Forensic Astrology - AMBER DuBOIS missing 2/13/09

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I trust in Soul's indication that Gardner may be involved in Amber's disappearance ... Let's hope this piece of human excrement does the right thing and give's her family some peace by confessing and giving a location.

Was Lake Wohlford ever searched?
copied over from the Chelsea King thread- POST #2:


PS: Also, FWIW, Gardner's natal & progressed planets interact disturbingly with Amber DuBois's natal and Last Seen charts. It is astrologically possible he was involved with her disappearance/rape/murder, as well, although with so much time elapsed since that disappearance as well as the fact Amber's body has to date not been found, proving such without a confession on Gardner's part is highly unlikely if not downright impossible...

Absolutely sickening...
O/T sadly Chelsea was found deceased today.
Now to find Amber!!!
astro question

is it possible (with my kindergarten knowledge of FA) to do a triwheel with Amber's last seen and natal and this recent finding?

I know our astros have said her body would be hard to find... if not impossible... but in light of recent developments could this have changed???
Amber's Mom was on NG tonight, caught a snippet of her speaking on the way home from work. I want so much for her to have closure, to know what happened to Amber and be able to come to terms with it. I also wish I had a magic wand ...

Nurse I echo your question for Tuba.
This is from soulscapes post and chart from Chelsea's thread:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CHELSEA KING missing 2/25/10[/ame]

PS: Also, FWIW, Gardner's natal & progressed planets interact disturbingly with Amber DuBois's natal and Last Seen charts. It is astrologically possible he was involved with her disappearance/rape/murder, as well, although with so much time elapsed since that disappearance as well as the fact Amber's body has to date not been found, proving such without a confession on Gardner's part is highly unlikely if not downright impossible...
Absolutely sickening...

Doesn't look good.....
In no way do I wish to prompt hasty conclusions. There are some strong links between Mr. Gardner in custody, the long ago event and the victim. The Pluto of the walk to high school was exact in its square to Mr. G's Mars, 2° - 2°. The Pluto of Mr. G is exact in its conjunction to the Moon of the disappearance, 17° - 17°. The Mercury of that event opposes Mr. G's 29° Jupiter. His Uranus conjoins the victim's Jupiter, 20° - 20°. His natal Mars in Aries is inconjunct the victim's Sun, 2° - 2°. He was born with a Sun - Pluto opposition and rape with murder is a crime of domination, power and control--CONQUEST.

Uranus was rumbling near his natal Mercury and that big Saturn to Uranus opposition overhead squared his Neptune, 20° - 20°. Very significant to me was the YOD formed by Mars and Venus in opportunity sextile to his Saturn , for a crime that results from a powerful intent which does not meet acceptable norms or outlook on reality. Born with Mercury square Neptune, he is mentally & emotionally disturbed, boiling with hot fantasies, behaves in aberrant ways and deceives others with double damned lies. Keep in mind Saturn opposite Uranus was afflicting that.

With his Sun opposite Pluto for a lifetime, we could certainly class Mr. G as a Plutonian and the Sun of the event was square Amber's Pluto that morning. Neptune was hovering just a degree from the Sun.

Always look to the inner planets of a crime prospect because the outer planets may connect to an event and victim but so would the outer planets of millions born that season. Starsleuth is absolutely correct to point us to Mercury and look how important that inner planet is, opposing Mr. G's desperado Jupiter. Being another inner planet, his Mars squared by Pluto 2° -2° has extra weight in narrowing the fix on this individual.
in light of recent developments and possible connections to JG perhaps this should be called in to LE (re: lake wohlford pertaining to Amber)

Thank you Tuba for the analysis of Gardner's chart.

Found a news link that talks about searching " Lake Wohlford area ", but no details specifically on that location. Given that Chelsea was found on the shore in a shallow grave; I wonder how thoroughly the shoreline was searched at Wohlford?
Amber's Father Has Seen Gardner's Name Before
Amber Dubois' father sees similarities between his daughter's case and Chelsea King’s case

Updated 5:00 PM PST, Wed, Mar 3, 2010
The father of missing Escondido teen Amber Dubois was visibly shaken as he addressed the media shortly after the arraignment of Chelsea King&#8217;s accused killer, John Gardner. &#8220;First off, I&#8217;d like to express, on behalf of Amber&#8217;s entire family, our deepest (pause), our deepest sympathy and condolences to Chelsea and the King family,&#8221; Maurice Dubois said. &#8220;It&#8217;s not the result any of us were hoping to hear and I promise you Chelsea&#8217;s going to be in our hearts for the rest of our lives.&#8221;

Dubois&#8217; daughter, Amber, was last seen Feb. 13, 2009 while walking to Escondido High School. Dubois sees similarities in the Chelsea King case and his own daughter's disappearance. &#8220;In the back of our heads everyone in our family knows that yes, there&#8217;s such a huge possibility that the likelihood is at a much larger percentage than we could ever want it to be,&#8221; Dubois said. &#8220;In our hearts we don&#8217;t want to accept that. We are constantly going to keep searching for Amber. We feel she&#8217;s still alive and we always will feel she&#8217;s still alive until we find her and we have her home.&#8221;

At the time of Amber&#8217;s disappearance, Gardner lived just two miles from Escondido High School in the Rock Springs East apartment complex. One neighbor said Gardner had moved out about a month ago but had been living in the complex for a year with a woman and a two-year old child. Amber's father said he couldn&#8217;t help but draw connections between his daughter's case and Chelsea King&#8217;s case. &#8220;We have already spoken with law enforcement. Both agencies, ours in Escondido as well as the Sheriff&#8217;s [investigators] who are handling the case here,&#8221; he said.

Dubois said this isn&#8217;t the first time he&#8217;s heard the name John Gardner. &#8220;We did pull a list of all sexual predators at the time Amber went missing. He was on that list of sexual predators in the area,&#8221; he said. Dubois said it has been a long and frustrating year for him and his family, but didn&#8217;t want to take away from Chelsea&#8217;s disappearance. &#8220;Our hearts are going out to their family and I want to keep this day on Chelsea. I appreciate the opportunity to bring Amber up, but right now my heart is going out to Chelsea and the King family,&#8221; he said.

Dubois also had some advice for parents. &#8220;Educate your kids early,&#8221; he said. &#8220;Use such things as a &#8216;what if&#8217; game, teach your kids at a young age to start thinking analytically. Ask them questions, what would you do if you couldn&#8217;t find me in a grocery store, see how they answer.&#8221;

Video: Amber's Father Talks About Case

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Amber Dubois' Father Speaks On Gardner Arraignment
POSTED: 4:59 pm PST March 3, 2010
UPDATED: 5:01 pm PST March 3, 2010
The father of missing Escondido teenager Amber Dubois said Wednesday the defendant in the death of Chelsea King was on a list of registered sex offenders he reviewed after his daughter disappeared. Maurice Dubois was at the San Diego County Courthouse for the arraignment of John Albert Gardner III, who is charged with murdering 17-year-old Chelsea. Dubois said that while Gardner was on the list of people he reviewed, he doesn't know whether he was questioned by law enforcement.

He said he has spoken with detectives from the San Diego County Sheriff's Department and Escondido police since Gardner's arrest. He said he briefly spoke to Brent and Kelly King -- Chelsea's parents -- after her body was found Tuesday.

Video: Amber Dubois' Father Speaks On Gardner Arraignment 6:32

Link: John Gardner's Megan's Law Listing

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Video: Missing Teen 3/4/09
The reward for information leading to the discovery of Amber Dubois, the 14-year-old Escondido high school student, has been upped to $60,000.
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Missing Teen's Mom: Gardner "Sloppy"
Mother of 14-Year-Old Amber Dubois Says She Doesn't Think Man Suspected of Killing Chelsea King Killed Her Daughter

March 4, 2010
Amber Dubois has been missing for a year, but her mother, Carrie McGonigle, doesn't think John Albert Gardner III, the man suspected in the death of Chelsea King, had anything to do with her daughter's disappearance. But McGonigle admitted on "The Early Show" it could just be that she's in denial.

McGonigle pointed to a possible link between Gardner wearing a monitor until 2008, and her daughter's disappearance a year later on February 13, 2009. Dubois was last seen at Escondido High School, in Escondido, Calif. Gardner lived just six minutes from her school and not far from where King disappeared. She said, "I would think he would have been one of the very first people Escondido police department looked at."

"Early Show" co-anchor Harry Smith noted the widespread search for Dubois did include a focus on Gardner. Smith said volunteers monitored the registered sex offender and even took pictures of him. "I don't know about the pictures," McGonigle said, "but I know he was one of them that our volunteers did monitor."

When pressed why she didn't think Gardner had involvement with her daughter's case, McGonigle said she thinks it was another sex offender because Gardner "seems a little sloppy in what he does." McGonigle said searches for Amber Dubois will resume on March 13.

*More At Link!

Missing Teen's Mom Still Searching

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Missing teen&#8217;s father sees &#8216;eerie&#8217; link to murder
Dad of Amber Dubois concerned about connection to Chelsea King&#8217;s killing

3/4/10 updated 2 hours, 3 minutes ago
Maurice Dubois knows that the accused murderer of 17-year-old Chelsea King, 30-year-old John Albert Gardner III, could also be responsible for the February 2009 disappearance of his daughter, Amber. He hopes that&#8217;s not the case. &#8220;Seeing what this monster is capable of, we don&#8217;t want any connection to Amber,&#8221; Dubois told TODAY&#8217;s Meredith Vieira Thursday via satellite from San Diego.

Amber was 14 when she disappeared in Escondido, Calif., near San Diego. Despite massive searches and a $100,000 reward, neither she nor her body has been found, and no one has been charged in her disappearance. Among the sex offenders registered in the area whom police say they interviewed was Gardner.

Dubois holds out hope that Amber is still alive. But he admitted to Vieira that there are what he called &#8220;eerie similarities&#8221; between the two girls. &#8220;Both girls are 5-5, both girls are 130 pounds, both white, both beautiful girls,&#8221; Dubois said. He also pointed out the geographic proximity: &#8220;The location of the two &#8212; less than seven and a half miles between the two incidents. So, yeah, in the back of our head, we are kind of concerned that there is a connection.&#8221;

*More at link!

Today Show Video: Is alleged killer tied to other missing teens? 7:03
March 4: Police in San Diego are trying to link the suspect in the Chelsea King murder case to the disappearance of Amber Dubois. Amber&#8217;s father, Maurice Dubois, speaks with TODAY&#8217;s Meredith Vieira.
[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]

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Cops Checked on Gardner After Amber Disappeared
Escondido police contacted Gardner "no less than eight times" according to one published report

Updated 7:07 AM PST, Thu, Mar 4, 2010
Escondido police Lt. Craig Carter told the North County Times Wednesday his agency contacted Gardner "no less than eight times" during the two years he lived in the city, including two months after Amber went missing. Carter, however, would not say whether Gardner was contacted specifically about Amber's disappearance or characterize any of the eight contacts, the paper reported. He did say that Gardner had been visited by police the month before and the month after Amber vanished.

Moe Dubois attended Gardner's arraignment wearing an Amber button on his suit lapel. After, he spoke to reporters about the King family and about the possibility that Gardner could be responsible for his own daughter's disappearance. &#8220;In the back of our heads everyone in our family knows that yes, there&#8217;s such a huge possibility that the likelihood is at a much larger percentage than we could ever want it to be,&#8221; Dubois said. &#8220;In our hearts we don&#8217;t want to accept that. We are constantly going to keep searching for Amber. We feel she&#8217;s still alive and we always will feel she&#8217;s still alive until we find her and we have her home.&#8221;

Dubois said it has been a long and frustrating year for him and his family, but didn&#8217;t want to take away from Chelsea&#8217;s disappearance.

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Family fears Chelsea King suspect involved in daughter's disappearance
March 4, 2010 7:09 a.m. EST
Carrie McGonigle doesn't want to believe that her missing daughter could be connected to a registered sex offender accused of killing a California teen. "That would mean that she's dead, and I don't want to think that," said McGonigle, whose 14-year-old daughter, Amber DuBois, was last seen walking alone to school on February 13, 2009. But authorities say they are looking into whether John Albert Gardner III, who pleaded not guilty Wednesday to raping and murdering Chelsea King, was involved in Amber's disappearance.

"We have been working closely with San Diego Sheriff's Office, and our investigators are working with theirs in case there is a connection," Lt. Robert Benton with the Escondido, California, Police Department said. "We are involved in the daily briefings on the King investigation."

Amber's family lives in the San Diego, California, suburb of Escondido, less than 10 miles from Poway High School, where King was last seen alive. The shy, bookish teen was walking to Escondido High when she disappeared. She had a check in her backpack to buy a lamb for a Future Farmers of America project, according to her mother. But she never made it, and since then, investigators have been stymied by a lack of viable leads.

A call to Gardner's public defender, Michael Popkins, was not immediately returned.

In addition to keeping the search going for her daughter, McGonigle has also become involved in educating parents and children on how to prevent abductions. She also spends time reaching out to parents of other missing children. As soon as she learned of Chelsea's disappearance, McGonigle says she contacted Chelsea's parents and assisted in search efforts. Chelsea's car, with her cell phone inside, was found at the Rancho Bernardo Community Park, where she was known to go for runs. "Ever since Amber went missing I've reached out to all the parents I possibly can because once it happens to you, it's going to be with you the rest of your life," she said. "It becomes your life. Supporting families, that's what it's all about. Even when we find Amber, I'll continue because I wouldn't want any other family to go through this."

To some in Amber's family, Chelsea's disappearance has other stinging implications. "It's heartbreaking in another way because now we know of everything that was available to search for Amber but wasn't used," Sheila Welch said. "There weren't helicopters used with heat sensitivities, there weren't any dogs brought out for Amber, and now to know that's available, it's heartbreaking to think it wasn't used." But Benton said investigators used all the resources available to them. "We asked for and received the resources we needed at the time," he said. "As far as law enforcement is concerned, we had outstanding cooperation from local agencies, the FBI, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and we had a significant amount of resources at our disposal."

Video: Mother Of Missing teen Speaks

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Parents of Amber Dubois react to Chelsea King case
Posted: Mar 04, 2010 3:17 PM EST
Updated: Mar 04, 2010 3:27 PM EST
The family of Escondido teen Amber Dubois is wondering if there's a connection between Chelsea's case and Amber's disappearance more than a year ago. John Gardner was living two miles away from the area where Dubois was last seen walking to school.

Amber's parents have been following Chelsea's case closely, and her mother appeared on the CBS "Early Show" this morning. In this News 8 video story, Steve Price has their reactions.

Video: Parents of Amber Dubois react to Chelsea King case 2:46


Thanks to Tuba, I sometimes google map walk the route from Escondido to Lake Wohlford looking for some sign to find Amber Dubois. A third of the way in alongside the lake road is a tear shaped trail with a shed or cabin, and a grove of trees. The tear shape trail is very distinct and gets to me. There seems to be a dotted orange line on this map crossing the water arriving at the tear.

I think I got this map posted by passionflower, sorry if my memory is sketchy. If so, my question is what is that orange dotted line?

Thanks Tuba for my new obsession - google map walking around the lake - but it is exercise.
Tell me if you want me to check any other areas out, and I'll google map walk there.,-117.050056&spn=0.212221,0.493355&t=h&z=12
Yes, beck, I am aware of those other cases, thanks to t.v. I did her chart about one week ago but wasn't sure where to post it. From what I saw, the witnesses who reported two men dumping a plastic sack of unknown contents in Lake Wohlford is the correct location of the victim. The chart showed she was initially taken in a residential tract and then displaced to the East in water. When I learned there was a Lake Wohlford due east of the abduction site, it all came together.

I don't know how thoroughly they are searching the lake or whether they accept the eyewitness report--but I do. There must have been knives or a gun in the vehicle or Amber would not have yielded. I wonder, since she was on this Broadway thoroughfare, if she screamed. Of course, with two men, one could have muzzled her in no time.

I rechecked the Last Seen horoscope and the distance conforms to Lake Wohlford, 6 + miles to the East.


thanks so much, Tuba
I suspect Mr. Dubois believes in life everlasting as I and many others do,
so there is no question that Amber is still alive, as is Chelsea, even though
they may not be present with us on this physical plane.

Hopefully, Amber's family can feel their daughter's spirit around them even
in her physical absence.
Thanks to Tuba, I sometimes google map walk the route from Escondido to Lake Wohlford looking for some sign to find Amber Dubois. A third of the way in alongside the lake road is a tear shaped trail with a shed or cabin, and a grove of trees. The tear shape trail is very distinct and gets to me. There seems to be a dotted orange line on this map crossing the water arriving at the tear.

I think I got this map posted by passionflower, sorry if my memory is sketchy. If so, my question is what is that orange dotted line?

Thanks Tuba for my new obsession - google map walking around the lake - but it is exercise.
Tell me if you want me to check any other areas out, and I'll google map walk there.,-117.050056&spn=0.212221,0.493355&t=h&z=12

the map credit goes to TravelingBug I'm not good at computers

Feb 13th, 2009 Amber went missing 4 days after the Moon was FULL
Feb 28th was the Full MOON and JAG arrest
March 2 Chelsea was found. 2 days after the FULL MOON.............
Just heard on the radio they dragged or searched a body of water in Escondido last night and Amber's dad was out there. They found bags and said they need to examine them, but it didn't sound like they thought they had anything substantial. It was CBS radio news.
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