Reported/Possible sightings of Elizabeth and/or Gabriel from 12/18 to 12/30

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With the drive time and everything she had done to her hair and the fact that the babysitter didn't notice the haircut at least, I don't think she went to the salon at that time. I wonder if the hairstylist described what she was wearing and if it matched the babysitters description. If EJ had her hair pulled back before she left and when she got back Analissa could of missed it but the timeline still doesn't fit. Who was watching Gabriel??

My money's on the HG, but I have to say I haven't entirely ruled out the babysitter, that is, it's unlikely, but not impossible, and I can't rid myself of my Occam's Razor mindset.
When AU was watching G, wasn't EJ only gone for an hour and a half though? To get to the salon and back would take at least 20-25 minutes (and only in non-ttraffic all green light travel) leaving only an hour or so for her hair. If the salon technicians said she talked on the phone the entire day, it leaves me with the idea that she was there a lot longer.

From this discussion and what's been reported about the hair appointment, it would make sense that she was there longer than a quick trim. And that doesn't fit in with it being the day AU babysat.

Plus, if the salon people said she was on the phone the entire time she was there, that would suggest she was there for a while like chell says - b/c there are some points during a hair appointment that you wouldn't be able to comfortably talk on the phone. When they were doing certain layers or her head had to be a certain way, it would seem like talking on the phone would be difficult.

But when getting highlights/color, there would also be times when she was waiting, and that would certainly allow her free time to talk on the phone.

If she had an appointment, or even if she didn't, the salon should have a record of the time her appointment started, even though we haven't seen that in the coverage.

MOO, FWIW (which may be nothing!)
Sorry for the miscalculation. It's been a number of years since I lived in SA but when I did, that trip could easily have been made in less than 15 minutes as long as you didn't try it at rush hour (fitting with the 11:45 time frame in question), used the right roads (I think a gps would direct her to 281s and then west) and didn't hit lights after exiting the hwy. But... Like I said, my info is old-- that was about 10 years ago. A hotel located close to 281 is easy access to almost everything--again, unless it's rush hour and would make one G& D salon as attractive as the next I'm thinking. It's the usable time left after factoring in her travel to/from the salon that tells me her "day of luxury" had to have occurred at a time other than when AU babysat. There just wasn't ample time even if the trip only took the minimum time.
just we know if this salon does nails??? Although it was reported she had a hair appointment, could it be that when she got there and figured she didn't have enough time to get the hair done, she decided to get her nails done instead ?? I know when I go get my nails done, there are a lot of women on their cells phones the whole time....Getting my nails and toes done always makes me happy. Just a thought...
just we know if this salon does nails??? Although it was reported she had a hair appointment, could it be that when she got there and figured she didn't have enough time to get the hair done, she decided to get her nails done instead ?? I know when I go get my nails done, there are a lot of women on their cells phones the whole time....Getting my nails and toes done always makes me happy. Just a thought...

I checked the G&D website. They only do nails at 1 location, and it was not the one EJ went to.

I believe she did have her nails done in FL.
Yes, NewMommy, and that's exactly why I think she had a reason to go there. Someone referred her. Whether that someone is involved or not, I don't know, but I tend to think yes.
I've been going back and reading the threads again....I'm I correct in thinking we don't have a date or time that she supposedly was at this hair salon ????

Hi Kappy, the video stated the 22nd, and she had an appointment, but it did not give us the time
I think it was you Prof, who brought this up before.
But it really is strange that she chose this G&D to go to when there was a closer one and all of the other sightings have been very close to the hotel.

Yes, thank you, I said I think she had to be referred to this particular salon as it is out of the way and there are thousands of salons to choose from in SA or any city, and there quite a few within a half mile of where she was staying

I am fairly convinced that she would want a hair treatment and cut if she went that far for an appointment -- there are several walk-in places for a trim within walking distance of the Homegate
I hope LE is pursuing that lead

I guess I'll go pull the Garmin out of my car and see what salons it suggests from her hotel starting point lol
You're a gem, Prof!!! Thank you so much!!

Could you link it up in the Important Links sticky thread too?


I think I can lol
Should I make this thing
A - public
B - edited by anyone
I think I can lol
Should I make this thing
A - public
B - edited by anyone

It depends, I suppose, on how much responsibility you're willing to take on :)

Up to you, Prof. People could just post in here for additions/changes/questions if you're willing to take it on.
Thanks, BeanE -- I will leave it as and I'll update it with suggestions posted here for now
I agree it sounds like she was referred to this specific salon and probaly a specific stylist. At my salon when you are referred by someone they ask who referred you so they can send a thank you card but that may not happen at G&Gs. Not only that but when you sit down with a stylist they usually ask how you heard about the salon and so on. A total stranger could of referred her though-she could of asked someone at the hotel, library or wherever else she went.
Yes a few inches and it's layered instead of one length. Who gets their hair done when they're on the run?? That's different. I guess she didn't want to have to get it done for awhile so she added lowlights to help with the root issue. All over blonde is some serious high maintentance-roots come in every 2 weeks. Why should she care about this during this time-I have no idea.. She may of asked them to make it darker so people would be looking for a blonde instead of a brunette but it didn't turn out as dark as she wanted. If your hair is dyed blonde for a long time sometimes it won't absorb the dark color. A highlight/lowlight and a cut is expensive-$150-$200.

I think EJ got her hair done b/c she was setting up giving her baby away and wanted to look good for all players involved. Most of us would probably agree with you - who would do this when they're on the run - but to EJ it probably made perfect sense. I'm not sure she even had a clue of the seriousness of the situation. She may have believed she had everything figured out by then and she could somehow escape any consequences of this.

And you make a good point about the maintenance issue for the blonde - IMO, EJ would be vain enough to think about something like that in this situation.
That is why she obviously had help----Some people can be book smart and computer savy, but lack common sense when having to think quickly.
Something else to consider is that Logan and Elizabeth's grandfather have said that they believe Elizabeth is bipolar. I have two close friends with big time bipolar. When each of them are manic, they go on wild spending sprees, get their hair done, manis, pedis, massages, beauty treatments of all kinds, and they do so with no rhyme or reason to it, i.e., doesn't matter if they just got their hair done, they'll do it again. Doesn't matter if the house is on fire, they'll go get their hair done.

Just wanted to mention it FWIW.
So let's say she did go to the salon on the 22nd, she may have just left GB in the car, say he was asleep and she did not want to wake him, or worst yet, didn't want to drag him in the salon and have to take care of him. Therefore, leaving AU to babysit on the
23rd. Before, I adopted our daughter, her bio mom who was only 16, would go out and leave my daughter in a play pen with several bottles lined up in it...just sayin...

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