Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #8

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If it were me and my friends, and one of us was missing.. we would have taken a walk around the parking lot.. (in groups of course..) Just to make sure that she wasn't there talking to some randoms and just not realizing that we could possibly be waiting for her. And quite honestly, we would never let one of us get separated. We operate with almost a pack mentality. And as far as her friends waiting a "couple hours"... you mean to tell me that they sat in the parking lot waiting.. When you're young and p'od that someone's making you wait.. 15 minutes in a parked car can seem like an eternity.


I agree with you completely, when i was younger we always stuck in a pack, and if someone had to go to the bathroom we would use the buddy system, especially at all large events such as concerts, and also at bars even sometimes.
I wish we knew how long her friends really sat and waited for her, i guess there would be no way to know for certain. We could take her friends' word, yet IMO, their word is nothing as they don't act the way true friends would.

It doesn't sound like they looked around, just waited for her if they even bothered doing that..
What i don't understand is, they knew she got stuck outside and couldn't get back in. Yet all they do is offer her ideas as to which entrances to try to use to get back in. (Which Morgan does, tries different entrances to no avail). So these "friends" knew Morgan wanted to get back inside, yet they didn't go outside to her to either help get her back in, join her outside, or at the very least give her her car keys. It's very disrespectful of her friends considering her dad was the one who actually paid for their tickets to go to the concert to begin with. Not to mention they took her car so the least they could do is bring her her own car keys to sit inside the car. The only reason they wouldn't do that (this has been mentioned by other posters) would be if they feared Morgan leaving them there taking her car somewhere, or driving drunk if she was drinking. This shows lack of trust towards Morgan by her friends. The trust is unreciprocated it seems, Morgan lets her friends drive her own vehicle there, yet her friends can't give her her own car keys after she is stuck outside the venue in the cold.
I am beginning to think that her friends weren't as fond of her as was thought.. They act like mere acquaintances more than best friends.. it's very strange.. nothing good can come out of their silence. It doesn't hurt the case if they were to go public to plea for the return of Morgan. I wonder why they don't do that? After all, if things were different her friends are the ones who could have prevented this whole mess had they accompanied her to the bathroom. I wonder if her friends actually feel any guilt at all? They don't show it, imo, SS in that video is matter of fact, nonchalant more than upset or concerned.
Also... why not go to the party and see if Morgan was there? I mean... it's not like they called the Harringtons, checked with security or did anything but go home and sleep.
Was Morgan their "in" to the party?
Do they want to separate themselves from that party?
Did Morgan call ahead and get a ride from someone already at the party and then go missing?

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark to quote Shakespeare!
I hope that LE has her friends under tight surveillance. I hope that they are outside their bedroom windows with the Whisper 1000 listening. Most likely they already have their phones tapped. Given that the girls don't say anything as it is, i'm sure they don't over their phones either. Something is extremely hinky about how they are acting. It stinks to high heavens.

Respectfully snipped by me.

I should note that, just like the case is with Brittany Drexel's 'freinds', LE CANNOT tap or surveil these girls as long as this is 'just' a missing persons case, especially when they are residing outside the jurisdiction of the lead investigating agency. Taps and such require court aproval, and must meet specific requirenments to gain that approval, and no judge would sign off under these circumstances, unless there is DEFINITE evidence of their involvement in foul play with regards to Morgan's disappearance. It sucks, but that's how our constitutional protections work.
Also, the friends were supposed to attend a party with other friends and they told the other friends ...

One odd fact of our culture is that people will put the least amount of critical decision-making into their largest purchases. The same person who will scream for a manager when their expired coupon won't work in a department store will carelessly plunk down in excess of $100K in borrowed money for some outfit like VTech or UVA or JMU. What do they think they are buying? The friendships to last a lifetime, of course; however, drinking etc. is not conducive to any serious work or true friendship.

Where did the link between college and drinking alcohol (and taking drugs) come from? Was F. Scott Fitzgerald really to blame, since in his telling, Princeton in the 1920s was full of society girls who carried little flasks of gin? The flasks were a mild political protest against the unpopular Prohibition laws, and they probably just sipped a little bit of gin, rather than passing out intoxicated; but yet the cultural image has become that college somehow necessitates a lot of getting drunk.

The reason that the local businessmen don't want missing posters in their stores is that their business depends on the grand myth of college; that college is just as sweet, safe and innocent as it was back in the days of the movie "Love Story."

Also, parental memories blur. The three or four really great parties in their senior year transform into parties three or four times every week for four years. They don't realize that their child is endangering themselves with too much drinking & getting stoned; as well as wasting the best years of their lives on nothing. Hopefully, people will start to wake up.
I think her brothers friends had graduated for the most part... I also think they originally said the people she knew in Charlottesville hadn't heard from her that night.

I think it is VERY suspect that the 9 ... who are now 8 are acting like nothing happened. I carry this poor broken family in my heart... I cannot imagine the grief I would feel, if she were a part of my extended family.

I truly think the missing piece is held by her friends. They either KNOW something first hand or know some piece of information that Morgan told them before.

I too suspect her body has been hidden.

From what we can tell, she did know plenty of people in Charlottesville & UVa.
I don't have access to her FB, but another poster reports:

A quick glance at her FB friends looks to me like the majority of her friends are at Tech/in Roanoke. It actually seems as if she has more friends at UVA than JMU. I didn't do a complete count though, she has a lot of friends.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - VA-Morgan Dana Harrington, 20 Charlottesville #8

Also, the "8" may not have really known Morgan well. They were friends back in middle school? People change. Maybe they didn't really keep up with each other.
Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!

I drove up from South Carolina late last night, and right before Richmond on 95, there is a HUGE, bright sign, with Morgan's beautiful face! It looks like the sign is actually a part of the Phillip Morris USA headquarters, so thanks to Phillip Morris or whomever has helped to pay for that sign!

Had dinner with a friend from Charlottesville last week, who met Morgan's mother a few days after she disapperared, but didn't realize it until after she walked away. She said Gil was sitting outside of a restaurant in C'ville, looking tired and sad with signs for Morgan with her (she was passing them out). My friend walked up and said, "Oh, I am praying they find her! As a parent I am just so sick for her family." Her mother just said "We NEED to find her." After my girlfriend walked away, she realized it was Gil. I can't imagine how the holiday went for them...just keep praying! down to business.

1. Do we have confirmation that the woman hitchhiking on the bridge had a purse with her?

2. Has the purse been fingerprinted? If someone threw it out of the car (after removing a cell battery), it would be on the purse.

3 The basketball players who were interviewed by police said they "spoke" to Morgan, but they have remained silent as to what she said. Do we know if their cars were also checked for evidence? Even if they said they didn;pt give her a ride, it doesn't mean they didn't let her sit in the car and wait for a while so she could make phone calls, etc.

4 Do we have any information from "drug dealers" who were arrested about 2 weeks ago near JPJ? I know someone jumped all over me for talking about drug dealers, and again, I am not suggesting anything about anyone who uses or even sells from time to time (I know it's a mainstream thing), but I am suspicious of this certain dealer because of his criminal background. I was at a rock concert this summer and was offered extacy and coke from some random guy...who knows a dealer could have sold her something in or outside of the arena! Or may have seen something...

5. Why hasn't LE released the last ping information from her cell phone? If we knew when it went dead it would help...if someone snatched her on the bridge WITH her purse, that means they could have gone back to the concert parking lot to dump the purse later...meaning wherever or whatever happened to her couldn't have been too far away since the purse was found in the morning.

I wish LE would release more information, it is stiffiling to media coverage...and is not keeping her name in the news! We need something new!
as we are approaching a new thread, maybe we can make a list of facts including notes on statements from le and harringtons. speculation on anything else should be noted as not a fact in the post. this to not confuse posters.
Sat Dec 19th @ Canal Club in Richmond, VA


ATLANTA,GA Based Hard Rock act,
DANGEROUS NEW MACHINE Featuring Ex-Members of Stereomud,Fozzy and Stuck Mojo

NEW JERSEY based Thrash Metal Legends WHIPLASH


all proceeds will go to

Canal Club is located @ 1545 E Cary St Richmond, VA 23219-4222

This is a major blow to Hard Rock & Heavy Metal community,We will never stop looking until Morgan is found safe and well.
Morgan Dana Harrington benefit concert Dec 19th - Help Find Morgan Harrington
Keeping Alive the Hope

Christmas Candles for Morgan.

During this Christmas Season -put one electric or battery operated candle in your window for the Christmas season. With the intent that this light shines to bring Morgan home.

If you already put candles in your windows during the season, please choose one of the candles and put a different color bulb in it.

Let's show the Harrington family that we are ALL keeping HOPE alive to bring Morgan Home!!!
Keeping Alive the Hope - Christmas Candles for Morgan - Help Find Morgan Harrington
That's great news coming out of Richmond!

Hopefully many attendee's will have also gone to see Metallica and someone will come forward with new information.
I heard some interesting things this weekend about Morgan from what I feel is a reliable source I know who works around the VA Tech area, and also know people who know Morgan directly.

*rumors/hearsay here*

The basic gist is that a lot of people (my note - not necessarily the girls she was with, or I'm guessing not friends her parents could 'see' on FB/Myspace) Morgan hung around were known as heroin (my note - specifically heroin) addicts. The other thing was that Morgan had gained a reputation as a bit of a 'man stealer.'

My thoughts & speculation: If true (which I have perfect faith in this source, but have to hold any rumor under the bright lights of speculation) then both these things could put her in danger if spotted alone....bad drug deal or robbery gone wrong in one case, the other could have been revenge gone wrong involving an angry girl and that girl's group of friends. Drugs would explain the strange circumstance of leaving before the concert, but so would meeting up with a guy...only maybe the meeting was a setup by an angry girlfriend who intercepted text messages from her and wanted a confrontation (sadly I see/hear this among 20-ish girls all the time now).

It could also explain why the drug question has been avoided and/or carefully answered previously. From what I gathered from this person, this information is well known around there but is being excluded by the media. I don't know if they mean exclusion out of respect, out of a request from family, or out of seeking to keep Morgan's personality flawless so people don't lose interest in her. When drugs are mentioned in these cases, most people tune out...even though nobody deserves being kidnapped or attacked or killed (NOBODY).

Please don't be angry at me for posting this, I just wanted to share it because I found it to be different from what we are seeing reported and therefore interesting.:angel:
I think it was a hook article that is linked back on the thread(s) that interviewed a 44 year old man who said a woman he believes to be Morgan kicked him . ( I won't post more because it's back in the thread and I don't remember the particulars of the account accurately enough to be specific.. but it is already linked here)

He said that he called his gf and told her and she said he should call the police.

What kind of a sissy guy would call his girlfriend just because some girl kicked him???? That story sounds like a bunch of bull just to get a little attention.

If I were the girlfriend of that sissy guy I think I would be looking for a real manly
Shannon - thanks for sharing that. It does add something to this mystery.

The idea that her friends are going about like normal including partying speaks volumes to me about what kind of people they are - my goodness, with friends like these Morgan didn't need any enemies.

I am not sure about her being at JPC. If the police had proof, they could say "we know because we have proof". Not just "we believe". If Morgan and any of the "friends" were there, they should be on surveillance. The whole bit about waiting around when she supposedly told them she would get a ride smells! It makes no sense. I am sure they feel if they stick together they will be okay, and the longer it takes till Morgan is found, the more likely they will walk way from their roles in this. If she died of an OD they are just guilty of covering up a death and I don't know what that is in VA.

For whatever reason, from the totality of what I have read in this case, (especially with the bits about the parents saying good relationship in past six months, etc) I think the "friends" thought if they said Morgan took off there might not be a big deal made. I am sure they never expected anything like what has happened.

Nothing really adds up here.
I heard some interesting things this weekend about Morgan from what I feel is a reliable source I know who works around the VA Tech area, and also know people who know Morgan directly.

*rumors/hearsay here*

The basic gist is that a lot of people (my note - not necessarily the girls she was with, or I'm guessing not friends her parents could 'see' on FB/Myspace) Morgan hung around were known as heroin (my note - specifically heroin) addicts. The other thing was that Morgan had gained a reputation as a bit of a 'man stealer.'

My thoughts & speculation: If true (which I have perfect faith in this source, but have to hold any rumor under the bright lights of speculation) then both these things could put her in danger if spotted alone....bad drug deal or robbery gone wrong in one case, the other could have been revenge gone wrong involving an angry girl and that girl's group of friends. Drugs would explain the strange circumstance of leaving before the concert, but so would meeting up with a guy...only maybe the meeting was a setup by an angry girlfriend who intercepted text messages from her and wanted a confrontation (sadly I see/hear this among 20-ish girls all the time now).

It could also explain why the drug question has been avoided and/or carefully answered previously. From what I gathered from this person, this information is well known around there but is being excluded by the media. I don't know if they mean exclusion out of respect, out of a request from family, or out of seeking to keep Morgan's personality flawless so people don't lose interest in her. When drugs are mentioned in these cases, most people tune out...even though nobody deserves being kidnapped or attacked or killed (NOBODY).

Please don't be angry at me for posting this, I just wanted to share it because I found it to be different from what we are seeing reported and therefore interesting.:angel:
thank you. i have found it odd more local talk has not gotten out.
I have always been interested in what the "group" did from the time they left Charlottesville about 3pm and arrived at the concert about 7:30pm. I have no timeline or links to how long they were on the road or in concert town. I have always wondered where they went and what they did during that time period? I remember she called her dad from Charlottsville and said "dad I arrived safely" but never another word when she reached JPJ Arena.

Pure speculation but I wonder if Morgan lived a double life. Divulging all to her parents but..another whole person for herself. I wondered earlier if maybe she had another cell phone..her own that she used for "her calls" and that why she took the battery.

I thought it strange a girl that age would give her father her passwords to her accounts such as Facebook. Usually at the age of 20 we have given our daughters wings. Perhaps this is how they do it in the south but in the north..gals seem pretty independent of their parents after three years of college. Working some for income, living on campus, new friends..lots of ideas and thoughts shared with a few.

No I don't have links to the above. Just MOO. Morgan may be many women.
Like all of you this case has me baffled.

It doesn't make sense that she would leave the arena, nor does it make sense that she wouldn't "break in" to her own car and wait the night out. It doesn't make sense that she would hitchhike.

As some have suggested, her friends might be covering something up. I can't believe that her friends would try and cover this up.

First of all I don't think they would be good enough liars to even pull it off. LE is better than that.

Secondly I think one of them would have come forward with the truth because of conscience or simply one of them would have cracked by now.
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