Casey's Tiffany Ring & Bracelet...Where are They?

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Maybe this should go in the coincidence thread.

I was just reading the last post about the "Tiffany" ring and was thinking just because KC said it was Tiffany doesn't make it so and then I spotted the side banner ad for jewelry.

Please look at what I found:

I thought the very same thing when I saw it, that is no Tiffany ring. That is Casey's way of elevating her self in her fantasy life to say her imaginary boyfriend who she had convinced Cindy she was about to move in with and make a life with bought her a "Tiffany" ring. Much like telling folks she had a "nanny' rather than a sitter. A gal living at home with mom and pop and stealing quarters and dollars from the baby's piggy bank is hardly in the economic bracket to afford a nanny (which implies a highly trained educated professional opposed to the local teenage babysitter). She learned the appearances stick at her mother's knee since childhood and she has it down to a science. Classic grifter/con person tactics. I do not think she pawned it, because I do not think it had any value, real or imagined.
I agree with you World. For all we know it could be down the back of someone/anyone's couch.
Link not working Julia...

and I would love to watch it.
I thought the very same thing when I saw it, that is no Tiffany ring. That is Casey's way of elevating her self in her fantasy life to say her imaginary boyfriend who she had convinced Cindy she was about to move in with and make a life with bought her a "Tiffany" ring. Much like telling folks she had a "nanny' rather than a sitter. A gal living at home with mom and pop and stealing quarters and dollars from the baby's piggy bank is hardly in the economic bracket to afford a nanny (which implies a highly trained educated professional opposed to the local teenage babysitter). She learned the appearances stick at her mother's knee since childhood and she has it down to a science. Classic grifter/con person tactics. I do not think she pawned it, because I do not think it had any value, real or imagined.

I agree. That is no Tiffany ring and bracelet. Far too light weight to be Tiffany anything. One of the problems with pathological liars is that they will lie for no good reason, simply because they can. They enjoy telling lies just to see the other person's reaction.
I think (if you zoom in) KC was wearing the ring and bracelet at Easter. Not sure, but it would fit into your time frame.

Good eye! I skipped right over that one when I scanned thru some of the pics yesterday... gonna go back and look more carefully now. Maybe we can use the pics to figure out when the ring showed up? :)

A little O/T, but does anyone know when she first told CA about the new "boyfriend" (JH)?
I thought the very same thing when I saw it, that is no Tiffany ring. That is Casey's way of elevating her self in her fantasy life to say her imaginary boyfriend who she had convinced Cindy she was about to move in with and make a life with bought her a "Tiffany" ring. Much like telling folks she had a "nanny' rather than a sitter. A gal living at home with mom and pop and stealing quarters and dollars from the baby's piggy bank is hardly in the economic bracket to afford a nanny (which implies a highly trained educated professional opposed to the local teenage babysitter). She learned the appearances stick at her mother's knee since childhood and she has it down to a science. Classic grifter/con person tactics. I do not think she pawned it, because I do not think it had any value, real or imagined.

In the FL high schools the cheerleader and dance team girls that can afford it get the little Tiffany rings,necklaces and bracelets. They usually get them for 16 birthday party or graduation gift. Boyfriends usually don't get girls in there twenties something like that. If they are serious, I think something a little more substantial would be in order. I agree that it is probably a fake and a hoax to lead CA to believe she was dating someone thoughtful with money. Heaven know kc couldn't tell CA about RM.
In the FL high schools the cheerleader and dance team girls that can afford it get the little Tiffany rings,necklaces and bracelets. They usually get them for 16 birthday party or graduation gift. Boyfriends usually don't get girls in there twenties something like that. If they are serious, I think something a little more substantial would be in order. I agree that it is probably a fake and a hoax to lead CA to believe she was dating someone thoughtful with money. Heaven know kc couldn't tell CA about RM.

I'll confess...My DD's both got Tiffany Bracelets for their 16th b-day, and for Graduation got the necklaces...And I live in Central Fl...

I think your right that they jewelry was fake.
Just to add to the collection so that we know for a fact that KC had possession of the ring and the bracelet during the same time Caylee also had a BTCISP t-shirt!
Here's one where (if you zoom in) I believe KC is wearing the ring and bracelet. I'm not sure of the timeframe here-I found it at photobucket and someone had it tagged Mallory's birthday! Maybe KC had it tagged Mal's birthday? Does anyone know when M's birthday is?
She wore these regularly-Makes no sense for her to not have said something to CA if she just lost them, these would be something she should not have been ashamed of having, and should have been upset at losing them-Best case is that she frequently loses jewelry (I have been known for that) and was embarrassed to tell mom.
If she had a boyfriend she was gonna move in with why had her parents not met him? I still cannot even fathom why they never met the nanny either. I know my oldest daughers "boyfriends/men friends" and she is grown and been on her own a long time, but I have met them all at least once and she does not live with me. Now that my youngest daughter is divorced I have met her men friends or at least seen pics of them together with the kids.

For CA/GA not to have met so many of these people just puzzles me especailly with KC still living at home. This whole family is just plain weird to me and not normal.
I'm wondering if she possibly hid them at one of her friends apartment somewhere and no one has found them or she possibly left them in a public place for someone else to find. If she said that "Jeff gave them to her" then I'm inclined to think that she possibly stole them from one of her "friends" and was thinking that someone may eventually notice them on her and call her out on it. Not sure how long she had them. JMO
I think this is the most likely scenario-Casey STOLE that from someone, and for all we know LE already knows from whom and just has not brought any charges on that particular theft due to her NOT having them in her possession. If she DID pawn them, then it is possible they did not find them in a pawn shop before they were sold. No evidence to bring a charge.

IMO, Casey pawned the jewelry so she could have pocket-money or to pay some bills based solely on her lack of employment. Cindy was trying to pull some pieces together regarding Jeff, etc., etc. The jewelry or lack thereof is not even going to be part of this case.
I completely agree Patty. Things move quickly in pawn shops. If she pawned it, oh, say on June 13th or 14th or thereabouts, and did not return to pick it up or pay on it within 30 days, it would have gone up for sale, and it is highly likely it would have sold fairly quickly as a "cute" set and likely at an affordable pawn shop price. I know OUR pawn shop where we SHOP not pawn does not even keep the record of who pawned what after three months, so if LE was not looking at this before September then it would be impossible to discover the truth.

It WOULD be nice if a friend HAD come up missing it and DID report it to LE at least.
If she had a boyfriend she was gonna move in with why had her parents not met him? I still cannot even fathom why they never met the nanny either. I know my oldest daughers "boyfriends/men friends" and she is grown and been on her own a long time, but I have met them all at least once and she does not live with me. Now that my youngest daughter is divorced I have met her men friends or at least seen pics of them together with the kids.

For CA/GA not to have met so many of these people just puzzles me especailly with KC still living at home. This whole family is just plain weird to me and not normal.
I will tackle this one. First off she was not "planning" to move in with him, that just came on the heels of "OH crap! I can't stay here with no Caylee they will surely notice!" So off to Tonys she ran to hide out...not a real planner Miss Anthony.

Ane the reason her parents never met the nanny? That one is easy-there was no nanny to meet.

For myself, my oldest son is the only one who has left home, and he does have a few friends that he has made that I have not met...but not many-at some point I have managed to meet nearly all of them-even his tattoo artist! lol...and I definitely KNOW with whom my granddaughter is staying and HAVE met each and every person who has EVER watched her, and they DON'T live with I too find it ridiculous that they claim they believed in this nanny scenario...I mean, come on, George KNEW she had no job and has admitted as much and Cindy just told him to back off and shut she knew too but did not want to rock the "Caylee lives with us" boat...:banghead:
Unfortunately, I don't have time to read the whole thread but wanted to put in my 2 cents worth - so forgive me if anyone else has already said anything along these lines.

I always thought when CA asked KC about that ring and said "who gave it to you...I forget" that she hadn't really forgotten but was wanting to see if KC would say the same thing then that she had told her before. I don't know whether KC had said Jeff gave it to her before or not but I suspect she had not and I'm pretty sure that CA knew exactly what KC had said previously when she asked that question.

Remember that this was early on and CA was still publically acknowledging that KC had lied about things to them and I think she was trying to see if this was one of them. CAs comment here about not being able to locate Jeff seemed a reaction to KC's statement that Jeff gave her the ring rather than it being what CA was trying to get to by asking about the ring in the 1st place. That actually made me suspect that KC may have previously told her someone else gave it to her and that she had just caught KC in yet another lie.

I don't think it was the ring that was of particular importance to CA and I'm not sure what prompted the question. Perhaps it was seeing it in a photo and recalling a previous conversation with KC about it. Perhaps someone said to her, btw KC told me she needed some money and I bought that ring from her or perhaps they did find a pawn ticket or something and wanted to see if she'd admit to selling it. Perhaps, she actually bought it with one of CA's credit cards and CA had just learned that and wanted to see if KC would admit to that or continue the lie that someone gave it to her.

Part of the reason that I don't think the ring itself is that important is because it doesn't seem to be something they or LE spent any time following up on. I think CA knew the truth about who gave it to her and likely what happened to it too and since it was one of the few things CA actually did know the truth about and was using it as sort of a litmus test to see if she thought she could get any truthful answers from KC that day - and I think she got her answer and knew that KC wasn't likely to tell her anything that she could believe which resulted in the "ok, uhm we can't find Jeff."

Still, I must confess that if my theory about the litmus test thing is correct then I do not understand why CA would bother to ask some of the questions she did in the rest of that conversation or in the extra 45 minutes they got that afternoon if CA had already confirmed in her mind that KC was lying like I think she did. But then, there isn't much that I do understand about these conversations either.

So I suggest everyone keep that in mind when reading my 2 cents worth about this topic and remember that while 2 cents isn't worth much, if it's all you've got then it's still worth sharing which is what I've tried to do here.
Having had more than a little experience with pawning jewelry (although I always redeemed the items), I can tell you that no pawn shops in my area take silver for pawn or sale. Florida may be different, however. I'm told that in the Western states, silver and turquoise jewelry is readily accepted. She may have sold the pieces privately however.

And I'm inclined to think they were stolen by KC from some poor soul who had the ill luck to befriend her.
Unfortunately, I don't have time to read the whole thread but wanted to put in my 2 cents worth - so forgive me if anyone else has already said anything along these lines.

I always thought when CA asked KC about that ring and said "who gave it to you...I forget" that she hadn't really forgotten but was wanting to see if KC would say the same thing then that she had told her before. I don't know whether KC had said Jeff gave it to her before or not but I suspect she had not and I'm pretty sure that CA knew exactly what KC had said previously when she asked that question.

Remember that this was early on and CA was still publically acknowledging that KC had lied about things to them and I think she was trying to see if this was one of them. CAs comment here about not being able to locate Jeff seemed a reaction to KC's statement that Jeff gave her the ring rather than it being what CA was trying to get to by asking about the ring in the 1st place. That actually made me suspect that KC may have previously told her someone else gave it to her and that she had just caught KC in yet another lie.

I don't think it was the ring that was of particular importance to CA and I'm not sure what prompted the question. Perhaps it was seeing it in a photo and recalling a previous conversation with KC about it. Perhaps someone said to her, btw KC told me she needed some money and I bought that ring from her or perhaps they did find a pawn ticket or something and wanted to see if she'd admit to selling it. Perhaps, she actually bought it with one of CA's credit cards and CA had just learned that and wanted to see if KC would admit to that or continue the lie that someone gave it to her.

Part of the reason that I don't think the ring itself is that important is because it doesn't seem to be something they or LE spent any time following up on. I think CA knew the truth about who gave it to her and likely what happened to it too and since it was one of the few things CA actually did know the truth about and was using it as sort of a litmus test to see if she thought she could get any truthful answers from KC that day - and I think she got her answer and knew that KC wasn't likely to tell her anything that she could believe which resulted in the "ok, uhm we can't find Jeff."

Still, I must confess that if my theory about the litmus test thing is correct then I do not understand why CA would bother to ask some of the questions she did in the rest of that conversation or in the extra 45 minutes they got that afternoon if CA had already confirmed in her mind that KC was lying like I think she did. But then, there isn't much that I do understand about these conversations either.

So I suggest everyone keep that in mind when reading my 2 cents worth about this topic and remember that while 2 cents isn't worth much, if it's all you've got then it's still worth sharing which is what I've tried to do here.

I also think Cindy's questions were to see if Casey remembered what lies she had told them before. When Casey said yes Jeff gave me the ring, Cindy said - umm, we can't find him. So I think they are suspicious of Casey's lies because they HAD been looking for Jeff, they were trying to find anyone and everyone who had known Casey who might have some information about Caylee.
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