Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Thank you Tuba and Leomoon80 for the charts on Sylar. So far I'm not seeing water mentioned so that in itself does bring some hope. But I can't imagine if he's just lost out there that someone hasn't heard him...I mean if my 5 year old gets locked out of the house by her mischievous brother, at night when it's dark ...the neighbors 3 miles away hear her screaming. Why hasn't anyone heard Sylar's screams. The silence is what scares me and makes me think the worst has happened to him.
I haven't read up on Sylar yet, but caught snippets of his story on the news.
Prayers and positive thoughts being sent out for his safe recovery.

Mystified as to how a child this young has ventured so far away that he has not been found? I hate to ask this, but my thoughts went to "animal predator's". Anything in the charts that would speak to that?
I haven't read up on Sylar yet, but caught snippets of his story on the news.
Prayers and positive thoughts being sent out for his safe recovery.

Mystified as to how a child this young has ventured so far away that he has not been found? I hate to ask this, but my thoughts went to "animal predator's". Anything in the charts that would speak to that?

Or he was dropped off in a location far away and is wandering there??
I haven't read up on Sylar yet, but caught snippets of his story on the news.
Prayers and positive thoughts being sent out for his safe recovery.

Mystified as to how a child this young has ventured so far away that he has not been found? I hate to ask this, but my thoughts went to "animal predator's". Anything in the charts that would speak to that?

No. Not as much as human ones.

Ceres conjuncts the most malefic star in the heavens, Algol.

Ceres is about how we are nurtured or giving nurture to others.

In Cayley Anthony's natal chart in which we know her time of birth, she has a very afflicted Ceres.

Caylee has her Ceres natally conjunct the I/C cusp at 16.53Scorpio the I/C is 17.53Scorpio.

The only Ceres aspects being made in Caylee’s chart are the following:

Ceres Square the BML
Ceres Quincunx NN
Ceres Square to Neptune
Ceres Square to the Sun

Ceres Opposite the MC

Therefore, I'd suggest that the Predator would be people or human; or someone who would harm this child.

(just imo)
PHOTO of the terrain at campground. Barefooted 2 yr old wearing a diaper?

My backyard is all desert and rocks. Our two young grandchildren use to walk on these rocks barefoot around our yard and pool, and I always was amazed how they could do this seemingly without wincing or any pain.

My husband explained that it's the weight of the child which gives no real pressure to their walking on rocks this way. To prove his point he put a pencil tip into my palm and pressed it into the palm of the hand.
I felt nothing...but the harder the tip (weight of the tip of the lead) went into the palm the more painful it felt (or I could then feel it)

He may be wrong of course, but I doubt it, as he's a smart Libran sun:waitasec:

I think it's very possible the child wandered away on his own and is within the realm of possibility as rocky uneven terrain doesn't stop children from walking on it. Even very hot (to us adults) rocks from what I've seen personally.

However, what do the charts say?

I think my first impression when asked about the potential of an animal or predator was to say that Ceres is about human intervention and human
However, one can be off to a very rocky start (no pun intended) as related to nurturing in life, yet still be taken away by a wild animal. (Coyotes are known for this too)

I'm still thinking about all of this and have not yet forumulated enough Astrological clues or looked at the charts yet of the matter.

There are the other campers who "last saw the child" at 9PM for instance, from what I read, and even if lying, there are the charts of the lies....(which should show a lie), if indeed she is lying.

Or the truth of the matter vs the lie.

The various times given. Therefore more investigation to do on the Astrology.

Links added for background into the Coyote, Dingos, (Australian case of baby taken away by
a Dingo) comes to mind. I'm not sure if there are wolves in the Sedona Area today however?


Here is the synopsis of the Lindy Chamberlein case of "The Dingo grabbed my baby" defense and ultimate conclusions:

I'm still leaning towards lies however rather then a wild animal.

We should find the evidence, or DEN of a wild animal and the various LE knows about this and how to find them I would think?

Analyses of amino sequences of the hemoglobin of a "pure" dingo in the 70s supported the theory that dingoes are more closely related to other domestic dogs than to grey wolves or coyotes.
Good Morning to all.

Has a chart been done on Emmett Cole Trapp? He is another 2 year old that went missing near where Sylar disappeared.

My daughter knows this family and I have pertinent information, including DOB. If needed, I will forward what I have learned.

Thank you all for your most important work.

I have his date of birth, but I do not have the time of his birth nor place.
I used Prescott Az.

IF you can get his time, we may then be able to look further into his true natal chart.

TR Atropos conjuncts his natal Saturn 8Virgo (critical star ) degree
Saturn opposite Uranus and Uranus is square the Sun in the child's natal chart.

Prog.Jupiter (tertiary minor prog. Jupiter) has moved to meet and conjunct exactly with his natal
Atropos at 9Capricorn, and this may be seen two ways .........
(a) Either the spiritual Jupiter took the soul back to whence it came, OR (b) he luckily (benefici Jupiter) escapes the perishing of the body this time.

I'm thinking it's "a" because of other factors thus far, but I'd prefer to see his time of birth before pronouncing one way or another my final feeling with this chart. More often then not, Jupiter is around (i.e. transiting) at a person's death.
When we can release further details, I will let you know. Thank you for your consideration.
When we can release further details, I will let you know. Thank you for your consideration.

Thanks ......Dewey-Humboldt, I know the area a bit from my own travels near there , it's 12 Miles from Prescott, so I think this may be the largest city nearby this very rugged rural area.
Probably closer to Prescott then Sedona where the other young child is missing. Sedona is much further away by contrast.
Thanks ......Dewey-Humboldt, I know the area a bit from my own travels near there , it's 12 Miles from Prescott, so I think this may be the largest city nearby this very rugged rural area.
Probably closer to Prescott then Sedona where the other young child is missing. Sedona is much further away by contrast.

My daughter met her here :

as they were having babies at the same time, but I have looked and find no time of birth or birth announcements. I hope they find that child..same age as my grandbaby.
Natal Saturn at 8Virgo (Body in the Ditch critical degree)is one term I've used as it simply is not a harmonious degree for Virgo , and Mars is rx Quincunx to the Sun (physical body may be harmed) (sick, diseased, in some way not good)
Mars is also square the Moon and trine to Uranus. (in accord and harmonious with Uranian vibrations) i.e. Unusual circumstances
As Mars is also in accord with that degree of Saturn!

very sorry to say.

added: Maybe someone will post a chart for this point in time as an Event?

"The boy's mother called YCSO around 8 p.m. after awaking from a nap and reported the boy missing. She had been home with her four children " .

Body found 11:30AM today, and the area roped off as a Crime Scene until the autopsy concludes the manner of death.'
The event chart does not show anyone else that I can see, but perhaps I'll post it up later.

Many volunteers aided in this massive search as you can see here on this link:

So sad for the family......

RIP Emmett Trapp
Body found 11:30AM today, and the area roped off as a Crime Scene until the autopsy concludes the manner of death.'
The event chart does not show anyone else that I can see, but perhaps I'll post it up later.

Many volunteers aided in this massive search as you can see here on this link:

So sad for the family......

RIP Emmett Trapp

I feel like it was just a horrible accident and that poor mom will live with that the rest of her life. I am just sad beyond words, can't even imagine how she feels.

RIP Emmett Cases/RyannCrowDisappears001.jpg

Because the Part of Find afflicts the horizon which takes in the husband as House 7 and the missing woman as House 1, we know he went to some trouble to conceal his wife. Squares always denote major effort. The square tells us he felt trepidation and snarled as he worked.


The COWARD of a husband, hung himself!
Man Awaiting Hearing In Wife's Death Pronounced Dead At Hospital

POSTED: 11:06 am PDT August 7, 2010

Monterey County sheriff's deputies said that while making hourly bed checks early Saturday, inmate Jesse Crow was found hanging by a makeshift rope inside his jail cell.

Deputies went into Crow's cell and began CPR efforts in an attempt to revive him at about 3 a.m.
Her family is relieved they have been spared from going through a trial. So I guess justice was served, there was no question he was guilty ... RIP Ryan!!
It is with a sad heart that I'm bringing this news here.

Skeletal Remains Believed to Be Missing Arizona Boy

The remains were found at the bottom of a wash less than 2 miles from the Beaver Creek Campground, where 2-year-old Sylar Newton of Flagstaff was last seen the night of July 24, Yavapai County sheriff's spokesman Dwight D'Evelyn said.

The body likely came to a rest there because of recent flash flooding, D'Evelyn said.

He said foul play is suspected and a criminal investigation is under way.

Time of birth given by mother to Member of WS:


Problematic Criticalness of this chart includes:

Sun & Moon (mother & bio. Father) separated from the child…not in his life as the Sun (bio.father) is in harsh aspect to the Moon (bio mother) and both Moon & Saturn in the 12th house means they are not in his immediate circle or accessible to him on regular basis either physically or psychologically.

Black Moon L. “registers” when he is almost 3 yrs. Old in the 3rd house of siblings.
BML is square Neptune and opposed to Algol (exact orb) which conjuncts the MC (at the Weeping Sisters) and conj. “Algol “ and Ceres there in the 9th (dark side of the cusp of the 10th)

These (aforementioned positions) meaning the Black Moon which registers now for him
And at birth it was actually opposed to the most malefic of stars in the heavens, (Algol) does not bode well for him or his longevity I hate to say.

I suppose if you ever heard someone say,”you were born under a bad moon” you might think of Algol in this same manner, not a good vibration, so to speak.
A lot of sadness with this chart, as the Sun conjuncts fixed star “Scheat” (water or drowning is possible) a lovely Moon in Leo however, (the mother) depicted or would eventually have been to the child, as a brave young woman. (if he lives)
Mercury & Venus in Pisces (a sweet youngster, very sweet child)

Mars in Cancer is not good for health. Mars is thought to be weak in the sign of Cancer which finds the Moon in Dignity in Cancer or the Ruler of this sign . Mars fares much better in fire signs not water signs.
In Water Mars may become “physically weaker”….and in Astrology they say Mars is in it’s “Fall” in Cancer. Thus a few strikes against him for physical survival being Mars in it’s Fall and also square to the Sun and opposed to Pluto (early death is possible) or even a violent episode along the way in life.

Transit of the Black Moon Lilith comes to reach his natal D/C cusp and conjoins Mercury Transiting at the 3rd degree of Pisces conj. “Fomalhaut” a fixed star which is known for having an “Immortal Name” the ancients called it.

Means some with this star present will gain immortality by their name perhaps in the news or newspapers, etc..or gain some type of newsworthy event in their life.

Thus far, he has :
Sun conjunct Scheat
BML opposed to Algol and
Weeping Sisters at the MC conj. Ceres at Algol (nurture is not there) for him

Was there negligence however? This I haven’t yet had a chance to look at, study or
Define anything yet for myself to even think about.
But certainly his natal chart shows that there could be in his life if he makes it.
The rising Saturn in this baby's horoscope conjoins the Outcome House Cusp in "Camp Host Sounds Alarum" and, as all too often, bones are found, identified to the missing. Voices from the public have lamented that Syler didn't stand a chance in this life and the saddest aspect in his chart, Saturn opposite Venus, records for all time that he felt the most searing rejection. Saturn at the Ascendant exposes depression even a two year old can suffer.

When the camp host phoned in his disappearance, Mars was 27° Virgo. His Sun was 27° Pisces. His own Mars was afflicted by Saturn, by Pluto, by Jupiter-Uranus. To identify Mars, we do need a straight story but Priem gave conflicting descriptions of where Syler was sleeping and we do not have any reason to believe he was sleeping that night. The criminal investigators seem to have a line on what happened and what the truth was July 25th, so we await developments.

This murderous pair had eluded capture but were brought up short in a Springerville, Arizona campsite. Expressing remorse that he did not kill the park ranger or have his shooting irons handy when the sheriff arrived, McCluskey the prison escapee and his cousin-gun moll were taken into custody Thursday night.

Springerville was "born" on the tenth of May in 1876 and was a choice spot to apprehend these desperados. Click, click, click, everything in place. Known car, stolen license plate, suspicious behavior, alert park ranger.
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