Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Skamania County deputies and Portland police detectives met Thursday with a friend who received the last-known communication from a missing hiker.
Undersheriff Dave Cox said Jason Rapp received a text message from his friend, 24-year-old Katherine Huether, that said she was leaving for a hike and would return home later that night.
Huether hasn't been heard from since then.
On Friday, the sheriff's office released a statement that said Rapp is not a suspect in Huether's disappearance. After Rapp voluntarily met with detectives, investigators extensively checked into his background and verified the information from their interview with him, deputies said


this case is perplexing with a "twist" and could use some astro insight!

first of all, Katherine went missing 4 march 2010 on her 23rd birthday (puts date of birth as 4 March 1987). Last contact was with a "male" at 1450 via a text saying that she was going on a short hike and would be home by 2000. She is a student and rents a room from her landlord (who also gave a very insightful radio to follow) and also has a part irish setter/part lab dog that reportedly always hikes with her (she is an avid hiker). She did not take the dog with her that day. She also had planned on hiking this very difficult trail but was talking on taking a buddy with her. Her landlord does not believe she would ever start this difficult hike (which is covered in thick canopy) at 3pm on a winter afternoon when it gets dark fast.

thursday goes into friday and friday goes into Saturday.. note the car is noted at the trailhead at 0100 friday but nothing done as no outstanding issues with it etc* and finally on saturday the roommates are concerned (she would sometimes be gone for a day but by saturday they were worried) and do not yet even know she went for a hike!!!!! They file a mpr at 1500 not knowing where she even is. At some point the "male" that received the last text comes over and says, "she is missing" which immediately made the other friends worried. They asked him how he knew she was missing. At this point he is saying he has no clue where she is and tells the friends she could be in the clackamas/damascus area and than also starts getting out her hiking books where she has trails marked. He than goes to the bridge of the gods toll booth and asks who works there and if they have cameras. The search is not started until sunday 1000 because that was when the dots were connected (car found and missing person report) and her car was located. Her phone was in the car. Her backpack has not been found. 1400 sunday a hiker found a receipt for a book with her name on it on table mountain. When they asked the male friend about the book he told them it was at the house. It has never been found. The search has since been suspended.

Here is a link to a map that I did of the case points (the points on the map have media links),0.437737&z=12

Here is a link to listen to an interview with the landlord about the situation of her missing and info on the "male" that LE told the landlord they plan to question:

Did she get lost hiking? Or did something else happen to her?
Preponderance of astrological evidence suggests death by murder.


Crisis abounds with ASCENDANT in critical degree (9 Fixed) and Lord 1 SUN in 8th House of Death in unfortunate Pisces.

MOON at 11 Scorpio is intercepted in the 4th House of Endings conjunct the Arabic Part of MURDER 12:21 Scorpio.

MOON rules the unfortunate 12th House which contains the malefic SOUTH NODE, the EQ (a secondary ASCENDANT) and an Out of Bounds (out of control) MARS, the attack. MARS the attack is sesquisquare SUN (Kate).

MOON is parallel the Arabic Part of DEATH 27 Scorpio and the Part of PERIL 03 Aquarius, with PERIL quindecile the ASCENDANT (Kate) applying in 12 minutes of Arc, testifying to extreme stress and danger. The Part of DEATH is close conjunct TORO, an asteroid signifying brutality, and, at 26 Scorpio, partile opposed ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens and symbolic of losing one's head, either literally or figuratively.

MOON is in the Via Combusta (Burning Way), intercepted (hindered), besieged (trapped) between SATURN (co-Lord 7 the Perp) and PLUTO (dispositor of the MOON and a death indicator; also co-ruler of 4th House of Endings due to Scorpio within).

Both the Last Text and the Reported Missing charts suggest she is in or near water in a NNE direction, not far from Last Text location.

Both charts show Aquarius on the 7th House (the perp), co-ruled by URANUS and SATURN. Positions of those two planets in the Last Text chart (URANUS in House 9 and SATURN in House 3) suggest a stranger (or strangers, because Pisces and Virgo, the signs on the 9th and 3rd are double-bodied and URANUS, modern ruler of Aquarius is also in Pisces).

Note: Because URANUS and NEPTUNE are in mutual reception, it is possible the perp(s) is known to Kate, but I am leaning against that based on lack of reception (Essential Dignities) amongst SUN (Kate), SATURN / URANUS (perp).

This does not look good at all..........

We have opened a new thread dedicated to the PATRICIA KIMMI case.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - PATRICIA KIMMI- last seen 11/6/09 Horton, Kansas - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

for B4e:
This will be a preface to my reading:

for 4Be:

You asked about Michaela, and her fate. The case is not as described , dissimilar to that of Jaycee Dugard, which is an excellent point, as I had not studied Jaycee's natal or the Event chart prior to this being brought up here.

Jaycee returned (to the police station), 18 years later and to coincide with her 1st Saturn Return.
Jaycee as you recall, was born in 1980, was kidnapped in 1991 (age 11)
and at age 29, showed up in the police station.

I'll post some thumbnail charts to refer back to Jaycee's case, as I'm not sure where it is on the site here.,although I'm sure it's here somewhere.

But more importantly to me, is that the mother of Michaela, (not sure if the father is alive), worries non stop, daily about her daughter. I can well imagine, as I too lost a daughter but at least I know where she is today.

For Michaela's mom, there is no solace and certainly harder when you don't know anything. You said on the other thread, that there were contacts now from an adoption agent person.
These types of non-solicited advice from so-called helpful people may be exactly what the mom should refer to the police to handle.
There are many who prey upon those in need and those who lose children as you know, some are even self-described as "Adoption Agents"....who say they have a lead, but really want money.

Here is what I've found studying Michaela’s natal and trying to see the differences beyond the sameness as related to Jaycee's event & natal.

Michaela was born with Almuten Mercury and had Virgo Rising conjunct to the malefic Saturn and the North Node
Jaycee was born with Almuten Jupiter (a benefic if not maligned) with Sagittarius Rising and Neptune conjunct the Ascendent

Almuten shows the overall strength of the natal chart by dignities, etc.

Michaela had Jupiter in the 11th conj. the Black Moon opposing the 5th house
Mars,Mercury,Sun,[/B]with Sun & Mars in AQ, Cap. These are then "opposing forces" when she was born. Oppositions often in life will show up when triggered by just that, the outer world.

Jaycee had a much "luckier" Jupiter quite frankly. Although it is 0Virgo as is her Mars 0 Virgo and both conjunct fixed star "Regulus"'s still luckier in a sense then Michaela's Jupiter.
Regulus has a reputation that preceeds it as most fixed stars do, and for Regulus it's about reaching a plateau and a quick and fast fall from the rather pleasant rise to the top.
Her kidnapping, may speak to us of this quick rise (to age 11) then fast fall....(the event) and/or coming back home at age 29 during a Saturn return direct motion.
She was kidnapped when Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto were all retro.
ALL of these natal positions for her are also Rx. Some believe we repeat in this life the lessons associated with rx planets.
The fact that Saturn was direct when she left that family, perhaps is just a coincidence too, but somehow, I think it was part of that Saturn Return for her.

This perhaps we can look at later, as these are all relative terms I'm struggling with here.

Michaela's Almuten is Mercury and her natal Mercury is opposing Jupiter and square to Pluto. Pluto can be very destructive to us in a life.
By contrast, Jaycee's Almuten in Jupiter - and Jupiter's aspects are far
better as working for her in this life or in her favor. Her Jupiter is Trine to the Moon and Trine to Mercury, and although Square to Uranus (the stranger danger) or some unexpected and erratic event or unforeseen as this was; she also had other trines to her Jupiter such as to Neptune and most importantly to her Ascendent (the Almuten Ruler)

Although little Michaela had her Almuten (Mercury) trine her Ascendent too,
Overall the proponderance of negative aspects for her, didn't help to mitigate enough for good luck. She has Mercury Mars and Jupiter ALL square to her Part of Fortune for instance.
Chart # 1- NATAL 1/24/79 @8:37pm Hayward, CA


Chart #2 Event Chart- Last Seen November 19, 1988, @10:15 am, Hayward, California :

Chart #1 Natal-
Black Moon Lilith, and Jupiter in 11th both opposed the Stellium in the 5th house incl. the Sun Mars Pallas and Mercury
Saturn in 12th, conjunct the ASC, first to rise upon her birth conj. the North Node
(we all have these Arabic lots or parts ***somewhere configured in our charts)
There are 1,000 of them, these are just a few:

Pt. of Murder 1 - @ 14TAU conj. "Menkar" 9th house quincunx natal Uranus
at 20Scorp35minutes suggesting a "definite loss" to the person that inhabits the 3rd house (the 3rd may be siblings and /or communications)
No word, a definite loss.

Pt. of Tragedy 8th house @24ARIES square Natal Mercury 25°Capricorn in 5th.
8th may be construed as the house of our death or "Other's assets"

Pt. of Murder 2 in the 6th house at 2°32"Pisces conjunct "Fixed Star Fomalhaut" the ancients said promises an Immortal Name.

Also, this Arabic lot conjuncts within 14minutes natal "Lachesis", fixes the length of life according to the myths it is associated with. The Moira.
Lachesis falls at 2°46"Pisces

Pt. of a Disaster: 4th house (near home) in 5Capricorn
Pt. of a Killing Planet Anareta

Conjunct "exact" orb to Pluto (relatively speaking), this killing planet is not always a literal kill, can mean killing the spirit of a person, etc.
Symbols are often not at all literal, especially the fixed stars should not be taken as such.
We ALL have a "killing planet" or an Anareta (see link)
Last Seen Chart of Michaela:

1) Pt. of Tragedy (fate and fatality) within 2° square 15°AQ squares Pluto at 13°Scorp

2)Pt. of Disaster - 29th Taurus (Alcoyne fixed star) opposing the Sun at 27°Scorpio or opposing "Algol" a most negative star for hardship

3)Pt. of Murder (1) 24°SAG - conjuncts Uranus & Saturn in the 12th (a stranger abduction and Saturn is a malefic)

4)Pt. of Murder (2) indicator: 12°Aries square Neptune 8°Capricorn conj. (Facies)
i.e. "ruthless in its effect"

other: Moon Aries conj. Mars 3rd house - wi/Part of Murder 2nd indicator
other: Moon square Neptune and Mars Trine Sun (ruthless behavior aided by this aspect)

5) Part of Fortuna - in the 4th opposing all of the Stellium of planets in 10th Hs. incl. the life giving Sun

Thumbnails (click twice to enlarge chart):


Leomoon80, thank you very much for all of the time and effort you've put into these charts. Am I reading correctly that you believe she is no longer with us, but that it could possibly also be a "death" of her spirit? Or is she definitely gone?

Sharon passed the information about the 'adoption specialist' on to the police as soon as she received it. The Hayward PD are actively pursuing this lead.

Again, I thank you very much for your time and energy on this case.
The evidence seems to suggest that she isn't going to be a Jaycee much as
I'd love to say otherwise.
The evidence seems not to say this to me.

I'll never forget when our little 8 year old went missing on a vacation at the beach.
My heart fell 3 feet to the pit of my stomach that day, that moment, during a huge huge
(it seemed to be thousands of poeple) crowd walking to see a large fire at a mall, she got lost in the crowd.
As I looked at the sea of cars on Highway one (the Main drag) I KNEW, I could or would never leave that resort until my daughter was found. We were supposed to leave the next morning but my heart said "never" until she was found. As I saw all of those cars as a potential place she was.

Well, her dad found her that day, she went ahead of her sisters by herself and had herself put by a stranger atop a brick wall, higher up to see the fire . (she later took fire training as an adult to become a firefighter, but was too little, only 96 lbs. and couldn't hold the fire hose to pass)

Anyway, long story short. She died 2 years ago at age 31, leaving behind twin daughters only 4 yrs.of age.

God works in mysterious ways as they say.

Love to Sharon,

Thank you for all of your help. That was what I had feared. I pray every night that this will be the year Sharon finally sees closure, resolution and peace of mind.

I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your daughter when she was only 31. <<<hugs>>>
Mercury rules the ASC of crisis and Saturn rules the House we least like to think about, H. 8. Those two planets have a midpoint dead bang on the ASC at 17°20'30". Otherwise readable as the DSC, 17°20'30" Sagittarius. Because of what those two planets rule, this is not good. Makes me swallow my lunch the wrong way. Saturn also ruled the hour when Jonathan was last seen, emphasizing its relation to what ensued.

Don't forget chart #386, where we saw that Jno or Mercury was directly opposite the midpoint of out of bounds, retrograde, abnormal Mars and retrograde dysfunctional Saturn hiding in an intercept. This is yet another ugly violent threat to him.

The Moon and the Sun of the moment, how male - female were relating, was 25°50'30" Sagittarius by midpoint and that is square to Uranus at 25°45' Pisces for a shared upset & sudden row that blew up.
The irony is that peregrine Mercury (Jno) was just maundering along, not in the mood to stir any trouble or reaction.
Thanks Fifth for explaining the Sunrise Chart so much better then I possibly could.

I also appreciate the fact I can certainly make errors, so it's nice when people double check the information, such as the day of birth, year, etc.
For instance, in Europe, where many of the formatted astrology programs originate, such as the one above that I used, the Europeans always put the day first, then the month, then the year, different from here in America. We put the month first.
Best then to check WHERE is the Sun in the chart, to check if the correct month was used, or perhaps an error (which is possible) is made.

The Moon of course is the fastest moving body, so often unless we consult an ephemeris, we don't know for certain where the moon was that day. In this case, it' may easily have moved into the next sign by the hour she was born.



I'm working now on Maura Murray's strange disappearance case, that member
"I Wanna Know" asked about on the forum twice.

It certainly is a strange case, and from what I can see online, has not been solved or closed.
the police believe it was suicide and the parents seem to think otherwise., wondering how one police officer knew a young woman was missing.

I'm just starting to revisit this case myself.

Maura Murray
dob: May 4, 1982
Hanson, Massachusetts, USA
Went missing Feb 9, 2004

Day of her disappearance
Maura sent her boyfriend an e-mail at 1 pm, saying that she hadn't felt like talking to anyone, but that she would call him later in the day. Maura made several calls between 12 pm and 3 pm, including asking about information on a condominium in Bartlett, New Hampshire that her family had annually vacationed at for years, leaving a voicemail with another student, and a number giving recorded information about Stowe, Vermont for approximately 5 minutes. Maura called her boyfriend for approximately 1 minute at 2:18 pm.

At about 4 pm, Maura e-mailed one of her work supervisors and some of her teachers to inform them that there had been a death in her family and that she would be out of town for several days, although there was actually no death in her family. Maura packed all her belongings into boxes and removed the art from her room walls.[6] Soon after, at 3:30-4:30 pm, a dorm mate says they saw Maura leave the U Mass Amherst campus. Maura withdrew $280 from an ATM, and was alone as seen by CCTV footage.
Her bank account was left nearly empty, with paychecks due from her job in the coming days. Maura then bought $35-$40 of alcohol, again while alone. Sometime after 4 pm, Maura left Amherst, probably heading up Interstate 91 north. She checked her cellphone messages at 4:37 pm

Maura Murray was born May 4th, 1982 in Hanson Mass. But once again, we do not know her
time of birth, so undoubtedly, we'll be looking at the Sunrise chart the day in her location of birth or
when the Sun rose that day.
She may have been born in the early hours or even at night, we simply do not know yet.

Here is some prior information although I found Wikipedia's info. to be more up to date overall with the links they provide at the very bottom of their site:

Originally Posted by dreamweaver

timeline of events
more info
Latest article 2/9/2009

The Saturn's windshield had a spider crack in it, which Murray said might have been caused by Maura's head striking it. Also, she was in danger of hypothermia.
Five years ago today, then 21-year-old Maura Murray left her University of Massachusetts-Amherst campus, drove north into the White Mountains of New Hampshire and disappeared.
After five years, Fred Murray, Maura's father, is still trying to find out what happened Feb. 9, 2004.

Police say Maura crashed a 1996 black Saturn into some trees along Route 112 in the town of Haverhill near the Weathered Barn at about 7:30 p.m. She either fled the scene or was picked up by someone else. They said she may have been suicidal.
During the past five years, not only has she not been seen or found, her credit card and cell phone have not been used. Nor has her bank account. Family and friends have heard nothing.

Butch Atwood was a First Student school bus driver who happened upon Murray's car, not far from his house, while on his way home that night. Atwood said he spoke with Murray and offered to get her help, but that she asked him not to contact police. Atwood said Murray told him she had already contacted AAA.
Atwood then drove home, parked his bus and went inside his house to call 911. Less than 10 minutes later, he said Sgt. Cecil Smith of the Haverhill Police Department came to the door of his bus and asked if he had seen someone at the car. Murray had disappeared.
What still puzzles Murray's family and friends is that police did not notify Murray's family about the crash until nearly 24 hours later - and did begin a search for 36 hours.
Murray's family said (Sgt) Smith told them he thought the driver of the Saturn was Murray's father, to whom the car was registered. Mysterious to them, though, is why Smith asked neighbors, the night of the crash, "Where is the girl?"
This (imo) is a tough case for sure.

Was she kidnapped, as a cold (not exactly dressed for the White Mts. that time of year at night), and , (potentially with a concussion to the head?)
they did find the minor car crash had a "spider's crack" on the windshield, leading her father to believe perhaps she did hit her head afterall.

Found in the abandoned vehicle was broken glass (or box) of Franzia Wine, and the bus driver who was the ONLY person on this lonely smal town road in New Hampshire who stopped to help, said she refused all offer of help, and said in effect "I called AAA"....but she didn't.
She didn't either, have a death in the family as she told the school marm or person in charge of leaving the school property at Amherst University as she packed up her stuff, including the art on the walls (as though not to ever come back?)...even though her father reports her "good grades", as a nursing student and part of the Naval Cadets?

She had been quite upset the day before she left, as she had another accident, (this one with $8,000 worth of car damage), so she met with her father and talked over the insurance claim and what she was to fill out, etc the next day)
She took those papers with her when leaving school.

She made a few phone calls too. One to try a place where her parents stayed in Vermont, but the lady who owned the property said, you cannot get a place with such short notice.
She called her B.F. in Texas, and told him she loved him and they would need to talk, (it was 2:30PM then), but not now.....

I suppose everyone knows the story (background on Wikipedia)

Here are the charts:

What happened to Maura Murray?

I think the proponderance of evidence is hypothermia in the cold, OR is this just my logic speaking?
WHY didn't they ever find her body??

Perhaps in the White Mts. of New Hampshire/Vermont, the animals (predators) make quick use of it?

OR did someone kidnap her as her family believed for so many years?

The logic says, she was upset, and even lied to people prior to leaving the school, and to the Bus Driver who tried to help her.
The father says she probably did, because she wouldn't want help from a stranger.
The evidence left at the scene and another eye witness says she seemed intoxicated and slurred her words.

What do you see?

Oh and before I forget, there was that "mysterious phone call" the morning of the flight from Dallas 9 days later her B.F. and his mother at Dallas-Ft.Worth Airport going through Security check, with the phone off, said, there was a voice mail, and it was a woman (who "seemed to be cold and whimpering" or so her voice seemed.

Was this Maura?...I'll post that chart too, with a "hypothetical" time of the day he rec'd the Voice Mail.

Sunrise Natal Chart day of the Accident:

Last Voice Mail Message (guessing the time) in A.M.

Accident Chart (exact time):

Maura Murray:
Born on a Tuesday, the Ruler of the Day was Mars and the Planetary Hr. at Sunrise Mars.
Moon well may be in Libra (early) or even (late ) Virgo - very late °
from 26°Virgo - 9°Libra next day,

Mars (Ruler of the day) in Maura's natal is in a critical degree at 0 LIbra as well also
square to Neptune. Neptune overall in the chart is some distress. Her Mercury (mind)
likewise conjunct Hyades a critical Star in the Pleaides star cluster and doesn't aid her mind or mental well being nor would all of those Neptune aspects.

Venus conj. Scheat (misfortune) and Anaretic at 29Pisces.52" ready to change signs..
With Pluto TR her natal Neptune and BML when she abandoned her vehicle on that lonely road in New Hampshire near the Vermont Border.

Her critical Mercury quincunx (sometimes called a health aspect) in the natal chart
to Jupiter (goes overboard with worrying possibly) especially of minute' details.
TRansiting SN conjunct Ceres the night she went missing with the NN transiting her Sun.

Accident Chart:

TAU 2°. POF square Mercury - POF conjunct Mars, POF quincunx the Moon
TAU 18° Pt.of a killing - (a relative term) squares the Sun of the chart Trines Jupiter
but Square Neptune Quincunx Pluto conjunct (fated ) NN & opposed the SN trine Chiron

P of Ability,Reasoning and Speech: at 17SAG is critical square Jupiter 0°orb,
P of Ability,Reasoning and Speech: sesquisquare Mars, conj. Pluto quincunx NN (fate)?
P of AbiilityReasoning and Speech: Opposes Black Moon Lilith (7 deg.orb)

Part of Accidents - is Cancer 15°
Sextile to Jupiter (she didn't die in this accident) but conjuncts Saturn and
Seisquisquare Uranus (within only 1° orb)
Quincunx to Neptune (confusion, intoxication? 1.58° Trine SN 0° (had a recent prior accident(s)..opposed to Chiron

Part of Life - Cancer 7°59"
Sesquisquare the Sun Square Moon Quincunx Mercury square Venus conjuinct Saturn Trine Uranus Trine SN

Pt. of chronic disease - Sag 1°35"

We have opened a thread dedicated to the MACKENZIE COWELL case.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - MACKENZIE COWELL last seen 2/9/10 WA - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

If the Car was Found 10:00 am Sunday 3/14/10 Olympia WA, time had changed (at 2:00 am) to PDT giving ASC 29 Taurus = ALCYONE -- The Pleiades, 'something to cry about'.

SUN & MOON are intercepted in Pisces in 11th House == most unfortunate circumstance beyond one's control == with MOON partile CONJUNCT PART OF DEATH 11 Pisces.

Point of DEATH 00 Aries close opposed SATURN 01 Libra RX across the 12/6 axis.

Lord 1 VENUS in radix 12th House of Misfortune, Sorrow & Woe, and MOON last passed over NEPTUNE in Aquarius (accidental drowning).

The Part of FORTUNE is MISFORTUNE in this chart (12th House placement) @ 16 Taurus.

The LAST SEEN chart 10:10 pm PST Saturday 3/13/10 Olympia WA gives 07 Scorpio Rising (never a good sign on a Missing Person case) and if we assign Shantina to House 7 (turned 1st) @ 07 Taurus we know it is partile conjunct HAMAL The Death Wound, with Lord Turned 1st VENUS, URANUS of accidents and the SUN in Turned 11th (radix 5th).

URANUS & SUN are posited in Pisces (accidental 11th House drowning Pisces) with Lord Turned 1st VENUS 08 ARIES partile sextile PART OF DEATH 08 Aquarius.

The Solstice Point of Lord 1 MARS (radix chart) = 29 Taurus = ALCYONE, same degree as on CAR FOUND ASCENDANT.

Shantina's birth data confirms the death judgment.

**Please note: a chart cast for the 10:30 am Sunday 3/14/2010 'Car Found' gives equally unfortunate testimony.

Judgment: death by drowning; accidental.

I will add the charts later this evening.


I am sad to hear what Shantina's charts are telling us Soulscape, just to be clear, does this mean her son met the same fate?
I am sad to hear what Shantina's charts are telling us Soulscape, just to be clear, does this mean her son met the same fate?

Unfortunately, it appears so, Knox, however, I do not have Azriel's DOB to confirm, so perhaps there is some hope...

Amongst the several death indicators for Shantina, her natal SUN 16 Taurus is partile conjunct the Arabic Part of MISFORTUNE in the 10:00 am 'Car Found' chart discussed above.

If anyone can uncover Azriel's birth data, please let me know.

Thank you,
Joe Dean:

You asked about Lester Levitt a young man who died at about age 20.
I'll post his Sunrise Chart, and look again, IF you have his time of birth for the houses may tell us more then the Sunrise alone for the day of his birth.

However, as stands, here is how I see his life unfolding:

Lester had a natal Mars conjuncting, the "worse star in the heaven" i.e. "Algol" as it's termed.
Worse is a relative term of course, as there are many we could assign such a descript to (worse luck, worse fortune, worse personality, worse goes on and on) , but meaning worse as to what may occur for the person, or in what way this vibration affects their natal. For instance, Princess Diana had Algol conjuncting her Venus.....and her love life was not all that great, she may have attributed "worse" to it's manifestations.

So you see, don't take this to heart. But Mars is the physical body, and how it may exert itself, (mannerisms, arguements, physical agility or health)
all of these things can be affected then by this star's vibration he was born to.

His natal Mars conj. Algol at 26Taurus 17minutes, is rather right on.
And it was RX (retrograde) so potentially he was born to learn about himself in this regard...
Mars squared Pluto not a good omen in a natal chart, (death is possible) as Pluto rules destructive forces and self-destruction as well.

Mars (afflicted by degree) also squares Mercury which conjunct "Antares" another fixed star that can be both argumentative, seek out subconsciously argumentative people, to stir things up. Not necessarily at all a conscious thing then with Anatares.

With his natal Scorpio planets, I'd say he was a person not to trifle with....perhaps hot headed?.....IF not, then I apologize, but this is what I see thus far, and like I said with the time of birth I might be able to see more persuant to him and how the life may unfold for him.

Everyone is here to learn lessons about ourselves, and for Lester, as for most,
sometimes we have to learn them the hard way.

Sunrise Chart (click twice (once and then again) to enlarge )

Having TRansiting Uranus over his Venus suggests a sudden event, perhaps quite destructive
(do you know the details of the death?)....Sudden because Uranus often brings us the unexpected
Venus can be our social or love life. Uranus in a death chart can also suggest the isolation from the masses, taking one away spiritually from this plane. The departure as it were.
Uranus can symbolize "separations"

Lester Levitt

Thank you Leomoon, he went into foster care before the age of 1 (he never knew his bio parents) and was never adopted. I don't know if I can find his birth time, I will try. I went to school with Lester, he was a very artistic, warm hearted person and yes if he felt somebody was doing wrong he would call them on it and quite possibly thump them over the wrong. I think he became a bit self destructive before he died as he was trying to find himself and find happiness. It has been so many years, but yes his death was sudden and quite destructive/violent. His death was at first ruled suicide, stabbed 5 times in the heart (I believe) then when his family disagreed, it was ruled a homicide but never solved.
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