AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #13

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What kind of evidence went to the lab? I was thinking earlier that maybe some results were back. But if that were the case, there would be an arrest. Not a no contact order. Jeeze, this is driving me nuts!!
From King County in AZ

Is a Protection Order the same as a No Contact Order?

No. They are two different kinds of orders entered for different reasons. They may contain similar restraints.

For example, a No Contact Order (NCO) is a criminal order and can only be entered if the abusive party is being charged with a criminal domestic violence offense or if it is a part of the sentencing for a criminal domestic violence offense. No Contact Orders are usually in place for the duration of the case and as long as the court has jurisdiction over the case after sentencing. While you may be able to have input into whether a No Contact Order is issued on your behalf, the ultimate decision to enter the order is up to the judge or commissioner hearing the case.

A Protection Order is an order that you file on your own behalf and present to the court - regardless of whether there are criminal charges or not.
Sample no contact order attached


  • DVNoContactOrder.pdf
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What kind of evidence went to the lab? I was thinking earlier that maybe some results were back. But if that were the case, there would be an arrest. Not a no contact order. Jeeze, this is driving me nuts!!

Well... maybe it's kinda like this, LE has a good enough case with the lab tests to prove SC was involved BUT needs to leave SC on the loose with restrictions in the hopes he goes back to the body or does something stupid and then they can get him.... Anything's possible, were talking about Arizona here not Florida.
Things are starting to come together in my mind. The image of the neighbor and his son barging into the home. I think the neighbors son told his father something.
SC remark not quoted In her sleepy little voice no daddy , I just want to go to sleep or bed.
Perhaps SC was in the boys room that night for things I hate to even think. And IC who was supposed to be in her room , woke and wandered into the boys room where she alway's slept and found SC doing stuff. And he had to shut her up.
Maybe the boy's welcomed IC so that they would be left alone when she slept with them.
RC had no idea what was happening. until that neighbor and his son came forward. Who barges into a blocked off scene unless there is a pressing matter with le.
Maybe IC wanted her mommy when she saw something. SC did something and hid her in the abandon car.
Oh crap disregard that is state of Washington, i better go to bed
SC was in Court over a 'dog at large' w/o proper vaccinations and tags complaint issued on 19APR2012 and is due back in court 04Jun2012 on the same case. I just wonder if at all this has anything todo with Isabel going missing. That maybe idk perhaps it was a fighting dog, or something of that nature or even perhaps the dog did something to Isabel. IDK probably totally not related but just a thought.... I know people fight dogs down there.

I laughed at the thought of SC the opera singer, owning a pit bull (or any other fighting dog). He appears to be so effeminate, IMO.

Your thought is something I had not considered. Do we know what breed the outside dogs were?
SC was in Court over a 'dog at large' w/o proper vaccinations and tags complaint issued on 19APR2012 and is due back in court 04Jun2012 on the same case. I just wonder if at all this has anything todo with Isabel going missing. That maybe idk perhaps it was a fighting dog, or something of that nature or even perhaps the dog did something to Isabel. IDK probably totally not related but just a thought.... I know people fight dogs down there.

Interesting theory though it would seem the cops would have a lot more blood evidence but maybe they do and maybe that is why they SEARCHED THE LANDFILL first because they suspected she was injured to the point of death due to a dog attack. Of course the question then is what happened to their dogs, do we know?

It is indeed an interesting theory, the one big problem though is why someone would make it worse for themselves by taking an accident and turning it in to a huge coverup and conspiracy a la Casey Anthony and the whole drowning shenanigan.

Interesting take though!
I laughed at the thought of SC the opera singer, owning a pit bull (or any other fighting dog). He appears to be so effeminate, IMO.

Your thought is something I had not considered. Do we know what breed the outside dogs were?

No.. I don't that's why I tossed that in there, I just know from some of the thing's written that it's possible SC was a gambler / bet placer, not just that but there are casino's around there on Indian lands and dog fights are not that uncommon. I also agree with the SC being kinda femmy but then too that could also just be the idiot in him playing emotion because he knows wtf is up.
I think you made a good observation. You're right that some do post way too much info but if someone posts pictures of their children and other family members and NOT one picture of their spouse or a family photo with the 5 of them, I would think that is very suspicious. It's not like Sergio is a stranger to the camera, kwim?

You just made me feel bad/criminal. I take all the pics. IF you looked at my FB or even my picture album... I'm not there. It's like my kids have no mom :(. It was because I took all the pictures. My DH can't operate a camera to save his life. He has a cellphone with a picture option and he took 14 pictures of his eyeball. Seriously.
I think you made a good observation. You're right that some do post way too much info but if someone posts pictures of their children and other family members and NOT one picture of their spouse or a family photo with the 5 of them, I would think that is very suspicious. It's not like Sergio is a stranger to the camera, kwim?


There are actually two pictures of Sergio in her FB photos.
Neither of the dogs that I saw pictures of were fighting type dogs. One is a small lap dog and the other is like a lab/shepherd mix.
Okay... then back to my 'tweaked out dad sexual assualt / trade / murder / hide something theory'.... Something for sure happened involving SC but what... who knows ...
SC was in Court over a 'dog at large' w/o proper vaccinations and tags complaint issued on 19APR2012 and is due back in court 04Jun2012 on the same case. I just wonder if at all this has anything todo with Isabel going missing. That maybe idk perhaps it was a fighting dog, or something of that nature or even perhaps the dog did something to Isabel. IDK probably totally not related but just a thought.... I know people fight dogs down there.

LOL. There are dog fights everywhere. Tucson proper probably has a lower incidence than many more urban areas of the US. Looks like one of their dogs might be a shepard mix and another a young rough coated terrier mix (not as in pit bull terrier).

Their family dogs got out (unknown how) and they were cited for dogs on the loose, no tags/vaccinations. It's been speculated whether the dogs were intentionally let out as a "trial run" or in hopes they would vanish.
No.. I don't that's why I tossed that in there, I just know from some of the thing's written that it's possible SC was a gambler / bet placer, not just that but there are casino's around there on Indian lands and dog fights are not that uncommon. I also agree with the SC being kinda femmy but then too that could also just be the idiot in him playing emotion because he knows wtf is up.

Re: Gambling. Now that' something I connected earlier. A MV citation in Ajo. There are casinos in Ajo. BUT.... there are also casinos within a 20 minute drive from the Celis home, too.
Carole .... No Contact orders like this in Arizona do NOT need to be over anything serious at all. All LE needs is to say there is reason to beleave a person is somehow either involved in the crime, obstructing invesigation efforts or in someway a risk to the investigation or the alledged victim. Arizona is one of few states if not the only state in which LE steps up and issues these orders durring an active investigation without a petitioner. Arizona is also considered a police state by most, they are not a state to tango with on ANY type of legal issue. Your assumed guilty until you can prove your innocent.

Arizona has some interesting ways of invoking Restraining Orders which actually they Don't have a such thing as a "restraining order" they have No Contact Orders, Peace Orders and Protection Orders. Arizona doe's however put "restraining order" type verbage on court documents whenever there is Domestic Violence. Also, in Arizona the State itself can assume DV is at play without a petitioner. ie: BC isn't required to say he did anything all they need is an open case and AssUme a threat. A LEO can simply VERBALLY issue a lawful order to a person to maintain separation until a Judge or Magistrate can have a clerk issue a written order.

Thank you for this information. It is important.

However, according to the news articles, it was CPS that issued a "no contact order." CPS cannot issue court orders, though. They can take a child into protective custody, though, and then release the child into the physical custody of another person (parent/relative/caretaker) as long as that person agrees to a safety plan, which could include a requirement that someone have no contact with the child. In that scenario, although released physically, the child would essentially still be in state, protective custody.

The second thing CPS can do is to threaten to take a child into protective custody unless a parent agrees to a safety plan which could include a no contact requirement. That does happen with DV allegations or evidence of DV, or of child abuse of some sort. Then, if the parent refuses to follow the safety plan, CPS can remove the child.

Perhaps the media has it wrong and it was LE that issued some sort of no contact order pending a hearing. Or perhaps they are calling a safety plan an "order", which is technically incorrect.
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