FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #15

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Trying to bring over the attachment but it was Texaslil's photo that made me think. Either that particular condo is vacant or someone has a friend there :waitasec: Such weird coincidences arent they? Maybe LE needs to check over in that apartment..

View attachment 20314

Take a close look at the spot where the burnt orange car was in the previous pics...

Oh you know what...I saw this a few mins ago. Grabbed it from AlwaysWright
Look at the color of the truck.

I think that vehicle is a small red car parked there. You can still see it parked in the upper left pic as well, but just barely.

You're right. Two different vehicles. Good eye.
Burnt Orange Car

Burgundy Truck which looks to be the same as DSjr, but then again his has a cover over the bed and the other one doesn't. Or since these photos were taken at different times, maybe the cover was added at a later date?



Quote from PJFL:
I had wondered the same and his condo does NOT have a balcony. The link's around here somewhere... Sorry, can't remember where.

Here is the link to the floor plans.


He doesn't have any of the balconies in the front on the 2nd floor.

Thanks PJFL and Cerebellum. I had thought that if the right balcony was his, than DS II would have known for sure about the surveillance cam. But seems we still don't have confirmation that he knew about it, or at least remembered it.
Burnt Orange Car

Burgundy Truck which looks to be the same as DSjr, but then again his has a cover over the bed and the other one doesn't. Or since these photos were taken at different times, maybe the cover was added at a later date?




We have a pickup with a similar cover on the bed. Ours is removable in case we want to use the bed to haul things. Maybe DSjr's is like that too??
http://www.websleuths.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=20308&stc=1&d=1325170500 (Hope this attachment works)

Is this burnt orange car in the bottom right (3:18 PM)? Just behind MP's Hummer.

I saw this aswell but when I zoomed in that vehicle is more of a maroon color and the windows are more transparent. IMO the Burnt Orange vehicle in the 17:17 frame and the one in front of DS Sr. home are one in the same vehicle. Which would place a vehicle owned or knowledge of someone who owns this vehicle at the Smith's Family residence and at the Condo Complex of DS Jr. on the day MP went missing at a time when DS Jr. claims to have an alibi........:maddening:
IMO that the timeline is something to this:

3:18 MP Arrives and something happens and DS Jr. either panics or puts his plan into play. It could be at this time is when he strips the vehicle. I don't feel that time would allow him to do this prior to the 5:17 time of departure of the stripped down hummer so it would of had to be done between the 3:18 MP arrival and the 4:10 Departure to Daddy's.

4:10 DS Jr. goes to Daddy's this is where the truth, lays in the lies and why he said MP got there around 4:00. IMO DS Jr. may not of even been aware of the neighbors video. IMO that if he knew about the video it would have been damaged somehow.

4:26 DS Jr. sends a text to MP brother to buy time wording to include only Waterford as this is where she would be heading had she been on the way home. This is why LE knows it was a bogus text as at
4:30 DS Jr. arrives at Daddy's so the ping from MP phone would not of come from Waterford but the Oakridge / Orange Avenue area
Shortly after his arrival DS Jr. is taken back over to his condo to pick up the hummer to dispose of both it and the body.
5:17 Just before sunset they depart with both the body and hummer he needs to get rid of this before her shift at the Barn as everyone will definetely know something is wrong by this point. Her body will be somewhere that will allow a to and from time with Daddy's house the final destination around 7:00

7:00 - 7:30 DS Jr. calls MP mother back

8:00 The phone is ditched at the Nela Bridge as everything was complete by this time and he know longer has use for the phone and more than likely was enroute back to the condo to clean up before the cops arrive.

Can anyone forward this to NJ and let him know that I would challenge his quote that DS Jr. didn't have time to do it........

I am sorry to say that not only did he have the time, the motive, the anger and the mental issures but he has done this in the past and feels he can get by with murder. More than likely Daddy advised him to go into the military after the first murder, all to try and straighten him out. When he got in trouble for the abuse there and locked up either daddy or best friend had this girl punished for ruining him. Then MP came along but not only her she had his children and if he is anything like Daddy he wasn't about to let anyone else raise his children and stated this in one of his post about him and his children and ruling the world. This is almost like a book for me and IMO the above happened.

Your theory is well thought out....and has the hummer and Michelle at the condo until after returning with dear old Dad.... he could have moved it into his garage after taking the red truck out to go to Dad and no one would notice it then.

Does anyone know if when Dale backs out of his garage and goes around the loop away from the camera....would any part of his vehicle show up on the video...or if it was dark would the back up lights or red brake lights on his autos light up the surv.camera of the neighbors ?
Burnt Orange Car

Burgundy Truck which looks to be the same as DSjr, but then again his has a cover over the bed and the other one doesn't. Or since these photos were taken at different times, maybe the cover was added at a later date?





Now we have multiply white vans, dark colored SUV, burnt orange vehicles ..... Can I say if the vehicles fit Go along with the ride!:floorlaugh:
Your theory is well thought out....and has the hummer and Michelle at the condo until after returning with dear old Dad.... he could have moved it into his garage after taking the red truck out to go to Dad and no one would notice it then.

Does anyone know if when Dale backs out of his garage and goes around the loop away from the camera....would any part of his vehicle show up on the video...or if it was dark would the back up lights or red brake lights on his autos light up the surv.camera of the neighbors ?

If DS Jr. pulled his truck out and onto the side of his condo he could have then placed MP Hummer into his garage and no this would not have been on the neighbors video surveilance.

I also don't feel DS Jr. knew about his neighbors surveilance camera. The balcony on which this camera is hung is indeed the balcony of the video owner. Unless DS Jr. specifically looked up there or was told by the owner, he would not have recognized this video. So I asked myself, would I have noticed if my neighbors put up a surveilance video - and the answer would be probably not! As when I am at or near my home I am in my comfort zone. On average a person will not look for suspicous or out of the way stuff next to their home or look into windows that have always been there..........

Y'all...I may be seeing things, but please look at photo #27 in this link


Does anyone else see what looks like a large pig/hog in the background?

I also see what appears to be a building in the background.

Feel free to disagree, I know photos can sometimes play tricks on the mind.

The pig looks to me like something big covered with a blanket throw or afghan. There does appear to be a building further back. It's hard for me to tell what the scale is.
The woman driving the car with the kids is smoking a cig! Is this CPS? I would be so mad if my kids where exposed to that by the people "protecting them". JMO:maddening:

The video shows the license plate to contain MGS (municipal government services)--so yes, this is a government representative, and yes, she's smoking as she drops off the kids at DS Sr.'s house. Unbelievable.

Also of interest in the video starting at 0:19 is a woman to the front and left of DS Jr. who enters the courtroom with him. This is the same woman who almost falls out of the truck (1:23) in front of DS Sr.'s house as DS speeds away. I'm wondering if she some sort of legal representation. ??
If DS Jr. pulled his truck out and onto the side of his condo he could have then placed MP Hummer into his garage and no this would not have been on the neighbors video surveilance.

I also don't feel DS Jr. knew about his neighbors surveilance camera. The balcony on which this camera is hung is indeed the balcony of the video owner. Unless DS Jr. specifically looked up there or was told by the owner, he would not have recognized this video. So I asked myself, would I have noticed if my neighbors put up a surveilance video - and the answer would be probably not! As when I am at or near my home I am in my comfort zone. On average a person will not look for suspicous or out of the way stuff next to their home or look into windows that have always been there..........


I would think being a former marine that he is probably pretty aware of his surroundings. If he has to pull his car into that garage (or even just park in that spot) pretty much every day than I would think he would notice a camera up there. Its not like the camera is really hidden... IMO
Maybe im just a nosey person but i'm always noticing new things people in my neighborhood do to their houses... even if its just adding a solar light..
Is this the same van?


That's Jr's work van in both photos, on the left it's parked in the street as the black Hummer goes by while the burnt orange vehicle (idles?) two doors down.
I would think being a former marine that he is probably pretty aware of his surroundings. If he has to pull his car into that garage (or even just park in that spot) pretty much every day than I would think he would notice a camera up there. Its not like the camera is really hidden... IMO
Maybe im just a nosey person but i'm always noticing new things people in my neighborhood do to their houses... even if its just adding a solar light..

Agree, and it's pretty conspicuous, affixed to the balcony literally right above his driveway.
Here are the images from the video of the woman smoking and a picture of the car tag with two small children in the back seat. It is not confirmed these are the twins. However, if the MGS indicates she is a govt. worker I think there is a high liklihood she might be the CPS worker.


  • Smoking.JPG
    29.8 KB · Views: 59
  • Lic Plate.JPG
    Lic Plate.JPG
    31.2 KB · Views: 55
That's Jr's work van in both photos, on the left it's parked in the street as the black Hummer goes by while the burnt orange vehicle (idles?) two doors down.

So this to me looks like someone or someones were "waiting" for Michelle to arrive.

Do we have any way to rule out the car "idling" and one seen in the video at the Smiths are different? They look pretty spot on to me from a casual observation.

If they ARE the same, we have a pretty good indication that Dale had guest(s) with him when Michelle arrived and they possibly were waiting for her arrival. Why idle two driveways down?

Another thing: if this burnt orange truck is different, who's is it, and could they possibly have seen what happened to michelle? Did she come and go?
Here are the images from the video of the woman smoking and a picture of the car tag with two small children in the back seat. It is not confirmed these are the twins. However, if the MGS indicates she is a govt. worker I think there is a high liklihood she might be the CPS worker.

That is outrageous! These poor kids have lost their mom, lost their big brother, lost their famiy home, lost seeing their grandma and aunt every day, and now they're being driven around like cargo to elude media in a "hand off" while their gov't driver puffs away and dad races around the neighborhood.
So this to me looks like someone or someones were "waiting" for Michelle to arrive.
Do we have any way to rule out the car "idling" and one seen in the video at the Smiths are different? They look pretty spot on to me from a casual observation.

If they ARE the same, we have a pretty good indication that Dale had guest(s) with him when Michelle arrived and they possibly were waiting for her arrival. Why idle two driveways down?

Another thing: if this burnt orange truck is different, who's is it, and could they possibly have seen what happened to michelle? Did she come and go?

I think this is the Hummer leaving...
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