Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 6 *Arrest*

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Regarding Celina's pictures / her eyes...

I took my son (at the ripe old age of 7) to see a psychologist. He has not ever had any trauma in his life, and he is not from a "broken" home. When we walked into her office, she took one look at my son and said to me "he is suffering from clinical depression". I had my suspicions that this was the case, but I was FLOORED that she could reach this conclusion without even speaking to him!!

After our meeting, many questions, a form filled out, I asked her how she came to this conclusion so quickly. She said, "Look at his eyes. He does not have that shining happiness that a boy his age should have." Depression runs in the family, so I was not surprised by the diagnosis. He took medication, and he is much better. However, it is something that scares me for the rest of his life!

Now, I know that this is not a complete diagnosis, but I have to agree with others. Celina's eyes tell me that she is not a happy young girl. Why? Is it something as simple as depression left untreated? Or, was something going on in her life that took away her shine? :(
I'm wondering about this basement. Looking at the pictures of the house, it does not appear that this is a "daylight" basement, meaning having outside access. Look at the yard around the front and side of the house. The yard doesn't slope at all. Looks very level. Unless it is completely different on the other side, which I doubt because I don't see evidence of a hill, the basement is completely underground.
The only leaps I am making is by following what LE is doing and they aren't exactly beating the bushes looking for a stranger, in my opinion.
Even those mean nothing to me at this point. I can't make the gigantic leap from either of those to killer without knowing a whole lot more.

There was no evidence of a break in or that she ran off. Those two guys and the mother are most likely the only people present when she 'went missing.'
So I do not see it as that gigantic of a leap to consider them as possible suspects here.
Not sure what to think of this. Does he just now realizing he needs help, or was he having problems prior to Celina's dissapearance?

Noyes, 47, has checked into a psychiatric facility, WMUR reported. It is the second time in recent days Noyes has been hospitalized. He was rushed to the hospital after acting bizarrely on Monday, the day Celina's body was discovered in the river.

Or does he have a guilty conscience
Or is the stress from being publicized too much getting to him
Or did he see something maybe potentially incriminating to a loved one involved
Or is his psychosis not allowing his brain to process properly and it is a combo of the above???
Or Exhaustion mixed with any pre-existing conditions???
Do we know the exact people in the house at the time? Mom, Stepdad, random ex-boyfriend's son...other tenants?
Sorry, but once again I disagree. My 11 yr old is much safer in the bedroom next door to mine than 2 floors down in the basement. Putting her that far away gives some perp the ability to secretly groom her on a routine basis.
That would not be possible if the child was next door. Sure, a perp could still sneak in and take your child, but it would be more difficult and you would have a better chance of hearing or seeing something and of noticing it sooner as well. imoo

And I do not get why you do 'not have those concerns' in this case? The child is dead and the cops are hinting it was from someone in the home. Why do you not have concerns yet? I am stumped.

JMO: I don't know, maybe there are some criminal defense attorneys reading here?

They seem to have overpopulated the airwaves.
Ok, I hate to get off topic, but what is all of this "moo" and "imoo" stand for??? I know I am from a small town, but geesh, all this mooing is making me crazy!!

Just in case you missed it, lauramags...thanks wfgodot! I knew some savvy WS'r would come up with it in an instant...that's just how we roll here!

BTW (by the way, haha), are all of these used outside of WS does anyone know? I know I've seen a good many of them but sometimes when I use one people seem perplexed!
Do we know the exact people in the house at the time? Mom, Stepdad, random ex-boyfriend's son...other tenants?

I wish we really did but I bet you LE does...and they're not talking, for good reason, I'm sure...
Or does he have a guilty conscience
Or is the stress from being publicized too much getting to him
Or did he see something maybe potentially incriminating to a loved one involved
Or is his psychosis not allowing his brain to process properly and it is a combo of the above???
Or Exhaustion mixed with any pre-existing conditions???

And 1000 more "or's ''

I wondered if he faked mental illness to remove himself from his position , seen it happen and then used as an excuse so dont hang me for the suggestion.
Or does he have a guilty conscience
Or is the stress from being publicized too much getting to him
Or did he see something maybe potentially incriminating to a loved one involved
Or is his psychosis not allowing his brain to process properly and it is a combo of the above???
Or Exhaustion mixed with any pre-existing conditions???

OR working on his defense..
You are right about your statements, but because a young man lives in a home with a little girl does not make him an automatic candidate to commit a murder. jmo

You are right. just because a young man lives in a home with a little girl that does not make him an automatic suspect.

HOWEVER, if a young man lives in a home with a DEAD little girl, then he does become an automatic suspect.
A FEW THINGS (in a long list) WE DO NOT YET KNOW:

1. Whether or not this was a murder. No one has given an official cause of death. It could as easily be an accidental drowning or suicide. We do not yet know.

2. Whether or not the body was found wrapped in a blanket, or even how (condition) it was discovered at all. Some members of the media are reporting this, but there is as yet no official word of confirmation.

3. Whether or not the children slept on an air matress on the floor. One relative said this, but the various relatives all seem to have various axes to grind.

4. Mom's actual location or evening employment. What, exactly, would she be doing in a consignment store overnight?

5. How, exactly, did they pay for a nice truck, rent, etc on Mom's retail sales job?

6. Who, specifically, was the last person to actually see her, and where in the home was this.

7. Was the cellar "finished"?

8. Was Celina ACTUALLY afraid to sleep in the cellar, or is this just another fable from the distant family?
Anyone wanna but mister WN is on some type of find a date site ? I dunno why but I get a feeling..
What if she was developmentally younger than 11, how would this case look then???
Okay... clarification on the autopsy issue here... I see some believe they would say they had a cause of death if they had it.

This group of law enforcement just simply does not release a cause or even manner of death, until they make an arrest.

I am not going to transcribe the pressers in Krista's case because they are almost word for word identical anyway. Here is the link:

Jane Young said all the same things about Krista's autopsy.

I find it very hard to believe that there wasn't visible injuries from Krista being beaten to death. Krista also being bound with duct tape when they pulled her out of the pond... would be a pretty clear homicide. (Well, except in Florida.)

I find it even more difficult to believe that the medical examiner did not find out that Krista was beaten to death when they did the autopsy.

Despite Jane Young coming out after the autopsy with "the cause and manner of death remain pending, it remains pending due to the toxicology results having to be returned and additional investigation. At this point the investigation remains active and ongoing."

They stated they were investigating it as a "suspicious criminal case" AFTER the autopsy.

She was beaten to death and bound with duct tape!

They knew Krista's cause of death and they KNEW it was a homicide when that post autopsy press conference was held.

I fully believe that they knew Celina's cause and manner of death when they held her autopsy press conference as well.

‪Uncut: News Conference Following Dittmeyer Autopsy‬‏ - YouTube

From the press conference announcing they had found Celina's body...

"We have made no determination on where her body was eventually put in the river we are trying to do that, now that we have located her body we are able to hone the investigation to make the determination.

So you will see searches conducted in different areas, but now we have a much more specific and generalized area to work in.

She was located in the water so we are trying to determine how her body was put in the water."

MsF: If you drowned accidentally or committed suicide you were not PUT in the water.

A reporter asked about obvious signs of trauma....

"Until the medical examiner has an opportunity to review Miss Cass' body we're not going to be able to make that determination, that should be left up to the medical examiner."

"Based on what we have seen visually, we are treating it as suspicious."

"I am not going to comment on what our visual observations were of her body."

MsF: Visually, there was something to see. In Krista's case it was "suspicious" because she was beaten to death and bound with duct tape.

Uncut: AG Announces Discovery Of Celina Cass' Body - YouTube

From the press conference about Celina's autopsy:

"At this time both the cause and manner of death remain pending... pending further toxicology as well as further investigation."

"Based on visual observation of Miss Cass' body both in the water and when we viewed it out of the water, we determined that the death was suspicious and that's why we launched a criminal investigation and we continue to go forward with that investigation."

MsF: What would they see visually in the water? Maybe if she was wrapped, clothing, bindings or any very obvious big injuries.
What would they see outside the water? They would get a closer look. Stab wounds, gun shot wounds, ligature marks, etc.

Family Waits For Answers In Girl's Death - YouTube
I do not mean anything ugly by saying this but I really wouldn't think Celina would appeal to a 23 year old young man. I am sure the town or surrounding area was full of young ladies his age and he would not be interested in a little girl. I would hope this at least. jmo

Area full of young ladies his age???? You haven't been to Stewartstown, have you? It's a very rural, very small New England town in far Northern New Hampshire with a population of about 800. I would bet anything that a 23 year old guy would find it next to impossible to find a date in that town. In those northern towns, most of the population are middle aged and older, own chickens, pigs, goats and vegetable gardens. They're good folks, but those area are not adapted to the lives young people want and consequently most of them leave the area as soon as they can. The north country of New Hampshire has had a declining population for years and years. The latest census data shows there are only 133 people in Stewartstown between the ages of 21 and 34. 4% have a bachelors degree. You can see all the stats at:
Anyone wanna but mister WN is on some type of find a date site ? I dunno why but I get a feeling..

Prolly been discussed in the early threads, but I've wondered if she (Mrs N) even knew of his mental issues and the RO's in his family. If not...can you imagine the shock?
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