through. He couldn't tell if she was alone b/c it was so crowded and everyone was pushing through. He realizes he saw her on Monday when he saw her story on the news. Could be nothing other than a concerned citizen......but then this is what drew me to him.

He immediately starts a facebook page to help find her. He went on CNN to talk about spotting her and wanted it made very clear that he was inside when he saw her. According to his own messages he's been trying to look into where they are searching and even set up his own searches. Looking into his online history, I have found a person who is very into video/online games. Games that project fantasy and violence. He admits he is a heavy drinker. He has been a security guard and EMT. His favorite show is COPS. (That made me think back to the part about someone removing the battery from her phone.) Also into online *advertiser censored*.....I could go on and on but for now I will start with this.

Wanted to add one more thing....he wants to make love "horror movie style". Whatever the heck that means.

Fifth if you feel any of this is inappropriate, please delete.

is this what u think ur head is telling you

where do u think this guy is from, the more specific the better
Mr. Playa (LOL) - Couldn't resist.

You ask "is this what u think ur head is telling you". Not sure what you mean by that, but if you are asking if that is some type of psychic prediction then the answer is no.

I am just going off of things I have read that have been posted in this thread as well as things that I have discovered about this person while doing my own internet searches. You would be surprised what people can find out on the internet.

More info that I came across about this person....he has stated that he "worked part time at the arena". Don't know if that is currently or in the past....but obviously someone that worked there would be familiar with the grounds and perhaps where surveillance cameras may or may not be. He has been involved in search and rescue in the area. IF this person were the perp, IMO he would be more familiar with where to hide a body with a S&R background. He's currently a volunteer EMT he could listen in on the scanners and get a good idea of what is going on in the investigation based on LE transmissions over their radios.

I could be TOTALLY WRONG about this and will be the first to admit if I am but IMO something is off with him. one of her friends and even closer to the girls she was with...ill get to u within 10 minutes whose car she was in to go to the concert and where it was parked at.

and it was 6 friends that went to the concert(including her) and the guy was one of the girls she was with, boyfriend.

but like i said.. give me ten minutes.

ps-i wont tell u what type of car it was just because i dont want any creepers on here to visit her friend.

You mention that there were 6 people in the group that night. Were you one of them? If so, do you know how she injured her face? If you were not there, do any of the others know what happened to her face?
no i was not... im a dude. the only dude that was with the group was a bf of one of the other girls. they did not see what injured her face. the people that did see said she did it walking right near the exit of the arena. i figured the info i had would help the guy with this forum topic but he hasnt responded yet. i gave yall the info about the car that they had. it was in the main parking lot area. one of the friends had the keys. her car was at the parents house. they drove two seperate cars to the house. then piled up in one car to the arena.

i really hope that helps with the astrology of the event
no i was not... im a dude. the only dude that was with the group was a bf of one of the other girls. they did not see what injured her face. the people that did see said she did it walking right near the exit of the arena. i figured the info i had would help the guy with this forum topic but he hasnt responded yet. i gave yall the info about the car that they had. it was in the main parking lot area. one of the friends had the keys. her car was at the parents house. they drove two seperate cars to the house. then piled up in one car to the arena.

i really hope that helps with the astrology of the event

Thanks for responding. Regarding the people that did see her injure her face....did they say she slipped and fell or what caused the injury? Also, do you know if Morgan was intoxicated in any way? Not judging at all, it was a rock concert after all. People would be partying. Just trying to figure out her state of mind and why she would think it would be safe to venture out of the arena by herself.
Could you clarify on the car:

"i gave yall the info about the car that they had. it was in the main parking lot area. one of the friends had the keys. her car was at the parents house. they drove two seperate cars to the house. then piled up in one car to the arena."

So the car driven to the arena was NOT Morgan's, is that correct? Also, are you saying that MORGAN's car was at her parents house ALL ALONG? As in she never drove it on the first part of the trip and left it at the friends house and then the friends returned the car later.

Please clarify that if you can.
they said that she wasnt intoxicated when she left them. but u cant get much out of them after that. the details they know they wont release except for the police for the reason u said. the guy might be out there reading these posts and mess with the evidence or where he/she has them. i want to know but they cant. plus im sure they are in denial of letting their friend leave with being so far away from home. i asked them this but they said they always ventured away at concerts. it was a norm to them but it might lose one of their friends lives. i miss morgan thats why i want u to continue this astrology bc evidence is at a stallmate right now
Thanks Tarheeelplaya06 for getting back to us and welcome to our Forum.

Truly appreciate your assistance here.

So, you are saying the car the group drove to the concert in did NOT BELONG TO MORGAN? correct?

Alll 6 of them piled into one car and drove to the arena?

I am a little confused though as you said Morgan's car was at her parents. How can that be?
(Reports say she left her parents around 2pm ( in her car), called her parents when she arrived at a friends place to reassure the family she got to the first leg of the journey safely.)

Please help me out here.
Could you clarify on the car:

"i gave yall the info about the car that they had. it was in the main parking lot area. one of the friends had the keys. her car was at the parents house. they drove two seperate cars to the house. then piled up in one car to the arena."

So the car driven to the arena was NOT Morgan's, is that correct? Also, are you saying that MORGAN's car was at her parents house ALL ALONG? As in she never drove it on the first part of the trip and left it at the friends house and then the friends returned the car later.

Please clarify that if you can.

ok...a)drove to roanoke at the harrington's house to pick up their tickets that the dad bought with 2 cars B) they left morgans car at the harrington's house and drove the other car with 6 ppl in it to save gas. plus morgan wanted to study for a test with her dad since she didnt have time to that night C) concert driver had the keys, cant specify who the driver was but only that is wasnt morgan, or her car d)they came home to va tech and not to morgans, this is where the dad got suspcious and called the cops

i know u are asking urself the question, why the hell would they do that, i asked them this. but it was the norm for them to do this. they leave each other alone at concerts sometimes. u also would have to think that they atleast have an IDEA who she was meeting up with. they would have to trust that she was getting a ride with someone familiar. doesnt mean she GOT to that particular guy but they arent going to tell that. the police knows that info and they assured me they know that info. but they arent going to say just in case that guys finds out they have that lead.
Thanks Tarheeelplaya06 for getting back to us and welcome to our Forum.

Truly appreciate your assistance here.

So, you are saying the car the group drove to the concert in did NOT BELONG TO MORGAN? correct?

Alll 6 of them piled into one car and drove to the arena?

I am a little confused though as you said Morgan's car was at her parents. How can that be?
(Reports say she left her parents around 2pm ( in her car), called her parents when she arrived at a friends place to reassure the family she got to the first leg of the journey safely.)

Please help me out here.

just what i was told. dont know if that is a big part of the story but i can ask bout where her was stored at. i was told she called when she got to the concert. but if that would help for the astrology i will find it out.

but the part about them piling in one car is completely correct. 5 females one male

not her car - correct as well
they said that she wasnt intoxicated when she left them. but u cant get much out of them after that. the details they know they wont release except for the police for the reason u said. the guy might be out there reading these posts and mess with the evidence or where he/she has them. i want to know but they cant. plus im sure they are in denial of letting their friend leave with being so far away from home. i asked them this but they said they always ventured away at concerts. it was a norm to them but it might lose one of their friends lives. i miss morgan thats why i want u to continue this astrology bc evidence is at a stallmate right now

The astrologers here are top notch. It may take some time for them to look further but be assured if they find anything that they feel would be relevant or helpful in locating Morgan they will post it. One thing that they work with are times and dates so if you or any of the other friends can pinpoint any specific times that have not already been discussed about the timeline. I am sure they would find those helpful...For example, do you or they know the timeframe that the person that spotted her with the injury saw her?
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