2010.07.19 - Terry Shoemaker's comments to Art Harris RE: Misty

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I think Misty has already resigned herself to the fact she is going to prison for a long time. When she first was in and in the many tapes we have seen - she was scared, crying, wanting to go home. As time went on, she got use to it, made friends who did her hair etc., tried a couple of different stories but couldn't pass a LDT. She has had an unstable way of life for all of her years. IMO if she didn't break down and either confess or implicate the true guilty party then, she isn't ever going to or she really doesn't know. Everything now is just lawyer/court mumbo jumbo and from the sentences so far, she looks like at least 15 years. I imagine she will join other young women who have traveled the same road. It is sad how all of these lives are ruined but the saddest is the very high price, HALEIGH.
And I don't see how anyone looking at between 10 and 30 years in prison is a "golden boy."


In looking at Ron's past criminal records of possession of cocaine, controlled substances, cannabis, opium, methamphetamins, GHB, heroin, drugs without a prescription, drug paraphernalia, maintaining a drug vehicle, leaving the scene of an accident involving injuries, trespassing, possession of firearms, burglary and assault and never having spent any time in prison, I'd say that's pretty golden. And we have no idea how many of those charges were reduced. Now he's already had two of his more hefty charges of trafficking narcotics reduced from a mandatory minimum of 25 years to 15 years. I'd say that's pretty golden, but that's just my opinion.

In looking at Ron's past criminal records of possession of cocaine, controlled substances, cannabis, opium, methamphetamins, GHB, heroin, drugs without a prescription, drug paraphernalia, maintaining a drug vehicle, leaving the scene of an accident involving injuries, trespassing, possession of firearms, burglary and assault and never having spent any time in prison, I'd say that's pretty golden. And we have no idea how many of those charges were reduced. Now he's already had two of his more hefty charges of trafficking narcotics reduced from a mandatory minimum of 25 years to 15 years. I'd say that's pretty golden, but that's just my opinion.

AFAIK the plea deal isn't set in stone yet.

From AH (this vibes with what Shoemaker said, too, but I can't find where he said it!)

Ronald Cummings, is expected to receive 15 years behind bars for trafficking, if a pending plea deal kicks in that will depend on his cooperation in the same drug sting, and his daughter’s case.
AFAIK the plea deal isn't set in stone yet.

From AH (this vibes with what Shoemaker said, too, but I can't find where he said it!)

Ronald Cummings, is expected to receive 15 years behind bars for trafficking, if a pending plea deal kicks in that will depend on his cooperation in the same drug sting, and his daughter’s case.

No, but look at his charges. The two highest charges have already been reduced. That is what I was referring to.
IMO Shoemaker's statement to Art Harris is unbelievable. Brings to mind the big deal Shoemaker made about the Funeral that was supposed to be ordered by PCSO which turned out not to be true.

So do we really take everything Shoemaker says as the truth or words created to sway a listening public. I'm sure that Shoemaker and his client are aware of the public sentiment in general about his client.

So to me "Everything that sparkles in not Gold" or in this case you have to READ BETWEEN THE LIES.

Good post! Wait, no it's a Great post.
In my code of life, I never believe any defense attorney unless it's my defense attorney.
No, but look at his charges. The two highest charges have already been reduced. That is what I was referring to.

Sue, I am not seeing that on the docket. Can you point me to where I can see RC's two 25-year charges have already been reduced?

IMO it is a bit premature for them to reduce the charges if the reduction is part of a plea deal. So if they were reduced already, the reduction is for another reason, IMO.
Show me the money! I'm betting that Ron will get up to 15 years. He has slipped through the knot so many times, his luck will not change now. Someone in the chain of command, all the way up to the State Attorney's office is very interested in Ron's case. Not because they are concerned that a little girl will never be found, but because they are concerned about what Ron will reveal about one of their own. Believe me, Ron will be cut a deal. Based on absolutely nothing of value. It will be made to look like Ron is helping out on the drug dealing in Putnam County.....................It's not. It is totally about what damage Ron can do to someone's political career. This is my very own opinon and not based upon anything that has been published.
Makes me wonder if Sheriff Hardy's son is it, not the Croslin group afterall...
does anyone know how his case is going??

He's officially out on bail. I personally heard LE stop him just the other morning, ran his tag/DL and dispatch came back with J. I. w/a past. So he's out and about...
Show me the money! I'm betting that Ron will get up to 15 years. He has slipped through the knot so many times, his luck will not change now. Someone in the chain of command, all the way up to the State Attorney's office is very interested in Ron's case. Not because they are concerned that a little girl will never be found, but because they are concerned about what Ron will reveal about one of their own. Believe me, Ron will be cut a deal. Based on absolutely nothing of value. It will be made to look like Ron is helping out on the drug dealing in Putnam County.....................It's not. It is totally about what damage Ron can do to someone's political career. This is my very own opinon and not based upon anything that has been published.

As I read your speculative post, all I can see is Teresa in that big jacket and how I always wondered who it really belonged to...:waitasec:

IMO, if Ron does not pull more time than Tommy - I'm sorry - something is very wrong in PC-land and some s'plainin' must be done.

I hope some reporter somewhere in the media is ready for this...
He's officially out on bail. I personally heard LE stop him just the other morning, ran his tag/DL and dispatch came back with J. I. w/a past. So he's out and about...
I was just wondering about this guy. Thanks.
1st of all, I want you to know that I'm not picking on your post, but I find a few things you said, interesting. Yes, I agree that Ron looking at 10-30, is not golden...but if he gets the 10, while others with less charges, (Hope), get longer sentences, well, there's a problem. & I don't think Ron is looking at anywhere near 30. I would like to see a fairness & logic here. If Hope 's crime was deemed worthy of a 15 year sentence, then where's the logic in Ron getting so many charges dropped? If he has been holding out on Haleigh, & that is his ace in the hole, I think he should have charges added, not dropped...& that goes for all of them, but especially Ron, because he was her father, & he was supposed to put her above all of these people. Also, he had custody, & it was his job to keep her safe, & it was his duty to seek justice for her death, not withhold information. & this is assuming that he wasn't responsible, but was in on the cover-up. Because realistically, what information, besides information on Haleigh, could be significant enough to get so many charges dropped? Also, you said that you find it interesting that LE is interested in testimony against Misty. Could you elaborate please? I try to keep an open mind, so I haven't ruled anybody out as a suspect, but Misty is the hardest one for me to pinpoint. Yes, I know she has lied, but so has everybody else, & they all seem to be self serving. I was wondering if there is anything in particular, that you think points to Misty's guilt. Thanks.

I will deal with your question about Misty first. Why do I suspect her? That's a no-brainer. She was the last person we know of to be with Haleigh. LE says her story contradicts physical evidence at the scene. LE has publicly stated that Misty has lied in her statements to LE about Haleigh. A look at her 9-1-1 call through the tool of statement analysis indicates deception in that call. Her brother Tommy puts himself, cousin Joe and Misty at the mobile home at the time of the disappearance. So Misty is the person responsible for Haleigh and she's already lying by the time she calls 9-1-1. Her brother has told his grandmother and LE that he, JO and Misty were all in the mobile home and that he was present when JO disposed of Haleigh's body. Her grandmother Flo Hollars believes she is guilty and may not have a conscience. Finally, LE claims that they are looking for testimony from Ron against Misty, presumably in the drug case, but perhaps in the matter of Haleigh. I find LE's willingness to deal with Ron "interesting" because it is a strong indicator that Misty is the target in the investigation and not Ron. Why would they deal with a child killer?

As to Ron's sentence potential in relation to Hope and the others, the American justice system works on plea bargains, sometimes just to avoid the expense of a trial and other times to obtain testimony. Hope made her own bed with her arrogant rants about not taking boot camp or whatever it was. Defendants who cooperate, keep their mouths shut, and let their attorney work on their behalf get better deals. The defendants in the drug case have not been charged as a group; their hearings have been separate, and it is likely that they have different levels of involvement in the drug case. We have just seen the sting tapes from the car. LE will have other evidence that shows who initiated and led the drug dealing, who did what and when. We don't have that evidence and information, and it is likely that we will never see it because in the end, everyone will plead out, perhaps even Misty. So we are not in a position to weigh either their relative involvement in the drug dealing or what LE received in terms of evidence or testimony in a plea deal. I would not presume, for example, that Misty had the lead role in the drug ring, even though I saw her tell Ron to "get in the car, baby." WE do not know what evidence LE has against any of these individuals, other than what we have seen on video, which is probably the tip of the iceberg. And we don't know that any or all of these people will be in front of the same judge. As to the idea that charges "should be added, not dropped," the prosecutors are not in a position to "add" charges for which there is no evidence. The drug case is what it is--so many pills, so many sales, so much cash. Prosecutors can't just add charges because people don't like Ron Cummings. They do drop counts for many if not most cases for the reasons I state above.

I don't disagree that RC was foolish, and fatally so for Haleigh, in allowing Misty or any of the Croslins near his kids. That might make him foolish or negligent or just stupid. I see no evidence that he wasn't "seeking justice" for his daughter. I don't know why he married Misty, but certainly it is possible that he really believed Haleigh was abducted in the beginning (LE certainly thought it was possible) and wanted to believe that Misty was innocent. But all of these people are drug users and most are addicts, who predictably make disastrous choices in order to continue using. So speculation on their behavior is of limited value.

In a post a long while back, I took a look at RC's records in the various counties in which he has been arrested. He is certainly what would be classified as a petty criminal. I lived next door to a houseful of people like Ron--in and out of jail, rehab, etc., fighting with each other, their girlfriends and exes, exposing their kids to all of it. One stood in the yard with a shotgun and threatened to shoot himself in front of the kids, high as a kite. He spent 30 days in rehab, not a day in jail. We finally sold our house and moved. But it never occurred to me that these people were "golden" because they weren't doing hard time in prison. even though they have records a mile long. Like the people in this case, they are addicts and incidentally drug dealers to support their habits. That's a far cry from the two teenagers in my city who broke into a house, interrupted a birthday party and killed three people, one because he lived in the wrong neighborhood. Or the three kids younger than Misty who shot and killed a fireman walking his dog.

If RC was a golden boy, he wouldn't be looking at prison. He wouldn't be in jail for dealing drugs. He was a drug abuser and likely addict who finally ended where all addicts end up if they don't quit or die. All that said, I am still waiting for the FIRST indication from LE that he is a target of the investigation into Haleigh's presumed death. "Holding out information on Haleigh" would not be any sort of "ace in the hole" for RC. That "holding out" is precisely what has Misty and probably Tommy in the crosshairs of LE at this very moment. It seems to me that you are starting with the presumption that RC knows what happened to Haleigh, as in "was involved or is covering up for Misty." If he doesn't know what happened--if he has heard conflicting stories and lies just as LE has--then many things he said and observed while living with and/or married to Misty may help LE make a case against her. He will know things that LE has no way of knowing. Nothing in this case makes sense if we start with the idea that RC is some Svengali, some mastermind that has mesmerized the whole Croslin clan and the LE in three or four Florida counties. He finally got caught doing a crime with a hardcore mandatory minimum and ended up in prison. End of story. If LE thought he killed Haleigh, they would be offering Misty the biggest of sweetheart deals to close the case. But it's Misty, her brother, her father and her mother are all looking at jail or prison.
Show me the money! I'm betting that Ron will get up to 15 years. He has slipped through the knot so many times, his luck will not change now. Someone in the chain of command, all the way up to the State Attorney's office is very interested in Ron's case. Not because they are concerned that a little girl will never be found, but because they are concerned about what Ron will reveal about one of their own. Believe me, Ron will be cut a deal. Based on absolutely nothing of value. It will be made to look like Ron is helping out on the drug dealing in Putnam County.....................It's not. It is totally about what damage Ron can do to someone's political career. This is my very own opinon and not based upon anything that has been published.

Ron is going to get 25 years at the MINIMUM. Its only his lawyer saying, oh Rons negotiating this deal, blah blah blah, if the state wanted 30 for Tommy they want triple that for Ronald. I dont see the State acting like Ron is favored golden boy here, not when hes sitting on 900k, no way.
Sue, I am not seeing that on the docket. Can you point me to where I can see RC's two 25-year charges have already been reduced?

IMO it is a bit premature for them to reduce the charges if the reduction is part of a plea deal. So if they were reduced already, the reduction is for another reason, IMO.

It's not on the docket, it's on his charges at the Putnam County jail site. He had 5 charges. Three of the charges were:

DRUGS - TRAFFIC 4 GRAMS LESS 30 KG OTHER CNTRL SUBST (Minimum Mandatory Sentences of 15 years)

And two charges were:

DRUGS - TRAFFIC 30 KG OR MORE OTHER CNTRL SUBST (Minimum Mandatory Sentences of 25 years)

Now they have all been changed to the 4 GRAMS LESS 30 KG (All Minimum Mandatory Sentences of 15 years)

I believe the change was made right after his last court appearance or have I lost my mind?


Booking Date & Time: 1/20/2010 8:56:04 PM - Booking#: 10-00276
Release Date & Time:
DOB: 10/29/1983 - RACE: W - SEX: M

Charges Misd/Felony Degree Bond Bond Posted
Sue, true, all of Ron's charges fall within trafficking 4 gr.-30 kg.

The statute divides the sentencing into the amount he was dealing at each drug deal.

He has 1 charge that carries a 3 yr. mm, 4-14 gr.
He has 2 charges that carry a 15 yr. mm, 14-28 gr.
He has 2 charges that carry a 25 yr. mm, 28 gr.-30 kg.

One way to tell is by looking at the bond amts., the lower the charge the lower the bond.
It is all listed in his dockets.

He was not caught with anything over 30 kg. That charge carries a mm sentence of life.

Shoemaker is trying to get the 2 25 yr. charges dropped or pled down to 14-28 gr. so Ron would not be facing a mm of 25 yrs.

Donna has the 28 g-30 kg. charge but pled down to 14-28 gr.

Hope has 14-28 gr., pled no contest and was sentenced to the 15 yr. mm.

Tommy has the 4-14 gr., pled no contest and thought he would get the 3 yr. mm but it didn't turn out that way.

Nothing has changed and as I said before, Ron's deal is not set in stone.
Sue, true, all of Ron's charges fall within trafficking 4 gr.-30 kg.

The statute divides the sentencing into the amount he was dealing at each drug deal.

He has 1 charge that carries a 3 yr. mm, 4-14 gr.
He has 2 charges that carry a 15 yr. mm, 14-28 gr.
He has 2 charges that carry a 25 yr. mm, 28 gr.-30 kg.

One way to tell is by looking at the bond amts., the lower the charge the lower the bond.
It is all listed in his dockets.

He was not caught with anything over 30 kg. That charge carries a mm sentence of life.

Shoemaker is trying to get the 2 25 yr. charges dropped or pled down to 14-28 gr. so Ron would not be facing a mm of 25 yrs.

Donna has the 28 g-30 kg. charge but pled down to 14-28 gr.

Hope has 14-28 gr., pled no contest and was sentenced to the 15 yr. mm.

Tommy has the 4-14 gr., pled no contest and thought he would get the 3 yr. mm but it didn't turn out that way.

Nothing has changed and as I said before, Ron's deal is not set in stone.


No, it sure isn't set in stone. He still has to testify and give LE what they want.
I don't think I would even mind him getting a plea IF the judge hands down 3 15yr. sentences to run consecutively....now wouldn't that just put a big twist in RC's knickers. :woohoo: All JMO
Sue, I am not seeing that on the docket. Can you point me to where I can see RC's two 25-year charges have already been reduced?

IMO it is a bit premature for them to reduce the charges if the reduction is part of a plea deal. So if they were reduced already, the reduction is for another reason, IMO.

All the charges are still on the court dockets, but interestingly, most of them have PRE-trial set for August 20th, and one of the most serious is listed FOR TRIAL August 20th. :waitasec:

Misty's TRIAL is set to begin August 23rd (in Putnam County), plus she has a felony hearing for the same day in St Johns County (9 am), with a docket call for August 17th (9 am). Maybe they'll change the hearing date then.

Donna Brock's sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 1st (1:30).
It's not on the docket, it's on his charges at the Putnam County jail site. He had 5 charges. Three of the charges were:

DRUGS - TRAFFIC 4 GRAMS LESS 30 KG OTHER CNTRL SUBST (Minimum Mandatory Sentences of 15 years)

And two charges were:

DRUGS - TRAFFIC 30 KG OR MORE OTHER CNTRL SUBST (Minimum Mandatory Sentences of 25 years)

Now they have all been changed to the 4 GRAMS LESS 30 KG (All Minimum Mandatory Sentences of 15 years)

I believe the change was made right after his last court appearance or have I lost my mind?


Booking Date & Time: 1/20/2010 8:56:04 PM - Booking#: 10-00276
Release Date & Time:
DOB: 10/29/1983 - RACE: W - SEX: M

Charges Misd/Felony Degree Bond Bond Posted

You are correct about the charges listed at the jailhouse, but they haven't reduced the bond for the (former) higher charges. Maybe that doesn't matter at this point.

All I know is, I don't understand why this guy with his extensive prior record gets such a break. This doesn't look good for Putnam County and the State of Florida. No, it doesn't. :shakehead:

Sue, true, all of Ron's charges fall within trafficking 4 gr.-30 kg.

The statute divides the sentencing into the amount he was dealing at each drug deal.

He has 1 charge that carries a 3 yr. mm, 4-14 gr.
He has 2 charges that carry a 15 yr. mm, 14-28 gr.
He has 2 charges that carry a 25 yr. mm, 28 gr.-30 kg.

One way to tell is by looking at the bond amts., the lower the charge the lower the bond.
It is all listed in his dockets.

He was not caught with anything over 30 kg. That charge carries a mm sentence of life.

Shoemaker is trying to get the 2 25 yr. charges dropped or pled down to 14-28 gr. so Ron would not be facing a mm of 25 yrs.

Donna has the 28 g-30 kg. charge but pled down to 14-28 gr.

Hope has 14-28 gr., pled no contest and was sentenced to the 15 yr. mm.

Tommy has the 4-14 gr., pled no contest and thought he would get the 3 yr. mm but it didn't turn out that way.

Nothing has changed and as I said before, Ron's deal is not set in stone.

Okay, this makes sense, and makes me feel so much better. :smile:
As to Ron's sentence potential in relation to Hope and the others, the American justice system works on plea bargains, sometimes just to avoid the expense of a trial and other times to obtain testimony. Hope made her own bed with her arrogant rants about not taking boot camp or whatever it was. Defendants who cooperate, keep their mouths shut, and let their attorney work on their behalf get better deals. The defendants in the drug case have not been charged as a group; their hearings have been separate, and it is likely that they have different levels of involvement in the drug case. We have just seen the sting tapes from the car. LE will have other evidence that shows who initiated and led the drug dealing, who did what and when. We don't have that evidence and information, and it is likely that we will never see it because in the end, everyone will plead out, perhaps even Misty. So we are not in a position to weigh either their relative involvement in the drug dealing or what LE received in terms of evidence or testimony in a plea deal. I would not presume, for example, that Misty had the lead role in the drug ring, even though I saw her tell Ron to "get in the car, baby." WE do not know what evidence LE has against any of these individuals, other than what we have seen on video, which is probably the tip of the iceberg. And we don't know that any or all of these people will be in front of the same judge. As to the idea that charges "should be added, not dropped," the prosecutors are not in a position to "add" charges for which there is no evidence. The drug case is what it is--so many pills, so many sales, so much cash. Prosecutors can't just add charges because people don't like Ron Cummings. They do drop counts for many if not most cases for the reasons I state above.
respectfully snipped
Another nice post, pittsburgh. I concur with the first paragraph, and largely agree with the last. I did want to point out something in regard to the section I've isolated here, though. We have seen more than just the drug sting tapes. Enough evidence can be deduced from the incident reports to form a rather revealing sketch of the alleged drug operation. :rolleyes: For example, we know that Misty was the only one who participated in all of the transactions; Misty was not a supplier, but a liaison, a go between; the drugs came from various sources, a different one in almost each instance; Tommy was only involved in the first transaction; Ron didn't come aboard until the third; etc.

I think it's fair to say that most of us who've trudged through this case on a daily basis for eighteen months, whether as frequent posters or frequent lurkers, have read the incident reports along with every other tidbit of information we can get our keyboards on. So, there's a little more weight beneath our opinions than mere assumptions and presupposition. I've posted a link to the reports several times, and I'll gladly post it again. They're a must read for anyone following this case.


[NOTE: The Donna Brock incident report has been pulled from this site. The second transaction in the series, it took place on 01/08/10. Misty arranged for DB to sell 135 Endocet, a prescription DB obtained from her dentist, to the UC for $800. It took place in the UC's car, and only MC, DB, and the UC were present. The report from the final transaction has never been released.]

As for the latter part of your post, I reluctantly agree. Personally, I have the hardest time maintaining my objectivity in this case because of my perception of Ron. Of all the characters involved, I find him the most, uhhhh...unlikeable, to put it mildly. Scoundrel comes to mind. On an emotional level, I want him to be guilty because he is guilty of behavior that I despise, brutalizing women and subjecting his children to a hazardous environment, to name two. And he has a mean streak that's not apparent in the others. I'd love nothing more than to see him go down just for putting that gun to his head in front of Jr. On an intellectual level, however, I remind myself that of all the dishonorable medals we can pin on Ron, the big one goes to someone else. So, as I sit here reading your post and nodding my head in agreement, I'm also clucking my tongue like mad.
Sue, true, all of Ron's charges fall within trafficking 4 gr.-30 kg.

The statute divides the sentencing into the amount he was dealing at each drug deal.

He has 1 charge that carries a 3 yr. mm, 4-14 gr.
He has 2 charges that carry a 15 yr. mm, 14-28 gr.
He has 2 charges that carry a 25 yr. mm, 28 gr.-30 kg.

One way to tell is by looking at the bond amts., the lower the charge the lower the bond.
It is all listed in his dockets.

He was not caught with anything over 30 kg. That charge carries a mm sentence of life.

Shoemaker is trying to get the 2 25 yr. charges dropped or pled down to 14-28 gr. so Ron would not be facing a mm of 25 yrs.

Donna has the 28 g-30 kg. charge but pled down to 14-28 gr.

Hope has 14-28 gr., pled no contest and was sentenced to the 15 yr. mm.

Tommy has the 4-14 gr., pled no contest and thought he would get the 3 yr. mm but it didn't turn out that way.

Nothing has changed and as I said before, Ron's deal is not set in stone.

So you are saying I HAVE lost my mind? LOL Gee, that was a short trip for sure!

Why does Misty have charges of over 30 KG? Are you saying she is looking at two life sentences?

The bond amounts are confusing and of no help to me because Misty's 4 GRAMS Less than 30 KG is $250,000 and then one of her OVER 30 KG charges is listed at $150,000.

I could have sworn RC's charges were broken down by three charges of 14 grams - 28 grams and two charges of 28 grams - 30 KG. So they are just encompassing all of his charges within the 4 grams - 30 KG?

I'm TOTALLY confused now. Let me see I can find an earlier shot of Ron's charges as they were broken down within the various degrees or a straight jacket. I think the straight jacket would be easier at this point.

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