Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #14

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I will be happy to. Hope I can sight something at sometime. Thanks for your reply.

The prosecution is lifting the subject of a dead child up into view, see ruler of House 5, Pluto edging toward the horizon. Focus, with a lot of shoving, has veered to the prisoner at times but this story of crime and punishment is about a little girl who was left to rot on Suburban Drive in a trash bag sunk in the muck.

On this day, there is a Fixed Star active, Wega (Al Waki, Vega) the alpha star in lower constellation Lyre. It does create enmity from those in influential positions and it is directly opposite Prisoner's natal Moon and square her Venus. Since the Moon is unusually powerful at this hearing, ruling the day, ruling the request for more hours and funding of same, we will see Wega and Mercury in the outcome or result of Monday's hearing as our Libra Moon squares it. This is a poor day for making choices and taking decisions. The Libran Moon prefers to weigh and deliberate anyway and so, it will be best to defer important steps forward. There is also preoccupation with past statements and writings, made even more emphatic by II on the cusp of House 12 (what has gone before).

Will the defense make financial inroads upon the weary taxpayers based on the importuning of this day? Yes, all signs are favorable within strict limits. Mars ruling the jurist, found in House 8, reduces the hoped for amounts.

Who is the legal eagle about to make a secret trip, Neptune hanging off House 9? (ACLU mentality) I do think Mr. Mason is indignant & offended when rulings go against Defense and he likes to cause a bit of drama over this although I do not think any partisan sensibilities are offended. It is far more personal than it is outrage on behalf of his client.

Interesting to see that there are dual outcomes to this hearing. One pertains to the money & hours request, the other to the secret negotiations involving Defense (Moon) and Prosecution (Saturn).
When considering the whole arc of the prosecution of inmate 08200810, we need to pay attention to the slow and heavy transit of Pluto to her Neptune in Capricorn, even though it is a generational planet. It is of heightened importance to her because Neptune rules her Sun Sign, Pisces.

Neptune in the Sign of one's position, standing and reputation, career and place in society acts to diffuse the focus, fuzz it up and pull it out of clarity. She acted to do just that as though handed a script she was following. Not a Blanchard Park script from the Gonzalez sisters but a script constructing a star role for herself in a life part that had weird fluidity. She was this and she was there but then over here and not that. Always, it was big and it was important and reached the goal of her ambition.

The prisoner has a Cancer Moon and opposite the mother influence, she has a Neptune, Capricorn. This blurs and muddles and confuses her relations with her father and with anyone who holds some authority over her. Her way of resolving that out of focus connection is to deceive, to front, to pretend. When a boss terminated her employment, she stretches the blanket over that. When her father wants his gas cans, she turns the air blue at the trunk; suddenly it's his fault. Now she thinks he may have molested her~not sure about that, its cloudy.

So this is the lifelong placement of her Neptune and how it has manifested under her direction. Then, along comes Pluto to sit on it, where he remains today and has been, all of 2009 and 2010. His function is to purge. Whatever is corrupted, degenerated, rotten must be surrendered under Pluto. Pluto will eliminate it whether her will is cooperative or ready to wrestle. This planet destroys the Neptunian fantasies and illusions and delusions although his processes are conducted out of sight, even beneath consciousness. The action produces disorientation and confusion due to the vacuum left by the purgative. With Pluto come inevitable changes: you are in a different physical place, your relationships are gone, your occupations are totally altered and new. The losses are painful.

One watch out is Pluto's agency in burying resentments and allowing them to gather & build until they explode. His transit of her Neptune will test just how far she is willing to tolerate conditions but also developments in her defense. At what point comes rebellion? Not that outrage is warranted; after all, she created, stroke by stroke, the fix she is in. But if she senses her legal situation is deteriorating, how far will she let it slide before taking action, as she did with Judge Strickland?

As we move into Pisces in late February, Jupiter in Aries squares the above positions (of Neptune & Pluto). What this does--and we don't want to witness this--is to exaggerate the self, the ego and form an exalted sense of one's importance. We already have google numbers here, do we need increase? Well, I guess we do because we are going to see it.

Respectfully Quoted Tuba

Each time I read what you have wrote, I find a new layer or understanding to what you are saying. What you present is so deep, I must always read it-go away and then come back and read again to get the full meaning. For me that is a great thing and the sign of wisdom.

I enjoy the esoteric(?)if that is the word I need here. I believe in an intelligent alive universe/cosmos and I expect to be able to communicate with it. From my personal study I have found that Astrology has been used by humanity for as long as there has been humanity. Certainly, the ancients are well known for their almost total reliance on what they considered their greatest science. The Magi or three wise men in the Christian bible were astrologers following "yonder star" because they had read the cosmos. Kings and Queens through out history have always had court astrologers to consult on every matter. History, past and present has been influenced by astrology in ways beyond what I think most people have any idea of-even todays leaders of the world consult with astrologers on important matters. All ancient temples are aligned to read the stars and built for that exact purpose. For the ancient pagans especially, astrology and religion were interchangeable, one in the same.

I did not go out of my way to study or know anything about astrology, my hobby is reading about ancient civilizations, learning ancient history and reading ancient text. Astrology is a thread that runs through all of these subjects. Your reading of the stars and offering the information/interpretation is what I believe most ancient text are doing also. I think the language of the ancients was astrology. And that is the key to understanding where they were "coming from" and to understand in what spirit the information should be taken. Astrology is part science in understanding the charts and part intuition in the interpretation of the charts and I think it takes talent and is a skill and a craft-given to some. :)

The ancients also asked why there was evil in the world. I would put that in the top ten subjects of ancient text. I have a personal need to understand that question and a small part of that has been why I have followed the Anthony case.

You wrote: "What this does--and we don't want to witness this--is to exaggerate the self, the ego and form an exalted sense of one's importance." Which is not new when it comes to Casey, Cindy, Jose and now it seems CM. The fact that you see more of this in their charts, despite the odds stacked against them makes me think of what I present below.

This is a Hermetic text written down in Alexandria Egypt during the first and second centuries CE. It is called Poimandres which means "mind" or the idea is the "universal/cosmic" mind is speaking and gives an answer as to why some humans would act this way. All of my information is presented in an educational informative mythical spirit, any religious language was employed by the original author.

"But tell me," I said, "how I shall come into life, for god told me, 'Let the thinking person know himself.' Don't all people have a mind?"

"Do not speak that way, for I, mind, am present to the holy and good and pure and merciful, and my presence is a help to them, and all at once they recognize everything and win the mercy of loving god, and thank him and praise him and sing hymns to him, and turn to him with devotion.

"As a guardian of the gates, I bar the way to evil and shameful energies. I cut off their strategies. And I am far removed from those who are foolish and evil and sly and envious and covetous and murderous. I yield place to the avenging demon who visits such a person with the sharpness of fire, piercing his senses and driving him to further lawlessness so that he may incur greater punishment. Never ceasing his dark struggle, and giving in to boundless appetite, he inflicts upon himself greater torment and hotter fire."

The part that I feel is most relevant is the part in bold that states: "he/she inflicts upon himself." Here the influence of the stars adds to the actions of the subject as they seal their own fate. IMHO. This is an answer as to why someone(s) like Casey, Cindy and Jose continue to do wrong.

Thank you to all the Astrologers for sharing your gift. O and Yay! from Georgia. :great: Blessings to Mr. Kronk.

Thanks for bringing this famous material to us. I have never read that text or heard the words of Poimandres, although I'm sure occultists have as they performed their operations.
Thank you Tuba...secret deliberations, eh...possibly someone has gotten this prisoner to finally see the light?

To me, it might be put out as ICA is being a martyr, that's one phrase no one would want to hear. As if she is doing the State a favor!:maddening:

Even as this prisoner claims her innocence the evidence is so overwhelmingly stacked against her, she might make it appear, she has no choice but to plead guilty (martyr) and take her chances with a bench trial and not a jury trial..unless, this prisoner will tell her lead attorney, I'll plead guilty to the lesser included charges but want a shot at being paroled.

I tend to believe the state has the goods on this prisoner and will only accept manslaughter in the first degree and this will be a LWOP sentence ( any other charges would run concurrent), they will accept nothing less...then the judge would also have to be in on these deliberations and agree with those terms. Do you see it this way??? JMHO

Justice for Caylee
The part that I feel is most relevant is the part in bold that states: "he/she inflicts upon himself." Here the influence of the stars adds to the actions of the subject as they seal their own fate. IMHO. This is an answer as to why someone(s) like Casey, Cindy and Jose continue to do wrong.

Thank you to all the Astrologers for sharing your gift. O and Yay! from Georgia. :great: Blessings to Mr. Kronk.


Snipped and BBM: But isn't it as in all things, we always have a choice. That is why astrology is so important. Certain aspects come up in your chart such as confrontations and you say no way will I do that. Your cable goes out, again, you have no internet service, no TV and no phone and they want you to test everything inside the house. So you find yourself in an argument you never intended to have. Then you think (lightbulb moment), well there it is, nothing serious but you could control the situation and lessen the impact.

I think JB has his hands full with KC and has tried everything possible to prove she did not kill her daughter. We don't like his methods but it is his job to defend her to spare her life. Let's hope she listens to him if they are able to get her a deal. Maybe JB should bring in a virtual tour of death row on his computer so she can see what her future will probably be.
Speaking of jewelers' zodiac Signs, Friday 18 February is a glaring departure. The Sun moves into Pisces that day and thus begins George's annual trough. The Sun's opposition is always heavy for this Virgo because he was born with Mercury, Venus, south lunar node and the Sun under the Sign of the virgin. Now his progressed Mars is there too filling in an ample collection.

Transit Pluto and the node have long been squaring George's Saturn and we talked about coercion to do and say what he would never have chosen of his own free will. In March, Uranus and Jupiter move into opposition with that natal Saturn, Uranus settling firmly into Aries on Friday, March 11.
This blows his doors off, a major invasion of privacy and crossing of all personal boundaries. Meanwhile, transit Saturn comes from his Neptune to oppose his Jupiter and square his Uranus, a par none legal attack aiming to pull down all of his objections and defenses. If I were George, I would set these people by the ears (& yes, I mean The Team and the prisoner) at the end of this month when Mars opposes my Mars and on into February as Mars opposes my Pluto the first week and a half. It is bare, baseline self-preservation to do this and he must. George is blessed with a powerful Leo Mars and Pluto and his dignity is being offended; he has to ready his retort, in order to save himself. If he has gone along to get along due to pressures even beyond what The Team presents, it is overdue to bring this "cooperation" (submission) to a halt.
Oh, brother. Didn't we all instinctively know GA was going to be in the line of fire. I have often thought that CA was behind GA getting River to give him money. Just a feeling I have from the way CA reacts to certain information she receives. If that had been my husband you would have seen my reaction plastered all over my face.

I do think it is possible for GA to meet with someone to unload. Let's hope he sees the writing on the wall in time to do something. Thanks Tuba.
Just as many have suspected, since HJBP flattened the tires of the bus ICA was driving towards looks like she's jumped in another one and it's headed straight for GA.

How sad sad that CA and LA just stand by quietly and let this happen. Speaking of LA, I wonder how he will feel when the bus comes full speed ahead at dearest dad. Will he be outraged, will he even care as long as it's not him.

So sad, that NONE of them will step up for Caylee!
Thank You Tuba!!!!

I hope George will push back.
George has a lawyer and should be speaking to him about protecting him from The Team. If he still shares that lawyer with Cindy, IMO he should hire a separate one..
IMO Cindy will do nothing to help George, Casey First...
Any reactions to today's phoned in hearing?
Any reactions to today's phoned in hearing?

Hello Tuba, you wrote "Mars ruling the jurist, found in House 8, reduces the hoped for amounts" but it appears the defense was granted everything they ask for. I'm in shock!

and thank you, I always enjoy reading all of your posts!
Yes, I did write that Mars in House 8 would cut out or cut down some of the funding asked for. Mars in that House always performs that way. We'll see what happens. Especially since there are three planets in charge of the grant of money: Mars, Jupiter and also, Uranus who disposits Mars. I could not hear the words of JAC but from what was reported back, JAC sounded amenable to what Judge Perry awarded the defense.
Hello Tuba, you wrote "Mars ruling the jurist, found in House 8, reduces the hoped for amounts" but it appears the defense was granted everything they ask for. I'm in shock!

and thank you, I always enjoy reading all of your posts!

I think the description of Mars in the 8th is described well by the following;
posted by halboedeker on January, 24 2011 6:24 PM
defense wins more money-and a warning

Quote "Kealing noted that Perry added a warning in granting the request for 300 additional hours of investigative time: “Any future request will have to be a little bit more justified.”

SO IT WAS GRANTED BUT WITH A WARNING, so it sounds like what Tuba predicted imo.
I think the description of Mars in the 8th is described well by the following;
posted by halboedeker on January, 24 2011 6:24 PM
defense wins more money-and a warning

Quote "Kealing noted that Perry added a warning in granting the request for 300 additional hours of investigative time: “Any future request will have to be a little bit more justified.”

SO IT WAS GRANTED BUT WITH A WARNING, so it sounds like what Tuba predicted imo.

BBM: I agree but I'm wondering if the Judge may be aware of what was stated during the depositions of the TES volunteers by the State. He obviously is aware of the 3 who gave statements to the media but if all of the TES volunteers said basically the same thing, there was water in that area and they did not search exactly where the remains were found, then could this be the basis for the warning?????
I think the description of Mars in the 8th is described well by the following;
posted by halboedeker on January, 24 2011 6:24 PM
defense wins more money-and a warning

Quote "Kealing noted that Perry added a warning in granting the request for 300 additional hours of investigative time: “Any future request will have to be a little bit more justified.”

SO IT WAS GRANTED BUT WITH A WARNING, so it sounds like what Tuba predicted imo.

But the hours given were for AF and her penalty phase witnessess. I don't believe this was for the defense to continue on their fishing expedition...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
BBM: I agree but I'm wondering if the Judge may be aware of what was stated during the depositions of the TES volunteers by the State. He obviously is aware of the 3 who gave statements to the media but if all of the TES volunteers said basically the same thing, there was water in that area and they did not search exactly where the remains were found, then could this be the basis for the warning?????

Mars in H8 reduces: I heard the Judge clearly state, future requests for $$$ will have to be a 'little bit more justified.'

Unfortunately, we have not had access to the recorded telephonic hearing with the exception of the short sounds bites posted in the news report and the summaries written by the reporters.

The hearing Chart for this 1/24 hearing
: H12/ Gemini, and the comment:There is also preoccupation with past statements and writings, made even more emphatic by II on the cusp of House 12 (what has gone before), was evidenced:

In the video report we hear Baez emphasizing how the Prosecution keeps releasing more discovery which I think he was implying costs his investigators more (therefore justifying the request for more $$), but Linda D. B. responded with a comment saying as long as there are rebuttals to info provided by Defense witnesses, Prosecution will continue to submit their responses/rebuttals. She also said, "There's no new discovery that requires a lot of additional investigation. A lot of it is in the form of rebuttal(Defense)."

The Judge does his homework, was prepared for the hearing and does understand what Prosecution was implying about there not being 'no new discovery' on the part of Defense and that is why he 'warned' Defense about future $$ requests.
Personally, I just think HJBP is setting it up so that once this is said and done the state can come back and sue JB for wasting taxpayer money. Just giving him enough rope to hang himself. I just keep thinking back to his warning about there being lawyers out there now to specifically handle this type of litigation.
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