I'm now ruling out (for myself) the south and east as options to have the child exit. There's too much going on, too many people, too much risk. I'm not going to choose them. East was a contender until you brought up the buses
lol. East is blocked. I can't get my vehicle there, and I can't have the child walk to my vehicle. It's too risky.
So I've got west and north. North presents too much risk of the child being seen as he walks down those steps, plus too much risk of my vehicle being seen both as I drive back to an unusual place, and as I drive out from an unusual place.
West presents significant risk both of the child being seen as he walks up the dirt road. I think it's a tolerable risk though - the most tolerable for me - because of the distraction and concentration of activity on other side of the building. The trees that would partially obscure part of the child's walk up the dirt road is also a plus.
West gives one other problem, the risk of my vehicle being seen pausing at the end of the dirt road. I can mitigate that risk by not leaving the parking lot until the child is near the end of the dirt road, and only then exiting the parking lot, driving to the dirt road, pausing for a sec while the child jumps in, and driving away.
If I'm luring out a live, conscious child, then West is my #1 choice as least risky, and the risk is tolerable.
If I were leaving prior to the buses arriving, and I have no idea when the buses started arriving, then I would choose East as least risky, and a more tolerable risk than West.
If the child were deceased or unconscious, then East is really the only option I can see, either before the buses arrive or after the buses left. If after the buses left, it would also have to be after 10am when all the children, teachers, and volunteers are back in their classrooms. Before the buses arrive is still too risky because there are parents and children too nearby, and the risk of being seen is too high.
I think Kyron left the school unconscious or deceased, or that he's still in there.
The complexity and risk of taking a child out of the school alive is just too great, and too senseless to me to even attempt, whether the adult is known to Kyron or not.
Whether the motive was molestation or murder or both, and particularly if this was a planned crime of murder, it just makes no sense to even attempt to take the child out of the school alive. There's no reason to, so why take such a ridiculous risk?