Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Tuba....can you tell if Aja is safe?

No, she is definitely not safe. Mars rules the House of the child and the report to the press is about the child; Mars is at the solstice point of The Weeping Sisters. This always means we learn something that makes us cry.

The Part of Fatality is 8:53 Aquarius and you can look at the original chart when Tonya's body was found and see that this corresponds to the little girl at that time, Venus at 8:12 Aquarius. The Part of (D) Death is 20:13 Capricorn. The Cancer Moon, now at crisis degree, had opposed that directly when she was 20:13 Cancer. The picture is very dire indeed. Also, Saturn ruling Lester Hobbs, had squared Pluto prior to the presser and Pluto rules the House of the child. I have been consistent in calling that the worst aspect in the zodiac.

We could always hope that these deadly "Arabian Parts" referred to Aja's destroyed emotional state on witnessing what she did and on being seized by this man who loathed her but that is such a thin thread to cling to and not too sensible or rational. I should add that Mars, co-ruler of the H. of the child is retrograde. (It is so marked on the chart.) But this means that the human being inquired of is in poor condition, whether alive or dead.
Child's natal chart (cast for sunrise, Grand Rapids MI) shows severe afflictions suggesting brutality and child abuse (physical, emotional, psychological, sexual --- any or all) from both parents/caretakers.

'Noticed Missing' Chart (2/23/10, 9:00 am) points to abysmal caretaking and suggests possible involvement of both mother and mother's BF --- I need mother's DOB if anyone can provide.......

Based on initial work with the charts, I do not think this case will have a good ending...


Baby Jozlynn is dead, killed Monday night (2/22/10) and dumped into trash by mother's BF. Please see the Jozlynn Martinez thread on the Main Forum if you haven't already done so.

I am still looking for mother's DOB if anyone can find it.

Well if they have arrested CM - we should have a birth date. I'll keep checking for the record.


We have opened a thread dedicated to the CHELSEA KING case.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CHELSEA KING missing 2/25/10 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


We have opened a thread dedicated to the AMBER DuBOIS case.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - Amber Dubois missing 2/13/09 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

We have opened a thread dedicated to the 'McSTAY family of 4' case.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - McSTAY family of 4 -last seen 2/4/10 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Would you please consider putting together the chart for Gene Losik? The family has a feeling that official tactic might not be correct, and we are runing out of time. We are doing anything possible, but so far there are no clues at all.

Thank you so very much for your help!

Name: Eugene Losik
Date of Birth: November 24, 1984
Place of Birth: Minks, Belarus (former USSR)

Moved to USA - November 1991, North Andover, MA

Last seen: Saturday, Feb 20th at 2:24am in the lobby near back door (Long Wharf Marriott Hotel in Boston), after partying at Sissy K’s in Faneuil Hall Friday night.
Police was notified: 20/02/2010 10am

Below are links to Eugene's thread:
MA MA - Eugene Losik, 25, missing 2/20/10, Boston/Lawrence - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Family has also created a website dedicated to the search:

I have more detailed information of the night when Gene was last seen. Let me know if you need it.

The Last Seen gives a most unfortunate chart:


ASCENDANT 18 Sagittarius is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES), indicating catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality.

Event SUN 01 Pisces, co-ruler of the 8th House of Death, is partile conjunct the Arabic Part of DEATH and focal point of YOD involving MARS Lord 4 End of the Matter and SATURN Lord 2 the Near Future. SUN applies conjunction JUPITER 07 Pisces, significator of Gene, showing what is 'just around the corner' or coming up soon (2nd House Near Future).

MOON Lord 8 of Death 10 Taurus is partile inconjunct the MIDHEAVEN (a death aspect) and besieged (trapped) betwen URANUS and MARS, strongly indicative of accidental death. Notice also JUPITER 07 Pisces symbolizing Gene is applying inconjunct the MIDHEAVEN, again showing what is soon to come.

Of all the Fixed Stars, VINDEMIATRIX, a.k.a. the Widowmaker, is one of the most malefic. When prominent, as it is here partile conjunct the MIDHEAVEN, it indicates death.

Part of DEATH2 04 Libra is close conjunct SATURN Lord 2 The Near Future and partile square PLUTO of complications, rising in House 1. Notice PLUTO co-rules both House 11 (Circumstances Beyond One's Control) and House 12 which often symbolizes acting against one's own best interests. The MARS/URANUS midpoint (accidents) at 28 Taurus is close opposed the 12th House cusp, again pointing to accidental death.


Last Seen SUN 01 Pisces is close square Gene's natal SUN 02 Sagittarius. At the time of the Last Seen, Gene's natal and Secondary Progressed URANUS at 13 and 14 degrees Sagittarius respectively, are hovering above the Last Seen ASCENDANT.

Gene's Secondary Progressed MARS 25 Aquarius is close conjunct Last Seen NEPTUNE 26 Aquarius and semi-sextile Last Seen URANUS at 25 Pisces, all suggesting accidental (URANUS, Aquarius) drowning (Pisces, Neptune).

I am terribly sorry to report this, astrological indicators clearly affirm that Gene is most assuredly no longer with us. The indications of death by drowning are precise and numerous. The body is in water (JUPITER in Pisces), likely caught up in something because in the Noticed Missing Chart (not shown), Gene's significator is intercepted --- which is likely why search teams have not yet found him. The body is NORTHEAST of the Last Seen, probably more EAST than they are currently looking.

With Gene's significator in a cadent house in the Last Seen and intercepted in the 1st House in the Noticed Missing chart, he will be hard to find.

BTW, I do not suspect foul play, but rather, an unfortunate and untimely accident, possibly partially attributable to impaired judgment due to high blood alcohol level. My heartfelt sympathies and prayers to family and friends.

Soulscape Cases/RyannsNatalHoroscope001.jpg

This victim was born just prior to a New Moon, so she has both II Sun and II Moon. The Moon - Saturn opposition does not favor happy domestic life, as you can well imagine. Add to that, Venus opposite Mars and we have combustion in the living quarters. But Mercury is also opposite Neptune ruling the mate's love life and bringing deception to it.

Mars is turning on Ryann's Part of Fortune, so good police work will shortly produce results. Next Wednesday will be a day of progress in and for the case. I heard the cell door slam ka-lunk, Jesse.
Queen of Wands:

Are you certain this is the exact time of birth for Darlier Routier?

Venus in the 12th House conjunct "Facies?" the fixed star.

I noticed you said there were no other times of birth, yet this chart does have one.

Thank you,

I read about the sock found in the alley, and always felt there was an intruder that night.
One had been in the neighborhood weeks earlier I understood.
But looking at Darlie’s natal with her own progressed planets, her natal positions (without the time of birth), and the Transits that day……I’m feeling there is more then
Meets the eye as regards her testimony.
Perhaps there was another, but part of some scheme gone horribly wrong?

1) Jupiter 2° Scorpio in Darlie’s Natal opposed to Saturn 2°TAU
2) This is a Bi-Polar aspect (Expansion (Jup) and Contraction (Saturn)
3) Her Venus is worrisome, as it’s conjunct fixed star FACIES (Ruthlessness)
4) TR Mars conj. TR Saturn over her Chiron (the sad event, triggered the wounding)
5) TR Jupiter (often around at death because it’s a spiritual planet) conjncts her
6) Own Progressed Mercury (her mind) which conjuncts her Sun in Capricorn
13° Cap. Conj. Venus at 9°Cap.
This worries me, because it may say that her own progressed mindset, hatched a scheme which backfired badly?……OR may say that she knew the person
And he had a vengeance towards her and/or her husband perhaps drug revenge?
Can’t say…….yet, but we’ll keep looking, as I haven’t looked at her husband’s natal yet.;
7) Her natal Moon is conjunct natal Neptune, and Neptune is Anaretic at 29° Scorpio which forms a quincunx of 150 degrees to natal Saturn. This isn’t good for seeing a truthful person of a higher character, but may bespeak of one who lies consistently as the Quincunx or inconjunct to Saturn isn’t a good omen either.
Saturn is about our discipline,if we own it and having a quincunx to Neptune which is already very critical- well doesn’t fare well for her, esp. in Scorpio (the underworld)
8) Her Black Moon Lilith is also in trouble in her natal chart, undermining.
9) It’s in Leo at 3° and being transited that night within 5 deg.of exact by the BML
This may be suggesting a plot of some type. Perhaps for insurance money to help pay for their debts. A planned robberty gone badly?

Looking at the event chart the night of the murder esp. at the 2:31AM 911 call she made for some clues, I find that Algorab and Corvus, the fixed star akin to Mars/Saturn in the 7th house of relationships….and “open enemies”…
All 4 Angles are very critical at the 0-1 degree of Cardinal Signs, with the Vertex (a fated event) on the D/C cusp of “open enemies” or people she knew! IF they were hidden enemies, they would be found in the 12th house not the 7th.
The chart is very distrubing to look at because it shows the murders quite clearly, but of course not the murderer.
The 11th house has planets and Pluto in the 8th house of death.
The Sun and Mercury (perhaps father Darin, and Mercury conj. Algol - death)
It’s possible that there is far more information being withheld from the family about that night.
Very possible, imo.
Darlie's Husband Darin DID try to hire people to have his house burglarized.
He signed an affadavit saying so and it was notorized.
I don't believe in the Death Penalty myself, too many innocent people after the fact
have been put to death.
There are far too many unanswered questions about this case, and I think the husband as a lot of them but isn't talking.
As he said to an interviewer:
"When I told him that the complete truth might help get his wife a new trial, he insisted that he wanted to do what he could for Darlie. "But I don't want to end up with some kind of bull**** charges brought against me either," he said. "I don't want to help her at the expense of my life."
LEOMOON80, your Haleigh post has been moved over to her dedicated Astro thread.
link: [ame=""]Forensic Astrology - HALEIGH CUMMINGS #4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Do note, the first post in the Haleigh Thread lists many of the charts and discussions created since she went missing.

If you take a look at the link below or click on the colorful Signature pic '"Forensic Astrology Forum'- at the bottom of this post, you will get a complete listing of the cases we have and continue to explore. New posts regarding any one of these should go in the respective thread.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology Forum - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Appreciate your participation. Cases/RyannsNatalHoroscope001.jpg

This victim was born just prior to a New Moon, so she has both II Sun and II Moon. The Moon - Saturn opposition does not favor happy domestic life, as you can well imagine. Add to that, Venus opposite Mars and we have combustion in the living quarters. But Mercury is also opposite Neptune ruling the mate's love life and bringing deception to it.

Mars is turning on Ryann's Part of Fortune, so good police work will shortly produce results. Next Wednesday will be a day of progress in and for the case. I heard the cell door slam ka-lunk, Jesse.

Tuba, thank you for looking at Ryann's charts. There's been so little news on her case that I was afraid she'd been forgotten. Not here though. Thanks!
You will find me bizarre in suggesting that a student at VCU could have met with an accident rather than adding his number to Taylor Behl and many, many more murdered there. (Sorry, trustees, we care that our children survive their education, not that they augment your student body population & tuition till). Cases/JonathonDoreyMissing001.jpg

You will notice that the ASC is a degree of crisis. That means there is instability, where balance is needed instead. And there is stress, isolation and circumstances that are hindering. Let us pray he returns safely.
Here is the Natal Chart for Kelly Catalano using a Sunrise in lieu of a time of birth which we do not happen to have


Here is the Event Chart (the time last seen) Corrected to 10AM (not PM)

The natal Sunrise Chart for Kelly - A Sunday, so Sun is the Ruler of the Day and
Mercury is Ruler of the Hour.
Saturn is first to rise at the Apex of a Yod (sometimes called "The Finger of God) for
it is often seen as a fated aspect. The Yod is seen by the Green broken lines.
I believe Tuba drew one for you to see under the case for the Missing Exchange Student in Va.
These are not of course always dire in a natal chart....
But because Kelly is missing, the planets connected to this Yod however, may tell us that the circumstances for her could be very dire, as it's comprised of Uranus in a critical degree of a Cardinal sign for (unexpected event) Neptune (in a critical degree in the house of committed relationships OR known enemies)
Saturn, at the apex of this Yod may be considered a Malefic.
This is not good in a natal chart by any means....or let's say, not doing one any favors.
Neptune in the 7th of this chart may suggest she is easily fooled by relationships.
Mars is in her 8th house of death and "other's assets".
Venus in the 12th house of "hidden affairs" and is Retrograde at her birth, along with
Chiron (an inner wounding of a psychological type ) and Rahu the NN or purpose of the life.The NN is in a very critical 29th degree.
Then there is the fact that the 12th cusp ruler is Neptune (found in her 7th of open enemies and relationships)
And the Part of Fortune here in her 12th, is square to Mars Ruler of her Venus.

Thats all I can add for now on her natal to it's inclinations.

As for the Event chart?
(Since I had the worng time and it's not PM, it was 10AM, ) I'll repost the Event chart !

Thanks for pointing this important error out to me.
Snipped from above; along with Chiron (an inner wounding of a psychological type )

Thank you Leomoon80 for posting Kelly's charts and your interpretation of her natal.
Can you speak more about the bolded text above? I want to be sure I understand it's meaning. Thx.
Also the time on the event chart, is that correct? Was Kelly born in Richmond, I thought it was in PA?
Last seen was Colonial Heights, VA.
DOB; 4-20-69
Born in Meadville, PA
Last Seen; 01/15/2010 @ 10:00 AM
16037 Innovation Drive in Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Here is the Natal Chart for Kelly Catalano using a Sunrise in lieu of a time of birth which we do not have.


Im not sure if this makes a difference or not or even if I am looking at these charts right. But the top chart says that Kelly was born April 20, 1969 in Richmond VA but Kelly was born April 20, 1969 but in Meadville, PA
The 2nd chart says a time was 10:00 pm Im not sure if that was suppose to be the last time Kelly was seen or not but it should read 10:00AM. Im not even sure of the importance in the differences I pointed out. Also Kelly lives in Chester Va but was missing from work in Colonial Heights VA.
Also if someone could PLEASE explain the charts to mein more laymen terms I would greatly appreciate it. I looked online to try to figure it out but I honestly just dont understand. But my heart is telling me what I did read Leomoon80 explanation is not good news. Please help me to understand because I really need answers and to find Kelly. Thank you
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