2010.5.5 New Tommy Lyndsy Jailhouse Tape-discussing pills

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Powder here is defined as referring to herion, coke, or amphetamines

same at this site:


this one says in current terms it is meth:

While in the UC's car, the UC was constantly sniffling. This is the reason that Ron asked him about powder. It's likely he was referring to cocaine. Cocaine users, who insufflate or 'snort' their drug, sniffle a lot because it causes their nose to run. It's a warning sign of recognising cocaine addiction:
These people can afford a cocaine habit? I'm not being snotty about their socio-economic status but isn't that a bit more expensive than most drug habits? I don't know much about any of that.
They didn't finger anyone for a coke habit, AFAIK. Tommy said it's not really his drug - he likes pills. Tommy's mother was a crackhead though. Cocaine was on one of RC's rap sheets and he mentioned in the UC car he liked to get high sometimes, which says to me that he uses coke but probably not so often.
It doesn't appear anyone was supporting a drug habit through legal employment, in any case.
Listening to these tapes on the time delay is a little confusing. Are these tapes from March 11th?
I ask because all the I love you's and what nots. I wondered how someone who loves their hubby so much and believes in him so much back then soon files for divorce. I understand the speculation that it is done for legal or monetary purposes but to keep perspective I have to remind myself that this tape is from around March 11th. Tommy was supposed to have come clean with new tips after an allegedly failed poly and then tips came after during a meeting with his lawyer and PI S Brown around April 14th.

Lyndsy filed for divorce on April 28th. Old tapes, but, if we keep getting tapes from these two they should be telling. Wonder why they have released no tapes with Misty and Dad?
I ask because all the I love you's and what nots. I wondered how someone who loves their hubby so much and believes in him so much back then soon files for divorce. I understand the speculation that it is done for legal or monetary purposes but to keep perspective I have to remind myself that this tape is from around March 11th. Tommy was supposed to have come clean with new tips after an allegedly failed poly and then tips came after during a meeting with his lawyer and PI S Brown around April 14th.

Lyndsy filed for divorce on April 28th. Old tapes, but, if we keep getting tapes from these two they should be telling. Wonder why they have released no tapes with Misty and Dad?

TBH, I don't think we're listening to the real Lindsy and Tommy here. They know that they are being listened to by everyone and their mother. There's no way they can act natural and I don't think they'll have a real heart-to-heart on them either. IMO these tapes cannot be used to properly evaluate the real truth of their relationship.

Just imagine if you knew that your personal conversations with your spouse, over a highly delicate matter in a stressful situation, were going to be available for scrutiny over the internet for all and sundry. And by 'you', of course I mean anybody here reading this thread.

Behind every 'I love you', what I hear is 'There is so much I want to say to you, but I can't.' I think on these tapes, we are maybe privy to 10% of the real thing, but no more than that.
TBH, I don't think we're listening to the real Lindsy and Tommy here. They know that they are being listened to by everyone and their mother. There's no way they can act natural and I don't think they'll have a real heart-to-heart on them either. IMO these tapes cannot be used to properly evaluate the real truth of their relationship.

Just imagine if you knew that your personal conversations with your spouse, over a highly delicate matter in a stressful situation, were going to be available for scrutiny over the internet for all and sundry. And by 'you', of course I mean anybody here reading this thread.

Behind every 'I love you', what I hear is 'There is so much I want to say to you, but I can't.' I think on these tapes, we are maybe privy to 10% of the real thing, but no more than that.

Your theory on the I love you's makes excellent sense. I listened again (oh the torture) and several of the I love you's seem to fill up a space where they wish to expound on an issue. Tommy often stops abruptly and says I love you mid-sentence. Good looking out!
I can think of some other reasons she might divorce him, the main one being that he's looking at a looong prison sentence. or she may know enough to get into trouble & has decided to cooperate to save herself. She IS the only one who hasn't been actively pursued by LE. maybe it's been their plan to use her. Also, Linsey may have decided she doesn't want to be tied down to a man in jail. He really doesn't seem worth it. He's barely nice to her, shows minimal interest in the kids, seems consumed with drugs, doesn't seem repenent, & HE LIES. Maybe she wants a better man.

I just think that it is because anything they own jointly can be seized to pay for legal fees, court costs, fines, or just because they might have been bought with drug money. If Granddaddy puts the condo in her name, if she gets a car, gets a job, it might get taken.Divorce could prevent that.
Has anyone figured out who the "kid" was that Ron/Misty would have to give up if they told the truth?

I was confused about that part of the tape

After scanning through some of the threads ... this seems to to be the best one to ask this --

I read Chelsea had custody of Misty --- I never heard that before, any truth?

Also that Flora filed for the reward money?

Do you know the exact wording in the sentence that you are referring to ?

Has anyone figured out who the "kid" was that Ron/Misty would have to give up if they told the truth?

I was confused about that part of the tape

After scanning through some of the threads ... this seems to to be the best one to ask this --

I read Chelsea had custody of Misty --- I never heard that before, any truth?

Also that Flora filed for the reward money?

Do you know the exact wording in the sentence that you are referring to ?

Not off hand I don't -- they were talking about Misty and how she brought all the trouble since Ronald ... how she was better off with Rob even though he beat her but Ron beat her too etc ..

That part of the tape
Still curious about the information that Chelsea claims she had custody of Misty .... that is a first for me

Which means she would have have custody when they got married so no need for Lisa and Hank to sign papers?

Is Chelsea a bs'er?

Or is Art ...
Long term member of Narcotics Anonymous here, and still very active in NA. I have never heard of "powder" as a reference to anything except powdered cocaine, and I regularly hear it as a reference to powdered cocaine. This is as opposed to crack. People will say they did "powder" as a means of telling you that they were not a crackhead (of course, a lot of times the person telling you he/she did powder--they are a crackhead, because as far as I can tell, hardly anybody does powder these days.)

I believe Tommy when he says he wasn't really into cocaine, because he has all the marks of an opiate addict. Opiate addicts are much more functional--for a few hours a day anyway--than crackheads. He says he was more into pills (opiates) and I believe him and it jibes with what Lindsy seems to know of him and what they were busted selling. That doesn't mean he never smoked crack.

One thing about an opiate addict: They are not known for committing sex crimes. In fact, they aren't known for caring much about sex at all. Opiate addicts are also not known for violence. They're known for cowardly thefts and things like that.

A certain percentage of males who use cocaine apparently are into sex while using cocaine. Regarding another drug that I don't know if they used must be around Satsuma--meth--apparently some male meth heads are into sex, and meth is also very much associated with violence.

None of this leaves us anywhere. I mean, it does leave me feeling certain that if Tommy committed a sex crime or took part in violence, he was using some other drug than his drug of choice, because based on what I know of his drug of choice--and I know more than I'm going to go into here--a sex crime or a violent crime does not fit the profile of an opiate addict. This type of crime does not fit the profile of a crack head or a powder head either, but more likely than an opiate junkie.

Joe Overstreet is an unknown. I don't know what drugs he likes or if he even uses drugs. We have seen his facebook profile picture, and this type of picture--an opiate addict generally would prefer to keep a lower profile than put a picture of himself up on facebook holding a gun.

This guy appears a lot bolder and more unpredictible to me than Tommy or Ron. His grandmother said he did some time for stealing a car. This type of crime is a bit bolder than walking to the back of some handicapped guy's trailer and stealing one of his guns, which sounds like a typical opiate junkie crime.

The overdose story is a possibility. That kind of thing has definitely happened, definitely. The thing about that though, is that you wouldn't expect these people to keep their story together as well as they did. I mean, small time junkies--you would expect them to sing like canaries at the police station. I just don't believe these people would have taken care of matters as quickly as they did if it had been an overdose.

If Joe Overstreet really said that river would be a great place to kill somebody--that says a lot. But we don't know if he said that. We wouldn't expect Tommy to make such a statement because Tommy is either high and feeling fine, or he's not high and thinking of what he can steal to get high. He's not thinking about killing anybody.

I wish we knew more about Joe Overstreet.
Long term member of Narcotics Anonymous here, and still very active in NA. I have never heard of "powder" as a reference to anything except powdered cocaine, and I regularly hear it as a reference to powdered cocaine. This is as opposed to crack. People will say they did "powder" as a means of telling you that they were not a crackhead (of course, a lot of times the person telling you he/she did powder--they are a crackhead, because as far as I can tell, hardly anybody does powder these days.)

I believe Tommy when he says he wasn't really into cocaine, because he has all the marks of an opiate addict. Opiate addicts are much more functional--for a few hours a day anyway--than crackheads. He says he was more into pills (opiates) and I believe him and it jibes with what Lindsy seems to know of him and what they were busted selling. That doesn't mean he never smoked crack.

One thing about an opiate addict: They are not known for committing sex crimes. In fact, they aren't known for caring much about sex at all. Opiate addicts are also not known for violence. They're known for cowardly thefts and things like that.

A certain percentage of males who use cocaine apparently are into sex while using cocaine. Regarding another drug that I don't know if they used must be around Satsuma--meth--apparently some male meth heads are into sex, and meth is also very much associated with violence.

None of this leaves us anywhere. I mean, it does leave me feeling certain that if Tommy committed a sex crime or took part in violence, he was using some other drug than his drug of choice, because based on what I know of his drug of choice--and I know more than I'm going to go into here--a sex crime or a violent crime does not fit the profile of an opiate addict. This type of crime does not fit the profile of a crack head or a powder head either, but more likely than an opiate junkie.

Joe Overstreet is an unknown. I don't know what drugs he likes or if he even uses drugs. We have seen his facebook profile picture, and this type of picture--an opiate addict generally would prefer to keep a lower profile than put a picture of himself up on facebook holding a gun.

This guy appears a lot bolder and more unpredictible to me than Tommy or Ron. His grandmother said he did some time for stealing a car. This type of crime is a bit bolder than walking to the back of some handicapped guy's trailer and stealing one of his guns, which sounds like a typical opiate junkie crime.

The overdose story is a possibility. That kind of thing has definitely happened, definitely. The thing about that though, is that you wouldn't expect these people to keep their story together as well as they did. I mean, small time junkies--you would expect them to sing like canaries at the police station. I just don't believe these people would have taken care of matters as quickly as they did if it had been an overdose.

If Joe Overstreet really said that river would be a great place to kill somebody--that says a lot. But we don't know if he said that. We wouldn't expect Tommy to make such a statement because Tommy is either high and feeling fine, or he's not high and thinking of what he can steal to get high. He's not thinking about killing anybody.

I wish we knew more about Joe Overstreet.

Joe's Myspace page was all about pot .... pot leaves everywhere etc

Also ... Joe did not steal a car -- he tried to steal an stereo from a car and was shot in the wrist by the owner (lol)

Powder around here also refers to coke .. not crack

We know Ron liked the powder at some point and again voiced in the video ,,, Tommy seems to be all about the Roxies
Tommy, Hank and Lisa drove to GGM's house where Ron and Misty were living, in their narrative, to answer a distress call from Misty because she didn't want to stay there anymore and that Ron was crazy. Instead of leaving with her family, she threw herself into the mix and took a stand against THEM, filing restraining orders on her mother and brother.

Frankly, that says to me they tried. They are flawed and lazy parents, but they answered their daughter's call immediately.

They sure did answer the call. That at least shows they cared about Misty and went to help her. And that makes perfect sense about RC trying to fight with Misty's brother. Abusive men get real pizzed at anyone who tries to help the female they're abusing.
The comment I heard by Tommy and Linsey today made me cringe. I feel certain RC was physically abusing Misty.
She was young, maybe slightly dumb and relied on RC.
Tommy, Hank and Lisa drove to GGM's house where Ron and Misty were living, in their narrative, to answer a distress call from Misty because she didn't want to stay there anymore and that Ron was crazy. Instead of leaving with her family, she threw herself into the mix and took a stand against THEM, filing restraining orders on her mother and brother.

Frankly, that says to me they tried. They are flawed and lazy parents, but they answered their daughter's call immediately.

You're right. I deleted my post.
Please stay on topic. Find the appropriate threads for discussion about the various players.
Has anyone figured out who the "kid" was that Ron/Misty would have to give up if they told the truth?

I was confused about that part of the tape

After scanning through some of the threads ... this seems to to be the best one to ask this --

I read Chelsea had custody of Misty --- I never heard that before, any truth?

Also that Flora filed for the reward money?

I think they were talking about RC and MC giving up Jr if they told the truth about what happened to Haleigh.
I think they were talking about RC and MC giving up Jr if they told the truth about what happened to Haleigh.

Wouldn't Jr have been named?

Confused about it -- was the Larry/Mexican thing a kid by chance?
Wouldn't Jr have been named?

Confused about it -- was the Larry/Mexican thing a kid by chance?

I'm confused too. lol
I just played the tape again a little while ago. I don't think that had anything to do with Larry. Maybe someone else with more knowledge than me will help you out.

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