Armchair psych profile and personal background

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This may be getting a little wayyyyy out there...but thinking about the LE reference to six mailings/ was very vague...

#1,2,3,4 - Feet, hands to symbolic/societal entities
# 5 - "Mailing" - somehow "delayed" via "reminder" e-mail, or flower delivery, etc where one can specify deilvery date that included photo or description of head location
# 6 - "delivery" of a Ransomware virus, asking $100 per clear (maybe linked to searching on LRM postings?)

And in someone's very sick mind the "fame and fortune" he sought?? Thoughts?
Yeah, the sixth package has me dwelling, as well, but that seems too obscure. I was expecting the dog to show up at some animal rights org or something, but it has been too long now. Anything he intended to do would have to have been planned before his capture because he is too closely monitored in prison to do anything from behind bars. I guess if there was in fact an accomplice they could have something planned, but what? And if there had been an accomplice, don't you think that he would have thrown him/her under the bus by now?
I don't think he would have thrown an accomplice under the bus,I don't think he's admitting to anything?
His German lawyer said something to the effect of him wanting to clear this whole thing up or something like that (I'll try to find the video in a bit and post link). To me that indicates that he has said something. IDK, I could be wrong. Just thinking that he has some excuse, explanation, or rationale for his acts.
I don't think he would have thrown an accomplice under the bus,I don't think he's admitting to anything?

I don't think we have any credible evidence yet that there is an accomplice.

Police located the final remains of Jun Lin in Montreal.

LE say it came from a "tip", which really could have from any number of sources:

  • an anonymous tip from a random person who discovered the remains
  • a non-anonymous tip from a random person who discovered the remains
  • an anonymous tip from a non-random person who LRM has communicated with, but who played no role in the crime.
  • an non-anonymous tip from a non-random person who LRM has communicated with, but who played no role in the crime.
  • an anonymous tip potentially from LRM's legal team (LRM disclosed to his lawyers the location of the remains)
  • no tip, just police work via data from LRM's computer, phone, apartment, phone conversations, or any number of other sources
  • indirectly from LRM, who may have disclosed location to a police informant while in jail in Canada (or Germany).
  • directly from LRM, who may have disclosed location to LE as a means to garner some advantage in sentencing if he pleads guilty

There are likely more options, but those are just a few that do not require us to complicate things and hypothesize accomplices and third parties, where there is no evidence for it, at least yet.
Me personally: I can "read" people really well (that was tested a lot since I was in the sex industry and dated some screwed up guys when I was younger). I don't think Luka would have fooled me for a moment (not in person. over the phone or online, possibly). But I do believe he was able to fool a lot of people when he felt like being "charming". My original point was that he seems to have avoided people when possible but then acted when he needed something from someone. The point WAS NOT that I thought his eyes were sparkling or that he had a convincing smile or that there was genuine kindness in his gestures. Further, I'm assuming that he lured Jun back to his place somehow (never believed that they were lovers in a serious sense of the term), yet Jun was a really bright guy. That in itself implies some ability to charm. One of his exes said he was a good actor; he was in the sex industry which is all about acting and entertaining; and as we mostly all seem to agree he was sociopathic. What do classic sociopaths do? They charm when they want something. And most people, unfortunately, fall for it. Most people just want to see a smile on someone's face, a gesture of acceptance.

Fair enough. I can't say how I would have regarded him otherwise as a serial animal torturer and murderer. I find so much about his demeanour superficial and insincere. Like the "plastic surgery" try out video. I mean, the whole thing seemed like a major trolling effort (two bumps that look like horns?!).
I don't think we have any credible evidence yet that there is an accomplice.

Police located the final remains of Jun Lin in Montreal.

LE say it came from a "tip", which really could have from any number of sources:

  • an anonymous tip from a random person who discovered the remains
  • a non-anonymous tip from a random person who discovered the remains
  • an anonymous tip from a non-random person who LRM has communicated with, but who played no role in the crime.
  • an non-anonymous tip from a non-random person who LRM has communicated with, but who played no role in the crime.
  • an anonymous tip potentially from LRM's legal team (LRM disclosed to his lawyers the location of the remains)
  • no tip, just police work via data from LRM's computer, phone, apartment, phone conversations, or any number of other sources
  • indirectly from LRM, who may have disclosed location to a police informant while in jail in Canada (or Germany).
  • directly from LRM, who may have disclosed location to LE as a means to garner some advantage in sentencing if he pleads guilty

There are likely more options, but those are just a few that do not require us to complicate things and hypothesize accomplices and third parties, where there is no evidence for it, at least yet.

It will probably come out during the trial. My personal feeling is that they found something on his computer, they did retrieve that, which led them to the location of that specific park. I don't think there is a person who would have provided a "tip" in that sense and I don't think LM disclosed to the police, even though he was questioned. I think he is too much of a piece of art (insert the "s" word instead of "art") to divulge this or come clean about it. No he would have felt power by not divulging this and knowing that everyone wanted and needed this piece of information. He probably was quite smug and thought they would never find the head which would mean to him that he had trumped everybody.
Me personally: I can "read" people really well (that was tested a lot since I was in the sex industry and dated some screwed up guys when I was younger). I don't think Luka would have fooled me for a moment (not in person. over the phone or online, possibly). But I do believe he was able to fool a lot of people when he felt like being "charming". My original point was that he seems to have avoided people when possible but then acted when he needed something from someone. The point WAS NOT that I thought his eyes were sparkling or that he had a convincing smile or that there was genuine kindness in his gestures. Further, I'm assuming that he lured Jun back to his place somehow (never believed that they were lovers in a serious sense of the term), yet Jun was a really bright guy. That in itself implies some ability to charm. One of his exes said he was a good actor; he was in the sex industry which is all about acting and entertaining; and as we mostly all seem to agree he was sociopathic. What do classic sociopaths do? They charm when they want something. And most people, unfortunately, fall for it. Most people just want to see a smile on someone's face, a gesture of acceptance.

Maybe there is just a difference in the semantics people would use to describe LM. When I've said I don't find him charming, I don't mean that he's totally void of charm, just noticeably void of it. When you consider the mentality of that St. Denis woman, she's clearly very juvenile in her thinking and very likely does find charm in LM. Still I consider her an abberation because she's so messed up, she couldn't even definitively say she would stop her contact with him even though she acknowledged realizing LM is a psychopath. IMO, LM could be "seductive"...probably for many of his older paying clients...and maybe even for JL who had language/cross cultural barriers that may have not alerted him as readily as others. I believe the paying customers were more interested in his twink/waif-like appearance, his body/sex...then they were in his personality. I believe the one escort review that has been found about him, described him as a dead fish in bed. This was also corroborated by an exgf of his. Just seems that most anything beyond his physical attractiveness fell flat. If you consider psychopaths that are CEO's, they would be much more likely to have higher levels of charisma. They have to get many people to do things above and beyond the call of duty as to attain the level of success they crave, (not much different then LM's rabid hunger for fame) and this IMO takes a higher level of or more sophisticated charm/charisma in terms of consistently getting others to do as you want, exquisitely reading and manipulating their feelings/psychology... and keeping them under the spell of the charm. LM may have had limited charm with a limited few, but overall I believe he lacked. It is what makes me tend to believe he very well be sociopathic rather then psychopathic.
OT, but don't know where to put it:

Why is THIS pic showing up with an article on computer virus?

Good question...but PERHAPS it's not an accident that the picture is of station 25 in Berlin..?

A virus called 'Ransomware' that appeared on Canada Day asking for $100 to remove it...?

Not to be overly suspicious but could it be related to a "6th delivery" by LRM and part of his 'motivation' to achieve 'fame and fortune' per his alleged thread under blUNJBxk on 5/30?


Note posting at 22:08:47....just wondering...?
Good question...but PERHAPS it's not an accident that the picture is of station 25 in Berlin..?

A virus called 'Ransomware' that appeared on Canada Day asking for $100 to remove it...?

Not to be overly suspicious but could it be related to a "6th delivery" by LRM and part of his 'motivation' to achieve 'fame and fortune' per his alleged thread under blUNJBxk on 5/30?


Note posting at 22:08:47....just wondering...?

Correction to above...Ransomware Virus on July 4th
Good question...but PERHAPS it's not an accident that the picture is of station 25 in Berlin..?

A virus called 'Ransomware' that appeared on Canada Day asking for $100 to remove it...?

Not to be overly suspicious but could it be related to a "6th delivery" by LRM and part of his 'motivation' to achieve 'fame and fortune' per his alleged thread under blUNJBxk on 5/30?


Note posting at 22:08:47....just wondering...?

Are you suggesting LRM created a computer virus?

LRM sought "fame and fortune" through the murder and kill video. There is absolutely no evidence that LRM had any kind of advanced coding, programming, or even computer manipulation skills (other than making really cheesy and awful YouTube videos).

So yeah... I'm pretty use of the photo in that story is an accident. :)
Sorry for being off topic, but I dont know where to put this.
Copycats starting their work already. In November last year a man was murdered and dismembered in Germany, body parts were disposed in a lake. The killer got caught in April. Now a facebook profile of the killers name went viral, posting morbid stuff... The profile linked for example to an article of Jun Lins head being found and amongst the "likes" is also the profile "Luka Magnotta".

I know this doesnt fit in here, but I just thought I let you know.

I dont want to live on this planet anymore. :maddening:
People are making fun out of murdered vicims, not considering the consequences and that the victims have friends and family too.
Are you suggesting LRM created a computer virus?

LRM sought "fame and fortune" through the murder and kill video. There is absolutely no evidence that LRM had any kind of advanced coding, programming, or even computer manipulation skills (other than making really cheesy and awful YouTube videos).

So yeah... I'm pretty use of the photo in that story is an accident. :)

Just wondering...and have zero personal knowledge of coding or anything...but he was huge internet solicitor....possible that he 'bought/got" a virus 'ransomware' program...???...

Just kinda weird the 'holiday' timings of the "Killing" Victoria Day, May 25 ("National Missing Children's Day"), Memorial Day/Memorial Day Weekend, Canada Day ("tip" on head location"), and then this Virus shows up July 4th?...

Maybe getting to caught up in symbolism here?...anyway...threw it out there....
Correction to above...Ransomware Virus on July 4th

As per the article i posted, the virus is set to take effect July 9 but it has nothing to do with LRM ... it is a malware virus that was discovered/announced last November and its authors were arrested. At that time, the FBI put special servers in place to redirect computers away from the virus. All that is happening on July 9 is that the FBI safety net of servers is going offline (not sure why they can't just remain ad infinitum, but presumably there is a reason).
As per the article i posted, the virus is set to take effect July 9 but it has nothing to do with LRM ... it is a malware virus that was discovered/announced last November and its authors were arrested. At that time, the FBI put special servers in place to redirect computers away from the virus. All that is happening on July 9 is that the FBI safety net of servers is going offline (not sure why they can't just remain ad infinitum, but presumably there is a reason).

Ok...thank you for additional info...guess the question still remains on why the gaffe of that photo :)...?

Appreciate the input....
I don't know if anyone has addressed it yet, but North American phones have a different ring when they are being used in Europe. Rather than the traditional single ring, a phone in Paris or Berlin would have a quick double ring. The ring that appears in the video is proof that it was not Magnotta's phone, and that whoever this phone belonged to and was answered by was situated in the US or Canada during the call.
Thinking of 'all things Canadian', do we know what / when LRM's first ever *advertiser censored* film was or if streetbait 669 was the first one?

Reason I'm asking is that a Canadian man, well known in the gay / bisexual *advertiser censored* industry, Trey D was the director of the streetbait flics (and IMO ... the main 'actor', having a romp grande with all the newbie *advertiser censored* actors). I have not watched the vids, but have seen enough (really!!) that i am of the impression that TD is the one having all the fun. TD has a Canadian flag tattooed on his chest, and I'm toying with the idea that if streetbait 669 was LRM's first foray into the *advertiser censored* film biz, Vancouver and the Canadian flag may represent him being dragged into the industry in a minor role that never took him anywhere ... but down.

Just something else to consider ..

ETA: Sorry, i think that should be streetbait 996
Found this :

It's a short clip about the German cannibal that was posted in1999. User "pickled smarty" comments on video saying "Luka Magnotta much". Eric Clinton didn't change his name to Luka Magnotta until 2006, right? So he was trying as far back as 1999 (at least) to create the Luka persona and was connecting the name with a cannibal.
Found this :

It's a short clip about the German cannibal that was posted in1999. User "pickled smarty" comments on video saying "Luka Magnotta much". Eric Clinton didn't change his name to Luka Magnotta until 2006, right? So he was trying as far back as 1999 (at least) to create the Luka persona and was connecting the name with a cannibal.

Interesting video clip. I have heard about that murder before. Anyways, when I pull up the link I don't see the comment by pickled smarty, I see others comments, just not that one...
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