Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

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I just want to jump in and say I think Celina's smile is beautiful. All the pictures I saw of her she looked happy and those to her soul.
He got these fake "friends" through spam. Lots of people complain about the spam to FB, but WN accepted these fake friend (spam) requests for unknown reasons. In the case of Webhoneyz, if you make a friend with one "honey", you immediately become friends with all the "honeyz".

You will be spammed even through Facebook chat! It will be like :

Hey!! is this photo urs? … OMG!!! —>

<modsnip>*advertiser censored*-spam/

I really and truly do not want to be argumentative....and I respect what you are saying. I can only say that I have been on FB for several years, have hundreds of friends and I have never received spam from these sites. I do not have any *advertiser censored* people, male or female, sending me spam. That leads me to deduce, strictly from my own experience, that something WN was doing intentionally caused these people to be on his friends list.

Like always, I could be wrong.
I'll say it too. Thanks passionflower. People underestimate what other medical conditions can occur, just because of poor teeth and dental care...some very serious (heart). I start to wonder if the child has other problems that were ignored? Just me tho.......JMO

her teeth were CROOKED not DECAYED. Can we please stop obsessing over this? We have no idea if there was any neglect here at all. My dentist did not want me to have braces until I was 14. It is not uncommon.
I'll say it too. Thanks passionflower. People underestimate what other medical conditions can occur, just because of poor teeth and dental care...some very serious (heart). I start to wonder if the child has other problems that were ignored? Just me tho.......JMO

you know in my nursing classes we were told if you find anything abnormal on a newborn look for 2 more because if 1 thing is wrong then usually there are 3. Like if extra toe look for other things. Or reason for rectal temp is mainly checking to be sure of opening because if no anus then look for 2 more things.( Just something I thought of when I saw what you wrote. ;) )
Way back in an earlier thread, there were pictures from Celina's FB account posted with him and her sister. There were at least 3 pictures of him in her FB. They were laughing, tickling or wrestling each other and just looking VERY happy and VERY comfortable together - and there was no way I thought he looked 23... though who knows. The biggest thing I noticed about him is that he looked so much like CC it was uncanny. And one of the comments on the picture of he and KL and CC was "K and his little sisters"

a 23 yr old wrestling and tickling an 11 year old???????? hmmmmmm
IMO, I think accepting these "friends" was more related to grandiose ideas about beautiful people wanting to friend him. If delusional, he may not have understood that the "friend requests" were spam. I was rather surprised that with his diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia that he actually had a FB account and had accepted friend requests.

It appears his delusions overrode his paranoia.
Maybe they truly did just find the body because they were searching in a body of water, as police frequently do in these type of cases.

I think you are probably right. Looking at the map, it seems like a fairly intuitive spot to check.
I really and truly do not want to be argumentative....and I respect what you are saying. I can only say that I have been on FB for several years, have hundreds of friends and I have never received spam from these sites. I do not have any *advertiser censored* people, male or female, sending me spam. That leads me to deduce, strictly from my own experience, that something WN was doing intentionally caused these people to be on his friends list.

Like always, I could be wrong.

I am not that active on FB, but I am on Twitter. On Twitter, once you get one follower that spams, if you choose to follow them back, you get tons more. Maybe men are more targeted for this type of spam, and maybe because of certain games that they participate in, who knows. But FB is well known for having these sorts of spam issues. And I think this type of person would be especially vulnerable to them.
her teeth were CROOKED not DECAYED. Can we please stop obsessing over this? We have no idea if there was any neglect here at all. My dentist did not want me to have braces until I was 14. It is not uncommon.

Yes, it is tough to discuss the need for orthodontics when the child's heart is no longer beating. Apparently, there were much bigger issues that needed addressing.
ITA ~ Not only shouldn't it be posted by the media, it shouldn't be posted here. Nor should his mental health information be posted here or elsewhere. He is a family member and has not been declared a POI and according to WS rules, he's off limits. I'm sorry if I sound harsh but just because he has a mental illness doesn't mean he's a killer and it really irritates me. MOO

Actually - he is not completely off limits because he is the last known person to see Celina. So he may be discussed in that respect and for anything he says or does in the media.

But posters have been warned to lay off the other stuff and if they do not, the posts should be alerted so the moderaters can review them.

I can't wait to hear about his computer history. Wonder how many times he's looked up various mental illnesses and other things. I have faith in this LE group. The way comments are disappearing I feel they are trying not to pollute a jury pool and control their case. I have lots of questions but will wait till tomorrow. Carry on great sleuthers.

:eek:fftobed: :eek:fftobed: :eek:fftobed:
Actually - he is not completely off limits because he is the last known person to see Celina. So he may be discussed in that respect and for anything he says or does in the media.

But posters have been warned to lay off the other stuff and if they do not, the posts should be alerted so the moderaters can review them.


Are we going too far in discussing WN's mental health issues, mod? If so, I apologize.
her teeth were CROOKED not DECAYED. Can we please stop obsessing over this? We have no idea if there was any neglect here at all. My dentist did not want me to have braces until I was 14. It is not uncommon.

Yes - please stop with the teeth bickering. Let's just drop it for now, everybody.


--------------> NOTE TO SELF<--------------

Next time just read MsFacetious and don't waste time waiting for a news conference that is basically the same as reading a post!

:floorlaugh: It's nice to be right for once!

I promise guys, I TRIED so hard to warn you... I didn't want anyone to get their hopes up.

I also didn't want anyone to get frustrated, because Jane Young is GREAT at what she does.
Whether anyone feels like it's a waste of time or not.... I would have sat through pointless pressers every single day if it meant we knew what happened to Susan, Hailey, Haleigh, Kyron, Kipyln, my cousin...

Jane Young will not give you anything until she makes an arrest. Period.

In my opinion...

They KNOW how Celina died.
They do NOT need toxicology to tell them that.
This isn't a case where they won't know how she died unless toxicology tells them.

Unless this is a stranger crime, I would bet there will be an arrest (or arrests) long before "toxicology" would be back.
I think they have a good idea where and why it happened and who did it.

I think Jane Young does a GREAT job of making people think she's clueless... except for those of us who've seen her on several cases.
And then we can just quote her before she starts talking. :innocent:

Krista Dittmeyer's
thread is like deja vu... I would suggest anyone frustrated with Jane Young... take some time to read that thread.
Missing 4 days, found in water, arrest 2 weeks later.

Found Deceased NH - Krista Dittmeyer, 20, Conway, 23 April 2011 - car found with baby inside - #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Or at the very least... look at the press conferences from Krista's case.

Exact same speech at her autopsy press conference as we got in Celina's today.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 - #1

I can make a post with the last two pressers in Celina's case as well to match up with Krista's if needed.

Here is just the autopsy press conference from Krista's case, to compare with Celina's:
Krista was beaten to death, bound and thrown in the pond. They didn't need, or wait for toxicology.

&#x202a;Uncut: News Conference Following Dittmeyer Autopsy&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube
I guess I'm just not into that kind of profiling. To me, the dead girl is the victim and her family are victims. So I really don't like to get into personal stuff about them, whether it's less-than-perfect teeth or whether they own or rent their home (what difference does that make???). None of that would have helped me think of ways to find Celina when we hoped she was still alive, and it sure doesn't help me figure out what happened now.

I'm starting to realize that I don't think like most people here, I guess?

Martha - I get what you are saying totally. That said, I do think about all those things. Sometimes we have very little to start with. In this case, the two things you just mentioned both ran thru my mind right at the beginning. The teeth, for me was this thought: 1. Is the tooth missing due to really late loss of front tooth. 2. Did someone abuse her - hit her and thus why it was missing? 3. Knowing this is an economically depressed area care might just not have been possible. If I had had a reason to believe the family had the financial resources to afford care, I would have zoned in on if they neglected her dental care, what other care did they neglect. But for me, I didn't see that degree of financial stability. In addition the education of the health concerns (such as heart conditions that have been mentioned, etc) might not be readily known.

On the issue of rent vs own. That was an instant question to me for the reason, if by chance she was a run away - where did they last live - might she head there. In addition, sometimes in other cases the information on tax bills has helped build a picture. Not needed in this case, we now know but if the house was owned by a RSO or past violent felon - then that info becomes a piece.

So there is an uninvited lookie into my thinking, if that helps any.
I guess I'm just not into that kind of profiling. To me, the dead girl is the victim and her family are victims. So I really don't like to get into personal stuff about them, whether it's less-than-perfect teeth or whether they own or rent their home (what difference does that make???). None of that would have helped me think of ways to find Celina when we hoped she was still alive, and it sure doesn't help me figure out what happened now.

I'm starting to realize that I don't think like most people here, I guess?

Believe me there are some of us that think EXACTLY like you do. Even if a family member is the Perp here, she still has many family members who loved her and who are victims. And this forum is giving me the heebie geebies with the judgementalism and sensationalism

LYNNE TUOHY, Associated Press
Updated 07:25 p.m., Wednesday, August 3, 2011

STEWARTSTOWN, N.H. (AP) — Law enforcement officials looking into the death of an 11-year-old New Hampshire girl whose body was pulled from a river this week entered her home with a warrant Wednesday and impounded her stepfather's pickup truck, as her mother began making arrangements for a private memorial service.
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