NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #12

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you're welcome, laytonian.

We just had this discussion a few posts back. I responded that your numbers are based on one job, that they would be canvassing for multiple jobs. I also didn't know if SK was doing any of the work himself. He wasn't.

It also appears to me to be his self description as wildly overstating the gig as anything but a very short term one time hand out some flyers.

It wasn't always debit cards. I got chastized a few posts back for saying debit cards.


I don't think you got chastized by me, over "debit cards". ;)

But I think he worked for TH for awhile; he was described as a "dependable worker", and if it were merely a one-time gig (Dec 11th), TH wouldn't have paid him the $100.

He couldn't have been doing NOTHING down there, all the time. He had enough income to pay the landlord some of the utilities, keep food in the house, drive all over he!! and back (not just that week, but occasional trips to see family).

But if he was ONLY passing out flyers occasionally, he had to have something else going. That we don't know about. Unsaid.

You didn't happen to ask TH "how long did Steven work for you and how much did he earn?" did you?
The first flyer picture (blue shirt) is several years old and he was MUCH thinner (and younger) then.

THIS picture, July 2009, is what Naegle told us was most representational of how Steven would have looked when he disappeared. Notice how he's very heavy in the face; he'd be "that much" heavier all over.. The figure we see walking in the video looks much thinner, to me.
(Yes, I know.....I'm the only one who thinks MAYBE it's not SK who parked the car -- but what better way to throw everyone off, than to park a car in a strange place?)


You're not quite the only one -- but I have deferred to the people who know him, particularly gsmith when he said the guy walked like Steven. That's usually one of the most distinctive traits of a person.

The guy in the video just doesn't look as tall to me, either.
Hello, everyone. I hope everybody is doing great. Been reading the posts without signing in so I'm fairly caught up even though I haven't posted for a while.

First, unfortunately, my roommate is selling her house I will be moving out. And it looks like I will be moving to the entirely opposite side of the valley. So, in a month there will be no more quick drives up to where Steven disappeared. I am sure that will make Appalled happy.

Second, since my roommate is short selling her house and I've been looking for a new house to rent, I gotta tell ya. . .been thinking a lot about Steven. Because here I am, I'm driving into neighborhoods that I have never been in, parking on the street, going up to stranger's houses, etc., etc., etc. Now, I know in doing this I have left a huge electronic trail if I should disappear during one of these trips because I found all of these places online. (By the way, not one has told me to park down the street) Even if Steven did a search online at some library, I think there would still be a very easy way to track him down if he found something online about SCA. Even if it was some free place like Craigslist, you need an email address to correspond with people. And, to our knowledge there has been no record of any emails back and forth between anybody who was a stranger.

Third, this whole thing about walking away from his life. . .I know we have all been round and round about it but I still don't see it. I can see him leaving behind his parents if he didn't want hassled by them anymore. Sure. But everyone else? Brothers? Other friends? Church members? I can't wrap my mind around that. I can't see him just leaving ALL of them. Some of them, I guess. But ALL of them? Some types of people could do that but does anybody get that picture of him? It's not like he was $500,000 in debt and was telling people he was running a business, all the while he was hiding out in a strip club when he was supposed to be at work, and his wife was about to find out!

Fourth, what caught my eye recently was that girl in SoCal who disappeared and then they found her 300 miles away. Here, she had been telling people she was going to UCLA but she had not been enrolled there since 2008. She lied about getting kidnapped. But really, she was just running away. Adding this to my third point, there's not proof Steven was telling any lies as big as this girl was. So he missed some housing payments, he was just joining about 1/4 of the homeowners in the U.S. by doing that.

Fifth, I know this can all get frustrating and most of the post over the last few weeks cover most of the same subjects that have been covered since thread #1 was created way back in like January. But here's the thing to remember: Somebody know something. He or she may not know they know something. But somebody knows something. You take a look at serial murderers who get caught, people who disappeared then are found, etc. . .in retrospect, all of the pieces were there, they just could not be put together because a bunch of different people knew separate things. Whereas, if one person would have known everything, the case would have been solved immediately. Crimes that are never solved are not perfect crimes. It's more a fact of not being able to track down the perpetrator. And I say this because I do believe Steven ran into foul play all in an effort to make money. This is also the reason I believe Steven didn't just perfectly walk away because, and I say this is as nicely as possible, I don't believe he is that lucky or smart.

Sixth, having read through most of the disappearance cases on Wikipedia, I have really found out how odd this whole disappearance is. Especially when it is a clean cut guy disappearing in a nice community. I still insist that this was all monetarily motivated. He met someone somewhere. The person told Steven to meet him at one of those hosues on EL or the other street over. They rode somewhere. Steven found out what it was. He wanted to back out. And that was that. I've said drugs but it would not have to be that. Lots of different mobsters here, not just Italians. Russians, Colombians, Mexicans, etc. . . .and it could be any types of "hot" stuff. Fashion goods, cars, electronics, etc.

But, I will be around. . .
Hey, fasteddy, good to see you around. Good luck with the housing thing. Sounds like a rough time for you.

I've been meaning to ask you -- way back from the search. Were you the person who found what looked like a pet's grave? Did you happen to take a picture of it?
You're not quite the only one -- but I have deferred to the people who know him, particularly gsmith when he said the guy walked like Steven. That's usually one of the most distinctive traits of a person.

The guy in the video just doesn't look as tall to me, either.

I've said it before: the big elephant in this case is SCA. "WHY did he park where he did, how did he find that spot and where was he walking to?"
Well....the KISS theory says he didn't park there, and that someone familiar with that spot, parked the car. Out of sight of security cameras (they hoped). Otherwise, why NOT park it in some lot?

Third, this whole thing about walking away from his life. . .I know we have all been round and round about it but I still don't see it. I can see him leaving behind his parents if he didn't want hassled by them anymore. Sure. But everyone else? Brothers? Other friends? Church members? I can't wrap my mind around that. I can't see him just leaving ALL of them. Some of them, I guess. But ALL of them? Some types of people could do that but does anybody get that picture of him? It's not like he was $500,000 in debt and was telling people he was running a business, all the while he was hiding out in a strip club when he was supposed to be at work, and his wife was about to find out!

Fourth, what caught my eye recently was that girl in SoCal who disappeared and then they found her 300 miles away. Here, she had been telling people she was going to UCLA but she had not been enrolled there since 2008. She lied about getting kidnapped. But really, she was just running away. Adding this to my third point, there's not proof Steven was telling any lies as big as this girl was. So he missed some housing payments, he was just joining about 1/4 of the homeowners in the U.S. by doing that.

Fifth, I know this can all get frustrating and most of the post over the last few weeks cover most of the same subjects that have been covered since thread #1 was created way back in like January. But here's the thing to remember: Somebody know something. He or she may not know they know something. But somebody knows something. You take a look at serial murderers who get caught, people who disappeared then are found, etc. . .in retrospect, all of the pieces were there, they just could not be put together because a bunch of different people knew separate things. Whereas, if one person would have known everything, the case would have been solved immediately. Crimes that are never solved are not perfect crimes. It's more a fact of not being able to track down the perpetrator. And I say this because I do believe Steven ran into foul play all in an effort to make money. This is also the reason I believe Steven didn't just perfectly walk away because, and I say this is as nicely as possible, I don't believe he is that lucky or smart.

Sixth, having read through most of the disappearance cases on Wikipedia, I have really found out how odd this whole disappearance is. Especially when it is a clean cut guy disappearing in a nice community. I still insist that this was all monetarily motivated. He met someone somewhere. The person told Steven to meet him at one of those hosues on EL or the other street over. They rode somewhere. Steven found out what it was. He wanted to back out. And that was that. I've said drugs but it would not have to be that. Lots of different mobsters here, not just Italians. Russians, Colombians, Mexicans, etc. . . .and it could be any types of "hot" stuff. Fashion goods, cars, electronics, etc.

. .
Fasteddy, I do agree with you on these points. I have felt all along that Steven met with foul play. There are pieces to this puzzle we just don't have. It is very frustrating:banghead:
I personally wish he and Susan Cox Powell had run off together and are enjoying life on a sunny beach.
Hello, everyone. I hope everybody is doing great. Been reading the posts without signing in so I'm fairly caught up even though I haven't posted for a while.

First, unfortunately, my roommate is selling her house I will be moving out. And it looks like I will be moving to the entirely opposite side of the valley. So, in a month there will be no more quick drives up to where Steven disappeared. I am sure that will make Appalled happy.

Stress. Meditation. One begets the other. Life is full of new opportunities.

Second, since my roommate is short selling her house and I've been looking for a new house to rent, I gotta tell ya. . .been thinking a lot about Steven. Because here I am, I'm driving into neighborhoods that I have never been in, parking on the street, going up to stranger's houses, etc., etc., etc. Now, I know in doing this I have left a huge electronic trail if I should disappear during one of these trips because I found all of these places online. (By the way, not one has told me to park down the street) Even if Steven did a search online at some library, I think there would still be a very easy way to track him down if he found something online about SCA. Even if it was some free place like Craigslist, you need an email address to correspond with people. And, to our knowledge there has been no record of any emails back and forth between anybody who was a stranger.

Yup. Nor phone calls. Why would you hide your phone calls (ie, TracPhone) yet tell everyone you were in Vegas?

Third, this whole thing about walking away from his life. . .I know we have all been round and round about it but I still don't see it. I can see him leaving behind his parents if he didn't want hassled by them anymore. Sure. But everyone else? Brothers? Other friends? Church members? I can't wrap my mind around that. I can't see him just leaving ALL of them. Some of them, I guess. But ALL of them? Some types of people could do that but does anybody get that picture of him? It's not like he was $500,000 in debt and was telling people he was running a business, all the while he was hiding out in a strip club when he was supposed to be at work, and his wife was about to find out!

Even IF his car was going to be repo'd, I can't come up with debts higher than the mid-four figures.....unless he had a credit account no one knew about.

You're right. He had too many ties, people in Texas, Utah, Nevada. He wouldn't want to live without them. (I say it that way on purpose, because there's still the "ended his life" option).

Fourth, what caught my eye recently was that girl in SoCal who disappeared and then they found her 300 miles away. Here, she had been telling people she was going to UCLA but she had not been enrolled there since 2008. She lied about getting kidnapped. But really, she was just running away. Adding this to my third point, there's not proof Steven was telling any lies as big as this girl was. So he missed some housing payments, he was just joining about 1/4 of the homeowners in the U.S. by doing that.

The fake UCLA runaway girl. At least the Runaway Bride lasted four days. This one didn't. It's HARD to cut the ties with everyone, UNLESS you have someone to go with. How would Steven have met someone so committed to go with him, and support/hide him...for this long?

Where IS that person? They can't be hanging out "normally" with Steven sitting in the living room for five months. If someone comes to see them, does Steven have to hide in the attic?

Fifth, I know this can all get frustrating and most of the post over the last few weeks cover most of the same subjects that have been covered since thread #1 was created way back in like January. But here's the thing to remember: Somebody know something. He or she may not know they know something. But somebody knows something. You take a look at serial murderers who get caught, people who disappeared then are found, etc. . .in retrospect, all of the pieces were there, they just could not be put together because a bunch of different people knew separate things. Whereas, if one person would have known everything, the case would have been solved immediately. Crimes that are never solved are not perfect crimes. It's more a fact of not being able to track down the perpetrator. And I say this because I do believe Steven ran into foul play all in an effort to make money. This is also the reason I believe Steven didn't just perfectly walk away because, and I say this is as nicely as possible, I don't believe he is that lucky or smart.

Let's put it a different way, because I think Steven WAS smart. His trainer at the SL Tribune told me he was "smart and funny". His friend gsmith said the same thing. He had odd characteristics. Maybe a bit of an oddball, but even people who won't let me post their thoughts publicly or come join us, have nothing but good things to say about him.

I think there's something else involved in a "perfect" disappearance: WILLPOWER. Luck is just luck. BUT....to successfully disappear, you have to work hard at it and stick with it. That's the part I think Steven was lacking, because I don't see him having stuck with much else (ie, jobs).

That's the main thing that tells me he's likely not with us any longer, ALTHOUGH Naegle did have a good outlook on it: "It'd get easier the longer you stayed away."

Sixth, having read through most of the disappearance cases on Wikipedia, I have really found out how odd this whole disappearance is. Especially when it is a clean cut guy disappearing in a nice community. I still insist that this was all monetarily motivated. He met someone somewhere. The person told Steven to meet him at one of those hosues on EL or the other street over. They rode somewhere. Steven found out what it was. He wanted to back out. And that was that. I've said drugs but it would not have to be that. Lots of different mobsters here, not just Italians. Russians, Colombians, Mexicans, etc. . . .and it could be any types of "hot" stuff. Fashion goods, cars, electronics, etc.

But, I will be around. . .

Monetary motive/meeting someone: what IF it was merely a parking place, and he was immediately taken elsewhere without ever entering a home?

He could have met someone who had NO direct ties to that neighborhood, but was familiar with that spot. Someone who lived in an adjoining neighborhood, for instance.
Fasteddy, I do agree with you on these points. I have felt all along that Steven met with foul play. There are pieces to this puzzle we just don't have. It is very frustrating:banghead:
I personally wish he and Susan Cox Powell had run off together and are enjoying life on a sunny beach.

We haven't had a good head-bang around here for awhile. :banghead:
hi laytonian, TH said SK was just helping out a little to earn some rent money. I didn't press for more detail than that concerning length of business relationship, amount of money earned, that type of thing, as statement seemed pretty self evident, but did confirm all he was doing was handing out some flyers, didn't do any of the cleaning work, and didn't earn any commission or have any marketing type activities where he could earn money based on business generated, etc.

I know you've done the numbers way earlier in the thread, startup business (if I read about the startup loan correctly), there can't be much of a budget for handing out flyers. I'd be surprised if it was more than the $100. That's about 2000 flyers at going rates I've seen on net (.05 to .10 per flyer).

I don't know, for someone that kept getting called by the church constantly he sure kept a low profile.

Actually the simplest theory is that he parked the car and went out and ended his own life.
Actually the simplest theory is that he parked the car and went out and ended his own life.

Hi everyone. I also have been gone for awhile. Was in Maui,and it was very hard to comeback to reality.

I do not think Steven ended his own life. I to, believe he met fate. A bad dealhe fell into. And why he parked his car where he did,maybe he was told to. The person who was at the home gave Steven a reason. because if the car was parked in front of the home, it would be obvious, that the person living in that home, had something to do with his disappearance.

As I said along time ago, I believe he was working for a illegal business that he did not know was illegal.

One of Steven's friends told me, his friend works as a bug exterminator. Many of the homes he works at, people offer him jobs OFTEN! Come work for me,I will pay you more,etc. I am sure it happens all the time.
Hi everyone. I also have been gone for awhile. Was in Maui,and it was very hard to comeback to reality.

I do not think Steven ended his own life. I to, believe he met fate. A bad dealhe fell into. And why he parked his car where he did,maybe he was told to. The person who was at the home gave Steven a reason. because if the car was parked in front of the home, it would be obvious, that the person living in that home, had something to do with his disappearance.

As I said along time ago, I believe he was working for a illegal business that he did not know was illegal.

One of Steven's friends told me, his friend works as a bug exterminator. Many of the homes he works at, people offer him jobs OFTEN! Come work for me,I will pay you more,etc. I am sure it happens all the time.

Welcome back, you lucky Island Girl! (I think there's a song about you!)

What kind of jobs are people offering to a bug exterminator?

Since we found out that Steven was just distributing flyers (and not doing the work), he'd have had little contact with people....unless he caught them at home during the day.

His boss also told rd_jfc (who called TH) that there was no purpose to hand out flyers in Nevada, since they didn't do work there.
hi laytonian, TH said SK was just helping out a little to earn some rent money. I didn't press for more detail than that concerning length of business relationship, amount of money earned, that type of thing, as statement seemed pretty self evident, but did confirm all he was doing was handing out some flyers, didn't do any of the cleaning work, and didn't earn any commission or have any marketing type activities where he could earn money based on business generated, etc.

I know you've done the numbers way earlier in the thread, startup business (if I read about the startup loan correctly), there can't be much of a budget for handing out flyers. I'd be surprised if it was more than the $100. That's about 2000 flyers at going rates I've seen on net (.05 to .10 per flyer).

I don't know, for someone that kept getting called by the church constantly he sure kept a low profile.


You can get black-and-white flyers for about 2-cents each here ($20 for a 1,000).....and if you're passing them out by hand, that's a lot of work.

I guess the only job mystery now is: what else did he do between Matchbin and passing out the flyers? And when did he start working for TH.
Fasteddy, I do agree with you on these points. I have felt all along that Steven met with foul play. There are pieces to this puzzle we just don't have. It is very frustrating:banghead:
I personally wish he and Susan Cox Powell had run off together and are enjoying life on a sunny beach.

The major piece is his employment. This just doesn't make sense. Until he found a job in his field, or something he really wanted to do, he had experience in construction, working for FedX, etc. WHY didn't he do this?

On another note, I guess JZ is still on the lamb somewhere? We haven't heard from SL or anyone on his whereabouts. IIRC, SL said LE was wanting to talk to him again about SK. Which brings me another thought---what did JZ do for employment? Was it in construction--or related? Wasn't his family in this business? Just thinking since JZ had family in LV, and was in his mid 20's, he might have been around SCA about the time their construction was taking place; which would give him knowledge of the area. I know this is a little off the boards but I just found out about this gizzmo you can get for your phone, that you can spoof people with. It allows you to even change your voice, and has options for the number left on caller ID. I apologize for not knowing the correct name of this product, (I thought I had saved it, but didn't). Kids are using it like crazy, and it markets it's services to PI's also. You call into the service, tell it your number, the number you want to use for caller ID purposes---pick the voice you want to use and bingo....no one knows dip. If JZ or anyone for that matter was wanting to lure him there under false pretenses, it looks like this would be a good tool. Just thoughts....
Hey, fasteddy, good to see you around. Good luck with the housing thing. Sounds like a rough time for you.

I've been meaning to ask you -- way back from the search. Were you the person who found what looked like a pet's grave? Did you happen to take a picture of it?

I forgot about the pet grave. That was a dog named Jazz, right?
The major piece is his employment. This just doesn't make sense. Until he found a job in his field, or something he really wanted to do, he had experience in construction, working for FedX, etc. WHY didn't he do this?

On another note, I guess JZ is still on the lamb somewhere? We haven't heard from SL or anyone on his whereabouts. IIRC, SL said LE was wanting to talk to him again about SK. Which brings me another thought---what did JZ do for employment? Was it in construction--or related? Wasn't his family in this business? Just thinking since JZ had family in LV, and was in his mid 20's, he might have been around SCA about the time their construction was taking place; which would give him knowledge of the area. I know this is a little off the boards but I just found out about this gizzmo you can get for your phone, that you can spoof people with. It allows you to even change your voice, and has options for the number left on caller ID. I apologize for not knowing the correct name of this product, (I thought I had saved it, but didn't). Kids are using it like crazy, and it markets it's services to PI's also. You call into the service, tell it your number, the number you want to use for caller ID purposes---pick the voice you want to use and bingo....no one knows dip. If JZ or anyone for that matter was wanting to lure him there under false pretenses, it looks like this would be a good tool. Just thoughts....

Hm. Never heard of this. I'm thinking that would allow somebody to spoof Steven's voice Sunday morning, saying he's in Vegas and could get back, etc.

Which probably means he disappeared right after the neighbor saw him at 10:30.
I don't think that's very simple. That's a theory of last resort.


Why do you say that? Statistically, it's by far the most likely thing to have happened. Jobless men not in relationships kill themselves at a shockingly high rate, and SK's downward spiral and periodic depression have already been mentioned. And the only anomaly is, why did he pick that area?

Emotionally, I don't want to accept this answer. And in this case, I'm not sure the simplest answer is the right one. But convoluted theories of some unknown person who lured him to a strange place and left no trace don't seem very likely either.
The major piece is his employment. This just doesn't make sense. Until he found a job in his field, or something he really wanted to do, he had experience in construction, working for FedX, etc. WHY didn't he do this?

On another note, I guess JZ is still on the lamb somewhere? We haven't heard from SL or anyone on his whereabouts. IIRC, SL said LE was wanting to talk to him again about SK. Which brings me another thought---what did JZ do for employment? Was it in construction--or related? Wasn't his family in this business? Just thinking since JZ had family in LV, and was in his mid 20's, he might have been around SCA about the time their construction was taking place; which would give him knowledge of the area. I know this is a little off the boards but I just found out about this gizzmo you can get for your phone, that you can spoof people with. It allows you to even change your voice, and has options for the number left on caller ID. I apologize for not knowing the correct name of this product, (I thought I had saved it, but didn't). Kids are using it like crazy, and it markets it's services to PI's also. You call into the service, tell it your number, the number you want to use for caller ID purposes---pick the voice you want to use and bingo....no one knows dip. If JZ or anyone for that matter was wanting to lure him there under false pretenses, it looks like this would be a good tool. Just thoughts....

A law against that has been passed in Congress and expected to be sent to President for signature this year.

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